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Gabrieldltc - Tajara Species Whitelist

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BYOND Key: Gabrieldltc

Character Names: Emilie Juliene.

Species you are applying to play: Tajara

What color do you plan on making your first alien character: Kochiba

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yep!


Why do you wish to play this specific race: I’m going to be honest with ya’ll I just love cats and I find andromorphic felines as extremely adorable creatures.
Now regarding their lore, as I was reading it, I didn’t expect to have such a blast learning their history. It’s just rich in context, they’re what I’d have always thought humans would be if we were ever found by an alien and more advanced civilization. Tajara are close to human history in a way, filled with conflict, hate, racism and all the flawed traits that a solid species would have when it comes to the development of a branching society.

I think this race is not only cute and fun to play as, but also can have a lot of room for character development and interaction with other species, which is what I seek, a common everyday conversation between the same species honestly bores me a little (human on human) but being able to notice the difference between each other, maintaining the different views and psychology makes the story writing so much rich and interesting in every sense. Hence why I hope I can play them soon! Or at least the only character I have in mind for now.


Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: Mostly the fact that they can be seen as lesser or less developed, or even ‘thankful’ at being provided the technology to get to where they are now. From basically dictatorship to different factions with widely different objectives where at least there’s opportunity to grow individually. This all can lead to resentment, admiration, or indifference to humans for example, seeing that a Tajara should have experienced some sort of discrimination by being expected to be better than a human for no logical reason.




Character Name: S’ajii Siratani.

Please provide a short backstory for this character:

S’ajii was born on little Adhomai, being the third born of a big family of Tajara, she was surrounded by her parents, brothers, cousins and uncle. She was considered one of the more reserved of the family, leading up to her getting little to no attention in most gatherings and day to day life. Her parents, oblivious to S'ajii's reservations, never noticed that she was slowly becoming more and more distant with the family around her. They did however, try to push her to become a more social and active member of the family as she grew older, something that resulted in the young Taj becoming more and more anxious due to her families strict expectations and ultimately influencing her later in her life.


As she grew up in that attention starved home, S’ajii would find herself adversely affected with her education, failing many of her classes. Finally seeing her worsening grades, her family finally decided to step in, pushing her into many remedial classes and tutors that amounted to little, which lead to her family consider her a black sheep and disappointment, which they never feared to hide. She would take various dead end jobs as a result of her struggling academics, accepting of her fate. That is until she was hired as a waitress on one of the largest restaurants of Little Adhomai.


The job was a struggle unlike any other. A reserved Tajaraan, she found herself often at odds with the bustle and busy nature of a waitress job. It wasn’t her fault, but as meek as she had always been, she would sometimes she’d disappear from her job to have her own moment of peace. She did this on several occasions through the months, until the head chef and owner of the restaurant found her hiding on the roof.


The head chef was not known for being nice, often cursing and yelling at the cooks in the kitchen. When he found S'ajii up there, however, she did not find herself on the receiving end of a loud and angry chef, but rather a consoling and even gentle understanding for the first time in her life. S'ajii didn't quite know why he was nice to her, perhaps he understood, maybe he simply took pity on her, or found her small, diminutive form disarming. Whatever the case, he didn't fire her, encouraging her instead to talk to him when she felt she needed a break from the world. Through friendly chats, she slowly gained the courage to try to take cooking lessons, often spending time in the kitchen when it was slow to learn the various forms of kitchen duties. Eventually she began working as one of the cooks of the restaurant, building up experience in cooking and the duties of a chef as well as building a strong friendship with the head chef.


After her parents passing, she found herself no longer under the stress of trying to please her strict parents. The experience and friends she had made at the restaurant showed, as she had worked there for a decade, the quiet and reserved Tajara having shed away those old habits. People who had known her for a long time remarked at the change, her old self like a distant memory now. She found herself free of her old restrictions, aspiring for more than just the city of Little Adhomai. Hence the reason she applied to more jobs as a chef until she was hired by nanotransen to work on NSS Aurora.




What do you like about this character?

Well not only she’s a cute and small Tajara, but I feel her backstory is a whole arc by itself. Being oppressed by your own family can be relatable to some and it can develop issues trough life. Yet with the help of kind people on a cruel world and being lucky enough to find your passions, leaving behind the needs of aprooval from whoever you thought you need makes you mature. S’ajii is the representation of letting go of the past and look onto the future, motivated to seek more than working on the same place forever, meeting new people and new places after basically wasting her early life over trying to please everyone but hersef.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

8/10, I’m not an amazing writer by no means, English is not my mother language which makes me commit typos a few times but nothing that would be groundbreaking. I’ve been roleplaying on forums and chatting plataforms for 10 years, but only 2 years in games like  wow, zomboid, and all those kinds of games that allow for rp interactions.


Instead of outright giving feedback, I will first ask you some questions:


1. Can you tell me two more examples what playing a Tajara is very distinct, compared to humans or other races?

2. Can you tell me a place S’ajii frequented while living in D6? And why?

3. Why were her parents that strict? Where does this come from?

4. What does she believe in? And why?

5. What are her thoughts about the tajaran home planet?


These are the first ones. I might have more later.

12 minutes ago, KingOfThePing said:

Instead of outright giving feedback, I will first ask you some questions:


1. Can you tell me two more examples what playing a Tajara is very distinct, compared to humans or other races?

2. Can you tell me a place S’ajii frequented while living in D6? And why?

3. Why were her parents that strict? Where does this come from?

4. What does she believe in? And why?

5. What are her thoughts about the tajaran home planet?


These are the first ones. I might have more later.

Sure! those are actually a few things I was asking myself but didn't see much room to add while narrating the backstory without it being a convoluted mess.


1.-  Tajaran can be closed minded and not as well educated as other races. Without enough experience outside of their people they can fall into their repressed behavior like showing public affection and caring too much about about their consecuences. This of course doens't apply to all of them since there are those who are looked down upon by breaking out of their repressive system and exposure to other cultures when being born elsewhere. Not to mention their anatomy! they're obviously not humans and have a lot of cool cat traits to express themselves. I don't expect a tajara to grin or roll their eyes in annoyance, instead drop their ears, flick their tails, among other things humans are incapable of doing.

2.- Well since she is a pretty reserved Tajara and because of the crime rate I don't see her doing anything besides checking out other restaurants to compare it to her job and being at home with her family. Even tho she didn't get the attention it was still her shelter. Perhaps if she were a fighter or more brave/confident type of character she'd have explored it further. One of the reasons she'd want to leave this place was the high crime rate.

3.- I'd say that because of their culture on opressive history they'd just expect at least a minimum amount of perfection. I was thinking that her parents were initially refuges of a small tajara group that grew over time. So they kept all this old customs from their home planet. I could also add that as refugies they weren't treated as the best thing ever, so being strict meant that their offspring wouldn't get in trouble which made them not drag a whole lot of attention.

4.- I don't think she fell too hard onto religion. Her parents following the S'rand'marr, teaching her the basics of working with their pairs in peace. Tough since her childhood was actually pretty bad, she couldn't make sence of prayers leading to a happyer or better scenareos, making her believes rather weak on that regard. I could say she even fears the idea of religion since she seemed more inclined to praying to being spared than being happy.

5.- Since her family are refugies she doens't think highly of her planet, she finds saddening the history of her people and the current conflicts don't make her wish never having to be there. The only thing that she'd probably like about her races home planet is that maybe she'd have felt more confortable among her kind than in a planet where she's basically an alien.


I have a simple question, but one that is vitally important for any Tajara character.

Which Tajara race is S'ajii? And how has this affected her life and outlooks on the world. You only mention Tajara, not M'sai, Njarir etc.


A few more for you:

A large theme for Tajara is their connection to Adhomai. What nationality is S’ajii, and what does she think of the others?

What school of thought does she most relate with?

  • 2 weeks later...

Sorry for the delay. The horizon release got me very busy and I wanted to wait until you could answer to the questions.

The biggest issues I have with this application is the backstory and how it lacks any tangible Tajaran element. Sure that the character is living in Little Adhomai, but the political situation, besides the poverty, has zero effect on her as character. We don't know what S’ajii believes, where her family is from, or what are her allegiances. I recommend that you make a character that was born and raised in Adhomai for your next application.

Application denied.

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