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Replace the tator Revolver with a handgun.


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I've been thinking about this for a little bit and I decided in my mind the revolver isn't too useful to what I personally would need from a firearm. Obviously this will be my own thoughts on the matter so it's not entirely fact. What I mainly use a firearm for, is a get away method or a deterrent from pursuers and having a handgun that has a higher rate of fire would be handy, even if it were to lack the ability to decapitate someone.

But that's just my preference I guess.


Why not both?

I prefer firepower over capacity and firing speed, but, I can see why you wouldn't. But I don't see any reason to remove a useful tool entirely. Besides, the Revolver has the benefit of being cross-compatible with the Detective's Revolver, ammo-wise. You can modify either to accept the ammunition of the other, I do believe, though at a risk.

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