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Everything posted by Jboy2000000

  1. For the blinding drug, I have no idea for the name, but maybe the recipe should include carrot juice, and some toxin stuff, like anti-toxin in reversa, where you take something good and make it bad for you.
  2. Do you want your moomy?
  3. Is Aurora working right now? Im having that weird glitch where theres more than one Aurora. They both have 1 player listed, but one of them also says it has 28 active people, but I can't join either. I doubt Ill get a reply tonight, but I may as well try since Im pretty bored.
  4. Maybe Quiaten, for the deafening one, I know its not much better, but Im just popping off whatever names I can think of. Darkazine for blindness, since it technically makes your screen look dark.
  5. Someone else, a women with long, yellow hair joins the room, with a big smile on her face. She wearing red footie pajamas, and has an old looking teddy bear sitting in her lap. "Wow, I found someone else who actually uses this thing." She waves and grins at the camera. "Hey there, my names Dandy. I work fo- Hey, you look familiar..."
  6. You got a plus from me. As for why? Eh, I just like the guy, hes good at Ahrpee.
  7. I DEMAND A REFUND! But really, Im looking forward to this. Sad to hear the cheap martian knock-off might go soon, though.
  8. How did four people die in a drill?
  9. Animal caretakers? People who'll walk around feeding Pun Pun, Ian, whatever other animals people decide to buy.
  10. Dandy sits on her bed, legs folded crisscross, starring at her labtop screen in the dark. Her hair was let out of it's normal long braid, and she was wearing red feety pajamas. In the backround was the head of her bed, the wall, some pillows and a stuffed bear wearing pajamas similar to hers. As of right now shes just looking at the screen expectingly, waiting for something to fill the time that shes spending not asleep. ((I saw Senri's version of this and decided "Well why not?"))
  11. Ive seen other stations do this, and I like the idea, what if instead of having the bar and kitchen just where people make food or drinks and put them out for the vult- I mean co-workers, we add make it so people order stuff, and assistants/waiters give the orders to the chef and bartender, and then have them bring it to people.
  12. Want.
  13. That sounds like an interesting situation. Also, since I feel obligated to post facts here. Dandy is the kind of person to fake pregnancy as a joke. (And even died for it once.)
  14. b]BYOND Key:[/b] Jboy2000000 Total Ban Length: 2 Days Banning staff member's Key: vikingpingvin Reason of Ban: General bad behaviour, making very stupid and offensive things despite being talked to several times. Has a great number of notes on him. Reason for Appeal: I won't argue that I don't have a good number of notes on my name, I honestly deserve them, and I probably deserved a ban a little while back for them. However the final nail here was actually a bit of a misunderstanding as I see it. I was playing James Reaper, a pastor of Reaperism, and I had written "Reap" on the floor of the chapel. What I think happened was that someone mistook it for the word "Rape" and ahelped it. At the time when I was PMed I was actually in the bathroom and couldn't get to answer him before I was banned. Even if the unban is denied, I hope this clears up that I didn't actually do something as stupid as write rape on the floor.
  15. I didn't even notice the part about the passing space carp until I read it here. Thats kind of funny.
  16. Gorski's father abandoned him and his mother was an iron miner. Dandy Mann has a teddy bear named Mr Dremmer. James Reaper has literal skeletons in his closet. Ajmal Hamud inadvertently killed most of his own family.
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