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Player Complaint - SmileyDemon

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BYOND Key: NursieKitty

Player Byond Key: SmileyDemon

Staff involved: None. Both staff were AFK at the time.

Reason for complaint: Disgusting IC behavior and disobedience/tip-toeing around orders as a lawed synthetic.

Approximate Date/Time: 5/19/2015, a little after 3am eastern time.

Below are screencaps of the conversation Smiley's android made with me.







This was after the AI had been reset after an ion law. To my knowledge, there was not an additional one.

It was also, at this point, where an engineer was assaulted and nearly killed by two chemists. I dropped the conflict to assist and retrieved the engineer's belongings.

I also take the issue to public communications in an attempt to force Ratchet out of medical, to little avail. This is when Smiley's android begins sneaking around the orders I've given him.





Out of frustration, I take the issue to LOOC.








I am writing this complaint because I do not believe it is an IC issue. This behavior is unbefitting of a lawed synthetic, much less that of one on a heavy roleplay server that disallows ERP. There was no reason for the continued disobedience after the law reset, the flimsy justifications, nor the uncomfortably erotic dialogue.

I was also hit with this before I was about to leave.



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I think this is an example of how I see a lot of synthetics played recently. I like disobeying what I see as silly orders by looking for loopholes. However it seems a lot of slaved synthetics are there just to annoy and inhibit the efforts of the crew, despite their law to SERVE the crew. Which, as I see it, is a deliberate law-break. When anyone else gives this synthetic an order, does it wait until the person specifies when? Or does it do it, and behaved differently just because it was Phoebe? I'm willing to bet it doesn't wait for others to specify a timeperiod to execute the order but rather executes it immediately unless specified otherwise.

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I'm going to be honest. I was being difficult because this character I was interacting with is consistently difficult for no reason at all. Its frustrating as a player when you consistently interact with someone who is to what the rules refer to as a dick. NuriseKitty is consistently a dick, but worse than that, they hide behind rules to be a dick. I did this only because they were being difficult with me and I knew it would piss them off. In the future, perhaps they should try to not piss off people so much. Just my two cents. As for that looc thing, I wanted you to know how it felt to threaten someone oocly for being an asshole to you. Guess what? People aren't assholes to other people for no reason most of the time. I cite your interaction with other players as a exception. Actually, I'm going to write my own complaint regarding this. Also, I ahelped on this issue before it escalated.

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It sounds like metagrudging to me.


Its exactly that, but its that because of consistent dickish behavior which is not conducive to actually having fun and playing a game. I shouldn't have to avoid to interact with a specific person to not have to deal with toxic dickish ranting that follows every word that comes out of their mouth.

Edited by Guest
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It sounds like metagrudging to me.


Its exactly that, but its that because of consistent dickish behavior which is not conducive to actually having fun and playing a game. I shouldn't have to avoid to interact with a specific person to not have to deal with toxic dickish ranting that follows every word that comes out of their mouth.


Except it's not... There's a IC reason for this character not to like humans. Unless I'm wrong, metagrudging is OOCly disliking a player, therefore your characters have grudges agaisnt theres. Phoebe has issue's with all humans, regardless of who's playing them.

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It sounds like metagrudging to me.


Its exactly that, but its that because of consistent dickish behavior which is not conducive to actually having fun and playing a game. I shouldn't have to avoid to interact with a specific person to not have to deal with toxic dickish ranting that follows every word that comes out of their mouth.


Except it's not... There's a IC reason for this character not to like humans. Unless I'm wrong, metagrudging is OOCly disliking a player, therefore your characters have grudges agaisnt theres. Phoebe has issue's with all humans, regardless of who's playing them.


Except you're forgetting that this is a game, and that showing decency when playing a game, and being aware of everyone's enjoyment is equally important is something you need to consider. This is discounting the things they say in looc. Metafriending and metagrudging are very real things, but this more about that their actions oocly also convey their negativity and they consistently retard other peoples enjoyment of a situation for no other reason than that its ok ICly for them to do so. Thats being a dick, and its against the rules.

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...Except it's an issue with how characters are played, not how players actually are.

Nursie is not a terrible individual like Phoebe can be. Phoebe is a character in a 2d spaceman game where we pretty much can roleplay our characters however the fuck we want, within reason. Phoebe fits within the "within reason" category, despite being an awful person to be around for some characters.

However Phoebe treats others is an IC issue. It is just a character in a video game.

But the OP still brings up an issue with you potentially metagrudging because you don't like how the character is played, and thus influenced how you harassed another character ICly. You justified an IC issue with an OOC line of reasoning, which makes it an OOC issue.

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Yes metafriending/grudging are real things, hell I'm a little guilty of both, but I wanted to make it clear that I was fairly certain that that wasn't the case.

I've only ever seen Nurise's hostility in their character. They're just a normal person OOCly, I've never seen them flip their lid. I have also actually had a /lot/ of enjoyment having someone like phoebe on the station. Having everyone happy go lucky clones is boring. We need a curveball.

I'm also fairly certain but being a dick IC, isn't the same as being a dick OOC. For example, writing a player report agaisnt someone because you're salty they wrote one about you, is being a dick.

Edited by Guest
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I didn't accuse Nursie of metagrudging.


No no. I admit that I did metagrudge. I shouldnt have done it, and that breaking the rules because I thought another player breaking the rules is bad. Am I salty? Sure. I'm not the one that made this an ooc issue however. Posting bits and pieces of a log and not all of it.

EDIT: I was agreeing with what you said previously, not blaming Nursie.

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That was responding to Nanotoxin.

But metagrudging and/or law-breaking is inherently an OOC issue unless there's something unbinding you from your laws. Which means it isn't really law-breaking and therefore, not an OOC issue.


I was being difficult and literal, an assholeish interpretation of how to play a borg, only because I was tired of dealing with the negative bs. This is an ic problem, but I did it because they were consistently asshole not really for an ic reason. It was all well and good until looc was being used to dictate ic actions.

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So, I'm not going to remark on the bulk of this because I wasn't there.

But, regarding Synthetics being rules lawyers with their laws: This is something that I've pretty much been told is acceptable and expected, and I've done it myself on a number of occasions. The better somebody treats IAM and the more they're being decent to people overall, the more cooperative he is with them doing questionable things, and the more he obeys the spirit of his laws.

The more malicious/inconsiderate somebody (or their custom laws) seem, the more he seeks every ill-considered loophole to do what he wants instead. I've been told point-blank by admins that something I was doing was really skirting the edge of the law, but it was allowed because that sort of thing was expected and intended of synthetics.

I won't remark on Smiley's other behavior, but Smiley offered the phrasing needed to get her to decisively bugger off, so I'm not personally too fussed by the laws rules lawyering itself.

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While the server has always given a relatively high amount of freedom to players in how they choose to roleplay their characters (and synthetics are among the characters with the widest variations in personalities), I sort of feel like as a whole, this incident shows an example of behavior we would not like to see from synthetics.

Like... a BDSM cyborg? That tries to annoy people by playing with its rules to serve its personal interest?

I've got nothing against people making all sorts of creepy, or annoying, or vaguely sexual robots, but putting all of it in the same package might be pushing the limit a little.

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After carefully reading this through and discussing the situation with Doomberg, this is my response.

Smiley, this behaviour of harrassing Nursie because she plays an ICly disagreeable character is grudging. She told you to stop with the sexual harassment and you did not comply, which bothered her to the point she asked you in LOOC and made a character complaint. She told you to leave and you should have left as a cyborg. You had no reason to stay.

We also agreed since this is not the first instance you had toelined with being a synth (per your notes), that action will be taken in a form of a week synthetic ban. Please take this time to read up on how to be a synthetic here:



I also heavily advise not to harass a player because you do not oocly like them, as well. Everybody here is here to have fun. It's okay to disagree with someone, but this is over the line.

I will be leaving this thread open for 24 more hours for question, comments, or concerns.

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