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Everything posted by Blingx3

  1. Some things I want to clear out, if you had not noticed, the sceientist was a bald person. and he started following me when I arrested the engineers. who were Revs, when you blew that EMP bomb in security, belive it or not the Scientist dragged the arrested engineer away from. he was in NO way helping me what so ever, he just wanted to get in what ever what was happening, not knowing who is who. Also I'd like one thing explained because I don't know why it was done so early in the round. When an Unknown went on comms telling the crew to over threw the command staff and some crazy propaganda after 10 minutes after the start of the shift ..
  2. Hello, As I played captain in this round I'm going to give my two cents over this. as the reports from central arrived I didn't announce them at the time,and wanted to consult with the rest of command and heads of staff, and I want to point out something, from the first minute of the start of the shift, some of the crew were starting the anit-NT propaganda, that seemed odd to me as of none of the reports from central were announced. The crew gathered around in the chapel to start a mutiny for god knows why ? just because they hated NT ?, note at the time this was happening no announcments were made about the pay cuts and other things. Another issue is how Revs handeled Command staff, When you start something like that and stand against a big power like NT, you must have demands or atleast try to deliver some kind of message. as to why are you doing this. None of those things were delivered to any heads of staff and the round was built on death to Tyrants from what I can remember, which is a broad term that will absoloutly lead to alot of uncontrolled and out of hand actions. for example, me and a security borg headed to engineering to arrest two engineers because they had cut power off from the station, as the two engineers were warned two times to fix it. they didn't. so they were arrested, while moving them to the brig, an Officer (Faraj played by The Grifter ?) just came onto me and pepersprayed me and with an assistant and another Engineer they got a hold of my ID, and recalled the shuttle, as they went in the bridge shooting and rampaging. Now my problem is : what was the purpose of all this choas that was cuased ? why are the revs doing this ? it can't be just for the sake of a gamemod ? that's just not heavy RP at all.
  3. Blingx3


    Don't envy meeeeeee~
  4. Blingx3


    You will be missed lover boy, *tears*
  5. well, sheeet.
  6. http://store1.up-00.com/2015-12/1450218357941.png
  7. Alexander Sheppard is one of of the best HoPs around and he is fucking funny, Father is just great, when ever you see him around a shift you'd instantly know it's a good shift. unless Father is a malf, then screw him. +1
  8. I think enough is said about his Characters that I don't need to add more. +1 Oh right, he one of the better people I've met here. so that has to count for SOMETHING
  9. Martin has been on my dark side for a long time, mainly because he is a geneticst, and I think geneticts should shot hanged and burned. but after I've seen him ingame I liked him. he understand what he is doing, he knows procedure and follows the rules of the department, I also seen him help around medbay to treat and save lifes. He has my support +1 GO GET EM TIGER. GRRRR
  11. I'm wating for this and following it closely, I hope we see it ingame soooon
  12. Blingx3

    Need an admin

    I'm sorry but that is funny as shit.
  13. I like what I read. but here is my question, Why are they hiring a 30 year old person for such an important influencial job ? just because she can take on four men ? what I understand that she's a bit special ? can you explain it to me please. Other than that Anja is one of the best security guards around, the postion of HoS would be fantastic for her, she is strict and doesn't take shit regarding law and protocol. we would have someone who finally can run this shit department we call security.
  14. Yes, Please Yes ! Doors should be harder to to crack. I would like to suggest windows too, cut em like a hot knife on butter !
  15. Pefrect, just perfect
  16. I try to make her as equally-oriented as possible without breaking any laws - but this is irrelevant here. I'm guessing this was a joke, but just in case it wasn't - regardless of the person who commissioned Isara's chassis and their intentions, those parts, if they even exist, would just never factor into the workday. She's seen enough of society to understand when something is or is not appropriate to do at a job, and knows the procedure NanoTrasen has in place that prohibits such things. She wouldn't want to get anyone she cares about in trouble! So to clarify, as my narrative device, her 'lifelike' human form is there to put humans better at ease about confiding in a synthetic - not for robot smexytime. I bet she's heavy enough to make any smexytime a dangerous health hazard anyway. The fact you answered this trolololo question makes me approve of this more, good luck I'm watching you.
  17. I'm not sure on Zahra sexual orientation .. hmmmm she might be one of those.. kidding aside, the characters here are fanstastic, the player is fantastic. story is well written. and I wouldn't mind having em as a head around. +1 No ERP though, please.
  18. From me.. to Richard.. You will be missed..
  19. What in the hell is going on over here ? well hell. count me in.
  20. Hi. I'd advise you to go read other application to get an idea on how applications are written and presented. Also this format is not correct and is missing some parts you should use this format ( http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=14 ). also visit the lore page for IPCs to find more details about the species ( http://aurorastation.org/wiki/index.php?title=IPC ). and some effor put into the application would be ideal. good luck
  21. It's been far too long, can I get this application looked at ?
  22. Bipolar
  23. Hello, I had a little incident I would like to post. and maybe this is the correct place to do so, seeing how my dear wolf is going to be an admin and all. I played one round as an AI called AssMan. and I admit it I thought it was silly. after a while into the game I got contacted by wolfy here telling my name is not appropriate for such place (HEAVT RP) which I totaly agree, because I did it purely for the joke of it. Now what happend next left a little of a question mark over my head, we were disscussing alternitave names I can choose from. I first suggested the name Ottoman because it's an arabic name, and I was going for that name before choosing the name I had. but was still open for other names. when I dissuces other names with sleepy, he seemed to gone a tad defensive ? (maybe not ?) saying I was not cooparating and such things, while at the matter I was just disscusing alternatives to my name. after some minutes passed by I saw that my name was changed to Ottoman without being notified on that I had my name changed ( or maybe I was I'm not sure). so the bottom line is. I just want to say that sleepy, you can give or take with issues like this, discuss further if you can. and don't take the matter as purely administrative. Other than that. I think sleepy is a fine person and a gentelmen. and Would like to see him one day full pledged admin. Hurray !
  24. That was fucking fast, holy moly. I'll look into this, hell ! maybe post an applicootioon
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