Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 (edited) BYOND Key: Jackboot Player Byond Key: Tytos_Tyris Reason for complaint: (State your reason for your complaint) Approximate Date/Time: March 26th ~11pm UST Before 40 minutes had even passed, during deadhour with less than 8 crewmembers on the station, Tytos decides to enact a power fantasy as a traitor AI. As soon as I join, he locks me into the HoP office and begins a panic syphon. Before a single hour is up, he's locked all the doors and tries to syphon the entire station while screaming about human superiority and burning the tajaran race while bolt-ifying every single door he could. He showed zero attempts to roleplay or engage the round in any interesting way. He jumped immediately into attempted murder, trying to kill someone as soon as they join the round. This is behaviour of a powergamer. I said in OOC that it's poor form, but throughout the round Tytos ignored this sentiment and continued to act in a chuckley way that gave no one enjoyment, unless I misjudge the opinion of anyone present. Edited March 26, 2015 by Marlon Phoenix
Guest Menown Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Can confirm. I was Marlow. I had been bolted in the security locker room within five minutes of round start. He started asking me if I had allied with the humans or something, to which I replied "Open these doors." He proceeded to begin siphoning the room for some reason. I had to leave soon after Forgotten and I had managed to break me out through the window, so I don't know how the round ended up.
Gollee Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 I can confirm that the arrivals corridor was bolted down, engineering hardsuits and general storage were electrified, and when Amy attempted to set up the engine, he opened airlocks to try and vent her, without her taking any action against him; and despite his AI being pro-human, she was human.
ForgottenTraveller Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Ceaser, The AI had started to syphon Marlow before Jackboot had came onboard. At this point there were 4 crew all human. Me in Forensics, Marlow the officer. A chef. And Kelly the QM. We were probably 10 minutes into the round as he began demanding something then sealing Marlow in the room and syphoning it.
Jamini Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Uh... no offense but... Isn't this a case of an "Antagonist being an Antagonist?" Like... it may not have been particularly sportsmanlike, but it seemed like rather than playing to win he was simply playing a malfunctioning AI as just that: A malfunctioning AI. Instead of going the easy route of quietly hacking the station and setting it to explode, he did something that involved the majority of the (admittedly tiny) crew? I just don't really see a basis for complaint here, I guess?
VoltageHero Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Uh... no offense but... Isn't this a case of an "Antagonist being an Antagonist?" Like... it may not have been particularly sportsmanlike, but it seemed like rather than playing to win he was simply playing a malfunctioning AI as just that: A malfunctioning AI. Instead of going the easy route of quietly hacking the station and setting it to explode, he did something that involved the majority of the (admittedly tiny) crew? I just don't really see a basis for complaint here, I guess? Because it's gank. An antagonist should still make the round fun for the crew, and actually interact with people. Just because it had an effect on everybody, it doesn't mean it's justified. It's the same thing as Nuke Ops who instantly cut comms, and blow up the medbay, then the brig. Sure, you could say it was 'just them being an antagonist', but that point, it would mean the antags can do whatever they want, without fear of repercussion. Meaning, an antag could just welder bomb places because they were being an antag, or pump the station with plasma, because they were an antag. And if that's the case, I think we fell off the correct path somewhere along the line.
Nightmare Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 The round was quick because of how aggressive he was from the start of round, but like no one actually died. That might seem like not a good point but how much roleplay do you expect from an AI with no cyborgs? I was put into red health 1 minute after joining as Nasir for walking into a shocked door but I had fun. Then again I like station wide chaos that invloves more people than sec and command. I think the AI was different, the only thing i'd say is maybe next time not attacking people the second the round starts
mrimatool Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Wasn't there so I can't comment on the actual round. But people really overestimate the amount of Rp possible for an AI as a malf. It can't emote.., and it /was/ talking to you right? Giving you a lengthy monologue on it's actions? Plus I'm with nightmare - Chaos is fantastic.
Jamini Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 It's really not even a gank voltage. There are far, far more efficient ways that the AI could have gone about killing and harming people from what evidence being posted. 1. It left comms up, and indeed was talking to the crew. 2. It clearly had an agenda, and wasn't playing to "win" but rather involving the crew in its antagonist activities. 3. it used door shocking and local syphons instead of the myriad of other, far more effective, tools at its disposals. (Plasma, nitrus, door crushes, exploding consoles... I can go on?) 4. As far as I can tell, very few people actually died and everyone involved was able to RP out the situation. I don't see how that equates to gank at all? It may have moved fast and started stronger than some, and it may have done as such during a low population round, but I don't see this as necessarily a bad thing. Certainly no worse than a combat-oriented wizard hunting for people to soul shard. I don't feel this is worthy of a complaint.
TishinaStalker Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 Hi, just giving my opinion as a player because I'm not the one handling this. I'm personally not seeing the panic syphon as gank either in this situation. The panic syphon went about 0.3 kPa per second when I was watching, and the room is 101.3 kPa. It needs to hit 70 kPa before you start taking damage from the pressure. In 10 seconds, 3 kPa are gone. I'm bad at math, but if I did it right, you had a little over a minute to solve the situation at hand while the AI talks to you before you're in any real danger (since you have an oxygen tank and don't have to worry about oxyloss). The AI thrusted you into a situation you needed to solve quickly or die a slow, painful death. A solution? Smashing one of the windows below the locker to have more air in the brig while engineers get to the brig to shut the air alarm and cut cameras to prevent the AI from doing it again. Now, this would've been MUCH more different if they bolted you into a room with no windows, such as the armory, and activated the panic syphon without trying to talk to you, but that's not what happened, y'know? Just an example of what I would've considered gank as an AI, since the AI has very limited options, and why I didn't take action during that round. The AI kept creating solvable problem after solvable problem, and it succeeded seeing as nobody was fatally injured... Up until people started bumrushing into his core single file while the AI clearly had lethals active.
Guest Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 What Tish said, really. I've done far more ganky things as a malf AI than what Tytos did. Such as hacking over 54~ish APCs (while backing up that it was a powernet optimization software upgrade) that would lead to a 50 second win. If anything, the round sounded like it was interesting and it provoked a response from the crew to do something, which was just fine.
Vittorio Giurifiglio Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 What Tish said, really. I've done far more ganky things as a malf AI than what Tytos did. Such as hacking over 54~ish APCs (while backing up that it was a powernet optimization software upgrade) that would lead to a 50 second win. If anything, the round sounded like it was interesting and it provoked a response from the crew to do something, which was just fine. The thing Is, I was not malf, I was a Traitor AI. And as a response to the rest of this, You didn't get Rp because you didn't want it, I was yelling Humanistic slogans to engage someone in a Political debate, Everyone just ignored them *Except Travis Davis, although worrying his commentary was well accepted* Everyone just carried on cutting my cameras everywhere, thus preventing my interaction with anyone on a personal level due to lack of Holopads, I bolted many doors to stop people from cutting my cameras so I could actually do something. Now on the other stuff, In regards to Meow, you never answered his question "Do you support the Human Cause?" saying yes would have unbolted the doors and unsiphoned the room, as it happened in the bar where I spared Sinsa and the Bartender my Targets of Nasir and Houssam where on my shit list for the sheer fact they were Xenos, (It didn't help Jackboot literally cut every Camera he could, Armed up and insulted it) Nasir, I just attempted to stop from setting up to the power to protect the Area around my core. Also at another unrelated note, It didn't help over the course of the round Jackboot kept baiting me OOCly.
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted March 26, 2015 Posted March 26, 2015 The thing Is, I was not malf, I was a Traitor AI. I apologize for the mistake. I'll edit the OP/title after this post. And as a response to the rest of this, You didn't get Rp because you didn't want it, I was yelling Humanistic slogans to engage someone in a Political debate, I'mma let you finish, but there was no debate. You bolted people inside, shouted a slogan at them, then syphoned the air. A debate would be an intellectual engagement, where the other side can argue. What you did was coercion at best, but that's if people interpreted it as an attempt to convert. As an example, the way we interpreted it was as if an AI screamed "SPACE JESUS IS YOUR LORD AND SAVIOUR", locked you in a room, and screamed "CONVERT TO SPACE JESUS" over comms while siphoning the air. It's not interpreted as a conversion, it's interpreted as being crazy. Now on the other stuff, In regards to Meow, you never answered his question "Do you support the Human Cause?" saying yes would have unbolted the doors and unsiphoned the room Yeah there was no way anyone believed that. You engaged in attempted bodily harm with the clause that you wouldn't do it if they converted before you harmed them after you had already harmed them. If this was a genuine attempt to convert, I'd have to advise actually following a progression of escalation. It didn't help Jackboot literally cut every Camera he could, Armed up and insulted it) Everywhere I went I was getting bolted doors and syphons. I'm not an engineer so I can't hack anything, so the best I could do is break down windows and cut every wire in the cameras. I picture it as just angrily unscrewing a camera and angrily snipping the shit out of the interior with the bolt cutters. And I only armed up with an energy carbine so I could shoot out windows without the risk of electrification, and an ablative vest because the biggest direct threat I'd face would be turrets or something. And I also only took it because you cut the power to my charger, so my e-pistol was empty. Even during this I tried to engage in RP with you. After having Nasir cut your power wire, Houssam said "Let's negotiate" after laying out that he had the wires into your core cut, and it was just a matter of you slowly starved of power. You rebuffed him with another slogan, so I (and Houssam) concluded that you could not be reasoned with in any form. (Take mind I still told everyone to take you intact.) Also at another unrelated note, It didn't help over the course of the round Jackboot kept baiting me OOCly. Oh my goodness. I found the slogans amusing, so I made Benito Mussolini puns; Beenitee Mooseweenie, Bencini Meowzili, Dorito Zucchini. I mean geeze, if I wanted to trigger or bait you I'd just talk about him being shot by a bunch of communists or say Machiavelli smelled or that Marx had a point or whatever. If puns bother you that much you probably need to reevaluate the severity you place upon certain perceived offenses. EDIT: I shared Mussolini puns with a fascist friend of mine. He 'heh'd but it wasn't a big deal. Relaaaaaax. Up until people started bumrushing into his core single file while the AI clearly had lethals active. I'm fine with my death, really; Houssam's not a tactician. The AI baited him in, so he went in. And really, what you describe is what he was doing. Every single room that I didn't cut cameras in was bolted, there was no interaction. My attempted interactions were met with repeated human power slogans.
Doomberg Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 Our stance on this right now is as follows. It's difficult to roleplay with the crew beyond speaking on the comms when you have zero borgs, yes, that's a point. However, beginning to bolt and panic syphon rooms at what is more or less the start of the round isn't the optimal way to go about it. I don't see the need for any sort of disciplinary action to be taken, but I'd appreciate it if Tytos took the time to re-examine this situation and figure out how it could be better handled in the future, and we can chalk it up to a learning experience. Thoughts?
Guest Marlon Phoenix Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 I'm okay with dropping the complaint, by now. I was irritated that I and others were immediately met with the panic syphon, and that there were little attempts to rp, but in this length of time retrospect doesn't give me any desire to see disciplinary action taken.
Erik Tiber Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 As a side note, this does sound way more fun than the vast majority of malf rounds.
Guest Menown Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 Eh, I don't think it was worth a complaint. It was kinda bad, but it wasn't /bad/ if that makes any sense. I had to leave, so I didn't experience much, but it was fine. Most Malf rounds are over in the amount of time this was in, so I don't really see the issue. Tytos doesn't antag much, and I don't hold it against him.
Doomberg Posted April 4, 2015 Posted April 4, 2015 Alright. In that case, I'll mark this as revolved and toss it into the archives. Thank you for your patience.
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