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Grom's command application

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BYOND key: Gromnax

Discord Username: Grom#6592

Character names:

Ceri Alwenn, Ebere Ijeoma, Dreaming Together About Everything’s End, Pyotr Timofey, Jade Cooper, others

How long have you been playing on Aurora?:  Almost three years it seems, joined the forum on August 10, 2019. Damn, way longer than I expected.

Have you received any administrative actions? And how serious were they?

No administrative action I know of. I had my share of bwoinks of course, but nothing that was serious enough to be marked on my account as far as I know.

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each.

What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?:

A head of staff should guide the department and link it to other departments and the captain ingame. They should act as a reliable authority for players who might have questions about the job, should make the department feel alive, and give it clear objectives. The Captain has the same role, but as the head of command instead, guiding the entire crew by proxy.

[I however am not sure of the difference between Liaison and Consular. Liaison seems to be the former IAA, is this correct? I do not intend to play this role for now, but the wiki is not clear]

What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?:

As for xeno species, command players are trusted in giving good roleplay to fellow players according to the option their whitelist grant them. Thus, command staff should make sure to provide fun roleplay possibilities to everyone aboard.

Could you give us the gist of what is currently happening in Tau ceti and how it affected your character and their career?

Due to the phoron scarcity, Nanotrasen allied with the other major companies (Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals, Zavodskoi Interstellar, Einstein Engines, Hephaestus Industries, Idris Incorporated) to form SCC, the Stellar Corporate Conglomerate. They launched not long ago the SCCV Horizon, a state-of-the-art vessel, to find new phoron deposits in uncharted space. Each company is sending their best employees in this mission to assure the energetic future of the Orion Spur.

Ebere Ijeoma, a medic from the Eagle Corp, part of the Eridani Private Military Contractor, itself part of the PMCG, has been sent to the Horizon to assure medical aid. This has proven to be a golden opportunity for Ebere herself, as it allows her to flee the Dominian Empire even more – even if she sometimes meet other dominians aboard.

Dreaming Together has been sent by Zeng-Hu to assist with newfound botanic samples in uncharted space. They are glad to research new species and continue the work of the one who gave them life long ago. They secretly hope to meet uncontacted Dionaea, to understand their own kind even better.

Cooper has been on the run from Mars, trying to get a new life – no matter what life it could be, she wanted to forget Mars’ state. Even with her shady past, she managed to get herself a job as a hangar technician in Orion Express and is glad not to be a stowaway anymore.

What roles do you plan on playing after the application is accepted?

CMO, RD. I would also like to try Executive Officer in the future.

Have you familiarized yourself with the wiki pages for the command roles?

I have been knowing the chain of command for quite a while, and already read all the command roles pages on the wiki for my former application, which I retracted. I have read them again for this application, particularly for the roles I wish to play.

Characters you intend to use for command or have created for command. Include the job they will be taking.:

Ebere Ijeoma, Physician, has all the qualifications for the role of CMO.

Dreaming Together About Everything's End has theorically all the qualifications needed to be RD.

I had also created a RD for my former application, Graham Rosemond, and I still have him in my character list. However, I would need to find my former application and read it again as I am not sure of his story anymore, which would need to be updated anyway considering we boarded the Horizon.

Do you understand your whitelist is not permanent, and may be stripped following continuous administrative action?

As I had retracted my former application myself when I deemed myself not worth the roles back then, I can confirm I understand this very well.

Have you linked your byond account to the forums?


Extra notes:



I asked every round I've played since I've posted this app, with the link, but no one answered, which is quite a shame.

I will try again today.


Not a +1/+1 rather just a personal opinion, that I dont feel like your physician should be or can become a CMO. Especially with the whole hidden/fake identity thing going on. 


Other than that I am neutral on this application.

33 minutes ago, KingOfThePing said:

Not a +1/+1 rather just a personal opinion, that I dont feel like your physician should be or can become a CMO. Especially with the whole hidden/fake identity thing going on. 


Other than that I am neutral on this application.

Well, her birthname is in her records and the name was legally changed when she joined the eagle corps. The other identity is indeed hidden from most of the crew, but since SCC knows I doubt it would be an issue.

If it is one, though, I can use a new character instead. However I would like to know if it is the only issue you have with Ebere or if you can think of other ones that I could correct.

Posted (edited)

Just a short message to give my feedback since they've been kind of lacking (another understatement, I know) : I've had the chance to play alongside Gromnax, especially with Ebere Ijeoma and I can say that she's pulling some quality RP and I'm having some good times playing with them. Their characters have some interesting depth behind them, and they do feel particularily "real" and "here" (don't know if that's clear), which I particularily appreciate.

That's it, I'm sure they'll make a good command player, good luck for the app ;)

Edited by Flying.loulou

Just been in a round with Ebere Ijeoma, as my interim OM, and they were pretty capable I think. I've even suggested to get Ebere to interim CMO, but nobody has really responded as other things were happening. And, generally, their RP looks fine, and they can do their medical responsibilities well, from what I've seen.

The hidden/fake identity seems fine to me. I don't think I've really seen any other character of theirs, though.


-1 or me for a few reasons.

- Unless I'm mixing you up with someone else, which is entirely possible, I seem to remember some pretty snide dchat comments and whatnot from time to time?

- This is more for CMO than anything else, but seen a lot of 'wordlessly grab, drag to machine, force feed pills' level of interaction when people come into med, which kind of sucks for the person on the receiving end. Fairly limited RP given to things, though I think that's often a pitfall of constantly rolling antag.

- I don't think I've ever seen your other characters, so it's possible I'm judging you too harshly on the above and it's just this particular character that's problematic. 


So I do think that this kind of character should not really be a CMO with the whole backstory thing you have going.

Secondly I have to agree with Peppermint on a few things - I've seen some questionable play regarding security from you (I've seen you ignore dying officers in favour of dying antags multiple times, which is definitely weird) and I think you need to work on that more.

I suggest working on that by making a new character that's more apt to be a head of staff, not rolling antag on them (so people know the end product they're receiving) and keeping what we've said in mind.

Application denied, but you can reapply in a month from now.

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