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[Accepted] CommanderXor's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: CommanderXor

Character Names: Sean Richter, Edward Cane, Rosey Woods, Jackson Holiday, O.I.U-156, Romeo Patton, Ka'Akaix'Vizea C'thur, Ka'Akaix'Mizor C'thur, Ka'Akaix'Yava C'thur, Ka'Akaix'Tela C'thur

Species you are applying to play: IPC

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race:

I wish to play this race because I've dabbled with the idea of a synthetic and find it to be an interesting play style. Beyond the mechanical change of pace with a different set of 'needs' such as cooling and power, it has its benefits in a roleplay environment. People will treat you differently and you're expected to treat things differently. No longer dictated purely by emotions and the likes, but rather logic and a further heightened sense of preservation. There are many different ways to play them that makes me want to explore such routes to see what it is like.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

Well, there are two sides to the coin on how they are different to a human. There is the physical aspect, and then the mental aspect. A bit obvious example of how they differ from humans is obviously the robotic nature. They're not organic, they run on a positronic brain and an electrical charge rather than a metabolism and such. So you have to consider the vast differences required, they need to charge using cells, rechargers or APCs and must utilize a suit cooler for EVA operations. The various chassis have their benefits and downsides compared to other chassis and even organics.

On the flipside, you have the mental aspect to consider. A robot compared to an organic is run by the 'cold' logic. Everything is a calculation to them. Cause and effect, will this be beneficial or harmful? Nothing to them is done on the spur of the moment because they 'felt' like it or because they were taunted, mocked or the like. Everything to them has a purpose. There are a great many quirks that can be done by an individual positronic depending on they were created. Some may be driven purely to sell things and business if they were, for example, a merchant based IPC. Some may be about upholding regulations or protecting the crew. Some may have personality quirks, such as being unable to speak contractions. Ultimately it comes down to how they were made and what influenced their 'growth'.


Character Name: Talon

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Talon began its 'life' as a simple positronic brain within a robotics lab in Mendell. They were originally produced and bought for a bouncer detail outside one of Mendell's more upscale clubs utilizing a baseline chassis. They never met their owner due to the fact he oversaw the club from within the offices above it. Thus he mostly dealt with middle management and the likes in its day to day life. It dealt with a multitude of different species and people constantly filtering in and out during the nightlife. In the day, Talon spent its time either recharging or attempting to study more on certain subjects to help adapt to other roles, primarily interest being in mixology and various other drinks to help itself move in to work in the club itself rather than just the security detail. It carried on this routine day in and day out for a year and a half.

Eventually, the management of the bar started to lose customers and money given a scandal involving drinks and vermin, cut-offs were made and the various staff was laid off and spending cut back. After much uncertainty, the manager of the nightclub filed for bankruptcy and tried to liquidate all assets. For a meager sum compared to the original design, Talon was auctioned off and acquired through the auction. Its new owner was some low-level paper pusher who contracted Talon through NanoTrasen to work as both security detail on installations, and as a bartender on the off-hours.

Thus, Talon began to look towards its new life of working in security and mixology, and the possibility to work for its freedom once more.

What do you like about this character?

I like the new method of character, being owned. The fact all its actions will relate to surviving, and ultimately making enough money to break free from its owner and become independent. Beyond that, I do like the more civil upbringing, no military or the likes, just a bouncer trying to make meets end before being cut off and sold like cattle. I like the fact that when I do play them I would have to think about everything like a calculator, to dictate what and what I should do and when. I think it'll be a new playstyle that will be interesting to tackle along with the mechanical differences.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

As stated in my Vaurcae application, my roleplay abilities differ based on the situation and scenario. I love to detail out actions on things like the Clockwork Half Life 2 RP gamemodes where serious, text-driven RP is called for. While on Aurora and other High-Roleplay SS13 servers I let the actions speak for themselves while complementing them using various actions and speech to help drive a story both as an antagonist and normal characters. I hope to improve it further while playing as various characters.


Notes: I know that security characters tend to be very overdone and cliche in applications, IPCs included, but I feel like I can tackle the situation and make it work without being a cliche security-bot.

Edited by Guest

Oh wow, I'm the first to give feedback? Well defo a +1; Richter is kickass, the vaurca are great and I think I've met Romeo Patton before but that was a while ago.

Talon the bouncer barkeep sounds like a hoot as well!


Yeye! Another one for the synthetic master race. I do have a few questions though.

1) You're gonna play this as an officer/barkeep, will you have the same mindset for both, or is there a personality swap between the two?

2) As an officer, will you be playing it like a rigid, regulations-upholding bot that sees things in a black and white fashion due to its synthetic nature, or will there be room for leniency?

3) Last question kinda ties a little into the second, but uh.. How are they personality-wise? Im guessing seeing they were made for a very basic task that is essentially crowd control at a club, I dont think there was a whole lot of effort put into their programming for anything other than this task. As positronics has the capability to learn, Im sure there will be development along the way, but where is Talon at now?


Yeye! Another one for the synthetic master race. I do have a few questions though.

1) You're gonna play this as an officer/barkeep, will you have the same mindset for both, or is there a personality swap between the two?

Hia. Thanks for leaving some feedback/questions, let's get into em.

He'll have the same base personality between the two roles, the differences will be that while 'off-duty' or working as a bartender that he won't be in any sort of protection mode, of course assuming that he isn't directly threatened, self-preservation protocols and all still functioning. Basically boils down to any other crewmember, he isn't going to get involved as a bartender unless the situation is right on his doorstep, or involves everyone on a scale large enough to warrant it. Such as a revolution round and being recruited, or a nuclear merc round where everyone's trying to escape or such.


2) As an officer, will you be playing it like a rigid, regulations-upholding bot that sees things in a black and white fashion due to its synthetic nature, or will there be room for leniency?

I'll be playing a mix of the two, as odd as it sounds. They'll uphold regulations with a rather rigid stance given their programming but they do understand situations may warrant certain things. If someone was breaking into EVA while a Malf AI was siphoning everywhere, they'd probably ignore it, likewise if there is no medical staff and a miner fell and they're trying to get in to medical. If common sense dictates it, they'll probably be lenient. Not so much for stupid reasons or trivial things, however, like a chef breaking into the bar to get a drink or similar things.


3) Last question kinda ties a little into the second, but uh.. How are they personality-wise? Im guessing seeing they were made for a very basic task that is essentially crowd control at a club, I dont think there was a whole lot of effort put into their programming for anything other than this task. As positronics has the capability to learn, Im sure there will be development along the way, but where is Talon at now?

I do suppose that does tie in with the second question quite well. They were mostly crowd control as the backstory implies, but they worked towards being more sociable and friendly so they could attempt to work in the club itself rather than just out the front with the constant drunks. Thus they'd be friendly while working as a bartender or when needed as an officer, comforting or trying to persuade of course. However, they can be quite 'distant' when handling stupidity or violent offenders since their programming called for handling such people with efficiency from a corporate view of getting trouble-makers out of the club quickly so more paying patrons could enter. Of coruse that can be toned down a bit by saying NanoTrasen didn't want such behaviour with all arrests, so it'd depend on the severity. A drunken brawl compared to an active shooter would net different reactions really.

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