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Make getting laptop programs easier


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So my suggestion involves two possible changes that I think are low impact but nice quality of life changes that should be rather easy to implement.

As is, laptops are wonderful for letting some jobs like Medical roam about the station where they would otherwise be tethered to medbay lest they risk missing injured people on CMC. This could actually free a ton of jobs up, including Warden, but currently doesn't because it's so difficult to get vital programs onto a laptop despite the programs being ID locked in general.

So my suggestion is one of these two: Either add portable storage devices to the laptop vendor (maybe comes with the laptop if we want to be lazy), so that you can copy programs from your work terminal (such as warrant assistant, camera monitoring, etc).

Or, allow us to download most/all programs via NTNet's download software tool. It seems really odd that it's as hard as it is to get access to these programs considering the programs are already locked to your ID.

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2 minutes ago, GreenBoi said:

Isn't that in place with departamental laptops?

No. There's massive holes in department laptops. The security one only has camera control, no warrant assistant or alarm monitoring. The rest are mostly fine, but I believe some departments lack cargo ordering oddly enough.

Edited by Nantei
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On 24/07/2019 at 02:37, Nantei said:

No. There's massive holes in department laptops. The security one only has camera control, no warrant assistant or alarm monitoring. The rest are mostly fine, but I believe some departments lack cargo ordering oddly enough.

Well, then those holes should probs be filled instead.

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I'd be fine with that as well. I primarily like laptops for their ability to unchain certain jobs from their departments when they aren't pressingly needed there. Warden, doctors, etc. So if we had those two programs added to the security preset that would fix it too.

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