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A question on Firearms

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(Before I begin this, I'd just like to let you know I'm not quite sure where to put this, sections wise, so if it's in the wrong section, please just let me know and I'll move it over!)
Hello! I'm Gladiatorgames! I like guns in videogames! They're cool, add a lot of interesting RP opportunities, tell a lot about a settings history and technology level and are fun as hell to use! Who doesn't like having a plethora of pixels vaguely shaped into a firearm to shoot other pixels vaguely shaped as people to keep things interesting? Now, I've come here to ask your opinion on firearms in Aurora, do you believe there are enough?

Personally, I believe that there practically can never be enough, as long as they're consistently used, that is! I have been playing Aurora for some time, I've been around the block enough to know what guns are and aren't used, for off-station antags you either see 'gimmick' weaponry, such as handcannons or harpoon guns, or you see the grey and bland Ballistic Carbine/Rifle/Short Barreled Rifle used most commonly by Mercenaries, sometimes you can see the distinct 10mm Submachine gun in use alongside them, or, in more rare cases, the Solarian Battle Rifle. For on-station antags, you most commonly see smaller sidearms employed for concealment, such as the ubiquitous 'Revolver' chambered in .357 or the time tested 1911 Rip-off, sometimes even other smaller firearms such as the .45 Submachine gun or the Heavy Handgun.

Now, pardon me if I am wrong here, but I believe this selection is incredibly narrow and rather... Well, bland. But, see, this is my opinion, and I have come to get an answer to my question previous. What's your take on this question? Do you believe there are enough firearms that are interesting but there could be more? Do you believe no more should be added so we don't get clogged up? Do you believe we need more guns to add more personality to the wonderful firearms world of Aurora? Let me know below!


As an avid gun-enjoyer IRL and in game, I think we have a pretty good representation.
Now, we don't have swiss mauser tier 8mm type rounds, but a lot of our gun options are direct representations with the accurate calibers being used. A round of merc might see use of a 10mm bullpup, a 9mm concealed carry, and a gimmicky rpg-type weapon like the material "rifle". 

Beyond niche surplus weapons we have a fairly wide array. A part of selecting a limited "ammo pallete" allows RP to flow better.e


Thank you for both of your responses! I was gonna let this sit a bit more to see any further responses but I may as well post this now!

On 23/07/2022 at 02:46, Zelmana said:


I'd have to agree, we have quite a good amount of representation when it comes to calibers in the game, but where I find it quite bland is the selection of weapons using these calibers! As I said, we have only two or three proper firearms of each ammunition type that aren't gimmicks such as the grey 'Ballistic Carbine/Rifle' series used by every Merc and their mother which I find to be... Pretty bland to say the least.

I could go on for much longer as to the reasons why I believe we need more firearms and even a few more calibers. In short my primary reason why I believe we need more firearms is due to the blandness of our current selection that's been around for yonks, barring the new additions of Securities Carbine and Machine Pistol and the new Crew Armoury firearm, you always only see the few 'mainstream' guns we have, and it isn't quite necessarily a case of, 'We have options but only choose X because it's better/more meta', it's more of the case that the only other options we have is the Bulldog and its two other derivatives. 


On 23/07/2022 at 14:39, Tristan63 said:


I'm of the same opinion! In an ideal world I would love full field-strip capability and modability alongside a far larger selection of firearms!


I believe there are more than enough, sadly it's moreso that most of them aren't accessible (being often seen only in events, or when a traitor buys a random gun and comes across something neat). There are a lot of weapons I love like the 'Grapeshot Revolver' based on the LeMat, that you'll nearly never see because traitors can't directly purchase a good lot of these.

I'd rather not have more calibres though, as we already have issues where getting ammo for certain ballistic weapons is a massive pain without admin intervention (Sol ARs requiring proprietary magazines that only come in Sol gear crates or need to be spawned [which is really annoying as a merc], the Tajaran Musket being impossible to create more ammo for on your own, etcetera).

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