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Rotharia's Varuca Application

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BYOND Key: Rotharia
Character Names: PLEX, Proteus, Victrix, Floating Among Stars Without Number
Species you are applying to play: Vaurca
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: (RGB 90, 150, 255)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Why do you wish to play this specific race: I fell absolutely in love with a Viax I saw played in round about a week ago and I couldn't stop thinking about playing my own since then. It's such a vastly different experience to playing a normal character that I can't wait to meet the challenge. All of the lore including their use of Virtual Reality and the difference in the broods was super fun to read about. Not to mention the versatility of 'Akaix and the Hivenet. It all just sounds fun.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: The immediate and obvious answer is the lack of free will as a Viax. Being completely subservient to your job and other Akaix is strikingly different when pretty much any other race has some degree of freewill. The second answer is the major mechanical differences. Requiring Phoron and not being able to self heal are pretty major disadvantages mechanically. They of course make up for this in other areas, but they really and truly FEEL alien in-game.

Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Dax C'thur

Please provide a short backstory for this character: As an unbound born under The Recondite Queen Mouv'lek'tanta, Dax was created for the queen's pursuit for money. Purpose-born to pursue Engineering and it's new avenues of capital gain for the C'thur hive. Dax would spend his 6 months in VR learning the ins and outs of Engineering. After his training, Dax would spend the next year and eight months working amongst his brood before being shipped off to Einstein Engines facilities throughout the Spur. Throughout these facilities he would perform menial jobs such as warehouse management and custodial duties, but all the while was vying for Engineering work. Dax would frequently find that engineering positions would be mysteriously filled after his arrival, or simple refusals to allow him to work. Never spending too long in one place, Dax was constantly shipped to wherever was Einstein needed menial labor, with nearly all of his earnings being sent straight back to the brood. With each passing position in Einstein, Dax grew more disheartened, sure that he would never get the chance to fulfill his purpose in this life fully. Finally, at the hands of a kind IPC manager, Dax landed an apprenticeship amongst Einstein. He spent two long years in this apprenticeship, living his dream. Working daily with the engines and systems that had eluded him for years. With the formation of the SCC, Dax found himself in a unique position. With his contract with Einstein nearing it's expiration, and new more profitable ventures to be found elsewhere, his Ta set him out for Tau Ceti and sought hiring with Nanotrasen. After filling multiple minor positions in other Einstein facilities in the region for the duration of his contract. Dax nearly immediately landed a position in a Nanotrasen facility, working for a few months before being transferred again. Finally, Dax made his way to the NSS Aurora where he works as an Engineering Apprentice,

What do you like about this character?: I like the lack of permanence that Dax has experienced, with his nearly nomadic lifestyle, it will be interesting to see the kinds of things that he may get into in a more permanent posting like the Aurora. I also like his contract through Einstein and his hive, specifically his queen. A queen who has recognized the power that currency holds presents an notion when all of your funding is going back to this
How would you rate your role-playing ability?: 7/10

1 hour ago, Rotharia said:

I fell absolutely in love with a Viax I saw played in round about a week ago and I couldn't stop thinking about playing my own since then. It's such a vastly different experience to playing a normal character that I can't wait to meet the challenge.

What are some of the unique challenges faced when playing a Viax? (at least 1-2)

1 hour ago, Rotharia said:

All of the lore including their use of Virtual Reality and the difference in the broods was super fun to read about.

The potential for VR is one of my favorite aspects of Vaurca too. Especially with their ability to experience time differently while in it.

1 hour ago, Rotharia said:

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:

You've essentially talked only about the Viax, but what about the Akaix? Where do Worker Unbound fit into the hive hierarchy?

1 hour ago, Rotharia said:

nearly all of his earnings being sent straight back to the brood.

How did Dax feel about sending the majority of its earnings back to the brood?


For starters, Viax could be equated to playing a worker ant, you are there to do your job and you do not deviate from it. You are essentially the lowest totem on the pole, lower even. Your life matters little or not at all to other akaix, who are seen as more valuable to the hive. That is not to say that you dispensable only that you are their absolute lowest priority.

Akaix are apart of the upper crusts of varucan society, with workers being valued more than warriors in most cases. These unbound are just as sentient and self-aware as any human, making them perfect fits for jobs that require critical thinking or problem solving.

Dax didn't mind at all, his need for material things was little and he maintained enough earnings to afford him lodging wherever he went, however horrible the lodging was. He was happy he could do his part to help his queen.


While I don't know much about Vaurca- I can say that Rotharia is a great roleplayer. I play with two of their characters frequently and they make rounds much more interesting to be in! I'm sure that they would be a great Vaurca player. +1

Posted (edited)

One bit of clarification, and two final questions.

3 hours ago, Rotharia said:

Your life matters little or not at all to other akaix

Viax do matter. The same way a useful tool matters to a craftsman. Which is why, with one brood being the exception (extra credit if you know/figure out which one), Vaurca don't abuse the poor lobotomites. But you are correct that Akaix are viewed as more valuable than Viax. Which is why a Viax will follow any order given by one, even one that would result in the Viax's termination. I was actually told to space myself one time as a Viax.


When it comes to motivations, humans can have a variety of reasons for doing the things they do. Which can make determining someone's loyalty a troublesome issue. Why is this not the case with Akaix? How do the Queens guarantee the loyalty of their brood/hive?

What is the primary difference between Warriors and Workers, and how will Dax react in certain high stress situations as a result of this difference?

Edited by Lordnesh
Posted (edited)

Queens use a mix of pheromones and imprinted "brainwashing" during the development process to guarantee loyalty to the hive, above all else Vaurca are loyal to their hive.

Warriors are more suited to high-stress situations because of their tendency towards action. They're not as passive as workers and tend to excel in the high-stress positions that workers may find difficult to function in.

As a result of this, Dax will be a bit overwhelmed in high-stress situations. Attempting to juggle their job and whatever else may be going on will cause them a great deal of stress.

Edited by Rotharia
Added clarification

Had some very good roleplay with them earlier as research director which clearly indicated the ability they have in playing a character.


Big old +1

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