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[Denied] LordPwner's IPC Application

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BYOND Key: LordPwner

Character Names: 

Uriel J. Evans

Zane T. Miller (Vol. Miller)

Raul Callaghan

Data DG D-291:M-A (Borg/AI/pAI)

C/Tpr. Knight

Pebbles On the River Bed. 

Raven Evans.

Species you are applying to play:  IPC/Human Shell, 

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: N/A

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?:

I've read over it yes and it's a big part of why I picked the Shell instead of the G2. Thought Zeng Hu's mobility model was tempting. 

One paragraph minimum per question. Why do you wish to play this specific race: 

I want to be someone's total bitch. I wish to play the IPC race to build off the now closed ideals of the SIF attacks. IPC's have this interesting ideal where they have human intelligence, sometimes beyond Unless you're study bot. Yet they have a servitude class and/or second-class citizenship. They are basically branded and forced to work for their builders till they pay off their debt or rest in endless serving. They also can have an easier emotional disconnect which can be interesting. Acting in part by the will of their owners and their commands. While being smart enough to know right from wrong. Much like the Overmind from Starcraft before Kerrigan took over the swarm. It was bound to do Amon's will, yet was smart enough to recognize slavery. 

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: 

Well a few things actually. You don't feel pain, it's just not in your programming. You don't eat or drink. The kitchen is useless to you, you however touch an APC to top off. You have EMP's to be fully scared of because holy shit instant or close to instant death. As above, you're tagged. You are literally property or if free, still seen as lesser. So expression or free-flow thought would be limited and later increased with the great error of human interaction. Think "Detroit Become Human", robotic till pushed or programmed human from the start. It's an interesting ideal. Knowing your skill sets and role the instant you are informed.. Not having a childhood or parents. 

Character Name: Data 

Please provide a short backstory for this character:

Data physical model was constructed in the year 2458, a year after the Terraneus Diagnostics when the Shell was made perfect. The Data Department Generalization programming was transcribed to fit and function without laws and instructed on basics of humanity, and the laws of the Grand Republic of Biesel by Nanotrasen's Research Departments. The Data programmed, officially named Data DG D-292:M-S or wrote out: Data Department Generalization. Designation-292:Model: Shell. This however was shortened to "Data" to help appear more human. Data was installed into the shell body to better function in it's new role: Coperate Consular Officer or Internal Affairs.

Since Data has been constructed recently and has been adapted from old programming He has had to under-go minor physical education. After this he has been adapted to fill the lacking role of the Internal Affairs Office of Nanotrasen. Aboard the N.S.S Upsilon to help and insist. It has recently been ordered to transfer to the N.S.S Aurora II to help handle the large amounts of staff complaints coming up through the chain of command towards central.

What do you like about this character? 

Data is the type of employee who will sit down and walk employees step by step through a reporting process but in the same breath also report them for slandering the company on the spot. His whole goal is to streamline the company's morale and handle as many issues as possible. 

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

7/10 I've got a lot of experience but still slip up, though I'm getting better at catching myself :D 


I think I covered it all above. Please leave your feedback and help me to improve it!

Edited by kyres1

It's Urinal Evans. Good meme, good RP, good command member. Honestly only a few who can constantly deliver that good RP and decision making while still making the round fun for antags and crew.

That said, what's up with your backstorry?

On 29/08/2019 at 02:11, LordPwner said:

Data is the type of employee who will sit down and walk employees step by step through a reporting process but in the same breath also report them for slandering the company on the spot. His whole goal is to streamline the company's morale and handle as many issues as possible. 

That and the backstorry... why do you want to suffer?

No seriously. If you will enjoy this character I'm giving you the +1 with all my heart, but I seriously would get bored to hell. Welp,  maybe I'll learn how to enjoy the paperworks from you  :)





5 hours ago, Cnaym said:


That said, what's up with your backstorry?


Partly it was written at 2AM on a caffeine high. And well.. I'll just be upfront about it. I'm shit with backstories. I'm still tossing and turning about Zane's backstory. I normally find myself molding it into a better version of it self through RP. I don't know why my brain just can't be like, "It work like this, this what it be." It's just.. Not something I can do well to be frank. If you note my Dionae app you'll see the horror of that.

But it's just a main baseline (See what I did there?) to build from and start developing as time goes on. 


Alright, I'm here, right on time as usual.

Let's start from the beginning. I like you as a player, and think that despite your mistakes and sometimes odd gameplay, you're ultimately just playing in good faith to have fun yourself and help everyone else do the same. There's still room for improvement as can be said for everyone, but because of all that I'm going to disregard your present RP - it doesn't seem too relevant to the application currently imho.


On 28/08/2019 at 19:11, LordPwner said:

Acting in part by the will of their owners and their commands. While being smart enough to know right from wrong. Much like the Overmind from Starcraft before Kerrigan took over the swarm. It was bound to do Amon's will, yet was smart enough to recognize slavery. 

This is good. I like this comparison, and being up-front with what exactly you're imposing your character over is always nice to both get a point across and level with how you perceive this. In this case, I'm more than happy to perceive an IPC as just that - quite a smart slave, one whose free will simply ends up being governed by whatever is directly a threat to its self-preservation. Don't misinterpret that as solely a combat thing, though - many people see "self preservation" as simply a BS prevention method to crack down on IPCs killing themselves for valids. It's been expanded upon for a reason, and the yearning to not die that IPCs definitely experience is something that can drive much of any story relating to freedom should one think on it just a little.

On 28/08/2019 at 19:11, LordPwner said:

Well a few things actually. You don't feel pain, it's just not in your programming. You don't eat or drink. The kitchen is useless to you, you however touch an APC to top off. You have EMP's to be fully scared of because holy shit instant or close to instant death. As above, you're tagged. You are literally property or if free, still seen as lesser. So expression or free-flow thought would be limited and later increased with the great error of human interaction. Think "Detroit Become Human", robotic till pushed or programmed human from the start. It's an interesting ideal. Knowing your skill sets and role the instant you are informed.. Not having a childhood or parents. 

A big thing on the IPC page is that these things are not only made abundantly clear, but are obvious in the very summary of the IPC page itself. Not to pull a "haha, you should've read better!" card here, what I moreso mean is that I have often denied applications for not trying to do anything unique in this category. The lack of an attempt implies they're simply addressing the IPCs at face value, and that being robusto bots. Again, not saying that is your reasoning here, but I'm explaining mine.

As well, "robotic till pushed or programmed human from the start" is not applicable. See this :

"It is important to understand what emotions can truly be considered “natural” for a Human over a synthetic. IPCs may simulate emotion with immensely varying quality between models. There is no action without reaction and even the most complex positronics work in a binary format. As such, IPCs almost never have childish and unpredictable dispositions."

I should make this the title of a section, because it is unbelievably important. The biggest issue with IPCs has always ultimately been this - players, naturally responding like Humans, in situations where they are playing robots. Unless you are an antagonist (and even then, I have punished for poor antagonist behavior from IPCs too) there is quite literally no way around this.

What I do for many whitelisted folks is explain to them quite thoroughly to "think of a reason for everything before you do it," and by that, I mean literally everything. Every tiny action you take governed by some degree of reason. The fact that you're slowed down makes you seem more like a robot anyway, but once you get up and used to it, it's no big deal. The moment you end up disregarding this, you're going down a slippery slope of declining RP standards and what IPC devs like to call "human+" behavior (Excessive force or slander as a security officer IPC is one I often see here.)

On 28/08/2019 at 19:11, LordPwner said:

Data physical model was constructed in the year 2458, a year after the Terraneus Diagnostics when the Shell was made perfect. The Data Department Generalization programming was transcribed to fit and function without laws and instructed on basics of humanity, and the laws of the Grand Republic of Biesel by Nanotrasen's Research Departments. The Data programmed, officially named Data DG D-292:M-S or wrote out: Data Department Generalization. Designation-292:Model: Shell. This however was shortened to "Data" to help appear more human. Data was installed into the shell body to better function in it's new role: Coperate Consular Officer or Internal Affairs.

Since Data has been constructed recently and has been adapted from old programming He has had to under-go minor physical education. After this he has been adapted to fill the lacking role of the Internal Affairs Office of Nanotrasen. Aboard the N.S.S Upsilon to help and insist. It has recently been ordered to transfer to the N.S.S Aurora II to help handle the large amounts of staff complaints coming up through the chain of command towards central.

This backstory itself is quite brief but, you're pretty understanding of the lore labels and how they work.

On 28/08/2019 at 19:11, LordPwner said:

Data is the type of employee who will sit down and walk employees step by step through a reporting process but in the same breath also report them for slandering the company on the spot. His whole goal is to streamline the company's morale and handle as many issues as possible. 

See your former statement in the "Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human" section.

Specifically, I mean - "robotic till pushed or programmed human from the start," again. This is contradictory - implying to me that the most robotic character was chosen for an applicant that fundamentally doesn't quite understand yet what that really means. I'm inclined to believe this was for ease of writing the backstory. I don't expect a creative writing essay but two paragraphs can contain more than just "bot made, bot go here, bot go there."

However, with what I've said above, I'm confident you'll understand exactly what I'm trying to convey and there will be no issue with understanding robotic behavior on our server. I'm going to deny this application for now, to give you at the very least a few days to think on it - you're free to reapply after a week's time so long as the application takes into account the contents of this reply.

Application denied.

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