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Prospect1559 - creating unnecessary conflict

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BYOND Key: Dreamixpl

Player Byond Key: Prospekt1559

Reason for complaint: creating unnecessary conflict

Approximate Date/Time: 14.04.2015, the whole round that started around 17:00, British time

First: Prospekt's head app was accepted on 13.04.2015, 14.04.2015, around 17:00, British time, Prospekt joins mid-round, with character that is named Wulfrein Schassner, Captain. I am 90% sure there was said on server rules or somewhere on the forums, that player that just got their head app accepted, shouldn't immediately join as a captain, but try a easier head like RD or CE.


OOC: Prospekt1559: I mean if its uncreative thats kind of back firing on you. If anything you should be glad you have partially the same name as my character. Common mistakes friend ((glad? Why?))

OOC: JohnnyMnemonic: o gawd i just noticed

OOC: Dreamixpl: I play Wulf since January, don't tell me that was a mistake

OOC: Prospekt1559: but if you need to release your angry army of insults then you can add me on byond and Ill take them head on, the players dont need to hear this

OOC: Prospekt1559: also it was a mistake trust me

OOC: Dreamixpl: anyway, I can't play today

"OOC: Prospekt1559: also it was a mistake trust me"


Can I ask how? I played Wulf Schassner since January, I was once or twice acting HoS with Prospekt's character as a security officer, I played Wulf as a officer when Prospekt was playing Unathi officers. I was already on the crew manifest, Prospekt didn't even checked the crew manifest before joining? He didn't remembered me from any of the shifts before? I am asking, how that was a mistake?

Also, that is... I don't even. "if you need to release your angry army of insults". I never insulted Prospekt. The main cause of my 'rage quit' was IMHO bad cult, not Prospekt. That is just self-centered (can't find a better word).


OOC: JohnnyMnemonic: that's awfully convinent thou...how did come up with that?

OOC: JohnnyMnemonic: look up the captain and the officer

[not important]

OOC: JohnnyMnemonic: Wulfrein Schassner and Wulf Schassner, latter being dream



Also, that is clearly a wish to create a conflict between me and Prospekt, I am afraid that Prospekt will hold a meta-grudge on me in future rounds. [erased ~Dreamix]. Or at least make him change his character's name and surname.

And last: full logs of the 'accident': https://docs.google.com/document/d/1HwGiXKF1A8asbYMEYUkXV6Fqz6xPYokxgR8zsqSZRd8/edit?usp=sharing

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Guest Menown

I don't see any reason for his Head Whitelist to be removed. From what I understand, he hasn't shown incapable of handling it. This is mostly just an OOC conduct complaint from what I see, as well as the name stealing thing, (which I can confirm, Dream has had Wulf much longer than Prospekt.)

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Later that round:

Haruspex (follow) says, "You're all going to regret not asking for rain."

Haruspex (follow) [145.9] says, "You're all going to regret not asking for rain."

Haruspex (follow) says, "The drought will ruin you!"

Haruspex (follow) [145.9] says, "The drought will ruin you!"

Serenity Neferet (follow) says, "What can I say? I like science."

Rob Logan (follow) [145.9] says, "Testing, testing."

Serenity Neferet (follow) asks, "Any got a light?"

Wulfrein Schassner (follow) says, "Time to feel..."

LOOC: Meowykins: Puckes.

Wulfrein Schassner (follow) says, "The chain of command."

Luctus (follow) [145.9] states, "Silence, bodyless construct."

LOOC: Casperf1: puckes

Dendritic (follow) says, "Dendritic is saddened about the loss of life today. It wishes it were more efficient."

Luctus (follow) [145.9] states, "You should be in chains, like we all do."

LOOC: Shadowhunter215: [piss fog

LOOC: Casperf1: I will puckes you meow

Dendritic (follow) says, "Perhaps none of this would have happened."

Haruspex (follow) says, "FLOG HIM!"

Haruspex (follow) [145.9] says, "FLOG HIM!"

David Murrello examines himself.

Wulfrein Schassner points to Allakin Al-Hasmid

Jason Finn (follow) exclaims, "AGH!"

Haruspex (follow) says, "FLOG HIM, FLOG HIM, TO MINCE MEAT! YES!"

Haruspex (follow) [145.9] says, "FLOG HIM, FLOG HIM, TO MINCE MEAT! YES!"

Allakin Al-Hasmid (follow) says, "Hey you over glorified janibot"

Smog-Lyanka (follow) states, "This unit queries: Captain taking all credit, whilst doing nothing."

Jason Finn (follow) exclaims, "Jesus!"

Without even breaking stride, Avery Dawkins flips open and lights the Zippo lighter in one smooth movement.

Wulfrein Schassner (follow) says, "You vented some of my station."

With a flick of their wrist, Avery Dawkins lights cigarette with the Zippo lighter.

Priority Announcement

The scheduled Crew Transfer Shuttle has docked with the station. It will depart in approximately 3 minutes.

Allakin Al-Hasmid (follow) says, "Dont flash me"

You hear a quiet click, as Avery Dawkins shuts off the Zippo lighter without even looking at what they're doing.

LOOC: Casperf1: did you just put a flower in that body bag that is amazing

Allakin Al-Hasmid has been flogged in the chest with chain of command by Wulfrein Schassner!

Haruspex (follow) says, "MAIM, MAIM!"

Miko Du'Razhu (follow) mrowls, " May yourrrr jourrrrney thrrrough Messa's bounty be safe."

Dendritic (follow) says, "Dendritic is the most inefficient crewmember."

Serenity Neferet (follow) asks, "Miko, got a lighter?"

Haruspex (follow) says, "HIT HIM AGAIN!"

Haruspex (follow) says, "AGAIN!"

Haruspex (follow) says, "AGAIN!"[beating Haruspex while holding his brain in his hand]

DEAD: Cassidy Kit laments, "Captains that openly beat prisoners make me mad."

Haruspex (follow) says, "YES!"

Adam Taylor (follow) [Medical] asks, "Dendritic, can you help me move the cadavars?"

Centurion shakes Allakin Al-Hasmid trying to wake him up!

David Murrello hugs Berislav Tarik to make him feel better!

Centurion shakes Allakin Al-Hasmid trying to wake him up!

DEAD: Cassidy Kit moans, "He literally waited until the shuttle arrived to do that too."

DEAD: Wulf Schassner laments, "cough player complaint forum"

DEAD: Wulf Schassner complains, "cough"

Haruspex has been flogged with the chain of command.

DEAD: Cassidy Kit moans, "So, technically, it's EOR."

DEAD: MOD(Chaznoodles) says, "Wt"

DEAD: Ana Roh'hi'tin complains, "sec should have arrested him"

Haruspex has been whipped with the chain of command.

Haruspex (follow) says, "What is this?"

Wulfrein Schassner (follow) yells, "BAD HARUSPEX!"

Adam Evans buckles in!

Haruspex has been whipped with the chain of command.

Haruspex (follow) says, "I do not feel."

Haruspex (follow) says, "Are you hitting me?"

Serenity Neferet buckles in!

DEAD: Rozhad Alakiv complains, "It feels even more weird when the prisoner is in cuffs, and the attack test mentions flogging."

Miko Du'Razhu buckles in!

Adam Taylor grunts.

Haruspex (follow) says, "I dont feel anything."

Luctus (follow) [145.9] states, "Farewell, higher maker serenity."

Haruspex (follow) says, "Who are you again?"

Miko Du'Razhu (follow) says, "He does not think Cyborrrgs have souls."

Wulfrein Schassner (follow) asks, "Do you not feel your circuits breaking and shutting down?"

Haruspex (follow) says, "Where's the rain?"

Berislav Tarik buckles in!

Adam Taylor sighs heavily.

Haruspex has been disciplined with the chain of command.

Haruspex has been disciplined with the chain of command.

Haruspex has been whipped with the chain of command.

Haruspex has been disciplined with the chain of command.

Haruspex (follow) says, "No. No."

Adam Taylor buckles in!

Haruspex has been lashed with the chain of command.

Haruspex (follow) says, "You are doing it wrong."

Wulfrein Schassner puts the positronic brain into the leather satchel.

LOOC: Jboy2000000: You're both giant tools.

Haruspex (follow) says, "Where is the rain, anyhow?"

David Murrello (follow) [145.9] asks, "ANYONE ON THE STATION STILL?"

Reyjakai Friedman (follow) says quietly, "Holmes had several weapons in his bag."

Haruspex (follow) says, "Yes!"

Centurion (follow) says, "Caesar."

DEAD: Cassidy Kit moans, "Did he beat a posi core over and over with the chain?"

Haruspex (follow) says, "Beat them!"

Centurion (follow) says, "Please do not hit him again."

Haruspex (follow) says, "Maim, Maim!"

DEAD: Rozhad Alakiv whines, "Yup."

DEAD: Cassidy Kit blubbers, "What an idiot."

Haruspex (follow) says, "Dont listen to him, he's a traitor!"

Centurion (follow) says, "I would rather not have to take him to medical."

Hunter Holmes (follow) says, "Captain"

Haruspex (follow) says, "Lead by fear, LEAD BY FEAR!"

Reyjakai Friedman (follow) says, "It isn't the best idea to beat people, regardless of your station."

Smog-Lyanka (follow) [145.9] states, "Master Serenity: Please report: Crew, for: Incompetence."

Hunter Holmes (follow) says, "Please dont hit anyone with that"

Haruspex (follow) says, "He's a lier, a filthy lier!"

Adam Taylor buckles in!

David Murrello buckles in!

Haruspex (follow) says, "Dont listen to them, listen to me! We've been together all this time, I would not lie to you!"


Adam Taylor (follow) [Medical] asks, "Dendritic?"

Haruspex (follow) says, "Now - maim them."

Adam Taylor (follow) [Medical] says, "There's a seat free."

Arrivals Announcement Computer (follow) [145.9] says, "Blake Harris, Chaplain, has arrived on the station."

Centurion (follow) says, "Do not."

Haruspex (follow) says, "Maul them."

Centurion (follow) says, "D onot."

Tim Woolery looks down at the floor.

David Murrello unbuckled !

Haruspex (follow) says, "Blood. Just a little blood. To draw the rain."

David Murrello buckles in!

DEAD: Rozhad Alakiv complains, "I think this is also literally his first time playing any head rule at all as well, if not it was one of his very first."

Reyjakai Friedman (follow) says, "And down he goes."

Adam Taylor looks across to the two, as he begins sparking up yet another cigarette.

DEAD: Rozhad Alakiv complains, "Head rule? Yes me, that is a thing."

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It appears to me that you blew this way the hell out of proportion in OOC, raged and hurled insults due to a mistake that had a minute affect on you, Prospect was nothing but polite to you, while you swore at him ragequit, and posted this.

From my perspective, it is YOU that is holding the grudge, and YOU that is displaying behavior that needs a complaint, no one wants to have someone ranting in OOC because someone has a similar character name, he even said he would change it. And in return, you put this in your logs:


OOC: Prospekt1559: I will change my name though of this character next round since it bothers you

((no, it is not bothering me, AT ALL))


You need to calm right down, right now, or an admin is going to go for you, not Prospect, who is utterly undeserving of this complaint, as I previously stated, he was polite with you, offered to change his character name, and tried to keep OOC clear; I would much rather promote his Moderator application than see his Head Whitelist removed, by seeing how cooly he dealt with your rampant aggression here.

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It appears to me that you blew this way the hell out of proportion in OOC, raged and hurled insults due to a mistake that had a minute affect on you, Prospect was nothing but polite to you, while you swore at him ragequit, and posted this.


I disagree, as stated in my complaint:

Also, that is... I don't even. "if you need to release your angry army of insults". I never insulted Prospekt. The main cause of my 'rage quit' was IMHO bad cult, not Prospekt. That is just self-centered (can't find a better word).


The 'insults' I threw, were towards one cultist, from the logs:

(Haruspex was running around, not wanting to get close to my stun-baton, zero RP, just wanting to annoy me)
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It appears to me that you blew this way the hell out of proportion in OOC, raged and hurled insults due to a mistake that had a minute affect on you, Prospect was nothing but polite to you, while you swore at him ragequit, and posted this.


I disagree, as stated in my complaint:

Also, that is... I don't even. "if you need to release your angry army of insults". I never insulted Prospekt. The main cause of my 'rage quit' was IMHO bad cult, not Prospekt. That is just self-centered (can't find a better word).


OOC: Dreamixpl: you are so uncreative, you make me go rage quit

OOC: Prospekt1559: nice

OOC: Dreamixpl: not nice...

Gonna disagree with you there. You started the bad behavior first.


The 'insults' I threw, were towards one cultist, from the logs:

(Haruspex was running around, not wanting to get close to my stun-baton, zero RP, just wanting to annoy me)


Then cut those bits out of the log, they are irrelevant and cutting them out will prevent confusion.

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

Just because you've been here longer than Prospekt does not mean he is automatically obliged to know/remember your character's names. I didn't, I had no idea prior to this complaint that Wulf even existed as a character because I have a bad memory. Am I a bad person?

Apparently from your perspective, because you took an immediately hostile and accusatory stance against Prospekt. I understand that someone coming on with your name can be jarring, but the situation was resolved nearly immediately from the log because Prospekt apologized and said he would stop playing the character with that name. Honestly you were the one hostile here, and the only way I can see a complaint against Prospekt being justified is if he refused to stop playing as his Wulf after saying he would.

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OOC: Dreamixpl: you are so uncreative, you make me go rage quit

OOC: Prospekt1559: nice

OOC: Dreamixpl: not nice...

Gonna disagree with you there. You started the bad behavior first.

Yes, I did started bad behavior first, but I am sure that bad behavior was not "raging and hurling insults", because (the complaint):

Can I ask how? I played Wulf Schassner since January, I was once or twice acting HoS with Prospekt's character as a security officer, I played Wulf as a officer when Prospekt was playing Unathi officers. I was already on the crew manifest, Prospekt didn't even checked the crew manifest before joining? He didn't remembered me from any of the shifts before? I am asking, how that was a mistake?
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Hello, gonna be quick because there's a round going on right now.

I was Haruspex, the immobile positronic cult brain being hit with the chain of command.

I had spent the last 30 minutes yelling, insulting and mocking the captain and everyone else over the comms. I consider smacking me for it entirely justified, and purposelly provoked on my part.

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I don't really see why he should be stripped of his whitelist or reprimanded. Even if he did do something wrong, it was his first time and i mean, seriously, he didn't even really do anything that bad even. It's like every time a captain RP's someone files a complaint, first Boka and now this, it really saps people of wanting to play command positions.

I think Prospekt in this case probably didn't do this out of malice. I just think you thought so at the time (and probably think the same now). Even so, you came off very butt mad in this whole thing, and like you want to frame Prospekt as this fucking asshole who's just a dick to you 4noraisins.

and it wasn't self centered if you got seemingly pissed off then said you can't play. i thought the same, does that also make me self centered?

Now, even IF prospekt purposefully took a name that was similar to yours, why? And even if he did, your reaction was kind overblown, you really should have asked prospekt to change it. which you did. and then he agreed to change it. I guess that's settled then? wait no-


Also, that is clearly a wish to create a conflict between me and Prospekt, I am afraid that Prospekt will hold a meta-grudge on me in future rounds.


this is the only legitimate point you can make a complaint basis on, and it's the least elaborated. please elaborate.

Also! i totally wanna know how you both came to get such similar names, i still can't shake off the feeling of how convinient it is, is the name a reference? or maybe he subconsciously chose it? Why that nameeee?

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I don't really see why he should be stripped of his whitelist or reprimanded. Even if he did do something wrong, it was his first time and i mean, seriously, he didn't even really do anything that bad even


I'm personally in agreement with this.

I don't really see very much wrong with this, if anything really.


I am 90% sure there was said on server rules or somewhere on the forums, that player that just got their head app accepted, shouldn't immediately join as a captain, but try a easier head like RD or CE.


I've been staff here for over a year, and I've never seen anything like that as a Rule. Perhaps an off-hand comment, or a suggestion by someone. But it's not ingrained into our rules that you cannot play a captain immediately after being accepted.


Can I ask how? I played Wulf Schassner since January, I was once or twice acting HoS with Prospekt's character as a security officer


There are hundreds of characters on the Aurora on a Daily basis, I hardly remember many of the regular's characters. Let alone someone I might've seen "Once or Twice" . I'm not totally disregarding your complaint ,but it's not inconceivable that he could've had a similar name. I've had someone join using my exact IRL name and my name is not a common one whatsoever.

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Okay. Let's put it this way. The world is big. There are many people in the world. Some of these people may have identical names. I see absolutely no issue whatsoever here.

I'm going to be locking and archiving this. You're free to PM myself or Jenna if you want to contest this - otherwise, this is pretty much resolved.

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