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Mod Complaint - TBear

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: SatinsPrist666
Staff BYOND Key: TBear
Game ID: Game ID: b29-dquv
Reason for complaint:

Shuttle ride home after a heist round. Some chucklefucky stuff happening on the shuttle with disarms. Some chucklefucky things happening on the Odin with a shirtless Chip and Dale Bartender, a man roaming around with a bleeding head wound, and some dude just power slamming drinks till he blacks out.

Typical end of round crap. RP is there, but it isn't the highest quality you'll ever see.

On the shuttle, someone in LOOC mentioned IPC ERP and my response was to "not lewd Zenus". It was a joke. You could easily tell it was a joke. ICly, Manfred Hayden responded with "lewds the IPC" and I responded back with "/hates/"

We've seen this kind of joke a hundred times before. I've witnessed meme-y'er crap come from mod players.  It's round end. It's a small joke we do (and quite a few regulars do it often enough). Someone ahelps it because... I don't know. They felt for SOME REASON that broke their immersion but the shit going on around us didn't. TBear takes it upon himself to "crack down the whip" and note the player over this.

But he doesn't note ME for doing the same. No, for some reason, Nikov got a PERMANENT NOTE for this, but the hundreds of other times I've witnessed it (and the time I DID IT AT THE SAME TIME NIKOV DID IT) don't get noted.

I feel like this is over-kill for a mod. It was a joke during a somewhat chaotic shuttle ride, and in no way did it break immersion worse than the things we let slide by on the Odin that same shift. It was a non-factor, and really shouldn't have been noted about. It feels less like a "hey, this is a serious offense" and more like a mod just trying to throw their weight around.

Did it break rules? Yes. Have we seen it happen before and nothing happen? Of course we have. I didn't get noted for it. I want to know why the situation wasn't looked in to properly. Why I wasn't spoken to. Why TBear just perma noted a player for something so TRIVIAL and what was obviously a 4th wall break at round end.

I'd like to know why Niklov was treated different than other players.
Evidence/logs/etc: Additional remarks:

Edited by SatinsPristOTD
Nikov needs an L, and you can't change my mind. Edited the ckey name

The answer is simple: someone ahelped about this. Staff can't see everything that is happening, that is why we always tell people to ahelp. We don't really see everything happening, and if we see something that is rule breaking, staff should handle it.


Then the situation wasn't investigated into properly. All he had to do was scroll up in chat and see it occurring from both sides.

A side was taken here. And it wasn't okay.


Can you explain what exactly do you mean by occuring from both sides? The looc stuff?

Also, all notes are permanents here. But, no, I don't see any real evidence of people going after him, because, as I explained; someone ahelped that, the mod did was not ghosting over them or searching the chat for them doing something wrong.


It came from both me and Nikov. It was said meer /seconds/ after one another. Are you telling me he didn't scroll up to even confirm the truth behind the ahelp?

If he had, he'd have seen us BOTH do it. Choosing not to ahelp me and note me for doing the exact same thing is picking a side.

I'd rather have a note than witness double standards. If you get on to one person for it, EVERYONE that does it needs to be done the same way.


Okay, but you said it in looc, ak local OUT OF CHARACTER. While he did an emote, aka: an ic action.

As you said, he broke the fourth wall, and the rules are clear:


You must maintain character at ALL TIMES. No suiciding to leave the round (ghost or use cryogenic storage), and no random grief at round end. Avoid chucklefucking. (Check the glossary for a definition.)



Uh no. I did the same thing, ICly. TBear would have seen it, had he confirmed the ahelp was true to begin with.

This points out he didn't check to see... because our responses were just seconds apart.

And that's even worse, in my opinion. The fact that an ahelp wasn't even properly looked in to.


Hey hey people, Tbear here.


So what happened is pretty simple. We got an ahelp about Nikov's character saying something ICly which, obviously, didn't belong in IC chat. I took the ahelp, scrolled up to look at the chat and then I PMed him about it, and asked him not to do it again. The note was added so other staff could see the basics of what happened, if it ever becomes a problem again, because as you said it did break the rules, despite being minor.


As for not scrolling up or playing favorites, I'm sorry it feels that way, but that isn't what was happening. My byond was screwed up and my chat box was being glitchy, so I scrolled up far enough to make sure he said it, and then I PMed him. I didn't go out of my way to look for context, because I was only searching for the one log that was reported in the ahelp. Like I told you in discord, my byond was glitchy and I had logs going by very quickly, so a couple of seconds apart might have been 15 or 20 messages before what he said.



Manfred Hayden lewds the IPC.
Zenus 632 /hates/.

None of that is in character. You can tell both of them are jokes towards the LOOC. It happened seconds apart. It would have been seen had this been looked in to properly.


Well, from what I am seeing, it was after. Still, I don't see how the fact he did not see your emote or noted it is sign of him trying to his weight around or of nikov being persecuted. Because, as I said, people only ahelped about him, but, yes, I will add a note to your account then. Don't use emotes to this kind of stuff.


The POINT is, if you're going to permanently note a player for something, at least investigate the issue properly. If you're having issues to where you can't do it properly, have someone else do it.

Because it looks BAD to note a player for something, and not do it for the other person directly involved in the situation.


So who was the offended party who had their immersion broken by our end-of-round joke while people were wrestling, hacking shuttle doors and taking clothes off?


That is what you see, but this is what staff would see if they had all emotes/radio and etc on.


So, yes, I guess you could have missed it due to all stuff happening. Sorry, but I don't see any real evidence that people were biased due to the player in question. This claim could have some weight if it was not ahelped by some player, but that is not the case.

1 minute ago, Nikov said:

So who was the offended party who had their immersion broken by our end-of-round joke while people were wrestling, hacking shuttle doors and taking clothes off?

It is in the server rules.


You must maintain character at ALL TIMES. No suiciding to leave the round (ghost or use cryogenic storage), and no random grief at round end. Avoid chucklefucking. (Check the glossary for a definition.)



Note me. Lock this.

Next time, properly investigate an issue. It would have taken a second longer to see mine right below that.

It does look like you're choosing favorites when you note one person guilty, but not the other. Had I been noted, I wouldn't have bothered with the complaint.

It was unfair to Nikov.


Seven lines of text there.

Okay, nobody reported it, it was simply against the rules. I'm just curious why the chucklefucking was two innocuous emotes that round and not wresting, shirtless people and hacking into an airlock on the transfer shuttle.




It just seems like a really minor thing to note someone over, when there's naked people running around at the same time. Honestly Tbear, you seemed fair enough. But since you made a permanent note how do I not make an appeal? If you took the 'yeah, its minor, a word or two is enough' approach, we wouldn't be here. But you want to make a permanent note, so I have to make a permanent counterpoint. This is such a minor offense as to be a joke that this was acted on.



Well, I don't see any real malicious intent here from him, sure he could have looked into it more. And as I explained, if anyone has an issue, feel free to ahelp. Staff will usually step in if they see something that is clearly against the rules. 

Anway, the note is staying, and I will talk to tbear about this.


I'd just like to see a little more "did you know how fast you were going" policing, and less dragging people to traffic court to contest the mile-over tickets.


Not sure what you are talking about, because if you read the rules, you will find out the following about the notes:


Verbal Warning/Warning: A warning is the lightest type of punishment we will dispense. Generally, this means you'll be informed of the rule you've broken, and we'll let you resume playing after you ensure us you won't break the rule again.

If he warned or banned you, sure, that would be bad, but he told you to don't do it and put a note on your record.

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