NebulaFlare Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 (edited) ===Incoming Message=== Hey Everyone! Karima here! She greets her clan back in Adohmai. She has good news! She's been searching for career openings aboard her research station, the NSS Aurora, and slots have opened up! This is a great opportunity for the Mo'Taki. This can provide our kin with better support, education, and paychecks. Karima and Ziva were the first Mo'Taki to leave Adohmai, and we've saved up enough to help bring more of our kin over. We both live in Mendell now, and any extra hand to support the family would be wonderful. Is anyone interested? OOC INFO: ((A few players have been requesting to join the Mo'Taki. I was hesitant at first, since I wasn't sure how to apply these requests. I would love to have people join Karima's family, so I'm writing up this guide for applications into the Mo'Taki family)) ~*~Family Rules And Guidelines~*~ 1. Family is important: protect the kin, and guard them well. We're all in this together, and no one gets left behind. 2. The Mo'Taki is a proud name. Don't sully it, and don't embarrass it. We're not lawless criminals, but we're not gonna play kiss-up either. We get to where we are by hard work and dedication. 3. Doing something right isn't always doing something lawful. Be honest with your intentions. ((that means you can be tators and you can break the law, but you better have a bloody good reason to)) 4. The clan is predominantly Hharar - although we have some Khan-Zhan and M'Sai blood mixed in from relatives. 5. the Mo'Taki are predominantly situated in the city of Kal'Tiv, Adohmai. Kal'Tiv is a fairly modernized port city, meaning it's close to the shore and heavily influenced with industrial growth. the Mo'Taki are not wealthy, but they are not dirt-poor. Most families likely own/work in small businesses. Karima's immediate family owns a restaurant. 6. Education is considered very important. Knowledge opens opportunity, and it is a requirement that every able-bodied Tajara help support the schooling of the younger kits. 7. A portion of the paycheck must be set aside to be sent back to Adohmai. 8. Respect the elders of the clan. There is an unspoken rule that parents/uncles/aunts get a little more say over the younger ones. Cousins, brothers, and sisters are more on level with each other. 9. Rough-housing and teasing is totally okay. Don't get snippy, just shrug it off and snicker. Unlike the Jawdat, we're a bunch of ruffians. 10. Inter-species relationships are perfectly okay. Although it is slightly more preferred to date another Tajara. OOC Requirement: 1. Tajara whitelist. You can ask to have a Mo'Taki for your whitelist, but I ain't gonna be adopting no hairless apes or hissy lizards. 2. Sorry, but you cannot be directly related to Karima. I've already established that Karima is the second eldest in her immediate family. This gives Karima a fair amount of say in her immediate family, being the second eldest child. And yes, I know that was redundant. Bleh. 3. If you wanna be siblings with anyone else, you gotta PM them and see if they're okay with it. Don't worry, the Mo'Taki is a pretty large clan, so there can be a lot of families, and it's perfectly allowable to spawn your own branch. 4. Parents are less likely to leave Adohmai - we're only transferring those that can support themselves. They MUST be able bodied, and they cannot add burden on the kin that are already so far from home. Aka, no grandpa's in wheelchairs. 5. Cousins, second cousins, nieces, nephews, sister-in-laws = all open. I'm putting a limit on anyone considered an 'elder' in the Mo'Taki. First of all, they would already have an established family, and that's not easy to support from afar. But more importantly, I really don't want a hierarchy to develop. At least if everyone is in the same age group, it's fine. 6. For those that want to be members of the Mo'Taki, it must be +1 by all current active members, after the most recent addition has had time to settle in for the arpee. I want this group to grow slowly, not suddenly expand, and flood the station with Mo'Taki. Family Tree =========Current Members of the Mo'Taki========= 1. Karima Mo'Taki (NebulaFlare) 2. Ziva Mo'Taki (SierraKomodo) 3. Ryud'aken Mo'Taki (Nanotoxin) 4. Kai Mo'Taki (Kiwidaninja) 5. Tavaku Mo'Taki (NegulaFlare) 6. Rasul Mo'Taki (firstact) ++++Pending Applications+++++ 1. Je'rian Mo'Taki (Prospekt) * +3/5 2. Uthal Mo'Taki (Demonofthefall) *Requires author attention 3. Za'had Mo'Taki * +3/5 ============================================= Copy/paste cheat code [b]BYOND Name:[/b] [b]Name:[/b] [b]Location in the Mo'Taki family tree:[/b] [b]Character Age:[/b] [b]Already have Tajara Whitelist?[/b] [b]Job position you'll be applying for?:[/b] ----------------- [b]From a scale of 1-10, how much of a troublemaker are you? 1=flawless angel, 10=NukeOp[/b] (totally fine to be antag, but don't go overboard) [b]Character personality (1 paragraph, short summary)[/b] [b]Any medical, security, etc. notes?[/b] [b]Short history of your character, 2 paragraphs minimum:[/b] (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) Edited April 23, 2015 by Guest Quote
SierraKomodo Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 (edited) And to add on to this, if you want to play as Ziva's brother/sister, there's some extra things to keep in mind (Yes, I've been putting thought into that part of the family's backstory) Ziva and her father both worked as mechanics at the nearby harbor, repairing shuttles and ships while at dock. Her mother was a fisher aboard a fishing ship, feeding the family with her share of the catch, and selling whatever wasn't cooked. Ziva and her siblings all would have been hardworking in some manner, whether it be working with their father fixing things, their mother as a fisher, or doing some other form of work to help support the family. Her father was Hharar, while her mother was Zhan-Khazan. There /is/ a hereditary heart disease in Ziva's part of the family, but it's rare. Only herself and her grandfather so far have had it. Edited January 31, 2015 by Guest Quote
SpiffyFishface Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 Well, are there any other things that might be worthy of note when *Ahem* being born into the Mo'Taki Clan? Quote
NebulaFlare Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 Noteworthy? What do you mean? There's Ziva's hereditary heart disease, but many members of the Mo'Taki were spared of that gene. Quote
Kiwidaninja Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 Name: Kai Mo'taki Relationship to IC Mo'Taki members:Zivas brother Already have Tajara Whitelist?Yes Job position you'll be applying for?:Maintenance Technician (Engineer) Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) Usually not, but may get in trouble once in a while Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) Kai grew up alongside Ziva and their father, repairing shuttles/ships at the dock. Although, Kai usually was off maintaining the tools of the dock, and messing with the vending machines in his spare time. After Ziva had gone to work for Nanotrasen, he stayed and continued to work around the dock keeping things in good condition. When he heard about contracts opening up for Nanotrasen, he jumped at the opportunity, hoping to get to work with Ziva. (Assuming he was hired-) After being hired, he gathered his things and found the first shuttle possible to get to Tau Ceti, where he could begin work. (However old Ziva is, Ill make him a year/half of a year younger.) Quote
Rusty Shackleford Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 I love all these family dynasties popping up. It reminds me of the Tool extended family from Apollo. 6 Tools on the station at one time. It was glorious. Quote
Kiwidaninja Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 All of these families are nice. It helps people roleplay with different people than they usually would. We are going to need a separate section for these if people keep making them, for ease of viewing. Quote
SierraKomodo Posted January 31, 2015 Posted January 31, 2015 Name: Kai Mo'takiRelationship to IC Mo'Taki members:Zivas brother Already have Tajara Whitelist?Yes Job position you'll be applying for?:Maintenance Technician (Engineer) Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) Usually not, but may get in trouble once in a while Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) Kai grew up alongside Ziva and their father, repairing shuttles/ships at the dock. Although, Kai usually was off maintaining the tools of the dock, and messing with the vending machines in his spare time. After Ziva had gone to work for Nanotrasen, he stayed and continued to work around the dock keeping things in good condition. When he heard about contracts opening up for Nanotrasen, he jumped at the opportunity, hoping to get to work with Ziva. (Assuming he was hired-) After being hired, he gathered his things and found the first shuttle possible to get to Tau Ceti, where he could begin work. (However old Ziva is, Ill make him a year/half of a year younger.) I like that backstory, although I'm now coming across the issue I wanted to avoid... At this point there would be 5 different Mo'Takis on station if everyone that's applied so far got a yes. I don't want to crowd the station with a single family! XD All of these families are nice. It helps people roleplay with different people than they usually would. We are going to need a separate section for these if people keep making them, for ease of viewing. Complete with family trees and historical timelines! Quote
NebulaFlare Posted January 31, 2015 Author Posted January 31, 2015 Name: Kai Mo'takiRelationship to IC Mo'Taki members:Zivas brother Already have Tajara Whitelist?Yes Job position you'll be applying for?:Maintenance Technician (Engineer) Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) Usually not, but may get in trouble once in a while Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) Kai grew up alongside Ziva and their father, repairing shuttles/ships at the dock. Although, Kai usually was off maintaining the tools of the dock, and messing with the vending machines in his spare time. After Ziva had gone to work for Nanotrasen, he stayed and continued to work around the dock keeping things in good condition. When he heard about contracts opening up for Nanotrasen, he jumped at the opportunity, hoping to get to work with Ziva. (Assuming he was hired-) After being hired, he gathered his things and found the first shuttle possible to get to Tau Ceti, where he could begin work. (However old Ziva is, Ill make him a year/half of a year younger.) I love this, and I know you'd be a great RPer. However, we wanna add members slowly. If Nano's app goes through, the three of us can review this one together for consideration after Nano has had a bit of time to settle in with Mo'Taki RP. Once that happens, then we can consider more. Quote
nanotoxin Posted February 8, 2015 Posted February 8, 2015 I think I'm only on my third day of being a tajaran/Mo'Taki, but I think it'd be cool to have another guy mo'taki on board along side Ryu. I definately agree that adding them too fast will look ludacris, but Kiwi's got my +1 for whenever is decieded to add more Quote
NebulaFlare Posted February 8, 2015 Author Posted February 8, 2015 Alright, Kiwi has my +1 as well. I was mostly waiting for Nano to get settled in with the arpee. Quote
Demonofthefall Posted February 18, 2015 Posted February 18, 2015 Name: Uthal Mo'Taki Relationship to IC Mo'Taki members: His Brother is Ziva's Father making him her and Kai's Uncle. Already have Tajara Whitelist? Yes Job position you'll be applying for?: Chef/Bartender Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) He has had several minor charges including drunk and disorderly but nothing major or violent. Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) The youngest of his family, Uthal would spend most of his youth working in a tavern near the docks in Kal'tiv as a waiter and in the kitchen, eventually earning enough money to buy his own bar on the outskirts of the city. After several years of unsuccessfully running his own bar he fell into debt and ended up having to sell his beloved bar. Falling into a depression and feeling defeated he moved in with his Brother who told him that his daughter had began working on the Aurora and was sent to seek employment with them. His Brother hoped that Uthal would be able to turn his life around and at the same time keep an eye on his daughter; like all good Fathers he was worried about her safety. Quote
NebulaFlare Posted April 11, 2015 Author Posted April 11, 2015 Hm.....lemme think. Uthal is the brother of the father of the cousin of Karima. That would make Uthal as Karima's uncle. How old is Uthal? (I need to check this thread more often. Eep) Quote
firstact Posted April 13, 2015 Posted April 13, 2015 (edited) Name: Rasul Mo'Taki Relationship to IC Mo'Taki members: Zivas and Kai's brother, somewhat friendly with the cousins but never talked much. Already have Tajara Whitelist? yeppers. Job position you'll be applying for?: Plasma Researcher/Xenoarch Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) No. Short summary of your character: Rasul has a history with his family of being an extremely curious individual, often questioning things and demanding an answer be found some way. Rasul took particularly to stargazing, and worked as a shopkeepers apprentice in order to buy his own small telescope and saving up money for future education so that he could learn more. Rasul also took a particular liking to literature, and writing although it was something frowned upon generally in tajaran culture. In everyday family life, Rasul was somewhat of a loner, while actively being a part of the family, he preferred to immerse himself in studies of some kind unless he was needed. After saving money from working as a traders apprentice, he left home at the age of 20 to pursue a formal education, and with some approval borrowed money from his parents. He travelled to an advanced port city (i'll name it or find lore later) to major in physics, and a minor in astronomy. He graduated 5 years later with a bachelors level education in physics, and an undergraduates in astronomy. During the five years, Rasul immersed himself heavily in schoolwork, occassionally visiting family but for the most part focusing on schooling. Shortly after graduating, he was unsure of where to find work with knowledge such as his. Seeking some advice, he returned to Kal'Tiiv, and took up work as a lab assistant in an astronomy lab in a neighboring area, paying off some of the debt while providing money for himself and for classes in tau ceti basic. Shortly after Ziva had finished her engineeringRasul planned on leaving for work upon hearing that the job sector in Tau Ceti was high. Two years later, he left for Tau Ceti, shortly after Ziva upon hearing of Nanotrasen through his sister. He then applied to work for them, seeking to test his knowledge at a professional workplace. After basic evaluation and approval, he was sent to training courses in safe practices, and agreed to take xenoarchaeology courses as long as he worked partially at xenoarchaeology. After roughly eight months, he was transferred to the NSS Aurora to work mainly as a plasma researcher, early in 2457 at the age of 27. Notes: This is in no way, complete. Theres a lot of things i'll edit and re-do, or add. I'd also like to expand on his early life, and experiences with family so i can accurately provide rp based off of relationships with others, but in general this is just a basic guideline to his "story" of sorts. Thats all Edit: Fixed him being Karimas brother, now Zivas (I talked to sierra about it) Edited April 15, 2015 by Guest Quote
NebulaFlare Posted April 15, 2015 Author Posted April 15, 2015 Name: Uthal Mo'TakiRelationship to IC Mo'Taki members: His Brother is Ziva's Father making him her and Kai's Uncle. Already have Tajara Whitelist? Yes Job position you'll be applying for?: Chef/Bartender Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) He has had several minor charges including drunk and disorderly but nothing major or violent. Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) The youngest of his family, Uthal would spend most of his youth working in a tavern near the docks in Kal'tiv as a waiter and in the kitchen, eventually earning enough money to buy his own bar on the outskirts of the city. After several years of unsuccessfully running his own bar he fell into debt and ended up having to sell his beloved bar. Falling into a depression and feeling defeated he moved in with his Brother who told him that his daughter had began working on the Aurora and was sent to seek employment with them. His Brother hoped that Uthal would be able to turn his life around and at the same time keep an eye on his daughter; like all good Fathers he was worried about her safety. Can't do, sorry. Reason is because one of these days, I will bring Karima's older brother to the station as a cargo tech. Karima's immediate family is off-limits. :/ However, Uthal can be a cousin. Ziva's family isn't the only Mo'Taki. Quote
NebulaFlare Posted April 16, 2015 Author Posted April 16, 2015 Name: Rasul Mo'Taki Relationship to IC Mo'Taki members: Zivas and Kai's brother, somewhat friendly with the cousins but never talked much. Already have Tajara Whitelist? yeppers. Job position you'll be applying for?: Plasma Researcher/Xenoarch Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) No. Short summary of your character: Rasul has a history with his family of being an extremely curious individual, often questioning things and demanding an answer be found some way. Rasul took particularly to stargazing, and worked as a shopkeepers apprentice in order to buy his own small telescope and saving up money for future education so that he could learn more. Rasul also took a particular liking to literature, and writing although it was something frowned upon generally in tajaran culture. In everyday family life, Rasul was somewhat of a loner, while actively being a part of the family, he preferred to immerse himself in studies of some kind unless he was needed. After saving money from working as a traders apprentice, he left home at the age of 20 to pursue a formal education, and with some approval borrowed money from his parents. He travelled to an advanced port city (i'll name it or find lore later) to major in physics, and a minor in astronomy. He graduated 5 years later with a bachelors level education in physics, and an undergraduates in astronomy. During the five years, Rasul immersed himself heavily in schoolwork, occassionally visiting family but for the most part focusing on schooling. Shortly after graduating, he was unsure of where to find work with knowledge such as his. Seeking some advice, he returned to Kal'Tiiv, and took up work as a lab assistant in an astronomy lab in a neighboring area, paying off some of the debt while providing money for himself and for classes in tau ceti basic. Shortly after Ziva had finished her engineeringRasul planned on leaving for work upon hearing that the job sector in Tau Ceti was high. Two years later, he left for Tau Ceti, shortly after Ziva upon hearing of Nanotrasen through his sister. He then applied to work for them, seeking to test his knowledge at a professional workplace. After basic evaluation and approval, he was sent to training courses in safe practices, and agreed to take xenoarchaeology courses as long as he worked partially at xenoarchaeology. After roughly eight months, he was transferred to the NSS Aurora to work mainly as a plasma researcher, early in 2457 at the age of 27. Notes: This is in no way, complete. Theres a lot of things i'll edit and re-do, or add. I'd also like to expand on his early life, and experiences with family so i can accurately provide rp based off of relationships with others, but in general this is just a basic guideline to his "story" of sorts. Thats all Edit: Fixed him being Karimas brother, now Zivas (I talked to sierra about it) This has my vote, just gotta edit it to not be Karima's brother, and all set. Quote
SierraKomodo Posted April 16, 2015 Posted April 16, 2015 Name: Rasul Mo'Taki Relationship to IC Mo'Taki members: Zivas and Kai's brother, somewhat friendly with the cousins but never talked much. Already have Tajara Whitelist? yeppers. Job position you'll be applying for?: Plasma Researcher/Xenoarch Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) No. Short summary of your character: Rasul has a history with his family of being an extremely curious individual, often questioning things and demanding an answer be found some way. Rasul took particularly to stargazing, and worked as a shopkeepers apprentice in order to buy his own small telescope and saving up money for future education so that he could learn more. Rasul also took a particular liking to literature, and writing although it was something frowned upon generally in tajaran culture. In everyday family life, Rasul was somewhat of a loner, while actively being a part of the family, he preferred to immerse himself in studies of some kind unless he was needed. After saving money from working as a traders apprentice, he left home at the age of 20 to pursue a formal education, and with some approval borrowed money from his parents. He travelled to an advanced port city (i'll name it or find lore later) to major in physics, and a minor in astronomy. He graduated 5 years later with a bachelors level education in physics, and an undergraduates in astronomy. During the five years, Rasul immersed himself heavily in schoolwork, occassionally visiting family but for the most part focusing on schooling. Shortly after graduating, he was unsure of where to find work with knowledge such as his. Seeking some advice, he returned to Kal'Tiiv, and took up work as a lab assistant in an astronomy lab in a neighboring area, paying off some of the debt while providing money for himself and for classes in tau ceti basic. Shortly after Ziva had finished her engineeringRasul planned on leaving for work upon hearing that the job sector in Tau Ceti was high. Two years later, he left for Tau Ceti, shortly after Ziva upon hearing of Nanotrasen through his sister. He then applied to work for them, seeking to test his knowledge at a professional workplace. After basic evaluation and approval, he was sent to training courses in safe practices, and agreed to take xenoarchaeology courses as long as he worked partially at xenoarchaeology. After roughly eight months, he was transferred to the NSS Aurora to work mainly as a plasma researcher, early in 2457 at the age of 27. Notes: This is in no way, complete. Theres a lot of things i'll edit and re-do, or add. I'd also like to expand on his early life, and experiences with family so i can accurately provide rp based off of relationships with others, but in general this is just a basic guideline to his "story" of sorts. Thats all Edit: Fixed him being Karimas brother, now Zivas (I talked to sierra about it) This has my vote, just gotta edit it to not be Karima's brother, and all set. I'm good with it, too Quote
Kiwidaninja Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Words and applications and stuff! Sounds good. Im all for this. +1 Quote
Prospekt Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Name:Je'rian Mo'Taki Relationship to IC Mo'Taki members:Cousin Already have Tajara Whitelist? Yes. Job position you'll be applying for?: Shaft Miner. Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) Yes/No. It depends on the situation. Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) Je'rian, being a miner grew up mining in the cold mountains of Adhomai close to the nearby clan village of Mo'Taki where he grew up in as a proud member of the clan. After gaining plenty of experience within mining, he noticed that job openings were appearing within a company called Nanotrasen. Eager to expand his experience and join his fellow cousins, uncles, etc. In the space stations provided by Nanotrasen, he quickly signed up sent an application and was accepted for employment as a miner. Though, EVA mining was fairly new to him he had his practice in EVA courses in which he took through his employment before being put in an actual station. Mining on an asteroid, quite exciting, this was another motivation to the others. Quote
NebulaFlare Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 Alright, three votes can suffice and Firstact is accepted! I'll add him to the family list. Woo~ Name:Je'rian Mo'TakiRelationship to IC Mo'Taki members:Cousin Already have Tajara Whitelist? Yes. Job position you'll be applying for?: Shaft Miner. Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) Yes/No. It depends on the situation. Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) Je'rian, being a miner grew up mining in the cold mountains of Adhomai close to the nearby clan village of Mo'Taki where he grew up in as a proud member of the clan. After gaining plenty of experience within mining, he noticed that job openings were appearing within a company called Nanotrasen. Eager to expand his experience and join his fellow cousins, uncles, etc. In the space stations provided by Nanotrasen, he quickly signed up sent an application and was accepted for employment as a miner. Though, EVA mining was fairly new to him he had his practice in EVA courses in which he took through his employment before being put in an actual station. Mining on an asteroid, quite exciting, this was another motivation to the others. Hm, well, yeah I guess this can work. The Mo'Taki come from an industrialized port-town/city. But there could be small mines nearby. Quote
SierraKomodo Posted April 17, 2015 Posted April 17, 2015 Alright, three votes can suffice and Firstact is accepted! I'll add him to the family list. Woo~ Name:Je'rian Mo'TakiRelationship to IC Mo'Taki members:Cousin Already have Tajara Whitelist? Yes. Job position you'll be applying for?: Shaft Miner. Troublemaker with the spesslaw? (totally fine if you are) Yes/No. It depends on the situation. Short summary of your character: (You're family! It's a given that every Mo'Taki already know you before you step on station.) Je'rian, being a miner grew up mining in the cold mountains of Adhomai close to the nearby clan village of Mo'Taki where he grew up in as a proud member of the clan. After gaining plenty of experience within mining, he noticed that job openings were appearing within a company called Nanotrasen. Eager to expand his experience and join his fellow cousins, uncles, etc. In the space stations provided by Nanotrasen, he quickly signed up sent an application and was accepted for employment as a miner. Though, EVA mining was fairly new to him he had his practice in EVA courses in which he took through his employment before being put in an actual station. Mining on an asteroid, quite exciting, this was another motivation to the others. Hm, well, yeah I guess this can work. The Mo'Taki come from an industrialized port-town/city. But there could be small mines nearby. I actually specifically listed mining as one of the common occupations in the Kal'Tiiv lore application I'm working on, although Kal'Tiiv isn't a mountain city, it's an ocean-side city Quote
NebulaFlare Posted April 17, 2015 Author Posted April 17, 2015 You obviously know more about Kal'Tiiv than I do... Which is embarassing... Meep. Quote
NebulaFlare Posted April 21, 2015 Author Posted April 21, 2015 I'm gonna bump this. Prospekt has my +1, gonna need other Mo'Taki. Quote
SierraKomodo Posted April 21, 2015 Posted April 21, 2015 So just so I'll have the family tree right, is Je'Rian cousin to both Karima and Ziva? (Has different parents from those two), or Karima's cousin and Ziva's sibling? Quote
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