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The goggles, they do nothing!


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The suggestion is simple. Make science goggles do things again.

Nothing fancy, just what they did before. You know - like protecting your eyes from plasma and other such concoctions.


This is simple enough.

Make it so that dispensing a chemical from the chem dispenser has a random chance to 'splash' a unit of every chemical in the container into the eyes of the user.

Make it so goggles prevent this from hurting or effecting the user, and give them acid resistance so they don't melt. The acid resistance could give incentive to use the goggles instead of just a pair of glasses, which would melt into slop when exposed to acid.

Don't make it so that the splash actually detracts from the contents of the container.

How does something like that sound?


Science goggles actually assist in protecting you from anomalies.


By almost nothing alas...


	//anomaly suits give best protection, but excavation suits are almost as good
	protected += 0.6
else if(istype(H.wear_suit,/obj/item/clothing/suit/space/anomaly))
	protected += 0.5

	protected += 0.3
else if(istype(H.head,/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/anomaly))
	protected += 0.2

//latex gloves and science goggles also give a bit of bonus protection
	protected += 0.1

	protected += 0.1

By almost nothing alas...


	//anomaly suits give best protection, but excavation suits are almost as good
	protected += 0.6
else if(istype(H.wear_suit,/obj/item/clothing/suit/space/anomaly))
	protected += 0.5

	protected += 0.3
else if(istype(H.head,/obj/item/clothing/head/helmet/space/anomaly))
	protected += 0.2

//latex gloves and science goggles also give a bit of bonus protection
	protected += 0.1

	protected += 0.1


This gibberish means nothing to me.

I'm just asking for science goggles functionality to be returned, not for them to have some fancy new gimmick.

Im no coder, but I think that means glasses protect against 0.1 damage from anomalies.


This is in percentages. So wearing an anomaly suit, anomaly helmet, latex gloves, and science goggles gives you 110% protection from the ill effects of anomalies.


I seem to recall a round not too long ago where "small amounts" of plasma were filtered into the air system. Multiple characters were blinded. Goggles definitely seem like the sort of thing that should protect against that.

Goggles should protect eyes? This suggestion sounds very reasonable and somewhat obvious. I'll have to agree that Science Goggles should at the very least protect the eyes from plasma.


I seem to recall a round not too long ago where "small amounts" of plasma were filtered into the air system. Multiple characters were blinded. Goggles definitely seem like the sort of thing that should protect against that.

Goggles should protect eyes? This suggestion sounds very reasonable and somewhat obvious. I'll have to agree that Science Goggles should at the very least protect the eyes from plasma.

  • 4 months later...

I'm going to shill this one last time, since we've got an active dev team currently.

Goggles still don't do anything to protect eyes. If the eyes are targeted, you receive prompt that the science goggles have protected your eyes, with no protection actually happening. Was reminded of this when I was recently peppersprayed.

I'm going to shill this one last time, since we've got an active dev team currently.

Goggles still don't do anything to protect eyes. If the eyes are targeted, you receive prompt that the science goggles have protected your eyes, with no protection actually happening. Was reminded of this when I was recently peppersprayed.


No goggles will protect you fully from pepper spray, only full face covering will do so, like gas masks. It will reduce the amount of pepper spray that will hit you, however.


Make it so that dispensing a chemical from the chem dispenser has a random chance to 'splash' a unit of every chemical in the container into the eyes of the user.

Make it so goggles prevent this from hurting or effecting the user, and give them acid resistance so they don't melt. The acid resistance could give incentive to use the goggles instead of just a pair of glasses, which would melt into slop when exposed to acid.


I like this idea, it actually makes you have to take safety precautions when messing with shit. Makes sense.

Also, with the plasma thing. Would it really work? I mean, the plasma would probably still effect you with the goggles but not to the extent of someone without goggles. Anyways, these seems like a good idea.

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