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[Accepted] RyverStyx - Vaurca Application

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BYOND Key: RyverStyx
Character Names: Rusty / Loc Darrin/ Xuul Yuxqol / Artem Kuznetsov
Species you are applying to play: Vaurca
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Zkaii (RGB 11, 43, 27)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
I feel that Vaurca lore (especially regarding the hives) is incredibly fascinating. The history of the Vaurca is also incredibly vast; spanning 500,000+ years. I love to see the thought and care that has been put into this lore. The Vaurca's integration with other species is another thing that I find interesting- mainly due to how recent it all is. And I love the bits of flavor added as to how Tau Ceti and Sol see the Vaurca; especially how attempts are being made to stop Vaurca from contacting their home worlds for fear of another mass immigration. The wealth of lore regarding not only the hives, history, and Vaurca themselves is something that I definitely want to be a part of; whether that be through my character or through lore applications. To me, Vaurca are one of the most alien-feeling species and I would love to be a part of that.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
The Vaurca have differing mechanics: the main one being their reliance on Phoron instead of air. They also have a HiveNet that can be heard by any other Vaurca on the station as well as Cyborgs. Another key component to their mechanics is that they can only eat k'ois products. All other foods are incompatible with their system. They also have a wealth of different biological features. While they may appear humanoid, they have four arms; however two are vestigial. They also have eyes that are incredibly sensitive to light and they may even become blinded if flashed too many times. They are also incredibly sensitive to smells; utilizing pheromones heavily to detect tone. The bond that a Vaurca as to their fellow hive is also a key role play component. These are not all the ways that playing the species is different than humans; however, it does list a lot of key mechanics and differences.

Character Name: Ka’Akaix’Mek K’lax (Age 1.5 y/o)
Please provide a short backstory for this character:

Ka’Akaix’Mek K’lax is a worker underneath the High Queen Zkaii, the Sleepwalker. Since his separation from the VR, or as he calls it; the Mother Dream, he has found employment with NanoTrasen aboard the Aurora as a roboticist. His separation was incredibly straining at first; he longed to rejoin the Mother Dream. However, he soon found the simple joys of work. His love of tinkering with electronics means he can genuinely enjoy the work he is doing. Overall he leads a generally happy life... So far. He is hopeful for what the Aurora can bring him in the future. Ka’Akaix’Mek K’lax is also very curious when it comes to other species; often wanting to know and learn more about them by observing from afar. 

He is always trying to perfect his craft while striving and pushing himself to improve. Like those in his hive, Ka’Akaix’Mek K’lax shares a deep, spiritual connection to the High Queen. However, being uncertain of the Great Mother's fate has lead him to become somewhat disillusioned. He still believes the Great Mother lives due to the Mother Dream's continuance... but his faith waivers at the hands of Sk'akh missionaries and even in theological debates. He would like to think he is a theological scholar but one would find that he is way out of his league when it comes to such discussions. One day he hopes to escape the simulation he believes the world is in so that he may finally be with Mother K'lax herself. In a similar note, he is very respectful of the hive's hierarchy even though he is working on the Aurora and he is generally very passive and reserved. He views Viax not as a slave caste but more like a human would view a cyborg. 

What do you like about this character?:

I enjoy this character because they truly want to do the best job that they can. They take great pride in their work and truly love what they do. They also want to do right by their hive and carve a path that could lead them to a happy and successful life. I also like the options for role play that this character brings to the table. I think there are many scenarios and character arcs that this character can take part of. It is my goal to bring this character to life in a way that is believable and fun for all involved.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?: Good out of 10


Hi, thanks for applying. I'll ask a few questions and make some notes.


1. Could you please expand on what makes playing a Vaurca different from human? Try not to list mechanical differences.

2. Mek, being a year and a half, is already old enough to have worked on a previous job. I don't think the Aurora can receieve any “fresh” Vaurcae that have just finished their training in VR. If possible, then it would be something Zo'ra does, but not K'lax. Did it work elsewhere before?

3. Feeling that close to Zkaii and Mother K'lax, the physical distance from Zkaii and the rest of its brood may be hard for Mek. How is it dealing with this, and does it resent being shipped to Tau Ceti?

4. Could you please clear and expand what you mean with its faith and the Sk'akh missionaries? Have they made any breakthroughs in preachment, and what would Mek argue with them?

5. Viax aren't discriminated in the human understanding. They are seen as tools, and barely alive. You mention how it is passive and reserved, how would Mek treat other species?


Good luck.

16 minutes ago, Desven said:

Hi, thanks for applying. I'll ask a few questions and make some notes.


1. Could you please expand on what makes playing a Vaurca different from human? Try not to list mechanical differences.

2. Mek, being a year and a half, is already old enough to have worked on a previous job. I don't think the Aurora can receieve any “fresh” Vaurcae that have just finished their training in VR. If possible, then it would be something Zo'ra does, but not K'lax. Did it work elsewhere before?

3. Feeling that close to Zkaii and Mother K'lax, the physical distance from Zkaii and the rest of its brood may be hard for Mek. How is it dealing with this, and does it resent being shipped to Tau Ceti?

4. Could you please clear and expand what you mean with its faith and the Sk'akh missionaries? Have they made any breakthroughs in preachment, and what would Mek argue with them?

5. Viax aren't discriminated in the human understanding. They are seen as tools, and barely alive. You mention how it is passive and reserved, how would Mek treat other species?


Good luck.

1. Vaurca within lore are heavily discriminated against within Tau Ceti. Roleplay-wise a Vaurca may be seen as unintelligent due to the way they speak or the way their accent sounds. This can lead to a lot of different scenarios where you may need to be careful around other characters for fear of discrimination. Vaurca hive relations are also incredibly important. Being a K'lax would mean Mek has an okay relation with Zo'ra while his relationship with C'thur would be rather tense. This would be reflected in the way he treats other Vaurca on the station. Something to note, being a "sleepwalker" could also play heavily into the character as well! Being so young Mek would also be experiencing many things for the first time. This leads to Vaurca characters being very impressionable when in round. For instance, a negative experience with a species may become a founding factor in how they view that species from now on (especially if this was the first time they met the species personally).

2. Going over some things again I think it would be best if Mek would have started his career being specifically bred to be a Hephaestus Roboticist. Hephaestus had him working multiple repair gigs in the first half year until he proved himself worthy of a more static contractor job on the Aurora. This further meshes with the lore and Mek's backstory on Tret in a way that explains what he was doing for the last half year.

3. The physical distance is certainly hard on Mek and he often tries to seek out others from Zkaii; whether that be for conversation or just to hang out. He does also find comfort from working with other K'lax as well. Mek does feel slightly angered that they were shipped to Tau Ceti with Hephaestus; however, he does not resent the choice as he feels it was made in the best interest of the brood.

4. Mek has been influenced to believe that Mother K'lax may be Sk'akh by the missionaries. To him the similarity is too much to look past and it is something he thinks about a lot. His uncertainty has lead him to inquire more about the Sk'akh religion whenever possible. One thing he is certain on is the belief that life is a simulation and he is meant to escape it to join the Mother K'lax. However, Mek argues with the missionaries about the simulation aspect of the religion whenever they talk. This is the one stipulation that is holding Mek back from fully believing the missionaries. He fully believes that the current world is nothing but a simulation that he will eventually have to escape to join Mother K'lax. 

5. Mek would see humans in a negative light due to the history of the K'lax with NanoTrasen. Mek also views Unathi in a favorable light thanks to various Sk'akh missionaries and their friendly nature. He would be very curious and cautious in regards to other species; often observing them from afar when possible. He will formulate his own opinions based on how these species interact with themselves as well as him. Mek would also view IPC and cyborgs as something similar to Viax (just as tools).

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