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The United Nations

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Lore Impact (Small/Medium/Large): Uh, I think Small or Medium, but I'm not sure of the complete ramifications.

Species: (Skrell, Tajara, Human, Vaurca, Dionae, Unathi, Synth, General) Human

Short Description:

Removes unity station, makes the UN relevant as an entity, adds something to Earth. 

How will this be reflected on-station?:

Doubtful it will be reflected outside of political discussions onboard.

Does this addition do anything not achieved by what already exists?:

Earth currently has very little flavor, as stated by many members of the community, and the entire Solarian political scene is currently defunct outside of two civilian politicians and a military junta.

Do you understand that the project may change over time in ways you may not foresee once it is handed over to the Lore Team? 

Yes, absolutely.

Long Description:


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It would be odd to place the headquarters of the United Nations, which with this suggestion becomes the executive body of the Alliance, in a state that is legally not part of the Alliance. Geneva is neutral grounds precisely because Switzerland is canonically independent.

We don't really need to look for a place to put the UN Headquarters in- because we already have an answer! Simply place it in the current canonical capital of Earth - Paris.


As for the Security Council, that should be on Luna. Since the SC oversees matters of military, and Sol's lore has the navy headquartered on the moon, it would make sense for it to be there. Ties it into how the military slipping away from the civilian government lead to the instability to begin with, and enforces the fact that both Luna and Earth are so tied together that they're basically the same entity politically.


I would also introduce a few other elements, the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly since the general assembly is unelected (member states send their representitives to it, however who is sent isn't an elected position. Think of them more as ambassadors than senators); the former becomes the legislative body and the latter is an executive body.

The International (Interstellar?) Court of Justice can be used as a judiciary.




im very in favor of this because i have an unhealthy obsession with the blue helmets.

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Isn’t the HQ of the UN already in New York City? Why would it ever move?

Edit: While I see that NYC was flooded in our timeline and a lot of wall street collapsed, I don't think it makes sense that it was completely abandoned. I think they would just rebuild the UN HQ if it got destroyed in the flooding. On the current Earth map, you can clearly see Long Island and NYC is still there and not completely underwater or something.

Edited by DeadLantern
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Hi! Thank you both for your interest! 


13 hours ago, Shimmer said:

It would be odd to place the headquarters of the United Nations, which with this suggestion becomes the executive body of the Alliance, in a state that is legally not part of the Alliance. Geneva is neutral grounds precisely because Switzerland is canonically independent.

We don't really need to look for a place to put the UN Headquarters in- because we already have an answer! Simply place it in the current canonical capital of Earth - Paris.


As for the Security Council, that should be on Luna. Since the SC oversees matters of military, and Sol's lore has the navy headquartered on the moon, it would make sense for it to be there. Ties it into how the military slipping away from the civilian government lead to the instability to begin with, and enforces the fact that both Luna and Earth are so tied together that they're basically the same entity politically.


I would also introduce a few other elements, the United Nations Parliamentary Assembly since the general assembly is unelected (member states send their representitives to it, however who is sent isn't an elected position. Think of them more as ambassadors than senators); the former becomes the legislative body and the latter is an executive body.

The International (Interstellar?) Court of Justice can be used as a judiciary.




im very in favor of this because i have an unhealthy obsession with the blue helmets.


As far as my understanding was, it is de facto part of the Alliance, even if it is not de jure. However, I do think Paris would not be a bad place to put the headquarters of the United Nations. Alternatively, as DeadShot says, there could be the return to New York after solving the ecological crisis, or, in my opinion, the most interesting option - Base them in Nairobi. 


I do agree with your idea that it would be interesting to have the UNSC and military have that degree of separation of being on the moon, and that their unchecked activities and separation from the civilian government could have caused the recent headaches the Alliance has had in full. 


For your last point, I didn't even think of the UNPA as something! It would be interesting to see. However, I assume already that the UN itself is a frankenstein of the old UN and the various functions of the government that are required in 2466 already and that there's a bunch of odd cases such as this that could be implemented by loredevs if they choose to accept this canon application. I wanted to only put forward a barebones and vague idea and let people like Schwann add the touchups and additions like this if they accepted this application.  For the various other organs of the United Nations, there was already a nice post a while ago about the UNESCO and I foresee that the organs I didn't explicitly mention would be retained but folded into governmental departments, if that makes sense. That's why I mentioned the ICJ - We can see that it existed as a United Nations entity, and that it was frankensteined/retained with a new name, but still with UN oversight as part of the government apparatus. 


9 hours ago, DeadLantern said:

Isn’t the HQ of the UN already in New York City? Why would it ever move?

Edit: While I see that NYC was flooded in our timeline and a lot of wall street collapsed, I don't think it makes sense that it was completely abandoned. I think they would just rebuild the UN HQ if it got destroyed in the flooding. On the current Earth map, you can clearly see Long Island and NYC is still there and not completely underwater or something.

As for this, I don't particularly think New York City not being the base of the United Nations after the end of the ecological crisis would be something that they wouldn't do, I just don't know the full extent of how badly New York was cooked in this crisis, and as it tends to be with many governments, once they're entrenched as a legislative and executive body in a specific place, they don't tend to get up and move anywhere unless it's considered very important to do so - I would imagine rebasing back to New York City would indeed offer them a good amount of prestige and would be symbolic in showing the Alliance how well the ecological crisis was managed by them. 

Edited by Outboarduniform
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This proposal doesn't fix my largest issue with Earth lore: there's no unique culture to work with here. It's basically completely barren other than being "the cradle of humanity". It's a waste of a planet slot the way it is honestly, as the origin isn't unique unless you count a token "oh they're from the birthplace of humanity", which I don't.

If anything, your proposal makes it worse, since you couldn't even claim to have a cool space station capital in orbit.

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3 minutes ago, GeneralCamo said:

This proposal doesn't fix my largest issue with Earth lore: there's no unique culture to work with here. It's basically completely barren other than being "the cradle of humanity". It's a waste of a planet slot the way it is honestly, as the origin isn't unique unless you count a token "oh they're from the birthplace of humanity", which I don't.

If anything, your proposal makes it worse, since you couldn't even claim to have a cool space station capital in orbit.

Well, this isn't meant to "fix" Earth lore. It's an addition for the whole of Solarian lore. I don't think Earth is particularly a waste of a planet slot, and I've seen convincing characters from Earth who put a lot of effort into their characters from an Earth background. I don't think removing unity station will make Earth lore worse at all, if anything it adds more substance to Earth as the planetary capital of the entire Solarian Alliance.

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