Hesphos Posted June 8, 2020 Posted June 8, 2020 (edited) BYOND Key: Hesphos Staff BYOND Key: SampleTex Game ID: b7y-cJR3 Reason for complaint: Condescending behavior towards players. Taking a player out of the round at a critical moment. Okay, so. I join this round as Frank Pewter, Head of Security. 1 hour after round start I ship in from the Odin. Someone steals the Captains ID, loots the vault, steals the research shuttle. Yadda yadda, doesn't really matter. Standard antag stuff. We get a message from central that we are to setup a checkpoint during the transfer and search everyone for the vault materials. Ok, thats fine I guess. I had 2 officers off station to find the grand theft shuttle guy so I had me, a detective and officer still at the checkpoint. All hands on deck. It was a busy round so soon people start flooding into arrivals. Alot of people, so me and the officer are super busy, super swamped trying to search as many people and send them through to the red dock. The officer, Officer Lord found a stack of cash on someone. A huge amount of money. Normally not a big deal but we had a fraud case earlier where someones bank account was drained. So here I thought to do the reasonable thing and I tell this person that his money is confiscated and that he must produce a bank statement, that is free to print out from any ATM on the station, to prove that this is his cash. Less then 1 minute of work. I move on to the next person in line to be searched, a Vauruca when I suddenly get an administrator PM from SampleTex. They ask me if I got a minute, I tell them No. Thinking to myself I can simply come back to him once the shuttle undocks and even answer any questions next round from the lobby. That's the moment where he winds me, when literally almost the entire station is standing at the checkpoint waiting to be searched. Forcing his question in right then at a crucial moment whilst he could have simply waited a few moments and asked me anything when the shuttle left the station. I get alot of PM's just like this, asking if I got a moment or some time. Usually they are just questions about other people. Or asking about some clarification about things and I always try to answer them as quickly as I can. I simply just couldn't right then and that's why I said no. This seemingly was seen as rude and unacceptable however. I felt that SampleTex was incredibly condescending towards me from the following line. ''Just multitask my guy! haha!'' There are 10 minutes and then another safe 2 for me to search the crew with 2 people and 1 manning the checkpoint controls. No, that is impossible for me to multitask at that point. If I spend time carefully explaining the reason for briefly holding on to the money before returning it half of the people there aren't going to make it on the transfer shuttle. I find this extremely disrespectful to just demand time from anyone when you could literally just have waited when things weren't so hectic. It wasn't like the world was ending and I was decapitating people left and right. Not to mention, demanding it in such a way. Calling me a guy and brushing off anything except for his own need to push this through. Whilst this was going on a robot dragged me into the office when I was winded. Sensing easy prey just a few moments later I heard gunshots and a fight escalating at the checkpoint. With me powerless to do anything but answer these questions. So obviously I'm pissed. It's like you are balancing on a tight rope and someone walks in and asks you what time it is and if you say you cant answer right now he cuts the rope, pins you down and demands to look at your watch whilst he could literally just have waited a few moments and then asked when I wasn't on the tight rope anymore. So here I am, pissed to having to answer this whilst I was taken out the round and my officers are getting assaulted within throwing distance. I ask for SampleTex to escalate In hopes to getting it dealt with faster but he notifies me I have no alternatives. Okay I guess, then I ask if he has any further questions and he replies with a no bans me for 3 days for my attitude. Making me miss the CCIA interview I had finally had a chance to schedule with Bryce regarding an unrelated issue. I cannot properly express in words how disappointed I'm in SampleTex for dealing with this situation and his sheer impatience. Not being able to simply wait for a few minutes to ask his questions and instead forcing himself in and taking an extremely valuable person out of the round at a crucial moment. Evidence/logs/etc: Full Admin PM log. Moment I tell the person to get an ATM printout. Full checkpoint pastebin log. https://pastebin.com/Hi56htmi Message from Central Ada telling me about her drained bank account and responding to the bridge for the Captain quarters intrusion. Additional remarks: Despite the circumstances I believe I remained cordial enough in the admin PM's. If I did cross a line then I apologize for that. However I still believe that SampleTex's actions are inexcusable and he could have easily solved the situation and gotten the required information if he simply waited for a few minutes. He could have also asked anyone else that wasn't up to their knees in work or snooped through the logs to find more information until I got freed up. I also wish to ask SampleTex to not try and agitate people on purpose with lines like ''Just multitask my guy'' and then using the results from that as ammunition to ban someone. Edited June 8, 2020 by Hesphos
MattAtlas Posted June 8, 2020 Posted June 8, 2020 I'm going to take this complaint along with @ShesTrying. Give us a few days to sort this out.
Hesphos Posted June 8, 2020 Author Posted June 8, 2020 25 minutes ago, MattAtlas said: I'm going to take this complaint along with @ShesTrying. Give us a few days to sort this out. No problem, thank you for your prompt response.
SampleTex Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 Hello, I'm going to give my perspective on the issue. First off, starting out a respond to an ahelp with "no" is never a great start, "do you have a moment" is more of a courtesy thing, and a chance for you to tell us that you need a moment, had you asked for a moment I would have given it to you. You not only have a history of being rude in tickets, seeing this glaring at me when I open your notes is a big red flag that no (you don't have time to respond to my tickets) so you can continue searching backpacks is a huge red flag. Now for the "Multi tasking my guy," yes I probably could have worded that much more gracefully, but when you're playing head of security, it gives me the expectation that you know how to effectively manage multiple things going on at the same time, since HOS can very easily delve into one of the most stressful and chaotic roles when there's a merc team on the loose and a raider team has been menacing maintenance all shift long. I also know first hand that it's not a very incredible thing to manage checking a bag for anything that looks odd before handing it back and responding to tickets as you do it, there is no rush to get people onto the crew transfer shuttle, if it was an emergency shuttle, it would be a completely different story. Finally, the real kick in the teeth to me was the comment over how "I don't have half the information," and the following sarcasm, which was true, and was why I messaged you, since I knew that you would and your name was mentioned in the original ahelp I was responding to. We are volunteer staff trying to help solve issues, we don't know everything at all times which is an unreasonable expectation for us. "Okay, Well, since I have nothing else to do I guess I will sit back and carefully explain what is going on," came across to me as an attempt to very polite and sarcastic attempt to tell me to go fuck myself for winding you, which I don't appreciate. I don't enjoy winding people if I don't need to, especially when there is a fight going on, because that means I have to watch over a lot more things to make sure people aren't going to mess with you while your winded, it's never fun for anyone involved. I had no intention to ban you during that round, none at all, but as a final note I will cite two of our rules that went into play with it, specifically the Ahelps portion of for the second rule. Quote If you are contacted by an admin, you are expected to reply, and communicate clearly and in good will. Failure to reply or disrespect towards admins may be grounds for a ban. We do our best to be polite and courteous with you, and thus expect you to do the same with us. Quote Don't be a dick. We're all here to have fun, not fight and argue with assholes. Don't ruin the game for everyone else, and use common sense. This includes anything from attacking other people, starting arguments over nothing, etcetera. Note that this rule applies primarily to OOC, LOOC, AHELP, and DEADSAY.
ShesTrying Posted June 11, 2020 Posted June 11, 2020 Were you fighting when you were winded? If not, why did you say no? @Hesphos
Hesphos Posted June 12, 2020 Author Posted June 12, 2020 @Simon_the_miner I will try to disseminate the 3 points you made here from my point of view. I personally wasn't aware staff asking for a moment is simply a courtesy thing when it comes to messages from moderator staff. I take information admins send me at face value because I'm not going to try and interpret someone's intention through a bunch of red letters on a white background. Only to have it bite me in the ass later for misinterpretation. If you needed my attention at a hectic time you could have just stated it wasn't optional, or that you need to speak to me immediately. Not be vague and then wind someone when they give a quick reply that you didn't like even though with all the information you gave me it seemed reasonable for me to do. If you would have clearly stated what you wanted from me I would have most likely asked for a delay after the shuttle left the station which you then you could have declined or accepted. This makes it clear what is expected of me instead of having to gauge your intention whilst I have another command officer talking to me, officers talking to me, and at the time atleast 6 people asking me questions and demanding things from me. The second point you make, your own words make out that HOS can at times be a stressful position and yes a part of the gameplay is to try and multitask your available time. With my time already stretched extremely thin you decide to just scoop up more on my plate by contacting me. Does that mean a staff member shouldn't contact people when playing HOS? No of course not that would be ridiculous. All I ask is to be simple and concise in your demands so I can immediately answer your question and then go back to what I was doing. I cant sit down and have a nice back and forth because you hide your intention behind a veil of courtesy. Finally, you call it a kick in the teeth, Atlas here calls it ''being a shit'' and I will in the future only pass along facts back to staff members to avoid these allegations. However I will ask you to do the same thing. You yourself said you could have worded yourself more gracefully and the line you take as an example that offended you was after you dropped your own standards. My ''you dont even have half the information'' line came after your own condescending remark. If I was in an admin conversation and wanted you to hurry up and told the staff member working my ticket to ''Just multitask my guy'' I would have a fresh new note from Atlas in my file saying ''Stop being a shit in tickets mark 2'' There would be no question about that. To wrap this up, as I stated. From this moment on I will give simple replies to any staff PM I get ingame to avoid being labeled an ass and only work with facts. I urge you do the same when dealing with high stress positions during a time they are completely swamped with work. @ShesTrying Hello, when I still had control over my body I was engaged physically with an Unathi crewmember, looking through their bags and pockets whilst also dealing with a Varuca that refused to being searched. Next in line at the time were atleast 7 other people. 2 of my officers weren't on site, the detective refused to help except for operating the door controls and thus we only had me and another officer to deal with the central mandate of searching everyone. People were already clamoring to get past the checkpoint when I was still up, within a minute I was winded the fight broke out. So no, technically there was not a physical fight the moment I was winded but with me out of the picture the other officer got swamped and swarmed almost immediately. I'm not sure if SimpleTex was aware what was going on at the checkpoint or if he was observing somewhere else because the situation was quite tense with multiple people refusing to be searched and others trying to get past without the consent of the door operator. Even when I was still up.
MattAtlas Posted June 13, 2020 Posted June 13, 2020 (edited) So we've gone over everything presented here. A few things stick out. 1. SampleTex's attitude in this ticket was a bit too provocatory for our tastes, winding included. We can see how his wording could have led to this and we'll be reprimanding him for it. 2. Your attitude in tickets is not excusable anyway. There was no immediate reason you couldn't have said "Yes I have a moment", considering you weren't actually involved in anything that took all of your attention. Even then, just going "No." is questionable, but what really seals the deal is your attitude in the rest of the ticket. This, combined with your attitude in tickets in general, make it very clear that this needs to stop. The ban will be dropped to one day, which means you'll be effectively unbanned. However, the head whitelist strip as a consequence of the ban remains. This complaint will be archived in 24 hours. Edited June 13, 2020 by MattAtlas
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