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OneWingedMajora's Unathi Whitelist App

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BYOND Key: OneWingedMajora

Character Names: Sia Vin'Drahl

Species you are applying to play: Unathi

What color do you plan on making your first alien character (Dionaea & IPCs exempt): Light Red

Have you read our lore section's page on this species?: Yes

Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph format. One paragraph minimum per question

Why do you wish to play this specific race: One of the main reasons I wish to play Unathi is that they are quite different from humans, especially being that most come from a strict society of honor based laws due to their wasteland of a planet for the most part. Playing an Unathi means you get to not only be a bit more on the primitive side, but also in general Unathi are more aggressive and serious. Due to the fact that my Unathi she will have been raised in a more passive setting as she was seen more as a valuable possession. Because of this and the overprotective nature of her upbringing, she was not allowed to learn or do several skills thus meaning she was only able to do basic tasks such as janitorial work, cooking (mostly meat-based of course), botany (Though she only knows enough to make seasonings for meat based off various plants), bar-tending and such.

Identify what makes role-playing this species different than role-playing a Human: One of the main differences is the cultural difference between humans and Unathi. They find it more dishonorable to fight with ranged weapons, preferring melee as well as being a bit more honor-bound when it comes to combat. It isn't polite to use an Unathi's name unless you have gained their trust and touching is only allowed to those who are introduced. Unathi also have a wider range of emotional expressions, such as rattling the scales on the back of the neck for danger, thumping the tail on the floor for distress, chuffing, and baring the throat to show trust. They are well adapted to the heat due to their desert planet, but are not so well adapted to the cold. Also different from human is the way that the females are treated in that males must pay tribute to the female's owner in order to gain her.


Character Name:Sia Vin'Drahl

Please provide a short backstory for this character, approximately 2 paragraphs

Sia Sisin'dre was born on Moghes and raised in Moghean household in the wasteland around a small oasis of water pumped from the ground. She was raised mostly with domestic chores around the house to keep her busy as well as cooking for her family and three brothers. Because the family needed to ensure that their old technology pump kept running they needed to have enough to purchase repairs now and again, thus sending Sia to Nanotrasen to have her hired aboard as a janitor, a job Sia took to easily and it allowed her to see more of the world outside of Moghes. She was able to learn to read and write due to her job's requirements and found that many other jobs that required manual labor could use her talents just as well. From there she met Attimus VinDrahl who sought to win her over by going to her father and ensuring the pump was fixed for the rest of the family.

Sia was then given to Attimus for him to take care of her, thus changing her clan name from Sisin'dre to Vin'Drahl. Sia still continues to work aboard various NanoTrasen vessels in an attempt to rake in more money for her new family, though still for the most part clinging to old Unathi culture and tradition. Sia is now currently attempting to fit in with the rest of the new world she has to explore, no longer as strictly bound to her culture as she was on Moghes.

What do you like about this character?

Sia is an attempt at showing the other side of the Unathi, being that most consider them aggressive. Because Sia is more of a passive Unathi she gets to be seen as a contrast between the male and female Unathi based on their society. Not only that but she's also rather calm for the most part, rarely getting distressed and even more rarely wishing to cause harm to others.

How would you rate your role-playing ability?

I would say that my RP overall is of a pretty high quality. I always attempt to throw in /me's and I am not one to rush into combat (mostly because neither Sia nor myself is good at it). I'm sure there are others who would agree that I am good also if they have seen me before, being that I usually like to play a variety of different species and characters on various different servers. Another thing is that at all times I attempt to separate myself from my character, meaning I do not get upset over my own character's death and I try to look at things from their perspective. A good test of this would be to think how your character would react to meeting yourself. If one puts too much of themselves into a character, then they could risk getting upset over things happening to their character as well as be offended OOCly if you insult them ICly. I have known many people that ICly dislike my character that I can be friendly with OOCly.


A quick little drawing:



I can verify that Majora is a fantastic roleplayer, and would be a welcome change from all other Unathi on the station who are more centered around either integrating into the Human world, or are sticking to their Unathi traditions to the dot. Sia is someone who's somewhat in-between, and does absolutely all the right things to get people to like her.

Have you played any characters? I don't recall seeing your ckey before


I have not played any characters, the reason being is that I rarely prefer to play humans, it carries over to a lot of different types of roleplay games I play including HL2RP and WoWRP where is I find that playing as the human is not as interesting as another species being that I myself am a human. That being said if you wish to judge my roleplay abilities for yourself I can play a human and I can still enjoy doing so.


Alright so there's two things that are making me hesitant about this application

1 - I have never seen any of your characters before, I have no idea what kinds of characters you can develop and play out on station or how you play on station. I spent a good month or so iirc playing my two human characters before posting a whitelist app, so maybe I'm just a bit biased in wanting others to go through the same effort.

2 - And this is the big one... Vin'drahl. Tbh, I am very VERY hesitant about the prospect of having another Attimus on station or any characters similar to him. Yes, he's made that bad of a name for the clan in my eyes. I am aware you said Sia's not the aggressive type, but it's still a red flag for me.

If I can see you in action playing other characters on station for a bit, I might be able to have more positive things to say. The app itself does look good to me, though. But, until I can see you in action, I can't comfortably give a +1 vote to this.


I share Sierra's concerns here, I didn't want to say them outright because I didn't want to risk offending a potential newcomer or ruining their chances of getting the whitelist based on feedback.

I would at least like to see your roleplaying style so that I know who I'm going to be roleplaying with in the near future. I'm not very fond of shot-in-the-dark endorsements, nor am I fond of discouraging the newer folks to the server from playing here.

One thing that caught my attention was that your name pops up on Unbound Travels. Obviously, you and AVoS shared a space in that community. This is a weird request, something I don't think has been really asked of anyone before: Could you tell me a short story or so reminiscing an interesting roleplaying situation? As in, what situation was laid out in front of you, and then how your character reacted as a result, leading to a conclusion that made you say to yourself, "Wow, that was something to remember"? Something memorable, at least, something you look back on and think, "That was a great experience." I'm not asking you write up an essay, but it'd definitely help in my opinion to get some endorsements.

Alright so there's two things that are making me hesitant about this application

1 - I have never seen any of your characters before, I have no idea what kinds of characters you can develop and play out on station or how you play on station. I spent a good month or so iirc playing my two human characters before posting a whitelist app, so maybe I'm just a bit biased in wanting others to go through the same effort.

2 - And this is the big one... Vin'drahl. Tbh, I am very VERY hesitant about the prospect of having another Attimus on station or any characters similar to him. Yes, he's made that bad of a name for the clan in my eyes. I am aware you said Sia's not the aggressive type, but it's still a red flag for me.

If I can see you in action playing other characters on station for a bit, I might be able to have more positive things to say. The app itself does look good to me, though. But, until I can see you in action, I can't comfortably give a +1 vote to this.


I share Sierra's concerns here, I didn't want to say them outright because I didn't want to risk offending a potential newcomer or ruining their chances of getting the whitelist based on feedback.

I would at least like to see your roleplaying style so that I know who I'm going to be roleplaying with in the near future. I'm not very fond of shot-in-the-dark endorsements, nor am I fond of discouraging the newer folks to the server from playing here.

One thing that caught my attention was that your name pops up on Unbound Travels. Obviously, you and AVoS shared a space in that community. This is a weird request, something I don't think has been really asked of anyone before: Could you tell me a short story or so reminiscing an interesting roleplaying situation? As in, what situation was laid out in front of you, and then how your character reacted as a result, leading to a conclusion that made you say to yourself, "Wow, that was something to remember"? Something memorable, at least, something you look back on and think, "That was a great experience." I'm not asking you write up an essay, but it'd definitely help in my opinion to get some endorsements.


First thing I want to say is that I'm always open to constructive criticism in anything I do, being that I don't get offended much and I am always seeking to better myself in terms of roleplay, I've been doing so for roughly four years. I've improved a lot since then thanks to others helping guide me to improve my overall roleplay quality.

That being said, it's fine if you guys are worried about the Vin'Drahl part, if you wish for me not to create this character based solely on the part that she is a Vin'Drahl go ahead and put a -1 with no guilt in it as I won't make the character if no one wants me to. The reason why I tend to shy away from human characters a lot is just an odd preference I have in that I tend to find the differences in biology and culture to be interesting to have to adapt my style around, rather than resort to a biology and culture I am all too familiar with. I have roleplayed as a Vortigaunt, Draenei, Kidan (Paradise and Unbound insectoid race), Tajaran, Unathi, Skrell, Orc Peon, and Worgen. Of those I would say roleplaying as an unintellegent Orc with a big heart was fun as well as an insectoid race in that I only emote with my Antennae being that I had no mouth to smile with, eyes that show expression, or changing facial features due to having a solid exoskeleton. I can Roleplay perfectly fine as a human, I do so on many other servers, though if you wish to see my roleplay style I must say I'm rather adaptive and I don't have my own defined style of roleplay.

As for an interesting story I have had with Sia was most likely the ironic way that her and Attimus met. Attimus challenged her to a fight as he usually does for sport, and Sia barely knowing what to do after watching only her brothers fight and attempting to copy what they did with no practice horribly lost the battle, only getting about maybe two good claw swipes on Attimus the whole battle. The result was a Sia screaming and crying as she lied on the floor with Attimus felt pretty bad in that he didn't hold back enough. He then dragged her to the medbay where she spent the next hour and a half going through surgery, rehab, and recovery. Attimus never really left her bed side as he felt pretty bad he beat her to a pulp, constantly apologizing. Sia blamed herself in that she should have told him she was not good at fighting or that she should have told him to stop. Sia can't hold grudges well and was constantly trying to tell Attimus it was okay, even though he kept apologizing. Sia spent the next week getting checkups and having to wear a cast on her leg, because of this Attimus would follow her around and do everything for her because he had caused her injury, getting doors for her or picking up painkillers due to the pain of her broken leg. Sia had to lie to her father that it was a work related accident, that she had slipped on some sort of clown bannana while cleaning up or he would have set out to kill Attimus for harming, let alone touching his daughter.

As a final note if you really want me to RP a human for a month that's fine, I just wanted to see if I would be allowed to roleplay a character I have already established instead of create a new one. I'd just like to ask what type of human character, such as personality-wise, you'd wish for me to create as it is most likely going to be used for you to judge my roleplaying abilities.

Edit: As a side not if you are worried that I roleplay the female stereotype of homosexuality, I'll inform you that due to negetive experiences and the fact that it shows a lack of creativity I always make my characters heterosexual regardless of gender in order to try and avoid such stereotypes, as I play both genders.


I don't really have any issues with Sia or Majora, but from a few perspectives, I thought I might speak my mind before giving/withholding my endoresment. Having another unathi on board is always good, but time to take something from a more ingame/IC perspective. Due to not having any memorable experiences or rarely seeing Sia out of her comfort zone (Which was Attimus/AVS) during times on unbound travels.

Attimus has been recently giving the Vin'drahl clan name a /really/ bad rep, after an incident involving a captain, drama involving a warden that he had a relationship with.. While married with Sia? Leading to your average bullshit drama fest as you expect with any relationship in this damn game.

He's been barred from security officer for his acts during security shifts, Disrespecting command staff (Which is a big no no, I take it) and usually finding himself demoted and incident reports placed against him, yelled at by duty officers. I think hiring another Vin'drahl, Especially immediate family (For example: Wife) is something Nanotrasen would not exactly be arms open welcoming on, and then all the /more/ annoying drama that will begin once a certain mistress of Attimus notices his wife.

I'll think on it for a while, though the call is never really up to the players, just the lore devs/Whitelist mods.


I'd like to see an example of Sia outside of her zone, Perhaps from Unbound. Anything that involves interacting with humans/Skrell/Tajara, etc.

Doesn't have to be anything big, just an example how she interacted with her fellow crew.


It seems as if a majority of the playerbase would not like for me to add another Vin'Drahl to the server due to drama. As a result I think I'll cancel my application so that I don't upset others who would not enjoy the addition. I thought it would be fine to test player reaction to my application, of which is overall negative due to the association with Attimus and distrust of someone they haven't had to have the chance to roleplay with, which is understandable. Hopefully my failed application will not affect your reaction to any of my characters in-game. Sorry to have caused an issue.


I wasn't saying to cancel your damn application, the playerbase doesn't really have a call on deciding an application's fate. Chances are you'll be accepted and prove the people that doubted you wrong.

Keep the application up,


The only issue I have is with Attimus Vin'drahl himself, a minor one of course. It's the edgecurity the character displays and goes confrontational a lot with people. Since I don't know who Sia Vin'drahl is, I can't judge, just because it has Vin'drahl as a surname. I'm sure Sia Vin'drahl would probably be a good character, but I'm not going to endorse this application since I have not seen you play in the server. I think you should join in time to time and interact with people. Also, you don't have to play for a month, couple of days is fine, a week would be better. Personality of your characters is entirely your call.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

You do not need to withdraw your application. The loremaster (me) and overseer of the species in question (also me) have the say in who gets accepted or denied. And ~3 people isn't a majority; just relax and lets work something out! :)

As it stands I am not using the last name as a basis of rejection. Attimus and how people feel about him is not the subject if this whitelist request, its Sia and the OP him(her?)self And as it stands the emphasis on Sia being passive is a boost in overcoming expectations that she might be used to join in on the ruckus' that Attimus likes to cause.

You do not need to withdraw your application. The loremaster (me) and overseer of the species in question (also me) have the say in who gets accepted or denied. And ~3 people isn't a majority; just relax and lets work something out! :)

As it stands I am not using the last name as a basis of rejection. Attimus and how people feel about him is not the subject if this whitelist request, its Sia and the OP him(her?)self And as it stands the emphasis on Sia being passive is a boost in overcoming expectations that she might be used to join in on the ruckus' that Attimus likes to cause.


One of the main parts of Sia's character is that she is the contrast to Attimus. Opposites attract is an old phrase I would put into use here. When you mentioned that she is less likely to join in on the ruckus he causes, it is completely true to the point where she is always the one trying to stop him getting in trouble and scolding him for doing so most of the time. The main reason I wanted to take down the app was because I didn't want to join the server and instantly be hated due to a surname and OOC/IC rivalries. The fact that someone mentioned a mistress may cause drama is correct, and I hate any kind of drama, In character or out of character I find it annoying most of the time. If my presence is going to cause drama then I don't want to be there and I'd much rather apply for a different species such as Skrell, being that most of the time I like to play underplayed species in an effort to boost their popularity and learn new biology and culture for each.

Edit: Also the OP is a him, I don't go out of my way to lie about my gender, I just like to play either gender so sometimes people get confused.

Posted (edited)

Hey, don't worry bout genders, i don't thinm anyone here cares that much.

Now, as far as your character goes, i can see you have a fairly concrete idea of what your character is like and a developed past and whatnot. And it seems to me you'll give a refreshingly disturbing kind of RP that you genuinely generally don't see. An aspect of Unathi culture that, at least I, find really, really unpleasant. Not to say that that's bad because afterall, i play this game for the feels.

I'm not sure if that's the intent you want to show across with Sai, but i mean, god damn. A character that's nice and sweet being married to a seven foot tall guy that beat the fuck out of her for sport to the point where she was crying and screaming on the floor and /needed surgery/. And then after she lied to her family about how she was hurt, Attimus in a way bought her from her father in typical savage Unathi fashion(all of which he probably wouldn't have done if Sai was male),but then also went ahead and fucked other women onboard Aurora. not the most romantic thing i heard. If you /really/ hate drama, holy shit are you bound to get drama, hell, Attimus is fascinating in how much drama he got into in so little time i saw of him in general. But i won't care if you decide either way, Sai looks unique, albeit depends if it's for the reasons you want her to be

Edited by Guest

I'm satisfied with the answers given by Majora.

I'll happily give my endorsement nonetheless.

I don't really have any issues with Sia or Majora, but from a few perspectives, I thought I might speak my mind before giving/withholding my endoresment. Having another unathi on board is always good, but time to take something from a more ingame/IC perspective. Due to not having any memorable experiences or rarely seeing Sia out of her comfort zone (Which was Attimus/AVS) during times on unbound travels.

Attimus has been recently giving the Vin'drahl clan name a /really/ bad rep, after an incident involving a captain, drama involving a warden that he had a relationship with.. While married with Sia? Leading to your average bullshit drama fest as you expect with any relationship in this damn game.

He's been barred from security officer for his acts during security shifts, Disrespecting command staff (Which is a big no no, I take it) and usually finding himself demoted and incident reports placed against him, yelled at by duty officers. I think hiring another Vin'drahl, Especially immediate family (For example: Wife) is something Nanotrasen would not exactly be arms open welcoming on, and then all the /more/ annoying drama that will begin once a certain mistress of Attimus notices his wife.

I'll think on it for a while, though the call is never really up to the players, just the lore devs/Whitelist mods.


I'd like to see an example of Sia outside of her zone, Perhaps from Unbound. Anything that involves interacting with humans/Skrell/Tajara, etc.

Doesn't have to be anything big, just an example how she interacted with her fellow crew.


One of the main reasons you probobly didn't remember Sia that much is because she never really did anything to act out. She doesn't have some sort of bombastic personality, she's a pretty shy and secluded Unathi who doesn't try to cause trouble.

An example of Sia outside of her comfort zone was most likely when Kaed lied to her as an antag in an attempt to get her to kill someone. Sia is not really good at the whole murdering thing and even though she was pissed at the person she was going to kill, she couldn't bring herself to kill anyone. She just sat outside the room the person was held in and started crying with the knife she was supposed to kill with lying on the floor beside her. That's one of the main ways I remember her out of her comfort zone, she get shaken up from that for a while not wanting to talk to others as much.

That's more of a large example of her out of her comfort zone, when it comes to interacting with other crew she tries not to talk as much with others. She stutters a bit when she talks to new people, and when people make fun of her for her speech or elongated S's, she just walks away most of the time. She attempts to minimize her time with people she's not used, typically attempting to be around others of her own species because then she'd have something to relate to. I can't think of any specific examples of this.


Hey, don't worry bout genders, i don't thinm anyone here cares that much.

Now, as far as your character goes, i can see you have a fairly concrete idea of what your character is like and a developed past and whatnot. And it seems to me you'll give a refreshingly disturbing kind of RP that you genuinely generally don't see. An aspect of Unathi culture that, at least I, find really, really unpleasant. Not to say that that's bad because afterall, i play this game for the feels.

I'm not sure if that's the intent you want to show across with Sai, but i mean, god damn. A character that's nice and sweet being married to a seven foot tall guy that beat the fuck out of her for sport to the point where she was crying and screaming on the floor and /needed surgery/. And then after she lied to her family about how she was hurt, Attimus in a way bought her from her father in typical savage Unathi fashion(all of which he probably wouldn't have done if Sai was male),but then also went ahead and fucked other women onboard Aurora. not the most romantic thing i heard. If you /really/ hate drama, holy shit are you bound to get drama, hell, Attimus is fascinating in how much drama he got into in so little time i saw of him in general. But i won't care if you decide either way, Sai looks unique, albeit depends if it's for the reasons you want her to be


Main reason I felt like roleplaying Sia is that from other servers I have seen, many of the female Unathi don't seem to show the typical Moghean female in that she is regarded as property with a lot of sexism going on. Sia was born into that culture and has to live with it, which is what I want to show. I know he does get into drama and such, but Sia's main goal is to try and not get him in trouble by trying to calm him down. If there is any drama surrounding him, Sia rarely attempts to get herself involved in it.

Main reason I felt like roleplaying Sia is that from other servers I have seen, many of the female Unathi don't seem to show the typical Moghean female in that she is regarded as property with a lot of sexism going on. Sia was born into that culture and has to live with it, which is what I want to show.

I've been following this thread for a while. It took a while before I was satisfied with an answer, but this chunk here is what I approve of. We have a ton of typical brutish lizard men but very few typical downtrodden lizard women. As long as you make your time at Aurora all about this - exploring relatively untouched avenues of arpee - rather than being "that one person who joined to be Attimus' bitch", I'd be super happy to see you around.

Main reason I felt like roleplaying Sia is that from other servers I have seen, many of the female Unathi don't seem to show the typical Moghean female in that she is regarded as property with a lot of sexism going on. Sia was born into that culture and has to live with it, which is what I want to show.

I've been following this thread for a while. It took a while before I was satisfied with an answer, but this chunk here is what I approve of. We have a ton of typical brutish lizard men but very few typical downtrodden lizard women. As long as you make your time at Aurora all about this - exploring relatively untouched avenues of arpee - rather than being "that one person who joined to be Attimus' bitch", I'd be super happy to see you around.


I agree with this, and have also been following the posts. The only thing I'm concerned with now is not having personally seen you RP on server, but it's not my decision to approve you in the end anyway :)


I've been following this thread for a while. It took a while before I was satisfied with an answer, but this chunk here is what I approve of. We have a ton of typical brutish lizard men but very few typical downtrodden lizard women. As long as you make your time at Aurora all about this - exploring relatively untouched avenues of arpee - rather than being "that one person who joined to be Attimus' bitch", I'd be super happy to see you around.


My goal is always attempt to roleplay things that are usually not roleplayed, and that is the case for Sia. I agree that there are more angry Unathi men than shy, passive, Unathi female regarded as property. That was my goal even before Attimus met her and technically bought her back on Unbound, which adds to the whole reason I created her. I made her because I saw few Unathi females roleplaying this side of their culture, the ones I had seen just acted normal or aggressive like all other Unathi. She's no Mary Sue, I'm awful at combat in this game and so is Sia. Sia isn't always happy to be around Attimus sometimes, being that he is always getting in trouble, always being overprotective of her, and being unhappy sometimes, but she has to because he is her owner due to Unathi culture. I think a lot of the people were worried I'd be going around and beating up people just because I'm a Vin'Drahl, but that's not what the character is about.


If you're willing to handle the mistresses Attimus encountered with, the IC drama/(Possible OOC drama due to the community being iffy), Doubts from co-workers and a few people cringing at the reality of the sexism. (Which I say adds to little spice.)

If you can prove that the Vin'drahl clan name isn't mainly edgesecurity, carries a bad reputation so far of trashing their superiors (Which if I can remember correctly, if not very.. Honorable.) and restore the name to proper honor. be it so. People might be holding Sia to a more harsher and higher expectation. With whispers of her simply being 'Attimus bitch'

You have my support then.

If you're willing to handle the mistresses Attimus encountered with, the IC drama/(Possible OOC drama due to the community being iffy), Doubts from co-workers and a few people cringing at the reality of the sexism. (Which I say adds to little spice.)

If you can prove that the Vin'drahl clan name isn't mainly edgesecurity, carries a bad reputation so far of trashing their superiors (Which if I can remember correctly, if not very.. Honorable.) and restore the name to proper honor. be it so. People might be holding Sia to a more harsher and higher expectation. With whispers of her simply being 'Attimus bitch'

You have my support then.


Ironic thing is most likely that because of the whole female property thing, I wouldn't find it too uncommon for an Unathi male to have multiple. I'm not one for OOC drama, but I guess if it's going to come with IC drama I can handle it without it getting blown out of proportion or taking up too much time. People who have met Sia before are rather surprised she is a Vin'Drahl being that she's more of an introvert. Also you don't need to worry about her being security at all, not only is she bad at it but Attimus is too overprotective to allow her to be in it. I was just worried I'd get OOC hate just for the name and now how I roleplay the character. And as for the higher expectations, I believe I can deal with them, and it'd also be part of the theme that she has going for her.


I've been keeping up with this a bit. I'm still mostly new to SS13 in general and the Unathi leave me mostly mystified. I don't know much about the alien races as I've not gone out of my way to figure it out yet. My IPC/AI simply views everything in two catagories, synthetic and organic. The answers and responses you've given though, they tell me you've done your homework and and VERY interested in playing that character. I like this. That's all I need to know, really. I play tabletop games and I can see it being frustrating having to play as something you kinda don't want to because a GM, or in this case a whitelist, says you have to.

In short, you seem competent and respectable. You have my support.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Application accepted.

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