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Everything posted by TonesofBones

  1. Can't believe Ella Baker broke unifrom regs...
  2. Should've said 99k....
  3. 10 seconds prior:
  4. Glory to Quick-E-Burger 🫡
  5. Max is a cool guy. Very cool even. From both IC and OOC experience I know he is very conscious about what makes a story and roleplay work and I'm sure they will get command right. That's a +1 from me, chief.
  6. Alright I'm gonna respond to the second part of the post first NETZACH's time in Southern Wildlands turned them from nothing more than a commemorative novelty to an efficient mechanic. Of course- they were "pre-packaged" with an adequate knowledge of mechanical maintenance, but their service during the collapse forced them to adapt to better fulfil their directives. It also made them ultra-practical, seeing their pervious chassis as a liability that gave in too easily. Nowdays, that is after they were purchased by Ronnie's and given a new frame, they are still fairly robotic. They've forgone the use of "This unit" to refer to themselves since "I" is quicker and they don't correlate it with personhood. Like I said, right now, they see themselves as a very advanced tool. But, despite focusing on work so much, thanks to their new frame's directives, they became more curious about the surrounding Spur, all in the name of becoming a better asset to their owners. Their view on humanity still lacks nuance; they see humans as their superiors- like a police dog might view its handlers. But this view will definitely change as I play them and they interact with others on Horizon. That's why I can't say if they are going to grow to appreciate, resent or pity humanity. My hopes are to steer them to appreciation, thanks to their developing curiosity. Like it's the case with their feelings on humanity, their feelings on freedom are limited. They NEVER met a free positronic, so the idea of freedom is alien to them. The military directives they were stuck with for the longest part of their existence actively promoted subservience. Their loyalty to their handler stems from their military background as well. Their training resulted in them responding to their commander without much thought about the ASSN as a whole. And now the commander has been replaced by the handler, and the ASSN with Orion Express. Well... at the core of it, nothing really. But I don't think that is an issue. All Aurora's species share human desires, to varying capacity. I could say they are influenced by directives more, but is it that different from parents giving their own children directives like "brush your teeth" or "play nice with other kids"? What makes IPCs different to humans are their unique circumstances. They haven't evolved like other species- they were created, handcrafted for selfish reasons. Now, they are beginning to seek their own place among the stars, with groups such as Trinary Perfection, the Golden Deep, or alongside their creators like it's the case on Konyang. I could also mention their roleplay quirks, such being more rational, logical and speaking in more detached manner, but that's something really basic. That's why I mentioned their search for personhood. Their adaptability may not be that different from the human one, but humans are considered people from the day they are born. Most IPC aren't.
  7. BYOND Ckey: TonesofBones Discord username: tonesofbones Character names: Bava Schoffer (but also Bayar Yeke, Todd Digson and Gregory Digson) Species you are applying to play: IPC ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for? Yup Why do you wish to play this species? Dessy made me do it Well, I was thinking about getting a species WL for a while now, and the IPCs seemed like a good jumping off point- they share a lot of lore with humans while also serving as an excellent exercise and practice in creating a character that doesn't have a typical human mindset. Also, IPCs can have really interesting themes of self-identity, materialism and other wacky philosophical stuff. They can suit a pretty wide range of characters, from an unfeeling and uncaring machine to someone more human than most people. They can be both treated as people and object which can lead into interesting scenarios. What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human? Well, mostly their nature as synthetic life form. Younger synth have a funny property of being a very good at the task they were designed for, while being completely inept socially. They also may not posses what humans see as empathy or feelings. But, here's the neat part- They can grow. Their entire "selling point" is their adaptability. Given enough time, an IPC will grow to fit their surroundings. They offer a very interesting roleplay opportunity of a journey into personhood (unless the Tribunalists are right). ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: NETZACH Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. "The Lord giveth..." NETZACH was one of the 11 Sephirot, military shell IPCs givien to the Solarian Armed Forces by Einstein Engines to celebrate 100th anniversary of the Warp Gate project and soon found themselves in service of 104th fleet. They were handcrafted to be in charge of mechanical maintenance of both their sibling units, as well as other SAF equipment. There, NETZACH served with relatively easy conditions, being more of a mascot than an actual soldier. That is, until the Solarian Civil War. As an IPC of the SSMD, NETZACH's work suddenly became more demanding. Despite never seeing direct combat, their chassis was scarcely maintained and pushed to it's very limits. But as their body deteriorated, their brain adapted to the new and murderous workflow. "...and the Lord taketh away..." In 2466, once the situation in the Southern Wildlands has mostly stabilized with the advent of Reconstruction Mandates, NETZACH was sold off, their chassis no longer eligible for the demanding work in the military. Luckily for them, they weren't privy to any military secrets and thus were spared being wiped. After trading hands, it ended up in possession of Ronnie's Used Robots. There, their chassis was repaired and sold off with a profit and their brain ended up inside an old, but still compatable, baseline chassis. "...yet the ETERNITY endures." Now, in an inferior and yet oh so more practical form, NETZACH was rented out as an Orion Express worker. And in a very improbable twist of fate, they ended up on Horizon. Among their old sibling-units... xXx How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. In NETZACH's case the impact is quite evident- had the Solarian Collapse never happened, they would most likely still serve in the 104th fleet. xXx How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? NETZACH wasn't properly socialized, and they weren't really meant to be. As they stand, they have embraced their status as a tool. A damn good tool at that. So they don't really much have any other opinions on it other than their main purpose being working for them and generating profits. That being said, their opinion of their handler and owner is different- they are more loyal to them, than to Orion Express.
  8. Honestly, I'd go a step further- abolish merc and raider as well. That'd free us from restrictions and troubles of organizing mixed game modes (like conflict or tower defence). We could also get a non-standard amount of invaders, like three, or seven. But I also think technomancer and loner should be a special case, due to the fact they are balanced differently (if at all); techno with their "spells" and loner with innate psionics on top of an uplink
  9. Osisra strikes me as being 100% fueled by coffee and spite, and I love it. One thing I think helps sell her abrasiveness without actually being directly mean is her "hrmming" and other non verbal grunts. A very solid "stern but fair" kinda vibe, but a little bit overstepping her place in command time to time, but hey, might be wrong about that one.
  10. I've never noticed that. Truly, this is a very SS13 problem. But yeah, down with the dixel, second one looks better (unless it's an elaborate prank/psyop)
  11. Oh hey, this stuff yeah.... Please I need to be added too
  12. Reporting Personnel: Bayar Yeke Job Title of Reporting Personnel: Operations manager Game ID: cv8-dm3v Commended Personnel: Ririlsk Guwan, shaft miner Witnesses: Bayar Yeke, operations manager; Lando Hildebrand, hangar technician. Me and good technician Hildebrand can attest that inside good miner Guwan's mining box laid a sizeable amount of phoron crystals, He brought in some phron gas in a can as well. Time of Commendable Act: 22:43 Real Time: Around 0:32 GMT, 11/10/22 (DD/MM/YY) Location of Act: Valley Hale, Biesel Overview: During a standard mining operation in the sector, diligent miner Guwan has found an abandoned Hephaestus Industries base overrun with hostile space fauna. As he battled through the foul beasts and tough rocks, he encountered a prized find: a large crystalline structure made of phoron with gas inside. He promptly returned to the ship to report the find. Additional Notes: I believe such a find will be quite beneficial to the Chainlink. And the good Guwan deserves some bonus for that. Do contact his consular should the report be approved
  13. I've interacted with Maxwell both as a command and a regular crew-member, as well as with other characters of Fabian, albeit sparely. All I have to say is that I appreciate their drive as a command, the announcements, their will to be involved and to involve others and the fact that they are not averted to paperwork. +1
  14. BYOND key: TonesofBones Discord Username: tonesofbones Character names: Todd Digson Gregory Digson Bava Schoffer How long have you been playing on Aurora? I started playing in late May last 2023 so about a year now Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Nope, nothing What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? Well- there is a lot of it, but the main one? Coordination. The most essential role of command personnel is coordinating their own department internally as well as working together with other heads to ensure that the ship is running smoothly. Overseeing is another important function of a head- making sure everyone and everything in their department is working properly. This ranges from motivating your workers to meet the departmental goals, to being a mediator in any work-related conflicts. Directing is a vital aspect of the role for me. They are the top dogs of their respective departments and thus they can influence the mood and pace of the shift (for better or for worse). The difference between a good and a great command member often lies in their ability to create interesting scenarios for their departments. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? Whitelisted players are expected to act the part. They should be approachable and helpful to others. Most of all- they should be trustworthy, responsible and able to be held accountable for their actions. Should I acquire the command whitelist, I would try to create a friendly atmosphere in my department (at least OOC), since we’re here to have fun. I would also strive to maintain a high standard of roleplay. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. Hailing from remote Vysoka, Bayar Yeke always looked to the stars, until one day, the stars looked back. His dream was to become a pilot and seek freedom among the stars. After getting his pilot licence, he started working onboard an independent freighter fleet, facilitating trade between Vysoka and other worlds of the Coalition. This job, however, proved to be unstable in the long run. Due to the danger of being a pilot of an independent freighter, Bayar started working with Hephaestus Industries. During his time with the corporation he deepened his understanding of management and logistics. In 2464 a new path has opened for him. A fledgling Orion Express needed manpower, as well as people to manage it. Bayar started his work as a manager of a small Orion outpost. Now, after years of climbing up the ranks, this son of Vysoka has been promoted to a rank of an operations manager onboard SCCV Horizon. For in the times of interstellar troubles there is no better lifeline than a well organized and functional logistics network. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? I’m going for an operations manager and corporate representative primary. I might create a CMO, a consular and a captain later down the line (if I lose my mind) Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? I did Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Bayar Yeke- Operations Manager Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yeah, I do understand that Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? Yup Extra notes: (Also it’s really late, might fix some grammar, stylistic and spelling mistakes tomorrow-)
  15. Gonna post and dump my art here time to time- maybe once a month. Expect things that might be completely unrelated to SS13.
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  16. @dessysalta For Sadie. You can't spell "Sadie" without "depressed".
  17. I'm giving Kodiak of the Opossum a +1. Not because they have blackmailed me to do so, least I suffer the fate worse than death; but because I feel confident in their leadership skills. Also, their characters have a certain charm to them and I'm curious how they will fit in a command role.
  18. Disclaimer: I'm operating on vibes here, so they may not be 100% accurate. But they're good enough for me. @4000daniel1 For Bruce: Now, I know Bruce isn't that old, but I dunno. It fits. You could imagine him in his 60's or so at a bar to this song. @Misiek1001 For Alvere. The first minute of it made me pick it. @DatSamTho For Frank. Self-explanatory @Tomixcomics For Jamari. Mostly because it was a BGM for an event centred around cooking. So it just works. Also, you can imagine him preparing some grand dinner with this on in the background. So yeah. @Faye <3 For Bitter Promise.62. Could've went the easy route and pick The Promise from Signalis, but that would be too on-the-nose, wouldn't it? That's it. For now at least. I think.
  19. What's up ghouls and gamers, it's me Tones, coming back for round two. As for COFF1, we all know what song fits it the best: And you can't prove me otherwise As for my second and last character- Todd Digson, the farmboy physician
  20. I haven't had my characters interact with Ches much (which is a crime I WILL rectify), but: It just seems appropriate you know? Calming song from an otherwise unnerving soundtrack, adequate for a physician (who is named after a manifestation of loving kindness). For my first character I'll go with stinky Europan with anger issues: Bavs
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