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[Accepted] Butter'zz Vaurca App

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BYOND Key: Butterrobber202

Character Names:


Species you are applying to play: Vaurca

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Blue

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yezzz

Please provide well-articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I'm all about some hiveminds. I love reading, watching, and playing things about them. From the Queen Mother in the Ender's Game Seris, which now that I'm thinking about it has some pretty darn strong similarities to Vaurca. Other examples obviously include the Xenomorphs from the Alien(s) Franchise, and Stellaris Hiveminds. The Vaurca have a pretty unique take on Hiveminds as well, instead of it being a bunch of robots with basically connected Internet, or Ants with pheromone/Biological Based Hiveminds, its a mesh of the two. On top of that, it isn't just one large super-Hive, the hives are fragmented and each has a unique history, motivation, and personality.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The Obvious starter is that you have four creepy incest eyes, some insect carapace and some insect brains. The Vaurca playstyle is different in several ways, and branches off into trees. Step one is the Hive you belong to and if you are a Warrior or Worker, then if you are Bound or Unbound. That totals up to roughly 12 different playstyles based on those variables alone, not including personal backstory or job. A Brief Summary basically consists of:



- Are you a Bound?

-- Then Serve

- Are you an Unbound?

-- Then Serve but actually have thought processes

- What is your Hive?

-- Keep in mind Hive Relations

-- Keep in mind general Hive attitudes

- What Lesser Queen to you crawl out of?

-- Backstory and minor personality traits.




Character Name: Za'Akaix'Iok'C'thur

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs:

The Larva broke through the thinning membrane at last, and was picked up by the Ta. It squirmed, shaking off the thick life-giving goop it had been residing in for so long. The Breeder quickly and efficiently added the new Larva to her growing stack on a cushioned, wagon like hovercart. The Wagon being full, she pulled it towards the exit of the Larva Room, narrowly avoiding a collision with another Breeder, who was pulled a bare, rusty hovercart stacked with Larva haphazardly. The two Ta followed the small tunnel for a moment before they arrived at a fork, in which they both took different exits. The rusty wagon heading for the Bound Lobotomization chambers, and the other Ta heading for the Unbound Larva Chamber. The Hovercart bounced along on the slightly irregular floor plating, and finally came to a stop in an expansive, modern, chamber. The chamber was large, the ceiling nearly out of sight, and it was covered in low walls in a hexagon cell-like pattern. Inside these segregated hexagon cells were the larva of the C’thur Hive, under Vytel’hyr’tkud.

The Breeder quickly separated out the Larvae evenly, putting them in Worker, Breeder, and Warrior Cells. The Warrior group of cells were located in the center, and were by-far the biggest group, with Worker Larva being put in the exterior cells, and finally Breeders in a small group suspending from the ceiling. One Larva squished around in the Warrior Cells, waiting to grow.

-6 Months Later-

Iok watched impassively as the Ta lead the group of half-matured Unbound out of their Cell. They followed the Breeder down a series of metal tunnels until they arrived at a large chamber, with several holes in the walls, some even above ground level. On the floor, there were large stool-like chairs with a table covered in various tools standing beside each one. There were enough of these stools for twice as many Vaurca than were in Iok’s group. The Breeder directed each half-pint Warrior to a stool, and after they were seated Bound Ta crawled out of the holes nearby. Each Bound took up positions by each table and started picking up the tools on them. Iok watched as the Bound near him picked up his tools, then held a inhaler to Iok’s mouth. Iok quickly succumbed to the sleeping agent, and the Bound began to carefully opening Iok’s skull and installing a neural socket.

When Iok awakened, he noticed a small amount, maybe a third, of his cell group had been moved to another chamber. This one large, flat, and the walls covered in a variety of weapons. The only notable features besides the weapons were beds lining the wall, and a large holoprojector table near the Center of the room. The others soon awoke after him, and most remained in their beds, besides a small few that investigated their surroundings. Ona, a cell mate, commented on the amount of weapons on the room, and Iok heard him clearly. Which was quite interesting since he was across the room, and Ona’s mouth hadn’t moved. The entire room quickly discovered they could hear and speak with not only each other, but the entire brood of Ta’Akiax’Vytel’hyr’tkud’ C’thur. The exciting discovery was cut short when a Unbound Warrior walked into the Chamber and, after giving his name, charged straight into his instructions. Sita, the Warrior, quickly taught them how to use their neural sockets, and after doing so started relaying his instructions and information over the Hivenet.

“You are the small selection of Queen Vytel'hyr'tkud’s brood that will be trained in a more atypical Warrior fashion, as opposed to the normal peacekeeping duties of our Brood. You will be taught how to work a variety of weapons, basic tactics and strategy, interaction skills with Xenos, and a small amount of diplomacy. After I am done speaking to you all, you will start being fed information through the socket in your skulls. I’m really nothing more than a general overseer. After 2 months of physical training, we will begin VR Training, and after that you will receive your strategy education from Xakat'kl'atan Tzel. Finally, to explain my earlier statement on being fed information from your socket, many Warriors are in VR and have been assigned by Vytel’hyr’tkud to give each of you an education. That's all.”

And so it was. After receiving their first set of implants, Iok spent 2 months learning from the little dead voices his head, with very brief trips into VR to learn directly. After that, the entire Warrior Group was kept in VR for 3 months, watching, creating, and participating in ancient battles and new ones of their design. The Diplomacy and Xeno Relations lessons got crammed into this time as well, giving them an understanding of Basic and other forms of Non-Vaurca education. Their final month of training came in the form of grueling learning set by the Master of Strategy Tzel, teaching them the basics of Warfare, tactics and general Strategy. Finally their training complete, the entire group was given a month in VR to do whatever they pleased.

The group was pulled out of VR by Sita, their overseer, and sent outside the Hive in a Akerliim Mountain Range. Once they saw sunlight for the first time, they were marched down the side of the Mountain, arriving on a Landing Pad were several Skrell were waiting for them. They lined up, and a Skrell in a business suit quickly scanned the line, nodded and handing a briefcase to Sita, who tucked it under his arm and headed back up the Mountain. The Skrell then turn to them and said,

“Your Queen has tasked you all with participating in a Nanotrasen-Skrell C’thur outreach Program. With your training you received in your hive you should be fit to join the ranks of the NT Security Division after a quick course of Nanotrasen education. Your Queen has informed us that any of you that do not want to take part of this may leave, and seek reassignment in the Hive.”

No one moved. After a few moments, the Skrell then signalled them aboard a transport shuttle and they were off. Arriving at a NT Education Station in Skrell systems, they sucked in a NT Security education from a C’thur Unbound present. The Humans and Skrell divided them up and sent them off to various stations. Iok, being sent to the NSS Aurora.



What do you like about this character? Uh, well for starters I made him. He has what I believe to be an expansive backstory and a well founded education. I’ve kinda made him a blank slate for me to add on to as I get a feel for playing the race, because I’ve heard that Vaurca Playstyles can take a minute to get use to.

How would you rate your role-playing ability? 7.2/10

Notes: Zzend queen noodzz. Alot of the App is me just creative writing, and since there is abit of a void when it comes to early Vaurca Lives. And I know Iok is abit of blank slate, but I’m not fully confident in my knowledge of Individual Vaurca personalities yet, and want it to be shaped by the Station, and obviously by his Brood.

Edited by Guest

A memorable application that leaves me wanting more. I would read stories about Iok should you ever decide to put more of their early 'childhood' to paper. Your story conveys enough detail that leaves me wanting more, so give me more! (in game) Application accepted!

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