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Good Bye Aurora

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So, this is going too far I think. I was jobbaned from synthetics 1 week ago and after I had my Real things stocked out and back here after 1.5 week Now I am jobbaned from synth and Banned too. Because AI was a dick, I heard his talking on the borgs channel as a drone and he want to kill me, so I have decontruct the consoles and called the emergecny shuttle. For this reason I am jobbaned AND banned for week. Thank you very much, I think that admins just doesn't want to see me on the server, otherwise how to explain this line bans.

From this moment I will leave Aurora and SS13, I wish you guys good luck, you were the best server that I have met for my 5 years of playing. I wish I could stay, but someone doesn't like me so. Bye.

I heard his talking on the borgs channel as a drone and he want to kill me, so I have decontruct the consoles and called the emergecny shuttle.

I don't know you very well personally, nor do I have close ties with any of the current staff. However, looking at this as another player, isn't it possible you were simply jobbanned because you broke your synthetic laws to dish out street justice, instead of forwarding the issue to an admin?

I doubt anyone actually hates you.

I heard his talking on the borgs channel as a drone and he want to kill me, so I have decontruct the consoles and called the emergecny shuttle.

I don't know you very well personally, nor do I have close ties with any of the current staff. However, looking at this as another player, isn't it possible you were simply jobbanned because you broke your synthetic laws to dish out street justice, instead of forwarding the issue to an admin?

I doubt anyone actually hates you.

I have deconstruct the console because I have heard that AI is killing my fellow drones. I have ahelped about that at the beginning of the shit and no reaction no answer. I have repaired the console for the command and they didn't react to so I have called shuttle just to show that it works.


Depending on what you actually adminhelped, and whether or not it was answered, the ban can be invalidated.

But you have to understand that a maint drone calling the shuttle is pretty much grounds for a synth ban -- it's a gross violation of its laws :/


...Is it, though? It's not interacting with anyone other than the station at that point, and if not having people on the station would improve it, teeeeeeeeeeechnically it would be within laws?

Mostly you're a shit for pissing off the ai and getting us all killed repeatedly that round, PoZe.


You deconstructed the Drone Control Console, regardless if someone (who was me as MalfAI) was destroying your fellow drones, you aren't allowed to damage the station like that.


Since I had the logs from searching up another incident today, I went over the ones for today, and to me, the ban looks valid. If you want to appeal it, go for it.

EDIT: Well, okay, maybe not a week ban worthy. But definately a synth-ban worthy.

Otherwise, best of luck. It was nice to have you here.



I don't see how doing that was within your rules. I mean, drones have several responsibilities that rank higher than saving themselves.

But seeing how you could argue that rules are open to interpertation... I still think there are better ways to handle this.

Admins are swamped, mistakes happen or they don't have time to answer ahelps occasionally. If you believe a mistake was made, I think it's better to discuss it over with an admin rather than just quit. :\


I don't know. I was thinking about that issue and about quiting a past 3 days. First thing is: I cannot quit because there are people with whom I was playing here...

I don't agree with ban +jobban. Don't agree with one of them either, but I didn't had time to expalin to the tablespoon, because I was afk for 5 minutes and when I came back and ahelp that I am back and we can continue our conversation he wrote that he will ban me. And notice that I had jobban before for drone reason. I told him that jobban is over after which I have received jobban(haven't seen time) and a ban for 1 week.

EDIT: I don't know is jobban permanent or not, but I will wait until the ban will expire, no appeal as I am not agree with jobbaning and binning. Neither with reason and time.

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