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Makeshift Do-Over: Stungloves


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Okay, sooo. Stungloves.

Everyone knows'em, everyone either loves'em or hates'em, depending on which side of the fence you are on. Buut they are slightly above everything else:

  • Easily enough constructed
  • Very concealable
  • Instant knockdown
  • Multi-use


So. I've been thinking on this for a bit. While shooting the shit with a few folks, we came up with roughly two ideas on where to take stungloves so they're less instant-win material. This all comes with the preface of us considering to add complete makeshift batons alongside these modifications, do note. But, on point, the two options on where to potentially take stungloves:

  • HALLOSS based damage:

    They start working like taser shots do. That means, they abide by the siemens coefficient (which is variable, depending on what you're wearing), they will knock out only after you zap someone enough times, and they will put you into paincrit, again, much like a taser does now.
  • One-shot use:

    Literally, make them into a one-shot type deal. You use'em, and you're done. This would knock down whoever you're zapping, and potentially cause burn damage depending on what they're wearing and where you're hitting them. Once your gloves are used up, you are pretty much forced to run, at this point.


So, thoughts, ideas?

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Taser damage makes them mostly worthless as long as things like the Baton remain instant stuns. But I can see having them be one-shot be a fine way to make up for how easy they are to make and conceal.

Though one could also simply remove their 'concealment' factor by having the gloves get renamed or some such nonsense, with a slight altering of the on-character sprite, but this wouldn't hinder their main users at all, Engineers, notable for always wearing hardsuits.

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Okay, sooo. Stungloves.

Everyone knows'em, everyone either loves'em or hates'em, depending on which side of the fence you are on. Buut they are slightly above everything else:

  • Easily enough constructed
  • Very concealable
  • Instant knockdown
  • Multi-use


So. I've been thinking on this for a bit. While shooting the shit with a few folks, we came up with roughly two ideas on where to take stungloves so they're less instant-win material. This all comes with the preface of us considering to add complete makeshift batons alongside these modifications, do note. But, on point, the two options on where to potentially take stungloves:

  • HALLOSS based damage:

    They start working like taser shots do. That means, they abide by the siemens coefficient (which is variable, depending on what you're wearing), they will knock out only after you zap someone enough times, and they will put you into paincrit, again, much like a taser does now.
  • One-shot use:

    Literally, make them into a one-shot type deal. You use'em, and you're done. This would knock down whoever you're zapping, and potentially cause burn damage depending on what they're wearing and where you're hitting them. Once your gloves are used up, you are pretty much forced to run, at this point.


So, thoughts, ideas?


Halloss isn't fun. Zapping someone down with a massive one-shot charge is.

I've done the latter on Unity, it's amazingly fun. Especially with good flavor text for the attack. It also forces glove users to be more careful in how they approach a conflict. In addition, it firmly places stungloves into the "dangerous weapon contraband" territory.

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I'm OK with the idea of stungloves becoming oneshot items.

They have, as I see it, two uses.

-emergency self defence, in which case you'll stun & run


-concealed kidnapping tools, in which case you're initiating the combat and have a plan to make sure whoever you're zapping stays down.

Shock prods, on the other hand, are suited for stunning all three greyshirts, but are easier to see coming.

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I personally want to restore the balance and remove the Engineer Militia mentality.


1. Not on-topic

2. You contradicted yourself. Balance would be all departments equally involved. What you stated is the exact opposite of that.

3. Not just engineers use stungloves.

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OH GOSH for a second I thought this was about the forcegloves. I almost got scared.

Either way, I'm good with the one-shot-stun-and-then-you're-done idea.

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I suppose light heartedness is out of the equation. I would think it'd be good to have some sort of chance for it to backfire, it isn't the most well made weapon safety wise.


It already has this function.

Stungloves triple damage you take from electric shocks.

No need to add additional backfire downsides. If you use it poorly you already get punished severely.

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i know i know. was just a bit sad that you had this idea in mind in the first place. But what i think of this is.. Why not make science here a little bit more useful, and we do something about the micro manipulators play the role here?

Everyone can slap wires and battery on the gloves pronto, no problemo, easy peasy.

But that's...To easy? Why not make something or have some tools to make the palm side of the glove coated with the material that will electrcute someone if you touchy touch them, and have an inportant science tool in hand. A micro manipulator.

Why? Well, i know the idea of 'one-shot,one use' but i never liked having such things gone if i have an advantage.... why not make the manipulators to manipulate how much the electricity can go through the gloves, still saving some energy - well i shouldn't explain further. The better manipulator the more uses you have... Let's say atleast max four uses?

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Only so long as you can build them without a manipulator and still get a single charge. I wouldn't mind science being able to make "empowered' makeshift gear.

Also, stungloves should have a notable sprite difference and name difference on examine. Make them harder to conceal for sure.

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Why not port the tg's makeshift stun prods and spears?

The really nasty thing about stun gloves is that they're invisible. The stun prods are easier to make, but they're a two-handed item. They're impossible to overlook. Spears are the same.

Stun prods act like security shock sticks, but they have really crappy energy conversion. You make them from metal rods, an energy cell, and some wires. Spears are just relatively good melee weapons you can throw, and are made from rods, a shard of class, and wires.

Just remove stun-gloves and take these.

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Why not port the tg's makeshift stun prods and spears?


This all comes with the preface of us considering to add complete makeshift batons alongside these modifications, do note.


But I also want to keep the stungloves. Mainly for the sake of just having them, I guess. Sentimental value and all. I just want them to be less evil for that purpose.

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