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[Accepted] whitewolftamer wants it to be illegal to refuse them phoron

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BYOND Key: whitewolftamer
Character Names: Kane Lanson, Dock Haustreyin, Ignatious Mills, HAMR-0293, Vince Callahan, Norm-338, Klaas Lyksten
Species you are applying to play: Vaurca
What color do you plan on making your first alien character: R:19 G:36 B:0 (132400)
Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Most of the lexicon (Though definitely not all of it)

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question.

Why do you wish to play this specific race:
Vaurca are incredibly interesting not only from simply an aesthetic perspective, but from a roleplay perspective aswell, there are so many different things you can do with just the prompt "you were made for what you do". On top of that there is the entire hive pantheon to play with (not literally of course, queens forbid) aswell as other faiths such as the Preimminence. As a whole vaurca lore is incredibly fleshed out and seems incredibly enjoyable to become a part of. Another reason I want to play vaurca is simply because they look so darn cool, I mean, look at them! They're rad!

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human:
While there are many things that make vaurca different than humans (For one they are literally a different species), and they also have distingushable differences between castes, as my wl character is a worker I'll be focusing on workers. One of the things that I believe will be fun to deal with is the inability to self heal, relying instead on K'ois (The sweet ambrosia of our queenmothers) or a reliable doctor. Other fun things are aversion to light, being highly specialized, no slipping (Get fucked jantag) and of course, it is illegal to refuse a vaurca phoron (They need it to breathe). To be honest it would seem like playing a vaurca is sort of like playing a whole new game, you have to seperate yourself from everything you know as a human, and put yourself into the shoes of some nasty little creature who likes mushrooms and highly volatile gas. 

I also find the idea that you can be raised almost entirely within a virtual world really interesting, for example a warrior could have incredibly prowess in combat without having ever actually been in a fight, its an incredibly interesting system that seems highly enjoyable to tamper with.

Character Name: Ka'Akaix'Louz K'lax
Please provide a short backstory for this character
Louz was born amongst the Mi'kuetz in the desert wastelands of Moghes, where they were formed to be brewer of skye'mok, as the next time they may acquire toothpaste would never be known for sure. As time wore on they took the time to perfect their delivery of brewed skye'mok, attempting to add flair to the squalid beverages they served, and taking pride in their trade.

As time wore on Louz' Ta grew ill, requiring more and more rest throughout the day, eventually being unable to even walk alongside her troupe, instead being dragged in a sled by a Vizk'tul. The Ta's worsening condition weighed on Louz, as they sought any opportunity to bring credits into the troupe to fund her treatment. Louz found themselves working as whatever menial labor Clan Dorviza required so as to sway them to assist in the treatment of the Ta.

As Nanotrasen began looking for good, cheap labor amongst the Mi'kuetz, and Louz saw an opportunity to bring in additional credits to their troupe, and took the opportunity as fast as they could. Now finding themselves in a bartending job in unknown space Louz makes efforts to figure out exactly how the people around them work, and in exchange they get Louz' friendly demeanor, and a good drink.

What do you like about this character?
I greatly enjoy Louz not only because they would act as my doorway into Vaurca, but because it blends Unathi lore into it aswell Louz represents a great opportunity for me to engross myself in two different pieces of lore at once, though it will mostly be vaurcesian lore which i'll be enriching myself with. Louz seems like an incredibly enjoyable opportunity, not just because of the Mi'kuetz loathing of the aut'akh (damnable thieves) but due to how many different ways roleplay could go with them.
How would you rate your role-playing ability?
Pretty solid 7/10

Notes: Buge (Edit: Fixed a formatting error)

Edited by whitewolftamer

I gotta say, I love the backstory! also, knowing your other characters, I have no doubt you would be able to play a vaurca very well! 


Louz, now we need klaark

Anyway, I like the backstory. As far as I know queenless aren't too common, and Mi'kuetz less so. I like them, and would like to see them on station.

As for White, I'm probably biased, don't care. Has tremendous characters, and Kane in particular is probably one of my favorites on the station. Ignatious is another one as of recently that is just a great character. I do not have any doubt that he would do well with the Vaurca.



White has good characters, excellent roleplay (Especially with his Mills chaplain and Kane the roboticist), and we've discussed Vaurca lore for about a week at this point and we keep throwing ideas at each other. I think he'd make a good fit, and would bolster the population of Vaurca who regularly play. +1 from me.


Hello, sorry for the delay. I like the concept of a Mi'kuetz that cares for its Ta, it is something I imagined when expanding on Queenless but that isn't that explored as of yet. However, could you please expand on the how it's different to role-play as a Vaurca question?

As for the backstory itself, I feel that leaving Moghes from the Wasteland is always a question that's hard to answer, though we've allowed Mi'kuetz to take the route you propose, more or less. I do have some questions regarding Louz.

  • What is Louz's relationship with the Clan, and what does your character think of the Clan as a whole, personally?
  • On that same line, how does it feel about Unathi?
  • You mention something at the end about the loathe of Aut'akh, is this Louz's position too?
  • The job itself, and dealing with humans or other xenos, would be something very different for Louz to deal with. Queenless don't get quality VR training, so just getting back and learning virtually about alcohol (and not butanol drinks), as well as different cocktails that are not those drank traditionally by Vaurcae (you say so yourself toothpaste is a commodity that is not only recent, but probably even more scarce in that region of Moghes) would be a great change for a Worker. How is Louz holding up with this?
  • Lastly, does Louz have a faith?

Please don't take the fourth question wrong, I don't ask it as a means to discourage you, because I actually like this character idea. It's just something you would have to keep in consideration. Thanks for applying.


Hey, appreciate you responding, I'll go one question at a time to make it easier on myself

First off Clan Dorviza, Louz does bear some slight resentment towards them, as instead of immediately trying to help an ailing Ta, they required Louz' service in exchange. While Louz DID do his job, functioning as little more than a groundskeeper or, occasionally preparing beverages for them, he found himself beginning to disdain his current masters.

As for Unathi themselves? Louz has a relatively positive disposition, viewing them as simply another person to sing praise to the queens with.

The Mi'kuetz have a tendency to view Aut'akh as thieves, due to their mutual thievery of technology and knowledge from each other, Louz shares this view

While Louz would already have a background in Vaurcesian and Unathite beverages, learning about Human and even Skrell drinks has been a tedious process for them, because, as you've said, they cannot simply plug in and learn from VR, instead having to labor to learn how to properly make drinks under Nanotrasen guidance.

Louz follows the classical hive pantheon, Praize be to the queenmotherz, beaconz ovh livhe and vhertility

Posted (edited)

Sorry, forgot to expand on how its different to roleplay vaurca:
Well, depending on the caste, it may be completely different, actually, the castes is a defining thing which makes roleplaying different, for example, a worker might cower simply at the notion of violence, while a worker might bolster themselves in preparation, if a fight were to actually break out a worker would only retaliate if they were well and truly backed into a corner, a bulwark might attempt to protect any other workers, while a warrior might rush straight into the conflict to deal with it themselves.

Another thing you might have to compensate for as a vaurca is discrimination (Can you blame them? It's a massive fucking bug) After all, you're the newest species to the spur, and you most certainly are very different from those already there.

Similar to the castes but not quite the same is bound vs unbound, an unbound being played as its own sapient being, while a bound being essentially a vaurcesian borg.

Then theres the differences in the hives
the Zo'ra Hive is somewhat of the military hive (although all of the hives have warriors) due to their established dominance of the other hives, they're to the other hives as dominian primaries are to secondaries (Not quite but close enough right?). What this means RP-wise is that a Zo'rane vaurca might believe themselves above the other hives or might even expect their unbound to follow their orders (K'lax and C'thur bound do obey Zo'ra but this is talking about unbound)
the K'lax Hive is primarily focused on technology, and are attempting to restore vaurcesian technology to the same state it was before the exodus. RP-wise a K'lax might be somewhat subservient to the Zo'ra, or might even dislike Zo'ra for trying to maintain control of them
the C'thur Hive is the newest hive, although it used to be a minor hive, but they functioned as a nuetral third part, most notable about the C'thur is that their original Hive Queen, C'thur, is still with them. RP-wise a C'thur might (Absolutely will be B) )looked down upon by other hives as simply a minor hive, though C'thur is the richest Hive. We don't mention Xetl in this household

A lot about a character might be dictated by their brood, for example, just in the Zo'ra Hive, an unbound of Xakt is likely to be an enterprising scientist, while an unbound of Athvur is liable to be an artist.

One last interesting thing is their disdain of any mouth to mouth contact kissing. 

Edited by whitewolftamer
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