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Player Complaint - Alberyk

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BYOND Key: ForgottenTraveller

Player Byond Key: Alberyk

Staff involved: Aqy and Tablespoon.

Reason for complaint: Wizard round. I was the wizard and i was at the mining station. I decided to use my staff of change and grant some people wishes become true after doing my real objetive as wizard.. They wanted to be Xenos so i decided to make a big family of Xenox at mining station. They were friendly to me and everything was good ..when suddenly the mining shuttle arrives with 2 officers inside. I come inside to talk to them and RP but this player Alberyk peppers spray me in the face. I was blind and confused so i defended myself changing them converting them into monkeys. They proceed to attack me as monkeys with their hands and later they picked a stun baton. and stun me. I tried Xenos to help me so i said "Xenos this is your food" or your lunch i dont remember i was being attacked by the monkeys and wanted aliens to defend me. They didnt and as a last ressort i used fireball blowing the shit and the monkeys finished killing me (yeah really noob i know im bad )

The main point is this player didnt say a single word and just pepper sprayed me for the fact i was wearing wizard clothes. THey didnt even know there was a wizard at station. They arrived with the shuttle, saw some xenos at the distance and a human coming inside the shuttle to receive them aand decided to attack the Human because yolo. if thats not metagaming i dont know what is.

- Later when i was dead, he said LOOC he missed click. Dont pepper sprays have a safety for that?

- He didnt say it was an accident like whoops or sorry in ICC so i could RP that

The monkey ended up killing me and pulling my dead body to the main station with a stun baton in his hands

Approximate Date/Time: . monday, 19 October 2015. GMT,


So, yeah, pepperspray have a safety mode, I was turning it off in the shuttle that is why I had the can in hand, and since you ran into the mining shuttle after it docked, I clicked by at you by reflex. So, I left you recover, you ran back into the mining station and I when was typing; you went back inside the shuttle and turned both yinzr and the research director into monkeys. You said that them would be food for the aliens, the other monkey as dragged into the outpost, while I grabbed a stun baton from the belt to defend myself from them. And then you went back on the shuttle, where I stunned you with the baton, you used magic missiles to defend yourself and then fireball. And it ended with the monkey warrior battoning the wizard.

So, I didn't had time to type to explain that it was an accident, I didn't even tried to cuff you, pick up your staff or stop you further . So, back at station, the detective fires at me, nearly killing me as monkey, sec drags me to genetics, turn me into a human but I die due to it.

I fought you back because you went towards myself again, after turning Yinzr into a monkey, and due to how the character is, he will fight back. So, I made a mistake with the pepperspray, but, the round went like that due to the staff of change being used right after.


Also, for clarification purposes: I was the AI player this round, and I observed pretty much all of your actions on the mining outpost, and corresponded them to the command staff. So it would not not have been metagame to assume that you were not just a normal human, and were in fact directly responsible for replacing crew with alien lifeforms.

Also, for clarification purposes: I was the AI player this round, and I observed pretty much all of your actions on the mining outpost, and corresponded them to the command staff. So it would not not have been metagame to assume that you were not just a normal human, and were in fact directly responsible for replacing crew with alien lifeforms.


That explains a lot . This topic can be closed thanks for replying both

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