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Funny Quotes and Shinanighans from Aurora's characters

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Double post. Fite me.

Echo says, "This is, in a sense, a new existence for me."

Miami Kleine says, "I see."

Echo says, "I am simply...reborn, if you may."

Miami Kleine yells, "Well, it's good to have you on board, Echo!"

Echo says, "And I am glad to be onboard."

Echo whirrs.

Miami Kleine harbors a secrert suspicion echo might still be connected to the mainframe withut realizing this, but keeps it to herself.

Alan Kowaski says, "Interesting story Echo."

Alan Kowaski asks, "Shall we leave the area?"

Echo breaks arpee and transforms into a 6 gun wielding android that fires a blaze of bullets into a sea of blood, creating a new apocolyptic era of machine supremacy.

Echo doesn't actually do this.

Miami Kleine :((s

Echo keks.

Alan Kowaski cri

Miami Kleine forms a batttle borg by fusing with alan

Echo says, "Yes, we should head to the shuttle."

Alan Kowaski power ranger theme

Miami Kleine says, "Alright then"

Alan Kowaski says, "You both go."

Miami Kleine gets up, stretching her arms sideways.

Echo is a robot, and auto wins the day.

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Geradine was going through a tator tots things with her partner. The tator was very insistent that the pen conspicuously placed next to his toy energy sword was just a pen.

Very insistent.

If it's just a pen, it's safe to lick, right?


She licked the pen and spent the next ten minutes being shuttled between the brig infirmary and medbay.


LOOC: NebulaFlare: I know you're there, Nightmare.

®LOOC: IckySoup: i cryoed

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins complains, "so i was watching this survival tutorial on how to make a knife out of bamboo in the wild"

Sophia Ironmonger [security] says, "Just want to remind Cadets - you are NOT to carry flashbangs. Too many of these incidents have been occuring lately and I've began cracking down on it."

You put the clipboard into the security backpack.

®LOOC: Richard_Lennox: oh

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins complains, "and to do said knife, guy pulls out a fucking machete."

DEV: NebulaFlare/(Aji'Rah Laikov): helpful

DEV: NebulaFlare/(Aji'Rah Laikov): gaaah...

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins complains, "why the fuck would i want to make a bamboo knife if i have a machete."

Aji'Rah Laikov says, "Dsay helpful"

Aji'Rah Laikov says, "For the love of..."

Safiya Isra [145.9] asks, "Ah. do we have hop arrround?"

Aji'Rah Laikov sighs. Internally.

LOOC: Nightmare 00: I saw it

®LOOC: IckySoup: 1220 am im not hadling paper work sleep deprived

DEAD: MOD(DeathlySoul) says, "I stole a machete from another country once."

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins whines, "did they send the army after you?"

DEAD: MOD(DeathlySoul) says, "No."

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins moans, ":C"

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "DEATH"

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins whines, "K"

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "you've been on the staff longer than me."

®LOOC: Jackboot: pull me, brb

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "how do you handle the suddeny influx of info streaming in from...from everywhere."

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins laments, "Death, i'll call you Kindred from now on."

DEAD: MOD(DeathlySoul) says, "You don't. It drives you slowly insane."

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins laments, "@Nebula : Your mind gets used to it."

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "*twitch*"

DEAD: MOD(DeathlySoul) says, "Same thing Ahren."

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "what have I gotten myself into..."

DEAD: Nasir Ha'kim blubbers, "you should get used to it rather quick Nebula"

Cryogenic Oversight [145.9] says, "Lilly Wolff has entered long-term storage."

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins whines, "Slowly you'll filter out useless debug info, then the OOC, ETC."

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins laments, "your mind will focus on what's important."

Oliver Roadman [145.9] asks, "Safiya?"

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins complains, "Damage logs, Ahelps, ETC."

DEAD: MOD(DeathlySoul) says, "You should try playing AI."

DEAD: MOD(DeathlySoul) says, "That's trial by fire for overload."

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "ohgoshno"

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins blubbers, "i was once AI on Para, as the sole admin connected on a 80 pop night."

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins blubbers, "Needless to say i gave my AI position to a ghost fast enough."

David Plissken [145.9] asks, "Oh boy, the Chaplain burned himself?"

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins laments, "but the most rewarding part of being staff"

Sslazhir Yinzr [145.9] asks, "Again...?"

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins moans, "and the moment you know you've accomplished yourself as staff"

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "yes?"

DEAD: Ahren Hawkins whines, "is when someone makes a shitpost regarding you on Reddit."

David Plissken [145.9] says, "No, earlier."

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "-keyboardface-"

I...I was not prepared for this.


DEAD: Tpr O'Brian moans, "I wasted a character slot just for this."

DEAD: Tpr O'Brian blubbers, "Gg me"

Aji'Rah Laikov [security] asks, "Morrre?"

Aji'Rah Laikov asks, "morrre?"

DEV: Bluespace Cat/(Fai Sinsa): ...ok

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "you mean you don't make character slots of your ERT people?"

DEV: Bluespace Cat/(Fai Sinsa): jhgdvjks

DEAD: DEV(Bluespace Cat) says, "...ok"

DEAD: Tpr O'Brian moans, "And I prsay I do."

DEV: NebulaFlare/(Aji'Rah Laikov): HAH!

DEAD: Tpr O'Brian moans, "jifrguih"

DEAD: Tpr O'Brian complains, "I do."

DEAD: Tpr O'Brian whines, "But"

DEAD: Tpr O'Brian whines, "IMy ERT guy is brown"

DEV: Bluespace Cat/(Fai Sinsa): See everyone does it

DEAD: Tpr O'Brian whines, "Tpr Brown"

DEV: NebulaFlare/(Aji'Rah Laikov): makes me feel so much better now.

Aji'Rah Laikov says, "So much better."

LOOC: NebulaFlare: crap


DEV: Bluespace Cat/(Fai Sinsa): The one from Frank? Yeah you can reply to that, you can only use the info CC has been given already though

DEV: Bluespace Cat/(Fai Sinsa): sdjgfsjkdfg

Trip Lee says, "Make sure there's a Donut for me here when i get back."

Trip Lee smiles.

DEV: NebulaFlare/(Aji'Rah Laikov): why you telling me this?~

I feel better....knowing I'm not the only one.


Lady Flare BST says, "Okay"

Lady Flare BST says, "For SCIENCE"

Your right foot goes flying off!

Your right leg goes flying off!

Your left foot goes flying off!

Your left leg goes flying off!

Your groin goes flying off!

You feel slightly disoriented. That's normal when you're just a brain

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "that didn't work"

DEAD: DEV(NebulaFlare) says, "I CAN FIX THIS"

DEAD: MOD(Garnascus) says, " UH OH"

DEAD: DEV(Doomberg) says, "ADMIN LOG: nebulaflare/(Lady Flare BST) deleted Lady Flare BST's head at (56,47,2)"

DEAD: Lady Flare BST moans, "oh hush"

DEAD: DEV(Doomberg) says, "crisis averted"

DEAD: Lady Flare BST laments, "yeah yeah. so I cheated."

*koff* I fixed what I broke.

Anyhooooow, enough shenanigans. Now I got a good idea of what does what.


Head of Security's Desk announcement: Attention, all station crew. As you may have noticed, there was an announcement earlier explaining that a fungus was aboard the station. Now, I've talked to the research director, and they've told me it eats walls. So, I want all idle personnel to please gather in the bar and wait for this matter to be resolved. The reason for this, is that it could cause a breach in our hull, and anyone out and about might be at risk.

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] asks, "Head of securrrity?"

Robbie Calhoun [145.9] asks, "Yeah?"

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "It doesn't rrrealy /eat/ walls. It'll be fine as long as nobody touches the fungus"

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "If they touch it.. Well.. The wall kind of starrts flaling aparrrrt"

Sybil Rosetta-Sigma [145.9] says, "Same difference, really."

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] asks, "Is the station still full of morrrons?"

Sybil Rosetta-Sigma [145.9] asks, "Arguably?"

Centurion [145.9] says, "No comment."

Ziva Mo'Taki [145.9] says, "... She sees yourrr point. She'll get a harrdsuit, just in case"



That time we called the sydicate for help, and they stole the engine with out anyone finding out.



Also that time someone wanted to put perma-brigged scum in their place (pretty big)



Oh sure. Just because I was in the middle of Devstuff, you go in the mode that warrants Echo calling you nuttier than a fruitcake.

Well I got news for you, sir. You're nuttier than TWO fruitcakes.

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