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Diggiez Finally Flicks Back Everyone's Scales- Unathi Whitelist App

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BYOND Key: diggiez

Character Names: Ka'Akaix'Wxkri C'thur, Ka'Akaix'Tunz K'lax, Za'Akaix'Akqrz C'thur, [about 8 drones here], Goddess Protects Everyone, Scoops, IU-24335 Merq

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Some form of Gray, yet to decide.

Have you read our lore section's page on this species: Isn't this kind of required? Kind of redundant as a question.

 Why do you wish to play this specific race: I'll be honest and say that I don't really like warrior/honor-based races- I find honor too restrictive/obvious and warriors too bland and annoying, but if there's anything in such systems I can stand without knowing why: it's the priests and religions. I adore the theological notions Unathi have, and they're just about the main reason I decided to go for this; nothing else was enough to take me in.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Sinta'Unathi are technologically more primitive than other species (namely skrell, humans, and vaurcae with an e to signify plurality because everyone seems to forget the plural is with an e) and have based their society mainly on some sense of honor and faith. Those that break faith, are sometimes seen without honor and those that break honor- are sometimes seen failing faith. The general feudalistic system Sinta follow on Moghes seems to be a mix of faith and honor itself- where priests are higher than simple laborers and courageous warriors while the Leading Noblemen stay on top.


Much more recently, fallout from the Contact War scarred both the lands and minds of Moghes- leading to the creation and rise of the Si'akh and Aut'akh cults as well as the irradiated areas that lead to a new generation of mutated and generally-ill children; interspecies efforts have been had to fix the planet, but nothing will ever restore the planet to its old self- not in the short-term, at least.



Character Name: Donsun Ezalrai


Please provide a short backstory for this character (Approximately two paragraphs)

Donsun walked the lands as a newer priest filled with stalwart hopes of becoming a missionary for the Sk'akh Church. The Sinta was naturally humble, talking mostly with his voice and body than with any items or armaments; he personally focused on aquaculture and general fishing- having the belief that fresh and untainted meats would sway the less-fortunate Wastelanders to the light of Sk'akh. He dressed a bit leisurely, to ease the feelings of both the strangers he would talk to and himself, so all talks would feel more natural. Donsun did every small thing they believed was needed for spreading Sk'akh, all in the name of the Great Spirit and to spread good words of the Hegemony to the tainted wastes.


The Church saw the Sinta admirable in his efforts and potentially powerful in his practices, so they gave him a chance with a task suited for future missionaries: he was to travel by the mountains and move through the cities Bahard, Res'karum, and Mudki-- he was to talk down the collections of Si'akh growing there and bring them back to their senses. Clothed as barely a priest, he would enter these cells of Si'akh and show small acts of kindness apart of a longer plan to convert back the Si'akh. With each person Ezalrai believed they saved and brought back to the light of Sk'akh, he'd kindly ask them to head to the nearest Sk'akh church and tell the priests he sent them, and that the Church wished to know.


By the end of Ezalrai's little journey, the Church told they had gotten over thirty or so individual Sinta that came and talked of him bringing them back to the light of Sk'akh, away from the reaches of the cult. It was now that the priest was a full missionary, moving through the harsh sands of the wastelands and the soft soil of Hegemony territory- doing the best he could to sway everyone in. Sometime by 2455, the priest spread his mission to the stars- leaving behind Moghes for the Hegemony-less prospects that lied beyond.


What do you like about this character?

Ezalrai is pretty leisurely in their priesthood- opting to seem more like the average Sinta to gain their trust and friendship. I like forcing two, almost juxtaposing forces and ideals that also compliment each other in different scenarios and aspects. As a general missionary, they want to spread the word of Sk'akh to as many as possible, so they kind of need to fit in- but they also need to retain the honor of a Priest, so they kind of mix it in different parts.


How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I think, from now on- I'm going to answer exactly this for this section, for any future apps because I can never answer this in anyway that isn't this. I don't like using numerical values because they always feel like a lie, and using words always feels too pat-on-the-back/exaggerated, so I'll just say what I know. I can get into the mindset of my characters fairly easily and always try to assume/think from their perspective and from how they'd feel; I use small bits of wikilore I remember reading that no one ever talks about, to get them to be known more and I try to never consider my characters from a human perspective. I see them entirely from how their race would see them and, therefore, how they would see themself.


Notes: I expect at least five comments about me never playing and trying to app for a species. You have until this is accepted or denied, people. Also, I know the backstory probably rushes a bit FFW at the end,

Posted (edited)

Hey there! I'm always thrilled to see new interest in Unathi and your answers outlining their differences from humans as well as your general character concept all check out, so nice job. I just had some questions to pick your brain on a few more details of Donsun's early life and motivations.

  1. What was his childhood like? Did any of it contribute to why he so totally devotes himself to the Church?
  2. The Contact War is a huge piece of Unathi history, as you mentioned, so what was Donsun's experience with it? Did he lose anyone to the war? Have any strong opinions toward the Hegemony/Traditionalists who basically scourged Moghes with their fighting?
  3. Was there any particular reason he chose to come to the Aurora, specifically?
Edited by Shenaanigans
48 minutes ago, Shenaanigans said:


  1. What was his childhood like? Did any of it contribute to why he so totally devotes himself to the Church?
  2. The Contact War is a huge piece of Unathi history, as you mentioned, so what was Donsun's experience with it? Did he lose anyone to the war? Have any strong opinions toward the Hegemony/Traditionalists who basically scourged Moghes with their fighting?
  3. Was there any particular reason he chose to come to the Aurora, specifically?

1. Donsun's childhood was filled mainly with pro-Izweski claims and ideals, completely absorbing the young one into the Hegemony's concerns and their unofficial state religion- with his family urging him to join the warrior priests, so he too could bless each warrior and man out fighting. (Of course, when he finally became a priest- times were different and the aspect of fishermen would call more to him)


2. As said in the previous response, Donsun very much supported the Hegemony's actions during the Contact War. As far as family goes, the Sinta lost his much-older brother; he grieved the kin lost, but praised the heroics showcased up until their demise. Donsun believes the Traditionalists that Izweski fought, deserved what happened to them and that the descendants are the ones that will be brought into the forgiving fold of Sk'akh.


3. Donsun came to the Aurora to both continue his typical missionary goals, and on a form of xeno-pilgrimage. Izweski has little control over Tau Ceti- Guwans run amok with normal, upstanding and honorable Sinta; it's a deplorable sight to any person of the Sk'akh faith. As they're deeper in humanspace, they can learn the spiritual knowledge aliens have come to and correct the redeemable Guwans while pushing further back to more heinous exiles from public view.


hope this makes sense.

22 hours ago, GreenBoi said:

hope this makes sense.

Fair enough! I'm satisfied with your answers and am happy to give my stamp of approval on this; welcome to lizard town. Your whitelist should kick in in-game by the end of the day.

On 12/03/2020 at 17:17, Shenaanigans said:

Fair enough! I'm satisfied with your answers and am happy to give my stamp of approval on this; welcome to lizard town. Your whitelist should kick in in-game by the end of the day.

homes, you forgot to lock this.

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