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Everything posted by Blingx3

  1. Man.. you must have low life goals.
  2. Application Denied. However, please don't let this discourage you from applying in the future. If you'd like to know the reasons behind this, please PM Garnascus and TishinaStalker. It's recommended you contact us, and allow us to offer explanations and hopefully help you in learning from the reasons for this denial before putting in another application
  3. Hello, I've played with Jan for some time, here is a little advice on my part. Jan is a great character. it's only flaw is communication. try to explain to others the whys and isss, because after all communication is the most important aspect of of a head of staff job. Nevertheless, I like him, I like the character. gods speed.
  4. Hello, I have a small suggestion that will make our life easier. Allow us to acccess last replied to topics on sub-fourms directly from the home page with one click, instead of accessing the fourm to access that topic.
  5. Hive you belong here
  6. This is a summry of what is in my head, Jan is a great character, and I have many sweet memories including this charactter. I would not hesitate to support this.
  7. Thank you for a well-written, well-rounded guide. I have been spanked by mods for writing a negative post, so here's my positve one. I used this to learn my way around the engine, and it couldn't be any better.
  8. I have a phobia from spiders. I fear them to death.
  9. Don't fight someone who has nothing to lose
  10. Please make this a thing,I'm sick of having baldies ruine a round for me when I play science because they turn one fucking valve.
  11. +3 GMT
  12. Hello, I need someone to play a character of mine, she is the sister of Tony, Joy she is one of my oldest characters. I want to give her to someone else so I can include her in my RP as Tony, something I wanted to do for a long time. post here if you're intrested, I'll PM who ever I pick or talk to them in byond.
  13. No one hates you, this is a game after all. Hate is a strong word, we only wish to see you do a better character, with better background.
  14. Whats the only rule of toxins ? :3
  15. I do agree with the two above posts. what I like that he is a propar IPC, no shit, no shinanegens. what I was thinking is that maybe it's his IPC nature to not speak, becuase he can't mimic chit-chat ?
  16. Hello. I fail to understand why you're trying to cram so many special charactaristics into one person. This is a heavy RP server, imagin normal people, and then give them one or two flaws, special remarks or attitudes. that's how you make a character special. not by pink hair and talking in a strange medival language. For example take Pheobe Essel. she is your typical spoiled blonde, she does not have a crazy thing about her, she is consistent and a normal person with well-worked background, and simple flaws. you're either trying to hard or too poor to make a good character here, and it's not working. and I'm positive if you asked for some help or guidence when creating a character, everyone will offer you a helping hand, including me.
  17. I'm a cloud, I will rain upon you
  19. Quick bring a stretcher
  20. I can't keep up with this shit.
  21. Ahhh this brings sweet sweet memories to me, the owl days of Alan Pain. the shit-roleplayer I starter with. tears to my eyes
  23. The shit-posting is just magnificanto in this topic
  24. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa those pretzels are making me thirsty
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