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Office shutters

The lancer

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Basically, replace the blast doors in the HoS's office with privacy shutters, because its a bit too much shutting down the huge steel blinking blast doors when you just want to change, have a personal meeting

what do you say?


The office shutters serve for two purposes: to prevent the HoS's office being invaded/vandalised by enemies/traitors, and ofcourse they serve as privacy. This is rather trivial as it serves two purposes and fulfills them without an arising issue.


I'm 90% certain that every office that has a 'privacy' feature uses blast doors, for two reasons: one, it's always useful to protect Heads, and second, it might be a hassle to code in a completely new privacy shutter just for that.

I say it's fine as it is. The closure is fast, and it does what it's designed to do - there's nothing beyond that to say.


There are three types of 'blast doors'. There are the actual big clunky smash smash blast doors (which account for two of the three because there are some that close horizontally and some that close vertically), and then there are the garage-type door that the roboticist office uses. Aesthetically speaking, the garage door is essentially just iron blinders, and makes more sense for offices. The two types of doors are functionally identical however, just using a different sprite.


As Fowl noted, they're identical in function, just different in sprite. Changing these between each other wouldn't actually affect the 'Safety' of the various offices. In fact, both shutters and the magnetic 'blast doors' are actually rather useless at stopping explosions.

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