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An in-deph treatise on why we can't have nice things.

Guest Inside_Out_Starfish

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Guest Menown

This morning, I made a potato, egg, bacon, and cheese sandwich. I made it this morning because I currently have no money to buy premade food, so I decided to cook. I cooked the bacon to a crispness that was really amazing. The eggs were done flat, as I accidentally broke the yolk. The potatoes burned a bit, but I seasoned them with seasoning salt, which made them really good.

Now, when this was all done cooking, I put it all on two slices of bread. Bacon on first, then the potatoes which were cut up. On-top of that, the egg went, then some cheese. I bought some Velveeta sliced cheese for this, so it melted right away. For a condiment, I used mayonnaise, which was outstanding. I then grilled this in a skillet to brown and toast the bread.

I'm telling you this, because before I made this sandwich, I went onto the forums, and saw this starting. I left because I was hungry. When I made that sandwich, I didn't care about spess lesbians, or reclusive fucks. Nobody should either. These people play their characters, you play yours. I've yet to see an incident report brought on any of these people because guess what, they don't effect your characters ICly in most cases. Make a fucking sandwich, you freaks.

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but they could affect your characters ICly

in a good way

and then you would all have adventures together

And things wouldn't be on fire like they are now.

Everything started so well.

Where did it all go so wrong.

Why is doomberg wearing a fucking riot helmet

How did events switch from jakers nice new feedback thread

to this

Why is everything burning

This was supposed to be a good thing.


Some people also play for the gameplay. That is me whenever I play certain roles (science). Dunno, there usually isn't anything wrong with it (it's also the easiest way to avoid certain things: "Oh, you're trying to get me involved in a romance plot? Hooooow about I Just go and do this science thing. Okay? Okay. Bai.").

Anyways, we should all probably grab a night's rest and see what comes after that.

Posted (edited)


Right, so. You do realize you can ERP and still be a good RP'er, right? There's a difference on someone who plays the game but has or does ERP now and again, to someone who solely plays for the sex and romance, and anything on the side is a supplement to that. They play completely differently, and it shows.

Giving you the benefit of the doubt, I don't have issue with you - you're a stranger and I don't know your character, I don't know if she fits to a SSL profile or anything like that. If you need to find out why I don't like them, it's in the spoiler.


I don't like suicidal space lesbians, it's incredibly cliche and sometimes I like the characters but then eventually something incredibly stupid will happen and it just put me right off.

But imagine.

A fucking hetrosexual man, goes on the internet, makes a 2D spacewoman and another one does the same. They completely ignore the concept of what the server is for, and dedicate their rounds to full-on chair RP. They self-insert wildly and make their perfect woman and in some dysfunctional way, and identify with her.

Then take this woman and they date another similar woman - and they will bend the laws of decent RP to maintain the perfectness of the character (even if player is capable of good RP) to change how their relationship is, or how they respond to things or people interrupting said relationship. Ignoring you in the hallways or on the headset channels while locked up in some secret place, it's just weird.

While it still seems rather tame described like this, the SSL type insert is a common one, and the unhealthy obsession leads to metafriendships, cliquing and so on, being any self-insert is just a road to disaster.

As a woman who is not straight, it completely mystified of how people can portray gay relationships or even women like that. I mean, sometimes the het RP'ed relationships are not better.


So, I support Rec's first post as I think it is quite accurate on the problems that this server faces. That said, I no longer possess the passion that he does because if people have made up their mind on playing like a shitlord, there's nothing I can do, why bother? I have self-respect.

Anyway, I'm not perfect. I accept criticism, I improve, and I try to not self-insert etc. I have an issue with RP'ers who know their RP style steps on a lot of toes and ruins the server, but don't give a shit anymore.

Edited by Guest
This attitude is one of the major reasons there are problems with the community.

You don't do anything to combat the problem; you post memes in a thread tackling the issue going "nothing will be done". It's asinine and not constructive to anything except serving as an outlet for your sense of spite against a roleplaying community for a 2d roleplaying game.

If you don't care about the issue and don't want to improve it, then don't be involved in the attempts to do so. It distracts from the actual conversation.

People have identified the problem, listed solutions, but the other party has not accepted.

I do not have any power to do anything with this community but be an "example", an example on a pretty dull server that is stuck in its ways. Sometimes Aurora gives you the impression that it is improving but I honestly do not think so. I particularly have done this, even my civil posts ended up being derailed by people who claimed civility in the past.

No one wants to change.

What do you even expect to happen exactly?

A unicorn puffing out of thin air and zapping everyone into harmony?

What is honestly realistic here? Because I am very interested in knowing.


And don't be so sassy.

Hoh, hoh, hoh. This my label now? None of you are polite yourselves, y'know?

Either way Jackboot, I am sassy, deal with it honey.




I wasn't going to post here but now I feel I have to.




This, like every other thread related to this issue is going to accomplish


This thread is going to make a handful of people angry, namely Inverted, Cassie and Rechkalov, from what I have had to read; it'll spiral to ten pages long, then sink down in the forums and die; none of Inverted's goals achieved, no understanding reached, just anger, loss of respect and souring of relations.



Inverted, Cassie and Various


This thread is going to do fuck all, and both of you know it; you are both inciting conflict with absolutely no conceivable positive.

That is pointless; you have both already said that the community doesn't want change, so, instead, try and instigate it.

Picking an example from your mix, Lesbay, shouting angrily about it on the forums is going to have little effect on the number of nurses curling up in each other's laps saying "uguu". What may cause an effect, however, is the two of you collecting a group of like-minded people, and flooding medbay with hard working macho men; or CMOs that pride themselves on effectiveness, and dislike employee fraternisation. Both of these are within the rules and are far more likely to be the catalyst for the change you seek then forum rants. And if either of you now tell me thst you have been doing that, then I would point you towards the lack of player complaints and incident reports saying "He broke up my lesbie funtimes! Ban he!".


Rechkalov and various


None of you think you are scotfree either, you've contributed to this ridiculous flame of a thread.

If something someone pists pisses you off. DO NOT REPLY.

Take an hour, cool off, play a game; consider what has been said objectively; and, if after that, you still find it needlessly offensive, there is a report button; use that instead of replying, it has a far greater effect than a vitriol laden respobse that serves no purpose.

And I emplore you; I am not taking sides in this debate; but if someone raises an issue, no matter how offensively they do so, even if you are sure they are wrong; take a bit to fully examine the situation, not just in the thread, but on the server as well; and in private dialogue with the issue raiserer((ererer)).A DEBATE THAT WOULD REMAIN CIVIL AS WE ARE ALL HUMAN BEINGS HERE, THERE ARE NO FILTHY CATBEASTS STALKING THE HALLS.


Now, I'm sort of expecting a rage-filled response to this.


Go back and read.

Guest Menown





Gollee. Incident reports and trying to fix things in game is shit.

What do you think has been going on since December?

I'm going to give Rec a gold star and my respect, you know why? He's one of the hardest workers to try break up the cliques in-game, even my civilian work in-game could not top his. He's improved his RP, he takes his own criticism (even when it is misunderstood), and he has practally mothered a lot of your new players (often coming from the civilian and medical sector, where they are often ignored). He has received abuse, he has witnessed roleplaying abominations from older regulars, and he has tried to go against the grain and fix them.

I don't blame him, at all because it's ridiculous. No one should have to hold the burdens of what the outward regular community should all be taking a percentage of. If he holds any anger or resentment, I completely understand him. It's even more disappointing when some of the admins/mods/devs are contributing to the problem that he is trying to fix (mostly on his own) IC'ly/OOC'ly with very little support.

Whereas, a huge percentage of the regular community sits on its ass and conforms to the status quo and doesn't say shit until it's popular and acceptable, OR contributes to the problem, OR agrees but does nothing. You guys actually really suck most of the time, you know?

Johnny, for the last time.

I am not talking about criticism.

I am talking about a misguided individual taking what they see here, coupling it with an attitude of, "Motherfucker, I am holier than thou!" and then sidelining someone neutral with it.

See, the thing I like about the criticism threads is that they're optional, and very much favouring anyone who opts in. It's great! No sarcasm, it really is. The fact that we have people who will willingly walk themselves onto the line, raise their arms by their side and say, "Right folks. Here's a target for you, rip me up!" is amazing. And I do not intend to curb it in any way, shape or form.

But the maligned bastard child of this amazing thing is a motherfucker who lacks any sense of place, any sense of understanding, a concrete world view, and any understanding of what the fuck he's actually saying. That person does not critque. He does not offer anything constructive. He does not offer anything to the community. And yet he thinks himself important enough to walk up to a random player, rifle off a 10 line rant about how he thinks the random player is wrong, failing,and a god damned shame to the community.

OH! And what's worse! Upon objective evaluation, every single motherfucking point that person raised would be proven invalid and wrong.

And bro, I fucking wish I was dreaming this shit up. Because guess what -- I ain't. It happened. As a result of someone reading this thread.

The thread is not wrong. That one specific individual is (and no, it's not Inverted). And I just wanted to bring him into light.


Yeah, hi.


Some terrible things happened recently. I can tell, because this two-page thread turned into a six-page thread overnight.


I don't understand.

This thread was requested to be locked by OP on page four.

The OP requested that the thread be closed. This doesn't make it so.

However this whatever it is has gone on long enough.

This topic is now closed to further replies.

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