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Kaedwuff's Tajaran Application

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BYOND Key: Kaedwuff
Character Names:

Ssalashtar Intesski
Tazhir Kra'xis
Esisshesi Ssreshkor
Korassh Guwan
Ickthar Slithiss
Arizi Ezrsozal
Lsizu Roeuses
Srkirizi Zusios
Akso Slikku
Kaozrios Szu
Soelilol Ulze
Himari Kitaru
Sosilok Akhandi
Species you are applying to play: Hharar Tajara
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Gray with splotches of orange-brown.
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Initially, I went into this vaguely deciding to give myself the challenge of attaining whitelists for all the races, even if I have the intention of playing only unathi 99% of the time forever.  Then I discovered, regrettably, upon taking the time to actually reading the tajaran lore that... I found myself enjoying the idea of playing this character I had constructed in my head while reading about tajarans.  And thus my decent into becoming total furry trash has begun. 

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

In some senses, the culture of the tajaran species resembles older version of humanity, during the period where many kingdoms in Europe and Asia were all warring with each other over political and religious agendas, except that it diverges significantly in their past because somehow the aristocracy managed to coast along as bedrock solid rulers of an increasingly stilted caste system with hardly even a revolution for over two millennia, despite their abuses of the commoners and the constant suppression of technology and learning while still using it for themselves.  In their lore I see echoes of the same European colonialist-american mindset that also plagues unathi lore, Except in this case taken to an even greater extreme, in that their entire world was as frozen in culture as it was in temperature until Mankind and their socioeconomic interests appeared from on high, whereupon their entire unsustainable society immediately shatters and fractures into several large tribes, as if nothing significant could have developed in their society without the intervention of europe humans.

In any case, from a mechanical standpoint some of the primary differences between humans and tajarans is their biological tolerances. They evolved to be omnivores on a planet so cold liquid water doesn't even exist outside the equator, and as such, they have heavy fur to keep them alive in the cold, which does not handle well in the heat.  Everyone knows this already though, along with that they can claw like unathi, move faster, and rrroll their rrr sounds.

Of significantly more interest to me is the effect their long-standing caste system has had on their ethnic profiling.  Whereas today - at least in the US, where I live - the color of one's skin has only moderate bearings on one's social status and roles one can perform, tajaran society has stratified their racial differences and colors to an extreme level, with four primary 'races', each of which tended to have a specific role in the social structure.  In modern times, these racial roles have blurred slightly, but it is such a recent development that I expect there are still people who consider Njarir'Akhran to be oppressors or rulers, just by virtue of their bloodline, along with other stereotypes, such as that Zhan-Khazan are dumb brutes.  In a sense, they've somewhat managed to breed themselves like humans did cats and dogs on earth.

I had originally thought that unathi had a lot of languages with the whole two they have, but it seems all this time tajarans have had a whopping 5, an amount of cultural diversity that boggles my mind and makes me wonder why other races don't have this much communication diversity.  Oh well, I guess the furries just developed them more out of preferential treatment. :')

Character Name: Hraahzau Muhurrharl

Please provide a short backstory for this character

Several generations back in Hraahzau's family tree, decades before the cultural upheaval that resulted from the arrival of humanity, one of Hraahzau's grandmothers had a highly scandalous tryst with a member of the nobility and produced a son from the union. It was never particularly clear if their meeting was consensual or not, for though it is said his Hharar grandmother never claimed to have been forced into it, there were many that were certain and vocal about their opinion that she had been forced to say that due to the relative difference in social power and fear of being executed.  In any case, the Njarir'Akhran blood in his family line was long a point of contention both by nobility, who considered them mongrels, and everyone else who felt repressed by the Njarir'Akhran, who were not impressed with their connection to the upper class.

Over time, the obvious signs of their shameful heritage faded as more Hharar blood in their line diluted the obvious signs of noble blood, and his most recent grandfather moved their family decades ago from their original home in Das'nrra to the island of Amohda, where they could begin blending in with the other Hharar and start a new life where they would be less persecuted. This worked well for one generation and through the arrival of humanity and subsequent civil war, and the land that they lived on became part of the People's Republic of Adhomai.  Unfortunately, in this climate of anti-nobility sentiment, Hraahzau was born, his body unfortunately marked with a display of recessive genetics surfacing in the form of large splotches of orange-brown on his gray fur that clearly marked his Njarir'Akhran heritage to everyone in their new community.  As such, he spent the decade and half of his life after he was born a social outcast to nearly other Hharar his age, along with their parents, who reinforced his pariah status instead of trying to curtail it.  Only his own family was particularly supportive of him, though it was clear to him by the time he was a teenager that they found the embarrassment caused by him to be frustrating.  

When he was 14, whispers began to arise of a new nation forming that promised them a better life, and by the time that the New Kingdom of Adhomai declared its rebellion, much of his family was ready to support the rebellion, and his uncle and two of his brothers left to help fight the PRA, while the rest stayed behind with, uncertain on whether they wanted to commit against fighting what seemed to them to be such an unwinnable fight.  The NKA rebellion won part of the island of Amohda north of where Hraahzau's family lived, but neither his brothers nor his uncle returned from the fighting, and the rest of the family became self-justified in their desire to remain with the PRA as a result.

Nearly a decade later, the PRA began a draft and a campaign against certain members of their society.  The deviancy of homosexuality was put forward as a reason for the concentration camps that sprang up, but it was clear that some of the people sent there were apprehended under false accusations to get rid of political enemies.  And so, in 2058, when Hraahzau was in his early twenties, some of his peers who resented him for having noble blood pressured him into getting drunk enough to pass out, then claimed that he had attempted homosexual advances on them while inebriated. Hraahzau was arrested and sent to a camp where he was forcibly 're-educated' against his supposedly deviant nature despite his claims that he had done no such thing and was not homosexual.  When the concentration camp project was disbanded a year later, Hraahzau was returned home, but he had not gotten through his ordeal unscathed - he had lost one of his arms due to the terrible treatment he experienced.

When the NKA and PRA lost the island of Amohda in 2060, his family was finally forced to relocate.  With their soured opinion of the PRA government after their treatment of Hraahzau, the family reevaluated their previous decisions and left for the New Kingdom lands instead of staying behind as the Democratic People's Republic of Adhomai occupied the island.  After settling into lands near Dymtris, Hraahzau's family found their quality of life significantly improved due to the more nobility-friendly culture of the New Kingdom territory, and they finally began to develop a sense of national pride. Hraahzau shared that pride, but strongly felt that he did not want to live on Adhomai anymore, at least for a while.  After many arguments with his family, he finally convinced them to let him leave for a term of employment in human space, and he left along with one of the many groups of tajaran laborers being contracted to Nanotrasen in the illustrious position of janitorial staff.

What do you like about this character? Honestly, I just wanted to explore a character who got blasted by some of the choicer aspects of tajaran culture, without making them a total pity magnet that moans about their fate, along with really wanting to make someone who got hurt by the gay gulags arc without actually being a homocat.  Also, I wanted to make a tajaran with a hard to pronounce name that won't change it to a human-style name uwu

How would you rate your role-playing ability?



Someone suggested I add more about his employment history with NT, but I imagined him as a very recent arrival, and assumed that aside from being assigned as a bottom rung janitor after passing his language classes and stuff, he's extremely new to human space and doesn't need a whole lot of employment history.  If required I can add more though ;s

Edited by Kaed

Nice Application and a very real story, double points because it’s not another war orphan. 


I like Ike the character and I think kaed can handle being a filthy furry.


I have a couple of questions and things to adress before I can make a decision;

The first thing is the name, which seems to be a single word. The tajaran society is based around familes, so, it would make sense for them to have a first name and a surname. What is his surname? I might be mistaken, and his surname might just be muhurrharl, in that case it would just be Hraahzau Muhurrharl, instead of all of it just being held together by an apostrophe.

Second, what tajaran religion does he follows?

And third; what exactly are his objectives with moving to Tau Ceti? Is he after money, a better life or something else?

34 minutes ago, Alberyk said:

I have a couple of questions and things to adress before I can make a decision;

The first thing is the name, which seems to be a single word. The tajaran society is based around familes, so, it would make sense for them to have a first name and a surname. What is his surname? I might be mistaken, and his surname might just be muhurrharl, in that case it would just be Hraahzau Muhurrharl, instead of all of it just being held together by an apostrophe.

Second, what tajaran religion does he follows?

And third; what exactly are his objectives with moving to Tau Ceti? Is he after money, a better life or something else?

The name stems from a misunderstanding by me on their naming structure, I guess I thought somewhere they separate their names with an apostrophe.  His surname is indeed Muhurrharl. 

I don't consider him to be particularly religious, but I suppose having some basic shared familial belief in S'rand'marr would be appropriate.  Unlike unathi, tajarans have never struck me as particularly inclined to mysticism on a racial level.  Their society is definitely shaped by their religion in how regimented they are, and they might make prayers when stressed, but they don't have the same feel as unathi, who collectively just have a much more spiritual vibe to their person than tajara.   I might be wrong, but the key difference between unathi believing their ancestors stay nearby to watch over them is more concrete than just a vague concept of Messa taking everyone away to the 'Forever'.

He is in Tau Ceti because he is exhausted with living on Adomhai.  He wants a better life, but he left with the plan of coming back eventually, maybe when all the wars and politics are sorted out.  

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