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Everything posted by Toomie

  1. For a pretty long while now when ever I'm observing I'll check out the exoplanets, and from what I noticed no matter what, its always dark/night time. The only time I can remember Exoplanets not being night/dark is event rounds or Konyang. There are two different kinds of night/dark a planet can be from what I noticed. There is the, you can not see anything Infront of you darkness, and the, you can see things but the light level is really low. Both of these also cause Dionae characters to suffer in those places and are forced to keep track of all their light equipment that runs out fast since only the highest settings will keep them alive, or go out of their way to find a UV Light to keep them alive. I do not know code so I have no idea on how light levels on exoplanets are done but I would suggest there to be a 50/50 chance for there to be light, but even a 25/75 chance for there to be light would work if we want to keep it dark to add the element of danger from the low visibility. The chance could maybe also be different depending on the place. A Lava exoplanet works better in the dark but the snow or lush exoplanets would in my opinion work better if there at least is a chance for there to be some daylight. For there to be trees on it and life there has to be a sun somewhere that can shine on it.
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  2. BYOND Key: Toomie Game ID: cxi-bZWL Player Byond Key/Character name: character: Amy Veir. Byond ID: Stationworker337. Staff involved: None Reason for complaint: Pressuring others into doing surgery on them while that would break IC rules about surgery and then complaining about it in LOOC and OOC for the round Amy Veir broke their foot and started pressuring the The machinist into fixing. After talking in looc that its not allowed they kept pressuring them and complaining about it in looc, Ic and ooc about it. They then start attacking me in OOC about how I should not say anything because I'm not a admin They kept talking more in OOC that a surgeon should join to fix them and over all kept being aggressive and complaining about the whole deal that the mechanist should be allowed to fix their bones because no one else could. Also talking about how others are going to die now because they can't do surgery because the machinist can't fix them. I'm not the best at making these so if there is anything I need to add or post let me know. Did you attempt to adminhelp the issue at the time? If so, what was the known action taken by administration/moderation? I made a Ahelp but no one was online Approximate Date/Time: 22/12/2024 17:20 (what ever time zone the Netherlands is in IDK) ss13-chatlog-20241222-153307.html
  3. I believe I’m missing access as well?
  4. We are also missing a normal recharge. The wall type can only change weapons
  5. This is fine
  6. BYOND key: Toomie Discord Username: toomie Character names: Ivory Levi, Adam Valeas, Drifting Through A Void Of Endless Knowledge and Kim Tabata. How long have you been playing on Aurora? Its close to a year of active playing. I joined before that but was not very active. Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they? Not that I can remember. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame? There are multiple purposes of the head of staffs. They are a bridge that can connect other departments together in work, They make sure everyone knows what they need to work on and do in case of a large scale project like a hull breach for engineering, or a lot of wounded crew at the same time for medical. They are also there to make sure everyone is working safely and or not doing things that will risk the safety of them and the crew. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them? Command players should try to find a balance for the team they are working with that everyone can have something to do and have a fun time in their apartment. Making RP opportunities for others that would not be possible without the help of command, being the chance to work closer with a other department, more access, funds or resources that are normally not easily or at all obtainable. The way I see myself doing so is being the Bridge between departments and asking the team I have command over what they need to finish their research project, menu in the kitchen or setting up a team of crew from multiple departments to work together on a away mission. Explain how the recent events in the Spur changed your character and how they came to be employed on the SCCV Horizon. Derrick Hydra born on mars started out being a proud citizen of Sol, serving multiple years in the military. after leaving the military and pursuing different career, The Violet Dawn Explosion happened. The responds of the Sol Alliance on it and the Second Invasion of Biesel that happened right after it made Derrick lose faith in The Sol Alliance and wanted to get Citizenship to the Republic of Biesel being inspired by the response of the newly announced Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. After the two years of working in Biesel and gaining his Citizenship he worked to get a passion in the SCC feeling that this was a play he could be proud of working for. What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted? Research director, Corporate Liaison and Executive Officer Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles? Yes Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking: Ivory Levi for Research Director and Derrick Hydra as Executive officer. Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action? Yes Have you linked your BYOND account to the Forums? Yes Extra notes: Two things. First thing: I have a 9-5 job and pop here is normally around the evening for me so I won't be able to play a ton, it would be limited to one to two rounds a day for the trail period. I hope that is not a problem. And second: Even if this app would not be accepted I would like some more info on how being promoted to head of staff works for already existing characters. Who could I ask about those questions and how should I reach them.
  7. I believe Lab assistant can be used as both a learning roll and just a full time job roll. Your are a Assistant for the lab, there are people who just work that job because they work that job. Not to be promoted to a full scientist. I feel like saying that Lab assistant can only be used as a learning roll is like saying that people are only nurses to then later become a doctor. Its also not the case that we are short on Lab assistant slots because so many people play them with permanent characters, not everyone wants to play in Research as a full on Scientist, Research is a department where having a Assistant to help with things is in my opinion the most useful as well. In short, In my time on Aurora so far and playing in Research fairly often I have never seen a reason why there would be any problem with using the Lab assistant role for a permanent character that is just there to help Assist with things in the lab.
  8. I believe the RD office windows are not shocked like the other command offices
  9. Couple things I noticed myself, Research and development lab shutter button not working because a there are not shutter on the windows. Light switch in the RD lobby also turns off/on the lights in the RD office. Light fixture on the door to Telescience that looks odd. (more of a personal thing then a real problem) The Conference Room Requests console is labelled Research and Development so there are two Research and Development consoles if you try to fax something now. can't use the chemical dispenser in the exploratory chemistry lab while in the seat, it gets blocked by the chemical heater filing cabinet cliping into the window in the Circuitry Workshop
  10. Nagito Komaeda really knows how command works and how to use the role to make the round more fun for everyone. They find a way to give everyone a roll and the chance to RP under their command. HOLMES is a great part of the command crew, and are a joy to see around. +1
  11. Drifting though a void of endless knowledge are a Learning Lyrics mind type. They overall view the other schools of the Eternal in a positive light and respects them. While they all practice the believe in their own way, they all have a simpler goal. but they do have things they disagree on. Drifting though a void of endless knowledge believes that knowledge should be worked for though learning things though books and experience. While learning though blood is good as well, They think the Ichor Eternal is to focused on only blood, while the Iron Eternal rely too much on technology and disagree their believes that upon the death of a Dionae their memories and experiences are lost. they view The Omnivirate with the highest of respect and look up to their wisdom. If they would ever be in need of guidance about a very important matter they would want the chance to visit them in one of their weekly "court". Its over all hard to point out how the recent events have impacted them. While the Argus they split off from was greatly effected by the collapse of the Solarian Alliance since they where on Rueltab I when that happened. Drifting themself is not that old, most of the Nymph that make them up are older and thus are impacted by the collapse of the solarian alliance since without that the Argus would not have been able to get to the eternal gardens. shortly after they arrived in the eternal gardens the Second Invasion of Biesel happened. Because of the dangers this brought with them Drifting split off from the Argus to help the new born Nymphs. After the Second Invasion of Biesel ended Drifting kept up the task of helping the new Nymphs and providing them with protection and a safer way to learn things, so creating the Drifting though a void of endless knowledge we have today.
  12. BYOND Ckey: Toomie Discord username: toomie Character names: Adam Valeas, ivory Levi Species you are applying to play: Dionae ------------------------------ General Whitelist Requirements What colour do you plan on making your first alien character?: Brown or "default" bark with a couple spots of green bark. Have you read the lore pages for the species you wish to be whitelisted for?: Yes Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this species?: The over all story of the Dionae is something I find really interesting, from how they have a unique Biology compared to other species to how they have different mind types that bring a lot of new ways to roleplay them. For me Mechanics also play a huge role into why I like a species more or less then others, I feel like Dionae have a great set if Mechanical differences then other species which makes them feel even more "Alien" compared to some other species. I'm also just a very big fan of Nymphs and the over all look of Dionae, Nymphs are so cute! What makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a human?: Dionae have a overall different look to things and experience things differently then human. Their conditional pacifism which is believed to be a effect of the "echo chamber" effect, gives them a hole new look on different scenarios that could be role played around. But for me the biggest thing to role play with are the mind types. They bring a lot of character and role play opportunities to your Dionae, all the different ways you can role play the relation ship between the nymphs a Gestalt is made off makes every Dionae unique in their own way. The Eternal is a very interesting religion which its different schools that is unique to them. ------------------------------ Character Application Character Name: Drifting though a void of endless knowledge Write a backstory for your character. This may include their origin, education, personality and how they arrived to the SCCV Horizon. Drifting though a void of endless knowledge is a Learning Lyrics Cyclops. They are a gestalt split off a Argus inside the Eternal Gardens. They consist of 7 Geras nymphs and 2 young Coeus nymphs. The Argus they split off from is a follower of The Eternal, with their school being the Orthodox Eternal. Drifting though a void of endless knowledge who is also a follower of the Orthodox Eternal has been tasked to aid the young coeus nymphs in their gathering of knowledge though out the spur and to raise more funds for their other Dionae in the Eternal Gardens but most of all to keep their younger nymphs with them safe. Drifting though a void of endless knowledge Geras nymphs hold great knowledge about piloting ships and shuttles, their goal would be to find some place to work for their two goals of raising funds and to show their coeus nymphs the spur. While looking for a place the SCCV Horizon was recommended to them by a different dionae they knew. They all agreed this would be a great place to work, the vast amount of knowledge that could be gained here could not be matched by any other work place they found so far. It also overall seemed like a safe place for the young coeus nymphs to grow up. After earning their piloting license they set out to the SCCV Horizon in search of the endless knowledg while working for the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate as part of the Bridge crew. How has the recent events of the Orion Spur impacted your character? Events such as the Phoron Scarcity, the Solarian Collapse or even the Invasions of Biesel for interstellar-wide affairs, while region-specific events such as the Peacekeeper Mandate, The Titan Rises or even Cold Dawn may impact your character. Drifting though a void of endless knowledge has party been created because of the uncertainties surrounding the many recent events around the spur and Biesel itself because of the Second Invasion of Biesel. To protect the young nymphs in these uncertain times, and let them learn safely. How does your character view the megacorporation they work for? Drifting though a void of endless knowledge has a over all positive few of the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. They where recommended to them by a trustworthy acquaintance and when the Second Solarian Invasion of the Republic of Biesel happened the Stellar corporate conglomerate proclaimed their goal to ensure their facilities across the Republic of Biesel would not be diminished as a result of “rogue actors”, which they interpreted as them making sure no harm would come to the Republic of Beisel and the Eternal Gardens as well.
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