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BYOND Key: ForgottenTraveller

Player Byond Key: Unkown

Reason for complaint: Underage geneticist [18] who has been OOCly told to age him up prior with no records and repeatedly shown poor to terrible RP. During this round Tom arrived and I remembered the name and made a mental note to remind him to bring paperwork for any genetic testing as I had done with Poll and all geneticists recently. And made sure to come back and check in on them to make sure they were not chucklefucking.

In keeping an eye on them for the captain of the round [Nick] I checked both their records and checked in on them using the office cameras. Upon checking them Eliza noticed he was only 18 and got Nick who was talking to them at that point to get Goodman out of there. He was brought by the captain to the CMOs office and was being interviewed on his age. He then got up and tried the door. When told to sit down he then tried to jump into the CMOs waste bin which Eliza turned off the pressure so it would not auto dispose any contents as he hopped in and security was brought in to cuff and secure Goodman to a chair. There were several repeat attempts with the only phrase being "I am getting out of here some way" or something to that effect. The question that he seemed so intent on killing himself over was when he got out of highschool.

His actions showed not only a lack of RP but active attempts to avoid it. Upon failing to kill himself he subsequently logged to avoid the issue. During the time Looc brought up that he has been repeatedly demoted as a security officer for likewise actions. And I have remembered the name so I have most likely had a run in with a minor incident with this character before.

Approximate Date/Time: 21/01/2015 6am UTC


Arrivals Announcement Computer [145.9] says, "Tom Goodman, Geneticist, has arrived on the station."

Wesley Jesse says, "I am wonderful."

Android MkX states, "Had to shutdown for repairs"

Eliza Pond asks, "Is there anything you need from chem?"

Wesley Jesse says, "Sounds like you have a robald."

Gracie Bennett [145.9] says, "Aye, tha's the point."

Android MkX states, "Hmm lets see"

LOOC: ForgottenTraveller: Oh gods Goodman.

Trucy Faraday asks, "So what's all this talk about balds anyway?"

Trucy Faraday says, "I feel so out of the loop."

Android MkX Checking files of meds

Android MkX states, "Bicaridine"

Trucy Faraday glanced over at Jaylor.

Eliza Pond asks, "How much would you like?"

Android MkX states, "actually i have"

Samantha Mason gestures.


Eliza Pond says, "Goodman."

Samantha Mason gestures.

Nick Straughan [Medical] says, "Mason?"

Wesley Jesse huffs.

Android MkX states, "I have Tricordrazine for most issues"

Samantha Mason [Medical] says, "Yes?"

Samantha Mason talks into the medical radio headset

Eliza Pond says, "Waivers before any testing."

OOC: SierraKomodo: AFK

Wesley Jesse says, "Boss-man is being lame."

Nick Straughan [Medical] says, "How badly was my arm damaged?"

Wesley Jesse says, "So I can't requisition the normal kit."

Medibot beeps, "I knew it, I should've been a plastic surgeon."

Samantha Mason [Medical] says, "Minor."

Samantha Mason talks into the medical radio headset

Samantha Mason says, "Awh."

Trucy Faraday asks, "So anything change 'round here, Sam?"

Trucy Faraday asks, "Since I've been gone, n'what not?"

Samantha Mason says, "Not much. New faces in familiah places."

Eliza Pond gives up on the answer to the simple question.

Android MkX states, "We should get Alkysine Cryoxadone Clonexadone"

Gracie Bennett [145.9] says, "Damnit."

Eliza Pond says, "We have plenty of the last two in cryo already."

Gracie Bennett [145.9] says, "Bartender's so deep in 'is cups he's damned near drowned."

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

Android MkX states, "Spears are never a understatement"

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

Android MkX states, "Never hurts to have more"

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

You add the beaker to the machine!

You put Alkysine (10 units) pill into Advanced Pills.

Eliza Pond says, "Hey Wesely."


This is Wesley Jesse!

He is wearing a security officer's jumpsuit with a black webbing vest.

He is wearing a corporate security cap on his head.

He is wearing a security armor.

He has a leather satchel on his back.

He is holding a pen in his left hand.

He is holding some paper in his right hand.

He has some black gloves on his hands.

He has a security belt about his waist.

He is wearing some jackboots on his feet.

He has HUDSunglasses covering his eyes.

He has a security radio headset on his left ear.

He has a flash on his right ear.

He is wearing PDA-Wesley Jesse (Security Officer).

Physical status: [Active]

Medical records: [View] [Add comment]



Wesley Jesse says, "Heyo."

Milo Thomas [145.9] says, "Robotics your order is on its way"

You put the lid on Alkysine bottle.

You add Alkysine bottle to General Chemicals Storage.

Wesley Jesse says, "There y'are."

Wesley Jesse puts the first-aid kit into the leather satchel.

Eliza Pond says, "Easily done."

You put the paper into the leather satchel.

EmPrESS [Command] queries, "Query: Should the bartender be carrying his shotgun while drunk?"

ÿ!You fill the syringe with 5 units of the solution.

You empty the syringe onto the floor.

You put the syringe into the leather satchel.

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "The short answer is no."

Android MkX [Medical] states, "Excuse me while i go recharge"

Medibot beeps, "There's always a catch, and it's the best there is."

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "They arent drunk."

ÿ!You fill the syringe with 5 units of the solution.

ÿ!You inject 5 units of the solution. The syringe now contains 0 units.

Android MkX states, "Sorry"

You remove the elegant pen from PDA-Eliza Pond (Chief Medical Officer).

You cycle the pen to use the blue ink cartridge.

Wesley Jesse says, "That one seems a handful."

Eliza Pond says, "Good to go."

Eliza Pond says, "It is retarded as hell"

Eliza Pond says, "But I have Sam here."

Wesley Jesse chuckles.

EmPrESS [Command] states, "My mistake. I recieved a transmission indicating that he was 'so deep in 'is cups he's damned near drowned'"

Arrivals Announcement Computer [145.9] says, "Morgan Howitzer, Assistant, has arrived on the station."

Wesley Jesse says, "Yep. Sam's one of the best."

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "Sending a copy of this paperwork to you, Captain."

Wesley Jesse says, "Have a safe shift."

EmPrESS [Command] states, "As such I thought it would be wise to inquire."

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "Okay"

Eliza Pond [145.9] says, "You too Wesley."

Eliza Pond says, "You too Wesley."

You slide the elegant pen into PDA-Eliza Pond (Chief Medical Officer).

You stamp the paper with your rubber stamp.

You put the chief medical officer's rubber stamp into the wallet (Eliza Pond's ID Card (Chief Medical Officer)).

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "I'm in my office, if you want to send it"

You clip the NCF-0314 Chemical Requisi onto the clipboard.

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "Faxed, sir."

ÿ!You fill the dropper with 5 units of the solution.

ÿ!1 chemical agent found.

ÿ! Imidazoline

You turn on the hand labeler.

You set the text to 'Imidazoline'.

V.I.C.E. [145.9] states, "VICE online, ready to beat down some criminal scum"

You label Dropper as Imidazoline.

You turn off the hand labeler.

You add the beaker to the machine!

You put Dropper (Imidazoline) into the wallet (Eliza Pond's ID Card (Chief Medical Officer)).

You add Dexalin Plus (4 units) pill to Dangerous Chemicals Storage.

OOC: Sovieteer: I should be to bed, due to midterms. But Horticulture is easy, too easy.

You set the large beaker on the machine.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

You add the beaker to the machine!

You put the lid on Ethylredoxrazine bottle.

You put the lid on Ethylredoxrazine bottle.

You add Ethylredoxrazine bottle to General Chemicals Storage.

You add Ethylredoxrazine bottle to General Chemicals Storage.

LOOC: Chanterelle: Apologies.

You put the lid on Alkysine bottle.

You add Alkysine bottle to General Chemicals Storage.

Arrivals Announcement Computer [145.9] says, "Travis Davis, Xenobiologist, has arrived on the station."

LOOC: Chanterelle: My connection or something is slow.

Travis Davis [145.9] says, "Morning station"

You set the large beaker on the machine.

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "Afterrrrnoon"

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

You set the large beaker on the machine.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

Girard Smark [145.9] says, "Mister Davis. Welcome."

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

Travis Davis [145.9] says, "Anything interesting going on"

You add the beaker to the machine!

You put the lid on Imidazoline bottle.

You put the lid on Imidazoline bottle.

You add Imidazoline bottle to General Chemicals Storage.

You add Imidazoline bottle to General Chemicals Storage.

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "My Android got repaired. Thankfully."

Eliza Pond says, "My Android got repaired. Thankfully."

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "What happened to it?"

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Corrupted files it said. Given it is clinically retarded. It probably has more to uncorrupt."

Eliza Pond says, "Corrupted files it said. Given it is clinically retarded. It probably has more to uncorrupt."

Marissa Packard talks into the chief engineer's headset

Android MkX [145.9] states, "At the moment its quiet"

You set the large beaker on the machine.

Joseph Echard [145.9] says, "If you wish to hear about all the new atmospheric updates, listen for Atmosia Today."

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, "Dolores Tilton has entered long-term storage."

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

ÿ! The solution begins to bubble.

You add the beaker to the machine!

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿthe beaker is full.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿ!You transfer 10 units of the solution to the beaker.

ÿthe large beaker is empty.

You set the large beaker on the machine.

You remove the elegant pen from PDA-Eliza Pond (Chief Medical Officer).

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "Chief Pond, could you do a check of Nasir and Ziva's records?"

ÿ!You set the label to "Gene 50/50".

ÿ!You set the label to "Gene 50/50".

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "In regards too?"

Eliza Pond asks, "In regards too?"

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "Test"

You slide the elegant pen into PDA-Eliza Pond (Chief Medical Officer).

Arrivals Announcement Computer [145.9] says, "Flint Mahnke, Nursing Intern, has arrived on the station."

Travis Davis [145.9] says, "Heard"

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "Why is this rrradio not worrrking.."

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "Packard, are you familliar with Mr.Nasir?"

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "If they're injured. They haven't responded to a question."

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "I am not, sir."

Samantha Mason [Medical] says, "...Nurse Mahnke."

Samantha Mason [Medical] says, "I nevah thought I would see the day."

Flint Mahnke [Medical] says, "Doctor Mason."

Marissa Packard [145.9] says, "Possibly an EMP, Ziva. Check your headset."

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "He's got got quite the temper, just so you're warned"

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "I saw Ziva walk by my office with a hardsthuit on."

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "It looks fine.."

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "She and Nasir are wiring the solar arrays."

Android MkX [Medical] states, "Test"

Android MkX [Medical] states, "works fine"

Eliza Pond [Medical] says, "Reading."

Eliza Pond says, "Reading."

Eliza Pond [Medical] says, "And welcome Flint"

Eliza Pond says, "And welcome Flint"

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, "Mason Killer has entered long-term storage."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Ziva has no medical records indicating deafness."

Eliza Pond says, "Ziva has no medical records indicating deafness."

Flint Mahnke [Medical] says, "Pleasure to be aboard. If You need anything, Let me know."

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "How about the CMC, Chief?"

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "Nasir hasn't responded."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Ziva in EVA maint."

Eliza Pond says, "Ziva in EVA maint."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Nasir Engi storage."

Eliza Pond says, "Nasir Engi storage."

Medibot beeps, "There's always a catch, and it's the best there is."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Nasir's basic is not the best by the by."

Eliza Pond says, "Nasir's basic is not the best by the by."

Android MkX [Medical] states, "there down here"

Nick Straughan asks, "Do you mind if i grab one of your scanners really quickly doc?"

Cardan Poll asks, "Will you get scanned this time?"

Eliza Pond says, "Go ahead."

Nick Straughan says, "Thank you"

Eliza Pond says, "But the cig in the case."

Nick Straughan asks, "And no thank you Cardan?"

Cardan Poll says, "Okay as you wish"

Eliza Pond says, "Nick"

Eliza Pond says, "Cig out"

Eliza Pond says, "Now"

Nick Straughan calmly drops and treads on the lit the premium cigar, putting it out instantly.

Nick Straughan frowns

Eliza Pond asks, "What in the black is wrong with you?"

Eliza Pond asks, "Do you want to take us all with you?"

Nick Straughan says, "I totally forgot, apologies"

Eliza Pond says, "Oxygen underpressure."

Nick Straughan says, "Can you keep an eye on those geneticist? I don't want them doing any self testing"

Eliza Pond says, "You can blow a hole in the hull clear through the middle of medical."

Android MkX [Medical] states, "shouldn't security patroling now sitting in Medical lobby"

Eliza Pond says, "I have already warned both of them to bring me waivers."

Android MkX [Medical] states, "not sitting i mean"

Nick Straughan nods

Eliza Pond says, "So if there is even one failed attempt"

Nick Straughan says, "Thank you"

Eliza Pond says, "Without them"

Eliza Pond says, "I'll call in the boots"

ÿ!Eliza Pond handed Health Analyzer to Nick Straughan.

Eliza Pond says, "And your scanner."

Nick Straughan says, "Thank you"

Cardan Poll says, "There aren't humans to clone often you know"

ÿTom Goodman has grabbed monkey (464) passively!

This PDA does not have an ID in it.

You insert Eliza Pond's ID Card (Chief Medical Officer).

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "I'm..awake. I apologise."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Nick. Haul Goodman out of there now."

Eliza Pond says, "Nick. Haul Goodman out of there now."

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "Engine is still running green, Captain."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "He is 18."

Eliza Pond says, "He is 18."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Poll is 48 and no records. Goodman is 18 and no records."

Eliza Pond says, "Poll is 48 and no records. Goodman is 18 and no records."

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "Who?"

You put Eliza Pond's ID Card (Chief Medical Officer) into the wallet.

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Tom Goodman. One of the supposed geneticists."

Eliza Pond says, "Tom Goodman. One of the supposed geneticists."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Given you need a PhD to work in there. He should not be in there."

Eliza Pond says, "Given you need a PhD to work in there. He should not be in there."

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "Theresth a Tom Goodman in geneticsth."

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "Are you in your office pond?"

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "Yes."

Eliza Pond says, "Yes."

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "One of my engineers thinks your officer Wesley Jesse is stalking her, Hoss."

Nick Straughan says, "There ya go"

Nick Straughan says, "In ya go"

You buckle yourself to the chair.

ÿ!Nick Straughan pets the Runtime

You unbuckle yourself from the chair.

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "Cardan Poll isth on recordsth too."

ÿYou are unable to equip that.

You put Eliza Pond's ID Card (Chief Medical Officer) into the wallet.

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "I mean his employment records are empty sorry."

Eliza Pond says, "I mean his employment records are empty sorry."

You buckle yourself to the chair.

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "I somehow doubt that... One moment."

Eliza Pond says, "Tom."

Tom Goodman says, "Yes"

Eliza Pond says, "I have a very big question."

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "Goodman is eighteen though."

Eliza Pond says, "You are 18."

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "Goodman has been in Security as well, as an officer..Multiple times. I've demoted him to cadet each time."

Tom Goodman says, "Yes"

Eliza Pond says, "Barely out of highschool."

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "Does anyone know wherrre she can find a bandana?"

Eliza Pond asks, "Yes?"

Robert Dalton [145.9] says, "Why do you need a banana."

Karima Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "She has no idea.."

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "An eighteen year old sthecurity officther, and geneticisths. I dont sthee how that stharted out in the firsth placthe."

Jaylor Rameau [145.9] says, "I'm guessin' she'd know since she asked."

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "Probably signing up for whichever job he could get"

Nick Straughan talks into the captain's headset

Marissa Packard [Command] says, "Heading to Cryo. Left the Captain in command of my department."

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "To be qualified The latest he could have entered univesrity would have been age 7."

Eliza Pond says, "To be qualified The latest he could have entered univesrity would have been age 7."

Eliza Pond says, "Nick"

Nick Straughan asks, "Yes?"

Eliza Pond asks, "Tom what are you doing?"

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "The recordths would be checked if he was eighteen."

Unrecognized or inaccessible verb: holster

Tom Goodman says, "Im....."

OOC: Nanotoxin: Charis/Thundy wanted me to post this in ooc http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=17&t=1188&p=10596#p10596

Eliza Pond asks, "Running?"

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "Eliza. For just geneticsth, or sthecurity too."

Marissa Packard [145.9] says, "Safe shift everybody."

Tom Goodman says, "No"

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "If he was in university at age seven, he would most /definitely/ have employment records of note."

Eliza Pond says, "You were tapping the exit button on my door pretty hard."

Eliza Pond says, "Nick"

Nick Straughan asks, "Yes?"

Tom Goodman says, "Im geting out one way or another"

Eliza Pond asks, "Do we need to restrain Tom?"

Eliza Pond blinds Tom Goodman with the flash!

You put the advanced first-aid kit into the leather satchel.

EmPrESS [Command] states, "It is possible that the he gained the position through fraudulent means, either directly or, more likely, with the collusion of someone within the company."

You unbuckle yourself from the chair.

Nick Straughan talks into the captain's headset

Nick Straughan [Command] says, "AI let an officer to the CMO's office"

Nick Straughan talks into the captain's headset

Eliza Pond says, "Please bring the officers over."

Tom Goodman starts climbing into the disposal.

Tom Goodman climbs into the the disposal unit.

Eliza Pond says, "Hes fine"

Robert Dalton talks into the security radio headset

Nick Straughan says, "Please restrain goodman"

Eliza Pond says, "I turned off the pressure."

OOC: DesmondThemoonbear: wait.... cards against aurora?

Eliza Pond blinds Tom Goodman with the flash!

OOC: KiwiDaNinja: Thats a thing that was made.

Girard Smark [145.9] says, "Thank you, cargo."

Brady Saylor shakes Tom Goodman trying to wake him up!

Samantha Mason says, "Ooooooiiiiiiiiiii."

ÿRobert Dalton is trying to put some handcuffs on Tom Goodman

OOC: BeeGee0904: I'll play

OOC: Lady_of_Ravens: XD

Eliza Pond says, "Well done moron."

You put the flash into the advanced first-aid kit.

Tom Goodman starts climbing into the disposal.

Nick Straughan says, "Wow, got the whole squad up here"

Tom Goodman climbs into the the disposal unit.

Milo Thomas [145.9] says, "Yeah no problem, i think aaron sent that out"

Robert Dalton says, "Goddamnit."

Brady Saylor places the flash into the the disposal unit.

Samantha Mason yells, "Say OIII!"

Nick Straughan says, "Just put him in this chair here please"

Robert Dalton says, "What to do with him, Cap."

LOOC: Contextual: Brady Saylor places the flash into the the disposal unit.#

LOOC: Contextual: good job

ÿ!Tom Goodman is buckled in to the chair by Robert Dalton!

ÿTom Goodman attempts to unbuckle themself!

Nick Straughan says, "Thank you"

Nick Straughan sighs

LOOC: Loow: Truly a scholar

Robert Dalton asks, "That all ye be needin'?"

Nick Straughan says, "Goodman, don't make this harder than it needs to be son"

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "Hold indefinitely for major accounts of fraudulence, amongst other things?"

Samantha Mason asks, "Do you want me to pump him wif sleepy juice for the ride?"

Wesley Jesse chuckles.

Nick Straughan says, "Don't think we're arresting him just yet"

Wesley Jesse says, "Attempted suicide."

Tom Goodman says, "Why arrest me"

Samantha Mason grins sadistically at Wesley's suggestion.

Robert Dalton says, "Lovely."

Wesley Jesse says, "Mental ward."

Samantha Mason whispers something.

Nick Straughan says, "Althogh impersinating an officer and science personel is agaisnt the law"

Samantha Mason collapses the roller bed.

Samantha Mason collapses the roller bed.

ÿ!Samantha Mason examines herself.

Tom Goodman says, "What did i do"

Eliza Pond says, "You tried to kill yourself over the question of when you finished highschool."

Wesley Jesse grins at Sam.

Brady Saylor clears his throat.

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "Avelak? The Botanisth is growing sthomething called "Glowsthrooms", and he sthaid it wasth ground up for Radium."

Cardan Poll [145.9] says, "Milo can you come to the desk?"

Robert Dalton says, "He's belligerent, and probably won't answer with anything that resembles coherence."

Milo Thomas [145.9] says, "Yes"

Tom Goodman says, "You did not ask me that"

Brady Saylor nods towards the door.

Eliza Pond says, "Now to be a lawful geneticist you would have needed to be in university at age 7."

OOC: Jennalele: [MAD CACKLING]

OOC: Jennalele: IT IS DONE!

OOC: Jennalele: http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=28&t=1189

ÿTom Goodman manages to unbuckle themself!

ÿ!Tom Goodman unbuckled !


Eliza Pond says, "Minimum"

Brady Saylor sighs

OOC: KiwiDaNinja: You hear incessant cackling from all around you.

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "Yes?"

Tom Goodman starts climbing into the disposal.

ÿEliza Pond has pushed Tom Goodman!

Brady Saylor blinds Tom Goodman with the flash!

Eliza Pond has grabbed Tom Goodman passively!

OOC: SierraKomodo: Jackles

Eliza Pond has grabbed Tom Goodman aggressively (now hands)!

OOC: Jennalele: It is pitch black. You are likely to be eaten by a Jen.

Robert Dalton asks, "Can we just arrest him?"

ÿEliza Pond puts Tom Goodman on the table.

LOOC: Loow: got it that time.

OOC: BeeGee0904: Jenna

Nick Straughan has grabbed Tom Goodman passively!

ÿ!Tom Goodman is buckled in to the chair by Nick Straughan!

OOC: BeeGee0904: my DM once made Grues a thing in our campaign

OOC: Jennalele: Ahmg

OOC: Valkrae: You have been eaten by a grue.

OOC: Jennalele: Tame one, name it Jenners

OOC: Lady_of_Ravens: D&D XD

OOC: BeeGee0904: They were Outsiders who could travel interdimensionally.

OOC: Jboy2000000: You were eaten by a Grue

LOOC: Contextual: the best

LOOC: Contextual: around

OOC: Valkrae: Translated from DM terms into English: Fuck you.

OOC: Jennalele: ^

Eliza Pond says, "Tom. If I ran out of patince I can put you clean through a wall."

OOC: BeeGee0904: As long as there was a shadow, they could walk between worlds.

Wesley Jesse says, "What."

Robert Dalton says, "That could technically be considered assault, buuuut."

Eliza Pond says, "Only breaking four of my rotator cuffs."

OOC: Jennalele: The CoC equivalent of spawning a lesser horrorterror on your house.

Nick Straughan whispers, "***39*** se** *e* *o *t* **u *o******* wa*** **s* **** h**"

Wesley Jesse says, "I will remind you, CMO, that death threats are a violation of regulations."

Eliza Pond says, "Now tell me when you finished high school."

OOC: Jboy2000000: CoC?

OOC: SpiffyFishface: I know I'm late, but did someone make a reference to Zork?

OOC: Valkrae: Summoning a Terror of the Souls in the middle of Septimia.

OOC: Jennalele: Yes, BeeGee.

Eliza Pond says, "I said he would go through a wall"

OOC: Jennalele: Call of Cthulhu.

OOC: Valkrae: jenna please remember that

OOC: BeeGee0904: I messed up and said it in Looc

Eliza Pond says, "Never said it would hurt or kill him."

OOC: Jennalele: Fuck yes I remember that

Brady Saylor asks, "Cap, do you need all of us here?"

Wesley Jesse says, "Right..."

OOC: BeeGee0904: Spiffy

OOC: BeeGee0904: my DM made Grues in D&D

OOC: Chanterelle: @ Jenna's cackling

Eliza Pond says, "Those lockers are sturdy."

LOOC: Contextual: psst

OOC: Valkrae: I miss Akavir :c

OOC: SpiffyFishface: OH GOD YES

OOC: BeeGee0904: Challenge Rating 10

LOOC: Contextual: to keep him from getting to disposals

LOOC: Contextual: all stand on that side with not help intent

OOC: BeeGee0904: With a Devour attack.

Nick Straughan says, "No, just one will suffice"

OOC: SpiffyFishface: wat

Brady Saylor says, "Aye aye."

OOC: Jennalele: Chanterelle, as my once mentor said years back

Eliza Pond [145.9] says, "Thank you Saylor. Jesse"

Eliza Pond says, "Thank you Saylor. Jesse"

Travis Davis [145.9] says, "Fuck medical to xeno"

Robert Dalton [145.9] says, "Don't mind me."

Robert Dalton talks into the security radio headset

OOC: Jennalele: I will eat you with a rusty spoon.

Tom Goodman snores.

Nick Straughan says, "I'll go get davis"

Tom Goodman snores.

OOC: SierraKomodo: I like rusty spoons

OOC: Jennalele: DON'T YOU START.

Eliza Pond [Medical] says, "Sam. Mk 10. If you please."

Eliza Pond says, "Sam. Mk 10. If you please."

OOC: Valkrae: no

OOC: Chanterelle: Stay back, Salad Fingers, I'll throw Nettles at you.

OOC: Valkrae: ban he

OOC: Valkrae: NO

OOC: Valkrae: BAN HE


This is Tom Goodman!

He is wearing a geneticist's jumpsuit.

He is wearing Geneticist labcoat.

He is carrying a penlight on his Geneticist labcoat.

He has a backpack on his back.

He is handcuffed!

He has PDA-Tom Goodman (Geneticist) about his waist.

He is wearing some white shoes on his feet.

He has a medical research radio headset on his left ear.

He is wearing Tom Goodman's ID Card (Geneticist).

He isn't responding to anything around him and seems to be asleep.

He isn't responding to anything around him and seems to be asleep.

He has suddenly fallen asleep.

Physical status: [Active]

Medical records: [View] [Add comment]




OOC: DesmondThemoonbear: would you like to caresssss mah rusty spoons

OOC: SierraKomodo: Hubert Cumberdale. Back from the war?

Eliza Pond [Command] says, "And Goodman has SSDed."

Eliza Pond says, "And Goodman has SSDed."

OOC: Valkrae: i got GRENADE

OOC: Jennalele: [screeching noise]

Samantha Mason [Medical] says, "Oi oi, Flint."

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "Poll isth requesting a new PDA."

Samantha Mason [Medical] says, "Xenobiology."

LOOC: Valkrae: he ssded.

LOOC: ForgottenTraveller: yep.


Tom Goodman snores.

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "Why is that?"

Flint Mahnke [Medical] says, "On my way"

Samantha Mason [Medical] says, "Dere's a scientist down."

Tom Goodman snores.

LOOC: Valkrae: quick, steal his shoes.

LOOC: ForgottenTraveller: got the logs for a complaint.

Nick Straughan [Medical] says, "Got him"

Arrivals Announcement Computer [145.9] says, "Lanze Howarden, Security Officer, has arrived on the station."

Vavrinek Klement [Command] says, "He claimsth its broken."

Flint Mahnke [Medical] says, "Back to doing nothing for me, I guess."

LOOC: Valkrae: no, go away jenna

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "I see. (( Let me go spawn him a new one. ))"

The locker has been unlocked by Eliza Pond.

Avelak Nirisha [Command] says, "(( OOC Glitch. ))"

The locker has been locked by Eliza Pond.

ÿ!No significant chemical agents found in Employment Record (Tom Goodman).

OOC: Covert0ddity: CE HAS A FUN

Robert Dalton says, "Can I be let out, or.."

ÿ!Paper scanned and OCRed to notekeeper.

Robert Dalton says, "Am I a prisoner now."

Eliza Pond says, "Sure."

ÿ!Robert Dalton pets the Runtime

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, "Joseph Echard has entered long-term storage."

ÿ!You push the wall but nothing happens!


Central Command Update

Rogue drone alert

A combat drone wing operating out of the NMV Icarus has failed to return from a sweep of this sector, if any are sighted approach with caution.

Karima Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "She didn't do it!"

You stamp the paper with your rubber stamp.

You put the chief medical officer's rubber stamp into the wallet (Eliza Pond's ID Card (Chief Medical Officer)).

OOC: Covert0ddity: I was playing Oolite, and these one slavers kept stealing my cargo. So I bought a q-bomb and when they asked me to drop my cargo, instead of fighting them I dropped the Q-bomb, afterburned out of there and watched them chain reaction explode.

ÿ!Tom Goodman was unbuckled by Eliza Pond!

Tom Goodman snores.

Cole Black [145.9] says, "I totaly did it."

ÿ!Tom Goodman is buckled in to the bed by Eliza Pond!

Tom Goodman snores.

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I remember this actually.

He tried to jump down disposals over something about high school or something. I remember officers rushing in, and me following them, and Tom Goodman trying his damnest to disposals himself even after being detained.

Clearly needs a talking to, this behaviour is unacceptable for our server.

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He has joined a few rounds, and being the office that has trained/arrested him most of those rounds where he went security, he has been quite the problem. At first I had high hopes, as after he was demoted from warden to cadet he seemed to be taking everything in and I was hopeful that he would. Instead, next round he re-joined as warden, and started destroying the brig. After that, he joined as Detective and when he tried to start a fight with a cadet using his gun, he was arrested. Actually, its easier if I make a list.

What I have seen Tom do:

Destroy the Brig as Warden x2

Assault multiple officers for no reason x3

Lock himself in the insanity ward, put a straight jacket, a muzzle and a blindfold on himself

Lie about the above and how it happened

Threaten to shoot all of sec

Just wanted to add this to the complaint as it may be more then a talking too is needed.

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On a sidenote, while captaining one round, I noticed he was a cadet and asked to be trained by an officer. I didn't have any issues with him and as far as I know he did RP that round. I think that happened two days ago.

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You know something, I actually passed by this guy when I was playing as Desmond Knapp. Sadly, all I did was examine him and pass him by. I probably should've asked him questions about if he was new and if he even knew what the fuck he was doing. But Foresight and Hindsight are both 20/20.

Still, a bald geneticist does kinda tend to make me really suspicious. (A prejudice I have been working out of my psyche.)

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