NebulaFlare Posted May 5, 2015 Posted May 5, 2015 (edited) BYOND Key: NebulaFlare Player Byond Key: CDB, Bobbyswagger Staff involved: (Not ahelped, no staff involved. Reason for complaint: Originally wrote it up as an incident report, because it felt more like an IC issue at most. Since Antags can't write up those, I'm going to copy-paste what I had there to here: Skull's edit: I yanked the OOC bit out of the IC bit and put it here. Enjoy. Simply put, I was the wizard. I entered with the story that I'm a tajara wizard searching for a ninja, and admins provided a spawn in to assist with arpee. Instead of getting to have fun to showdown with the ninja, or speak with tajara about how far they had come, two people, Terrence Frank and Jane-Luc Pick were constantly hounding me to serve time after I defended myself from hostile crew who did not keep their distance after repeated warnings. After awhile I agreed to serve time in exchange for help to hunt down the other hostile, but I refused to hand over my wizard gear. Since people were taking forever I left and went after the ninja myself. Security responded eventually by powergaming with stunbaton, using the straight jacket and muzzle, then leaving me in interrogation for the rest of the shift. Heck, I've only used my offensive spell on one count as a warning to back away from her, and all my other spells were defensive. Frank came in and even removed my earpiece, so that at times I was completely out of the round. Frank was even willing to leave me strait-jacket in the interrogation room after the shuttle was called, if Ryu'Daken didn't come over to let me go. terribly powergaming overkill on a friendly wizard. Frank should never barge into security matters, EVER. and Jane-Luc Pick who I assume was a new player, should not be questioning a CMO's decision to promote an HOS to take a stand on the situation - Ryu, who was tajara and could provide fair judgement. You guys know me as being pretty easy-going to screw-ups and just shrugging it off, but after trying to make the round fun for everyone, then not getting my plans out of it and being powergamed against because I resisted powergaming in killed the round for me. At any moment I could have, (and should have once they started chasing me with tasers) defend myself with projectiles. Clearly I gave too much of the benefit of the doubt. Reveal hidden contents Reporting Personnel: Jishna The Seeker Rank of Reporting Personnel: Guardian Personnel Involved: Terrence Frank, Jane-Luc Price, security personnel Time of Incident: ((5:00 PM PST 5-5-2015)) Location of Incident: Nature of Incident: []Workplace Hazard []Accident/Injury []Destruction of Property [x]Neglect of Duty [x]Harassment [x]Assault [x]Misconduct [x]Other Being Naive Overview of the Incident: Greetings. This is Jishna The Seeker. She speaks through her familiar, C.A.C, allowing for translation. Allow her to start from the beginning... She is from the past, during a time when Tajaran Society had not yet been received by the task-makers, before the history and archives were forever lost. She is a guardian of the Temple of S'raandar. She pursued a thief into a portal, who had stolen the valuable artifact, the Snow Crystal. And thus, she appeared here, on their station called the NSS Aurora. Her presence was....not received well. The humans have shown distrust, hostility, and a severe lack of understanding. Too few assisted her in this foreign place. What she has observed from the leadership was disorder. Upon her arrival she defended herself from a possibly hostile crowd - apparantly she harmed an innocent, and she is apologetic for her actions and misunderstanding. However, this lead the individual Terrence Frank to harass and hound the leadership for Jishna's arrest, with little consideration of the outcomes. She can respect the protocol and rules, but was it truly a necessity when she, a visitor of the past seeking assistance, willing to help, and search out the true hostile of the station, be confined to a cell when she has shown NO threat to the crew aside from their imaginations and speculations, and is the only individual who can stand a chance against the one who brought her here, the true threat and intruder? Instead, she was captured, restrained, undignified. They surrounded her and stunned her, displaying a show of their naive lust for power. They disrobed her and took her belongings, sacred items that should not be handled, strait jacket and muzzled her, then left her in a dark room to be questioned, while the true enemy walked the halls freely. Are humans so blind and naive they lack understanding? So threatened and insecure they will jump at the first sign of something stronger than them? Terrence Frank, whom she believed was an advisor at best for such situations, has provoked unnecessary hostilities. He has permanently lost this company of NanoTrasen a potential ally, and denied an entire race the chance to regain a lost heritage. Such measures should be reprimanded. It is only by the understanding and kindness of the Tajara did she regain her dignity, and her power and belongings, and left the station to hunt down her quarry. The next time she is to board a station, she will have to defend herself accordingly, and give a proper reason for her distrust. They have made a dangerous enemy, and lost a possible ally. She has done nothing wrong short of defending herself...and they will reap the cost. Did you report it to a Head of Staff or IAA? If so, who?: Certainly not Additional notes: (()) Approximate Date/Time: 5:00 PM PST 5-5-2015 Edited May 5, 2015 by Guest
ChrisC Posted May 5, 2015 Posted May 5, 2015 To the way the server seems to be in these matters at the current time this does not surprise me in the slightest ((I know my post is off topic a bit but it still needs to be said)) We need to have a major overhaul of security IE: Discussion in how SOP should be applied and a typed up complete laws list more in depth then the current book that is on station ((Maybe a few X v X cases to not allow certain things to happen and such and such)) Because the amount of complaints and reports against security are becoming way to frequent and idiotic
NebulaFlare Posted May 5, 2015 Author Posted May 5, 2015 Dude, Chris. I totally, TOTALLY agree. And I will happily volunteer to assist in giving ideas and info for a solid SOP. Security needs to be whipped back into shape.
nanotoxin Posted May 5, 2015 Posted May 5, 2015 (edited) * Just gonna get rid of the IC post * Edited May 15, 2015 by Guest
Skull132 Posted May 5, 2015 Posted May 5, 2015 Um. Guys, this is an OOC complaint against the person. So please, stall the IC responses and rephrase them in an OOC manner. It's easier to understand in that manner. I will say one thing. You can write as many SOPs as you want, but you also need dudes on the ground to enforce them. And no, I'm not talking about admins right now. We can ban terrible people as they become terrible, but player-driven leadership, and leadership by example in this case, also needs to be a thing. EDIT: Actual perspective on the matter. Before the Ninja was granted entry, I received a fax from IAA. It described an armed intruder interfering with work and being let to see research matters. My response to this was a fax containing the following body: Quote Any guest authorized by Command Staff should not disturb the working environment aboard the NSS Aurora. They are to be held to, effectively, the same Corporate Regulation as any working member, when the charges are applicable. An addendum is to be added: the research conducted aboard the NSS Aurora is considered sensitive, and not for public eyes without authorization or proper grounds. They shouldn't be permitted access without proper oversight, at the very least. Intent was to, basically, introduce some hindering factors to the wizard's operations. Basically, if they wanted to see RnD, they'd need a guard or something, as is realistic. Now, how this was interpreted by the IAA and Sec, and was the CMO informed of the contents of the fax, as they should have been? Cannot confirm at this time, as I left shortly thereafter for reasons concerning life.
nanotoxin Posted May 5, 2015 Posted May 5, 2015 I was already 90% done writing this when she switched it over, so i didn't bother to redo it, sorry
Baka Posted May 5, 2015 Posted May 5, 2015 This is not an IC complaints board. Here we expect issues to be explained from an OOC perspective, please.
Tainavaa Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 I was informed of the FAX however Terrence was pushing for the wizard to not let be on the station at all. I did actually have an armed guard to be with Jishna that time and when I didn't do what Terrence wanted and as hard as he tried to get the station to run the way he wanted it he just faxed Central. I complied as best I could without just letting him and I know he's been sending biased reports to CC. He was just doing everything in his power to get the station to run how he wants it run. And I think that's a problem with Terrence Frank, he either doesn't know his bounds or willingly abuses his position as IA to try and exceed his powers and run the station. During the round, he referred to the station as 'his'. It seems he thinks because he's a representative of Central Command that he's the highest authority on the station. And this isn't the only round where he's displayed this, I remember a round where he attempted to bribe Tina to let him have access to the personal PDA messaging server (I dunno if that was admin-approved) without getting proper authorization from Central first. I also remember a round a while ago where I fired someone for being a continuous shitter in the medbay being defiant, vandalising it, not listening to a damn thing I said, etc. and he tailed me about faxing Central Command demanding I rehire him. I didn't listen but damn was it annoying. And in this particular instance I know he's been sending biased reports to CC and interpreting them to his whim. In that particular fax, it does suggest she can be there while under supervision which I already had. However being the only head onboard, I was very busy and had text flooding the chatbox so I didn't spend too much time trying to make sense of it, I more or less just took Terrence for his word on the interpretation of the fax.
callum99877 Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 Id just like it noted, i was the Ninja and as soon as 2 officers saw me, they shot at me. I then stunned them (with intent to run away) and they harmbatoned me to death.
cdb Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 Jane-Lucs player here, I'll keep this fairly succinct. Firstly, Jishna was...never arrested for being in R&D, it was communicated to them repeatedly that they were to serve a 20 minute assault timer for shooting a roboticist who had run at them, the action being deemed excessive and unnecessary. The only reason Jane questioned the decision to place Ryu into the position was because as soon as he 'was' promoted? He tried to pardon the wizard of the assault, one of the most explicit "This is a crime" actions someone can perform. The wizard being straight jacketed and such was ultimately not my decision, I just helped Henji put them in custody after an hour of trying to talk them into coming in without being bound, each attempt leading to either refusal, fleeing or acceptance 'followed' by teleporting away. After Jishna was arrested, had no hand in dealing with their processing, I was paired up with another officer worrying about the other boarder. Another point of contention, Jishna was stunned a handful of times during their arrest, the idea that we just stood there beating on her is however wrong. I was in the middle of cuffing them when Ryu pulled them away, which only further extended the arrest process(that would've been over if they had come in peacefully in the first place). Edit: Callum, you'll recall that you shurrikin'd us first, and then after shurkining us? You hacked the other officers hand off before being downed, and even WHEN you were downed I was cuffing you, going so far s to stun the 'other' officer to stop him from straight up killing you.
callum99877 Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 This is incorrect, One of the two shot at me, i stunned them and started charging my suit on the SMES unit as to teleport away. The officer then came charging at me, baton out and switched on. So yes, i cut his arm as to stop him attacking me. I was then harmbatoned to death.
cdb Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 I was in the locker room at the time, I don't recall seeing him fire but I may be mistaken. You being batonned was probably a big part of the fact that the other officer 'kept' batonning you after you went down even while I was trying to get cuffs out and restrain you, after Jane-Luc stunned him and grabbed you, you teleported right away. So I fail to see how exactly you were harm batoned "to death". Unless death now resolves with a teleportation instead of gibbing for the ninja.
Baka Posted May 6, 2015 Posted May 6, 2015 Bokaza's and Sammic's post deleted as it did not pertain to the matter at hand. Please do not attempt to cause a flame war with matters of opinions of what game mode should be voted for and why a game mode is bad. Keep on topic of the complaint in question and just that. Thank you.
PoZe Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 As it /is/ cahracter complaint that give to me right talk about all the situations. What can I say about that character? Well, mostly he is racist, everyone knews that. As I was watching for him a lot of time I have noticed that he hates Tajaran most of all, that cause the situation whe he is trying to make something bad to them. Another thing is that as security officer I have notice that he like to command to the security when there is not HOS/HOP/Captain. I want to admit that he is true racist, however he seems to like IPCs which were suprising to discover for me. Clearly, my point to the palyer who is playing Terrence Frank is: please decrease your character racist level. What I mean? I mean that for me it's an interesting to have such character onboard, it make game much interesting with having a problems about race, however, sometimes he is crossing the line of racism.
SierraKomodo Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 PoZe said: As it /is/ cahracter complaint that give to me right talk about all the situations. What can I say about that character? Well, mostly he is racist, everyone knews that. As I was watching for him a lot of time I have noticed that he hates Tajaran most of all, that cause the situation whe he is trying to make something bad to them. Another thing is that as security officer I have notice that he like to command to the security when there is not HOS/HOP/Captain. I want to admit that he is true racist, however he seems to like IPCs which were suprising to discover for me. Clearly, my point to the palyer who is playing Terrence Frank is: please decrease your character racist level. What I mean? I mean that for me it's an interesting to have such character onboard, it make game much interesting with having a problems about race, however, sometimes he is crossing the line of racism. I personally don't have any problems with the character, OOCly. I also don't think he's actually all that racist either, however - Kylan and Miraj, and even Ziva despite her concerns with the stories she's heard, have gotten along with him just fine. The only Tajaran I play that has issues with him is Rasine, and everyone knows why people would have an issue with her. A racist character is actually rather rare on Aurora, and if he actually is racist and my three Tajaran just lucked out, then that's fine with me; I'd consider that to be an IC issue to be dealt with, not something to open an OOC complaint for. However, when it comes to trying to take charge of security and the station and what was described in the original complaint, that I can agree is overstepping his bounds as an IAA.
nanotoxin Posted May 15, 2015 Posted May 15, 2015 Terrence Frank, last night not sure what time, despite being loyalty implanted, proceeded to beat an engineer, after the shuttle had landed. I'm sure it was dealt with by the admins, but it's something I feel should be added to his complaint.
Baka Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Terrence Frank had no right to play the role of security because he was an IAA agent. He also had no right assisting security with hunting down the antagonist. His job is bureaucracy, and bureaucracy only. I will be looking for the player because he has some explanations to do. Jane Luc Price had reasons to follow you as the fax stated, and the fact that you were a guest on the station. Perhaps they were pushing on you a bit hard to get you to slip, as you stated you used an "offensive spell on one count as a warning to back away from her". Which spell was that? I'm also not a fan that you got straightjacketed and gagged, to be left alone. Who made this decision to do this?
nanotoxin Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 The warden had straight jacketed and gagged Jishna, then I took her into interrogation and took off the gag and was going to try and straighten everything out, but Terrence had messaged central command and they had said I was to be removed from the head of security position, and he wanted it done right now, so I had to go to the bridge and be demoted.
Baka Posted May 17, 2015 Posted May 17, 2015 Okay. Terrence Frank is played by Bobbyswagger. I will be waiting for their response.
Tabitha Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 First of all, I Would like to state that, I was not around for the incident. However... I do Support the part about frank. I have seen Time and time again him disrupting peoples RP with petty to no reasoning at all, I have been a victim of, and know other players have been as well. Practical harassment by Terrance, Sometimes in a few of those situation I could almost go as far as claiming it was Meta-grudging But I will not go as far to say that yet, as I have no "real" substantial evidence to back up that claim with.However, I would like to point out, Time and time again I have seen Internal Affairs Agents come and go during a problems, no interferences and no questions asked, however When Terrance logs in, 99.9% of the time I find him, he is in Security jamming his face into sec business, or other departments...Also doing whatever he can to get someone in trouble, he is an I.A.A he is supposed to look for Internal Affairs related issue's...not try to cause them. I mean no offense when writing this. If I have offended anyone I am deeply sorry. These are just my observations. ~sincerely Direwolf20 (A.K.A. Tabitha)
Baka Posted May 24, 2015 Posted May 24, 2015 I had directed the player of Terrence Frank here last week. They had failed to show up to explain themselves. I have substantiate evidence to reach a decision in regards to their action. If they do not respond within 24 hours, I will render my verdict.
bobbyswagger Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Baka said: Terrence Frank had no right to play the role of security because he was an IAA agent. He also had no right assisting security with hunting down the antagonist. His job is bureaucracy, and bureaucracy only. I will be looking for the player because he has some explanations to do. I'm also not a fan that you got straightjacketed and gagged, to be left alone. Who made this decision to do this? OK, I'll keep this brief, since it's been a while since the round in question. 1. On playing the role of security: I did not actually assume the role of security in any way, I just advised the officers present that the intruder needed to be arrested and charged as per the fax. It clearly instructed to hold the intruder to "the same Corporate Regulation as any working member, when the charges are applicable." In this case, that meant charges for assault and contraband (possession of a weapon). Thus this is in line with the duty of making sure Central's directives are properly followed, nothing more. 2. Assisting security with hunting antags: Once again, IAA's role was purely advisory, the officers conducted the arrest however they saw fit, Terrence had no say in this matter. 3. Straightjacketing: I do not know whose idea this was, Terrence had no part in this.
nanotoxin Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Except Terrence kept whispering to officers to stun-baton then cuff Ryu though.
Baka Posted May 25, 2015 Posted May 25, 2015 Okay, as I said, please don't meddle in security's work. You are not a Lawyer, it is not your job to determine whether or not someone should be in jail. Rather, it is your job to make sure that the station's staff is working efficiently and following Standard Operating Procedure at all times. Criminals and other threats to the station are under the purview of the security team, and you shouldn't have much of a cause to interfere with them. Just don't meddle in security affairs. Let them do their jobs. I will leave this open for about twenty-four hours before I lock and archive this.
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