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Nerf the .357 revolver

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I know this will start arguments due to it's nature, but I have had enough.
The .357/Traitor revolver is ridiculous. It can remove limbs in one shot, or take someone entirely out of the round if you target the head. It's a pistol that does more damage than any rifle in the game, and shotguns too. It can be hidden in a holster or in a bag, and it's pretty cheap to get ammo for if you hack an autolathe or just visit Cargo for their inevitably hacked lathe. The revolver seems like a cheap fallback for bad traitors to use if their gimmick goes sideways, just grab it and start disabling all of Security with hand/foot gibbing.

Overall, I think that it shouldn't be powerful enough to break bones/gib limbs in one shot, if you want to do that it should be a weapon too large to fit in a bag. The hand cannon should be no more.

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