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Character Complaint - Meowness

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Weird. No one said this about Phoene Essel, even though she does.... well, just about the exact same thing. Maybe she gets away with it because she's not hating Tajaran? Or maybe because 'yeah, fuck humies'?

Last time I checked, Essel wasn't just screaming "fuck humans" and "glass earth" over and over. She was doing it in (IMHO) a more subtle and immersive way.

But, I haven't seen Essel or Lyar play, or roleplayed with them lately, so things might have been changed. But, I also think that Meowy's might be stepping over the line a little, their IC and OOC behavior is (IMO) not much different than of baldies that scream "hitler did nothing wrong", "fuck catbeasts" and "shitcurity".

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Phoebe Essel commonly issues death threats. This pales in comparison.

Not to say, of course, that Phoebe is a problem character--it's simply a double standard. People (Tajaran) players seem to prefer going straight to complaining OOC about others, as opposed to going through proper IC channels.

Phoebe Essel has an incident report against her, yes, that predates the DO program. Does she have any actual complaints? Yes, one, and it was overturned.

Mrychny Lyar has no incident reports against him, and this, his first complaint, is claiming that it is an OOC issue. My question would be, have you ever actually interacted with him to see if it fits his character? Have you even tried?

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Guest Marlon Phoenix

Tajaran hating other Tajaran isn't whitelist threatening. The species is not a hivemind. The only question is if this behavior would allow them to keep working on the Aurora.

And that's a question you should try to answer IC'ly, before making a complaint. Otherwise you get the peanut gallery insisting that exact same thing. If you had proof that this behavior continued despite repeated injunctions by Head of Staff and a failure to be handled by Duty Officers, this complaint would go far diffurently.

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We have a tajara who dislikes other tajarans. How is this different from a unathi that hates humans, a human that hates humans, or a tajara that hates humans? Do they go out of their way to disrupt them? Do they not answer emergency calls from tajarans? Should this had been an incident report?

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Ok I've said this over and over and over again but it seems no one is listening. The reason I didn't do a incident report was that the racism felt unrealistic. I have no problem with his character being racist, its how he was going about it.


Sarcasm is now apparently unrealistic. Mrynchny doesn't treat Tajara any different than any other species. He just riles them up because let's face it, THEY SEEM TO BE EASILY RILED UP DUE TO HOW SENSITIVE THEY ARE. If you honestly believe that anything he says is serious, and statements of true racism, you're being willfully dense.

You are arguing that somebody did something, that in no way effects you. You are arguing that somebody that has held a Tajara whitelist since before you were even on the server, has made a Tajara character whose sole purpose to annoy the hell out of the other Tajara. I'm sorry, Demon. but you're not that special to me.

The fact that you've ignored an IC route to this means that maybe you need to re-evaluate your playstyle, because if statements made in a game about a fictional species set several hundred years from now by a member of the same exact species, calls for an OOC spectacle of trying to figure out whether this non-harmful portrayal of racism is realistic or not, despite the fact that Tajara have been seen performing much more realistic actions such as snogging the corpse of somebody you just watched die while the station burns around you, or clawing the face off of somebody that calls them a cat, then maybe you need to re-evaluate your standards on realistic, because as I see it, you seem to think every little statement somebody makes against a Tajara is a direct attack on you, your character, and your playing here.

Please, get over it and move on. Make the incident report. I implore you.

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Alright. I'm stopping the breaks on this drama train.

The loremaster found nothing wrong with the conduct and being called Catbeast is as old as the hills.

I'm declaring this an IC issue. This complaint will be left open for twenty-four hours, unless there's supporting evidence stating otherwise.

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