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Station Engineer (8/37)
[mention]TishinaStalker[/mention] One month has passed, I think it's time to either get this pushed through or get slapped in the face, slightly more likely. Idk who else is doing these for sure, but I know this is your domain. I don't have a clever 1 month picture like the others did but I do have this 'motivation' from a friend to share. https://gyazo.com/3d08eb7c211643f94253afaeccaa4d10
Shadowgabe23's Tajara App Attempt 3
Mappel6 replied to ShadowGabe23's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Falange. Seriously, though, I've observed Ky'rat. At first (when Masuno could still be and was Biomech) he seemed like he wanted to do everything himself, like he was the only worker there. After observing him, I think that was mainly for either a distrust of humans or general distrust of other people, which to me is a good thing, that was his character and not him being dickish. Since then he seems like a "humanized" Unathi, who keeps the core Unathi beliefs--despite being a Roboticist, Ky'rat is missing an arm and simply refuses to get prosthetics. Once when he lost I think it was a foot mid-round, he refused the prosthetic then too, saying that he "couldn't get it back" and that it wouldn't be the same. Also, he loves to pester other people and make them think they aren't prepared--like he does often with Masuno, when Masuno narrates his work, which started the joke mentioned above. I don't particularly like it when people omit the 'What do you dislike about this character?' question, but I do enjoy this character, it's really simple and has purpose, isn't too snowflakey nor in unbelievable ways, and shows a general understanding of Tajara history gained since the last app. It also seems like the player's specifically chosen the Tajara subspecies known for being at a general disadvantage, and I always like it when people give themselves flaws and stuff like that. +1 for me. Zoom zoom, slow kitter. -
Definitely capable of playing multiple different kinds of characters--one of their previous characters, Charlie Reader, was a total cynic most of the time when I stalked them in ghost, very different from Kizzy Jenson. Only problem I have is that they screwed this app up, and posted the first half twice. and that they're getting feedback much faster than I am :c +1 though.
Actually, I was saying that the original Secret system sucked because of that. With this system it would be REALLY easy to, when implemented, add new antags into the pool, or even remove problematic antags or antags in the middle of a rework. With the current Secret system, to be able to play all the possible rounds available here you'd have to tediously put together every single new round type possible with this system. And god forbid someone comes up with a new antag, because then, you'd have to make a bunch of mixed modes for /that/ antag, whereas here you can just put it in the pool, give it a point value, and the system makes itself work. The only real problem I can see is that roundstart lag as it has to do a lot more stuff at roundstart, but I don't think we'll be able to say how MUCH of a problem that is until we get a prototype working. And if it works well? Great, we've got a nice, easily modular system for making unique rounds without having to make new roundtypes individually. Once this is done and working, I can see it being a real quality-of-life thing for the dev team. EDIT: Also, can we just call wizninjavampling something like "Utterly FUBAR?" Because I have a feeling that's what the station will think when they realize they're being besieged by four different threats. XD
Can't really see what the issue is with lowpop. Let's say that the maximum was set to 2 for 15 players. I don't really see the problem with the game then taking a random number 0-2, and basing the antag rolls off of that. The only problem I CAN see is during absolute deadhour when only 4 people are playing, the roll is from 0-1, the game rolls a 1 and picks a wiz or ninja through there. Then you have 2-3 people against a wiz/ninja. That may be troublesome, but at that point it's only 50/50 you'll even get an antag, and at the point that you only have 3-4 people on the server usually extended or autotraitor is just voted in anyways. If you mean it will have to reroll due to not being able to find anyone to be the antags, then that's not a problem either. The game already first checks to see if anyone has the specific antag turned on, and if not, it rolls for everyone who voted, and if nobody's ready that voted, then it just picks randomly out of everyone who is readied. If you mean it'll have to reroll to figure out what gamemode to put on, I don't see how it will--for example, if True Secret only has 2 points to work with, it'd exclude all 3-point antags from the rolls automatically, and roll once between all of the 1 and 2 point antags--if it finds a 1 point, then it rolls another out of the 1 points to fill the second point. How Secret works is it takes all of the gamemodes in the rotation, cuts out all of the ones that the game does not have enough people ready for, and then rolls a random static gamemode out of all of those. Mixed Secret works the same way, which is why it always rolls extended when there's less than 20 ready--the mixed gamemodes that require the least amount of players requires 20, and if there's less than that, then the game thinks "We don't have enough for all of these modes, so we'll cut them out of the roll" and Extended is the only one left to choose from, as that has a minimum of 0. (This is also why Extended is in the Mixed Secret roll in the first place. If it wasn't, then every time Mixed Secret was voted in with less than 20 players, it'd go back to the beginning of lobby time instead.) Ideally, True Secret would not work the same way. Instead of choosing a pool of gamemodes to roll from at round start, it would instead have its own roundstart code, where it sees how many people are ready, chooses a point maximum based on that, rolls to see how many points the game actually gets, and then rolls individual antags to fill up those points. It's a good idea, but I can also see that lagging up roundstart or having another problem. On the other hand, if it worked the same as (Mixed) Secret, then you'd might as well just make new Mixed modes and add them to Mixed Secret, because if we had it work the same then we'd have to individually put together every gamemode anyways instead of creating an easily modular system like the one proposed here.
Actually, it doesn't remove Extended at all. The original idea is that the game would roll a random number between 0 and whatever the maximum is at the time, and randomly choose antags to fill up the number it gets. If the game rolls 0, then no antags can be chosen at all, and therefore, the round becomes Extended instead. I actually really like this, because with top True Secret, that means even with 100 players, choosing True Secret can still viably land you in Traitor/Autotraitor, or Extended, just as easily as it can land you in super-cult-crossfire-doom-hell-match.
Let me just say a few things. 1. I like it. 2. The random number would have to not be true random, it'd have to be based heavily on the amount of people playing, but that said I think most of these gamemodes would be playable with highpop numbers of 30+, which means the random number could be anywhere from 0-5 when we have that many, but as the numbers go down so too should the maximum, but that unfortunately has the side effect of making things a little more predictable. 3. Heist should probably honestly be on the same level as Merc. I see what you're going for here, as this setup makes crossfire still possible, but good heisters can make just as much as, if not more, of an impact than good mercs. That's just from what I've seen, however--but if people want crossfire they can vote in Mixed or Crossfire instead. 4. Traitors/Autotraitors should probably be 1. Yes, with traitors you get more antags than the single non-crew wizard and ninja, but at the same time, if you were going for the 'numbers' argument, generally (though depending on the server pop) there are just as many lings or vamps as there are (non-auto)traitors. Traitors also highly depend on their own access and what-not to get things done, and have limited outside help. 5. That said lings and/or vamps should probably be moved to 2 instead. I'd say more than likely vamps as people like them a bit less and they do have a bit more to work with than lings, but then again, ling rework and horrorlings are also a thing... 6. This also gives the ability for the game to start with an 'antag pool,' spawning all non-crew antags and some crew antags, randomly assigning the other crew antags autotraitor-style throughout the round. This idea would ALSO allow for admin intervention in case of antags leaving/dying early, they can simply inject new antag types into the antag pool and let the game take care of that. 7. I prefer the name Top Secret. Tl;dr: as has been already mentioned the numbers do need a bit of balancing but I like the idea behind it, introducing a way to make rounds absolutely unpredictable and making just about everything be possible. Also: people need to just learn to shut up about extended, it's a thing for a good reason whether they like it or not, the point of SS13 is not the antags, especially here.
Hey there, neutral observer here. During the round that this happened I decided to observe--and am glad I did. I understand that I missed some context, but what I did see is pretty inexcusable. However, I won't say that Alberyk was actually the cause of it. In the game itself, as the skeleton, Alberyk was basically just doing his job... although whether it's realistic that a skeleton minion would pick up a Kinetic Accelerator and start blasting away with it is arguable, I think some suspension of disbelief is in order because, let's face it, magical skeledudes. I'd like to expand this to include the wizard in charge, which is who I suggested the player complaint be made on in dsay following what happened, who was the wizard Urist McWizard played by ckey Hackie Mhan. Alberyk's skeleton's actions can be excused as being orders from the wizard, although I think that should it be found that what essentially devolved into pointless murderbone was unnecessary, not escalated properly, not RPed properly, etc. etc. then Alberyk should have some fault as staff, but not as a player. What I saw from the wizard was, when the whole thing began, an inability/unwillingness to RP properly in the situation. The wizard with his skeleton crew just went around wordlessly killing everybody present in medbay, even some people who were AFK through most or even all of the event as reported by some in dsay. For the longest time I saw nothing but just random murder and killing, and many people complained about it in-game. When the wizard did RP it was short, when they were talked to they didn't answer. Twice, the wizard said in the situation that they did not want to kill... and then proceeded to wordlessly kill and Raise Dead someone right after. Once, he said it directly to the person he killed and raised, and second he called the Emergency Shuttle (having killed most if not all of Sec and Medical, ruining the round for many and basically making it impossible for the survivors to recover), stating in the announcement that he was satisfied, and wouldn't be killing anybody. And then, what happens? He approaches somebody, neckgrabs, chokes, and tries to kill someone. Luckily he Raised Dead early and ended up raising a different nearby body (that of Monique Byrd) but they were actually, definitely still trying to kill despite clearly stating their intentions to stand down, and that, in my opinion, is a simple dick move. Back to Alberyk--I still believe his 'crime' in this whole situation is that he was defending it, despite multiple people saying in dsay that this was inexcusable behavior for a high-RP server and that people have been bwoinked for much less. He stated that the conflict was 'properly escalated,' which to me sounded like what happened was the wizard initially was friendly, grabbed an apprentice who was incidentally played by Alberyk, and then basically had a single run-in with sec. I could understand this leading to a fight between the wizard(s) and sec, but this was the direct event that lead to the massacre in medbay. In my opinion this is not proper escalation. I believe this round ended up ending towards the 1 hour mark... whereas what happened in medbay would definitely be an end-game Hail Mary and a last resort instead of being the first resort on any signs of actual conflict. Finally, Alberyk defended the wizard's indiscriminate Raise Dead usage, saying that nobody is being removed from the round. I'd like to insert a reality check here--and that is, YES, Raise Dead absolutely does remove people from the round and in what's basically an irreversible way, too. For one, if it's used right after the victim dies, they have no chance to Ghost before it's done, and if the person is still in-body when Raise Dead is used, even if they already have Skeleton Minion prefs turned on, they DO NOT get the option to take control of the skeleton. This, at best, is a temporary removal from the round--at worst, it's absolutely permanent. Let me remind you that this is exactly what the wizard was doing most of the time--other times, bodies would sit dead for 5-10 minutes before a Raise Dead attempt was even made near them. Secondly, I'd like to mention something I thought was obvious... and that's if you're randomly murderboned by a wizard without RP, and you are a regular on this server, then chances are you are NOT going to get in that skeleton, and instead will seek a talk with the admins. I do believe many victims did do this, but Alberyk still argued that 'they weren't being removed from the round since Raise Dead was being used.' Regardless... many, many people got removed from the round without RP beforehand and without any chance of being returned into the round. Allow me to restate that I was a neutral, uninvolved observer. I did not take any part in the round. I was on a character that had every single pref turned off. Nobody who was involved in this event was an OOC friend, or anyone I'd consider to be biased towards. When I come to Aurora, I don't come for mechanics, I come for roleplay, as this is one of the few servers that actively promotes actual roleplay being had. I do not expect to come in to see murderbone happening with a bunch of people arguing and complaining and an involved and very likely biased staff member defending the whole thing. That said, I think this should be obvious but I'd definitely like an admin other than Alberyk to be the one taking care of this. This is all I personally have to say about the whole thing. If it comes to it I am willing to open a separate player complaint on Hackie Mhan (although I don't have any screenshots myself--but someone else may have taken some), who was the reason most of this actually happened, but since all of it is intertwined I think what happened with them should be made well known too. My closing statement here is, no matter what decision is made, on multiple counts and multiple occasions, from multiple sources, multiple things could have been done better with this round. This server is and has always had high standards for itself, and ALL of us should be not only willing, but striving to uphold them. In the immortal words of the band Silverstein: "I may not always be perfect, but I'll always try." I'm not saying we can't have some quirky, SS13-style fun, but it should be either brought to that point in a proper way and usually saved until the end, or cleared beforehand through announcements and/or polls. But if people want their regular rounds to be like what happened here, they'll go to Hippie instead.
As this isn't an in-round incident but instead an incident regarding this character's name, I feel like myself posting here and talking about this might skirt the guidelines but I think I can provide some insight onto this. As soon as I saw Kunta Eze's name changed to Kunta X, I ahelped it thinking that Kunta here had decided to become more of a meme than he already was. This was late last night, and I believe it was [mention]CakeIsOssim[/mention] that responded to that ahelp I made? I'm not 100% sure, but basically I asked if Kunta's new name was legit. Cake (again, I believe, but I know it was a mod) responded saying that it was legit, an admin had approved it and changed it for him. It seemed that all staff on at the time had no problem with it. I can definitely see a character that has a lot of cultural influence like Kunta either having a name like that or going for a legal name change to Kunta X. It's definitely not unbelievable, and while Kunta has become somewhat of a meme, it's not like he tries to chucklefuck or mess with people all too often (and I'd say what I have seen from him outside of antag rounds was in good fun). So, with the character and the admin approval, I personally say the name change should be allowed.
In case it isn't obvious I'm a little self-conscious I always like to know how I'm doing, and though I've so far gotten a lot of feedback on Masuno's character in the head of staff app, I've got that looming feeling that something's just wrong. That perhaps I could improve Masuno's character or he's unrealistic in some way other than his age (which as mentioned has already been rectified--thanks to Turtles for going over that with me, soon I'll be actually plotting out a timeline and making sure his backstory is completely coherent and consistent). So I ask that everybody comes here and swarms me with feedback and criticism of the character. I know Masuno's not the worst of characters, we have a lot more memey, unrealistic characters that barely have a place in the RP (even if they're fun to be around) but I also know he's not the best of characters, and I just want to keep on nudging him in that direction and making him better, more likeable, more realistic. So whether your criticism is light roasting or full blast burners, feel free to say what's on your mind when you think of Masuno. Although I'm literally asking for it though, please try to be civil about it and keep things serious. While I always welcome jokes please try to weave them in with legitimate feedback and criticism. Also feel free to ask me a what or why question if you just don't understand something and I'll respond fully here. Thanks in advance, everyone.
[Denied] HunterRS Head of Staff App
Mappel6 replied to HunterRS's topic in Whitelist Applications Archives
Got just one criticism of this. There is no such thing as a 'Medical Docter(sic) PhD,' medical doctorates are called 'MD' instead. That is all. I've seen a good amount of Dawnguard and think he'd do pretty well as RD, seeming pretty capable and in-control as interim during an old-Uprising round where I'd converted some of his department to Loyalists and snuck into that area myself as a safe-zone when the cult's virus was released. The application itself I'm a little iffy on but that's mainly because very little goes in-depth. I personally think Hunter is fairly qualified for the whitelist, as they do seem to understand what RP is at its core and do seem to be pretty capable, at it, and anything bad I've heard about them, as a player, is very old. So old that I can't remember what exactly the problem was, only that there was a problem at some point in time. Think it was some argument in the Discord or something. Few months at least. Anyways. +1 from me. I suggest advertising a bit more, and poking the app in the direction of people who know you well and know how you play and RP. -
[CLOSED] Muncorn's Gutter and Tradeband Rework
Mappel6 replied to Muncorn's topic in Lore Canonization Applications Archive
I'd like to start by saying that out of basically all the Asian languages, Chinese is the closest to English in syntax and structure. That said, I do agree completely that all the languages should just be reworked. If any language came out of combining Mandarin and English, it would be a lot more of Mandarin than English, basically taking what's mostly Mandarin and adding in English grammar conventions, perhaps with some English loan-words due to concepts that may exist in English but not in Chinese. I personally cannot think of any other way it would work like this but what would end up would basically either become a cobbled mess or a new descendant of Chinese, and what English parts there would be would become unimportant. Even given around 450 years, I doubt the sheer amount of languages would be able to meld significantly well. It's enough time that eventually some languages could merge together and create new languages, maybe long enough for a couple of 'generations' of language-melding to happen, but this is all 7-9 languages. I legitimately have fun planning out in my head what the hell Sol Common's supposed to sound like. Given the time, 3-4 mostly similar languages or 2 somewhat different languages may be able to meld, but I highly doubt it would go past that. I personally say take the cop-out method, say either Chinese or English took over Earth and that spread to become the main, common language of the Sol system. Maybe Tau Ceti favored a different language, such as Spanish, German, or the mentioned Chinese/English not taken by Sol, and adopted that as their own common language. Maybe make it to where Gutter evolved from Russian and Thai or something weird like that, and Tradeband can be a mash of Italian and Romanian, two languages (being Romance languages) that I personally think are very polite-sounding, art-y, and beautiful. Can't think of anything to suggest that wouldn't lead to basically ending up reworking every text-based system in the game, so I'll leave it there. As a note these are my personal opinions and experiences, being interested in but not a professional in linguistics.