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Guest 1138

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Title. Goonstation and /tg/station both have code for buttbots.

What is a buttbot, you may ask. Buttbots should be seen rather than explained, though. I would go to goon and ask for your butt to be removed for a buttbot. They can only be assembled. When emagged, they produce an amazing amount of enjoyment to bystanders. An amazing. Amount of enjoyment.






A butt
A cyborg arm (left or right)


How 2 build


 Attach the cyborg arm to the butt.


But how do I get a butt? you may ask. Simple, we merely change the code so that butts become removable organs. Upon performing buttsectomy surgery, you get a butt you can use. Butts also can be acquired by gibbing a human-type mob.

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