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Antag selection


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So. I've noticed (and thought) about the current status of antags. As it stands, it uses whatever character you've currently readied with as the antag, only allowing you to change name.

This has a LOT of disadvantages. Most crew with something special, about them, are severely handicapped (if not downright blocked from trying) while doing their thing. For instance - last I checked, IPC antags need admin intervention to get started, or they need to sloppily get to the station ASAP or they overheat. And wasn't there an issue of "the wheelchair operative" one time too?

Point is, while they are interesting characters most of the time, they're not adequate for antagging.

To this, I propose two solutions.

Option One - have a "two-part" character sheet. First part is the standard stuff used for normal playing. But the second half - possibly hidden in Antag Options menu I think it was, is literally a whole second sheet for what character gets spawned when the player gets selected as an antagonist (or at least has the option to make the character not like the main sheet).

Option Two - Give the players who've been chosen to be antagonists a chance to change character sheet. It might be less complex - but have a dropdown menu, before the name selection, that allows them to choose a character from their character slots (without modification). That way people can pick a character that won't be handicapped with the starting conditions of certain antagonists.



Last time I played a meatsack antag I fried myself with the EMP spell 'cause I didn't realize that just 'cause my meatsack (who you don't know 'cause I never play her) had a couple of prosthetic parts, so would my wizard. Oops.

So, suffice to say, I think this is a great idea.


Nuclear operatives don't need to use eva to reach the station, there is a teleporter. Besides that; no cooling unit is mostly due to the old mercenary map. About wizard, if I am not wrong, xenos can't wear the hardsuit, So, at a point, your species will influence even in traitor situations, something that I see no problem. But, The syndie base should have cooling units or an autolathe at least.


I can confirm that they spawnable wizard hardsuit is not wearable by xenos, and that trying to modify it for your specie turns it into a generic hardsuit, like the one that spawns in the engineer outpost.

I like option one, it seems a lot less cumbersome than option two. Not to mention it could make way for antag only characters (which Ive wanted to make for a very long time)

I can confirm that they spawnable wizard hardsuit is not wearable by xenos, and that trying to modify it for your specie turns it into a generic hardsuit, like the one that spawns in the engineer outpost.

Okay, very noteworthy detail about this. If you use a suit cycler, the new suit will look like a regular hardsuit, but it will retain the exact statistics and abilities of it's previous form. So it should theoretically still work as 'wizard robes' for the purpose of spellcasting, whilst also now doubling as a disguise.

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