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Nai Eresh'Wake's Starvoid gear


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Byond key: Jamchop23334

Discord key: JamOfBoy#8297

Character Name: Nai Eresh'Wake


starvoid blindfold

Item function: The starvoid blindfold would function like regular blindfolds currently in the code, however they would have one exception - this character specifically is not blinded by it. @geeves crafted some snowflake code for this, a big thanks to them.

    name = "[placeholder] psionic blindfold"
    desc = "[placeholder] only a trained stand user can see through this"
    icon_state = "placeholder"
    item_state = "placeholder"
    tint = TINT_BLIND
    drop_sound = 'sound/items/drop/gloves.ogg'

/obj/item/clothing/glasses/sunglasses/blindfold/fluff/psionic/equipped(mob/M as mob, slot)
    if (M.ckey == "jamchop23334")
        tint = TINT_NONE
        tint = TINT_BLIND

Item description: An ethereal purple blindfold, woven from an incredibly soft yet durable silk. The faintest of light shines through, shading your darkened vision in a haze of purple.

Item appearance: 



starvoid gloves

Item function: No function. Merely gloves. 

Item description: An ethereal purple set of fingerless evening gloves, secured at the middle finger by a lace, with the palms exposed. The fabric is soft silk of some kind.

Item appearance: 



Why is your character bringing this item to work? They wear the blindfold non-stop in an attempt to attune and strengthen their psionic power, by turning it into something fluid and natural. Like a blind man may hear grains of sand shift in a gentle breeze, Nai hopes to recreate a similar effect with telepathy, the Wake, and the Dream.

How did your character obtain this item (1 paragraph or more please): The ones curious about the psionic limitations - the incapability to penetrate space, the similarities to slimes and their telepathy - would often find themselves down a path that lead to a certain banned faith. Nai had always been curious; finding this movement at an impressionable age only dug them in deeper. It offered friends, family, and a sense of excitement. Science explains the world, but something about their psionic abilities seemed beyond it, tied to other phenomena in ways they've been unable to explain. It was here that Nai partook of a method of training - under the illusion of an old fashion movement in public, of course. Provided, and unique to this faith; a blindfold. Obscuring vision forces the wearer to see in other ways. Woven from the same cloth, gloves, solidifying a deception, and a reminder of their family.

What value does this item have to your character, and what story does it tell? (2 paragraphs here please): In the underbelly of Federation society dwells oddities, many of which are faced with eradication from Federal uniformity. To associate with some of these garners risks, should you not take precautions. Sleep in the wrong spot, an innocent enough action, and you may find yourself at the end of a lengthy bill, sincerely from the Jargon Federation. To break bans is to pay up, yet who better to weave their way through the Dream's psionic honesty than those who relentlessly strive to strengthen their telepathic sense? A small part scientific, large part religious movement, this faith lurks inside the Federation's underbelly, practising the growth of psionic potential via methods foreign to mainstream society.

Young for a skrell, Nai is doing an altered form of training, said to improve the speed of use of psionic abilities, even allowing some to telepathically communicate without needing to touch their temples. Obstructing one of the senses - usually vision or hearing - can force the body to depend on means to compensate. Escaped to the alien stars, Nai now finds themselves in a place where they do not need to be so secretive. The risk is still present, by all means, but by pushing relentlessly toward their goal of conquering the space-based limitations of the Wake and telepathy, they may not need to go home to see their friends and family once again. They will always retain a memento of the order that welcomed them.

How will you use this to better interact with crew and/or stimulate RP? Nai now holds a slightly elevated sense of freedom - while the threat of the Federation is still present, their grasp is weaker. Here there may be destitute and lost skrell, yearning for the same purpose Nai once needed. A good preaching costs nothing, after all. Aside from this, Nai is technically blind with the blindfold on - this carries it's own RP merit. Reliance on others for certain tasks may be required. Explaining the purpose of such an item, it's origin, and likewise Nai's, I feel could heavily influence the perspective of skrell psionics on players, showing it's potential to be much more spiritually inclined.

Sprites: I have a DMI ready, containing item and mob sprites.

Additional Comments: thank you geeves and abo for helping - geeves for code and abo for lore and approving the concept. I am fully open to suggestions because god knows I've made a fool of skrell lore somewhere and or have created a massive snowflake.

In case anyone has any wonders, I did consult Drago/Lady Fowl if an application involving unique code was valid, and they approved this, however I did word what the code did slightly different in my discussion with them.

Edited by JamOfBoy
random images at the bottom that i thought i deleted
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