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Revert Cynam's ruling on balaclavas

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The balaclava as a "visual" item will be clearly forbidden and handled via IC means. That means it has been removed from the cargo menu for now. It also means that the HoSs and captains will be taken into the responsibility of making sure the regulations are followed (as should be done by them any way) and anyone can point out that an officer is breaking the regulation and should be charged. That means if a reporter takes a picture of you with the thing on, you done goofed and can be charged for it.

Removing an item that exists for aesthetic only from the cargo list, makes absolutely no sense. Simply outline that balaclavas are not a part of the standard uniform, and only authorized on higher code levels. Also make them all cost the same. They have no armor values IIRC, and cover where a more useful gasmask could be. They shouldn't be expensive.

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