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Character complaint for Michael Thorne, Elina Fenich, +

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Just saying that I was the first cmo and fuck this round I did not see the strait jacket stuff as I tend to bail on Rev if it looks like I am somehow gonna get in trouble and my god this round screamed trouble.


Just so you know, Gamegod don't make it sound like Nasir actually said that. What he said was "If He was disloyal, he would have released the singularity to kill you all." So yeah, you might be somewhat mistaken.

Yes I wasn't part of this but I have to put this in.

You said you had a paranoid captain.

That violates the 2nd rule of the server, having a sane character.

Centcomm won't hire a paranoid captain.


Come on man don't be silly, Michael didn't start paranoid, the round started great but it went downhill as did Michael. He's usually a brave man but this round shook him, and if you don't believe rounds can change a character's personality(just for a round) then shouldn't the engineer Oliver have been punished for murdering Paxton? Characters change during rounds because of the stress and how the round goes.

Posted (edited)

I don't post ever, but people said we should post if we're ticked off.


Michael goes EVA with the mech and scares them away for a short time, as far as I saw. Roy and company are moved to EVA, where they find out there is only one mining hardsuit. At this point I think Oliver started unscrewing the windows where Elina and the other sec were standing. Michael, instead of stopping him, apparently decides it's better to vent the room where Roy was.


When happens next? Well as you know from previous posts the HoS and a few officers bail when the prisoners are start making their way though the window. The HoS and an officer escape with one being left behind.


This is pretty close to what I remember happening except a few things.

We were shoved into the Mining airlock and told to suit up, still cuffed. So while we're complaining about there being only one bloody hardsuit the HoS or some other officer makes a comment to the effect of suit up for your own safety.

At this point the Captain-piloted mech came back after chasing off Oliver Stefan. Captain then decided to summarily execute us for no apparent reason by drilling through a window. All because uh.. why exactly? Sitting around Engineering chair rping? Because one dude said Nasir said something bad so the captain decided to arrest half the department? Being rude to all the officers who refused to answer any, and all questions of WHY we were being arrested?

The most RP we got out of the Officers was them saying what amounted to either 'no', or 'shut up', the Hos Saying 'now' a shit ton, then after being silently

beaten, flashed, and for the most part ignored the captain tried to kill us.

SO Mech breaks the window. The Atmo fails, and we're not dying. Nasir gets out of his cuffs, and then begins deconstructing the window because THE CAPTAIN TRIED TO KILL US. Then Sec begins to get the fuck out, Paxton gets left behind, and a fight ensues.


shouldn't the engineer Oliver have been punished for murdering Paxton

Since the Captain seems intent on working with misinformation, and not even bothering to check any facts at all. Oliver was actually trying to save Paxton, and even stun prodded Wyatt to get him to stop beating him to death.

The Captain took the false word of one Engineer apparently, and without any investigation or fact-checking used it to write a blank valid check on almost the entire department which Sec fucking RAN with. Yet the Captain didn't start off paranoid.

As an added note, as far as I know none of engineering were even Revs.

Edited by Guest

I can't help it if I don't see what happens and only get told it, I can only be in one place at once and have to rely on the information of the others. Either way venting a room is pretty crazy even if you intend to try to save them. And yes the engineers were executed, they were originally bound for mining when we found out there was only one suit and saw Oliver and the CE just chilling by the Windows I chased them off but they returned of course, my HoS was pushing for action and an execution( at this point I was still unaware in the reg change about it) was just the type of thing we needed to send a message to the CE, my original plan was to have the engineers cloned after the execution obviously things don't go to plan. And Subdigital(The HoS) actually asked the admins before the execution was ok before it happened.

I will need to consult with other staff on this one, partly surrounding a loyalty implant and executions in that scenario.


The Staff that were on were Voltage and Soapy if I remember correctly


I neglected to mention when Sec arrested Nasir, pretty much all of engineering started a fight with the arresting officers, with Mick being the only one not carted off because he stood out of the way.


Hey ladies and gentlemen! Just realized my character was part of the conflict this round so I might want to chip in. And I just want to shed a bit more light on the situation.

The REASON Nasir was arrested was because some newbie engineer couldn't take a joke about wanting to do some bad things to bad people. That idiot called sec and had Nasir arrested. Oliver.. well the TWO Olivers asked why the hell they were doing that, Roadman got arrested for STANDING TOO CLOSE TO THE OFFICER. Just let that sink in.... good? Now, they're carried off with Roy and they're all brought to the brig where its agreed they will do hard labor.

The Chief and Stefan followed them to the outpost and WATCHED. Emphasis on WATCHED what sec was doing, the Captain stomping around in his mech, which I assumed only had non lethals on. We watch them putter about and stun the prisoners about five or six or twenty times before the Captain leaves the dock out an airlock. And the prisoners and put into the mining airlock. I start to feel where this is going and before I can even think the Captain is behind me in the durand and has fired a non lethal round. I'm in a hardsuit and this amounts to about throwing peas at a tank so I still stand. The then CHANGES from non lethals to lethals and proceeds to shoot me AT LEAST TEN COCK TICKLING TIMES. Near death if float away, seeing as how the Captain has now gone full Hitler on us.

I come back after resting and coughing into the mic a bit to find the Captain trying to kill the prisoners in the mining airlock, "That the game you want to play eh? Two can do it.." and I start to unscrew the windows to the officers who are now WATCHING THE THREE PRISONERS CONVICTED OF NOTHING. BE EXECUTED. So yea. Mrimatool, somehow my cunning plan failed and only killed Paxton but no. I don't feel I should be punished because the officers were pushing for a rev round.

This is the inherent problem, the rev round is made to push the revs or ANYONE to stand up to sec and no one wants to so its a Cold War where one side doesn't want to fight. None the less, I am sorry that Oliver Stefan killed Paxton. If I were to do it again I would have found a way to make sure that the other two officers died as well. The crew then ran back to the station as the Captain screamed terrorists and borgs descended on us.

At this point Im laying in the mining shuttle under dead Paxton, infection has set in, and the people I saved have totally forgotten about me to run off. Borgs surround us and the Captain comes back to the station. He then says, "Take Paxton to medical to be cloned, leave Oliver to die. He's a terrorist." And the borgs start to move my body around, as I writhe around in pain and agony, and again the Captain says, "No, he's a terrorist, let him stay here." So, now we're running around telling borgs to disregard their laws about safe guarding crew, which Oliver was, so the Captain can have his way.

Anyway that's my piece, or the way I saw it. Thank you for reading, not gonna be chatting much on this post again, just wanted to clear up what happened from my point of view.


I neglected to mention when Sec arrested Nasir, pretty much all of engineering started a fight with the arresting officers, with Mick being the only one not carted off because he stood out of the way.


Oh and before I leave. This. A few posts ago you said something like, "I love being called a lair on my first day back" or some such. Well you are! You're lying right there! I was in engineering and that didn't happen at all, the officers came in, told Nasir that they wanted to "SEARCH HIM IN THE BRIG." We say, you can search him here. Then the officers tase Nasir and cuff him. Why? Oh I have no clue. Then they tase and arrest Roadman. Again, Roadman didn't do anything till you tased him. Sure he pulled stungloves but that was AFTER YOU TASED HIM.

I hate to be the one here to say it but.. yea.. first day back in a while and you're not only being called a lair but you are LYING.

I neglected to mention when Sec arrested Nasir, pretty much all of engineering started a fight with the arresting officers, with Mick being the only one not carted off because he stood out of the way.


Oh and before I leave. This. A few posts ago you said something like, "I love being called a lair on my first day back" or some such. Well you are! You're lying right there! I was in engineering and that didn't happen at all, the officers came in, told Nasir that they wanted to "SEARCH HIM IN THE BRIG." We say, you can search him here. Then the officers tase Nasir and cuff him. Why? Oh I have no clue. Then they tase and arrest Roadman. Again, Roadman didn't do anything till you tased him. Sure he pulled stungloves but that was AFTER YOU TASED HIM.

I hate to be the one here to say it but.. yea.. first day back in a while and you're not only being called a lair but you are LYING.

After reading the logs, it seems you're right, you didn't fight back against security. Well when they came for Nasir anyway. However, you stood right next to Nasir as he was being arrested from what I remember. In contrast to Mick, who stood WAY far back from the whole ordeal. So what I THINK happened was the guard thought you were going to take him down or something when you stood close to him. I'm not a liar, I just can't remember every single detail. Curse human memory, right?


Are we still missing the fact that loyalty implanted personnel, the HoS and the Captain, are executing people for pretty much no reason?

The HoS murdered the CMO. Do we know why yet? I haven't seen an explanation.

The Captain murdered the warden, who happens to be me. I haven't heard a real reason yet. Simply saying something to the effect of "Captain, if this turns out to be something Central didn't send, you're under arrest." Instead of present paperwork or talking with me, he proceeds to gun me down.

While 3 people watched.

I think my real problem with this is that those involved all think this is acceptable. There's no repentance. More of a "Ok, I got in trouble, so can we drop it now?"

Nothing at all about any of this is acceptable.

And I would like to note that when I play as HoS West, as I often do, and things hit the level of elevation where I'm carrying around 3 carbines and a laser rifle and my riot shield, I have yet to get even one complaint on me. I think a huge contributing factor is because West follows a system. Ultimatum, timeframe for surrender, warning she is coming after people, and then doing just that. "Get on the ground or II'm going to shoot you in the face." And people get really upset when I count to three and proceed to shoot them in the face.

But I don't murder them. I drop them, take them (or have someone take them) to medbay, and then they get to sit in the brig for a while.

Not "If this is bullshit you've made up, you will have to answer what will have become war crimes" -shoots her until she dies without a word-

But you feel justified in your "rp."



So, as I recall correctly, I join in, ask for a sitrep from the HoS, right? I walk into Security and see MOST OF ENGINEERING in processing, I shrug it off as I couldn't tell it's Rev yet, pass a few minutes or so and the Warden (Nanda) is getting arrested by Max, I aim my gun at him, hearing her story and end up stunning and locked him in a prisoner locker, A.I, which I assume got relawed or whatnot, bolts us in, we get arrested, skip a few minutes in and everyone is gone, we break out (thanks to biased 1138) and grab our gear, wait in the maint shafts, then Alexia shoots Jim thinking he'd shoot us on sight, I don't try to attack as to avoid us both getting robusted, I drag her back to engineering where we were before, she gets taken to medbay but I'm free as a bird apparently, as the HoS completely forgot that I technically helped Alexia and shot Max, anyhow, I go to Medbay and still accompany Nanda throughout, we go to Bridge, suddenly it's a trap, I don't aim my gun at anyone as they're wearing full gear, captain has a durand and I only have a taser, so I wait, Alexia gets shot, drilled, I only get shot -once- in the chest, I get out with her body as the captain helps me out, I pass out and the HoP helps me and get's Alexia's corpse to medbay, now, earlier while I was in the vents arguing with the HoS, Amber Johnson (hivefleetchicken) took my lethal and left my Baton and Stungun so I wouldn't appear hostile, as I still thought the HoS was gonna shoot the shit out of me, so I try to tell her that the HoP didn't kill Alexia since she assumed it was him even though I yelled 'IT WAS THE CAPTAIN' like 3 times before going AFK as I was in the process of moving while this round occured, I came back to Alexia being cloned, the HoP being dead via Johnson, and Richter, well, being Richter, so yadda yadda yadda ERT this is where my memory goes fuzzy since I went 'fuck this shit'

all and all, I'm fucking FLABBERGASTED I did not get shot by anybody at the Bridge other than Max, who shot me once, I came out of the conflict with just an infection that was cured, while Nanda got the worst and that made me livid, holy shit.


Hello! rest assured i havent forgotten this complaint. Im trying to get into contact with subdigital "the hos" and get his version of things as well. I have confirmed with out loremaster that theres pretty much no way besides borging to execute someone without ending up in prison for the rest of your life, especially for loyalty implanted people.


I actually somehow forgot to include Max Sharpe as someone in my list of those this complaint is about, but it still applies. I could have sword I went back and edited my first post, but I don't see it anywhere. He was basically he HoS' loyal hound dog, doing everything and anything the HoS said with no willingness to think for himself, and as an officer that's /really/ fuckin' stupid behavior.


Just a note as far as I'm aware the HoS didn't kill the CMO. And if they did I was in surgery at the time as when I woke up I was told the CMO was dead and that the Captain(Myself) had killed them, which would have been rather counter productive as he never acted unloyally.

Are we still missing the fact that loyalty implanted personnel, the HoS and the Captain, are executing people for pretty much no reason?

The HoS murdered the CMO. Do we know why yet? I haven't seen an explanation.

The Captain murdered the warden, who happens to be me. I haven't heard a real reason yet. Simply saying something to the effect of "Captain, if this turns out to be something Central didn't send, you're under arrest." Instead of present paperwork or talking with me, he proceeds to gun me down.

While 3 people watched.

I think my real problem with this is that those involved all think this is acceptable. There's no repentance. More of a "Ok, I got in trouble, so can we drop it now?"

Nothing at all about any of this is acceptable.

And I would like to note that when I play as HoS West, as I often do, and things hit the level of elevation where I'm carrying around 3 carbines and a laser rifle and my riot shield, I have yet to get even one complaint on me. I think a huge contributing factor is because West follows a system. Ultimatum, timeframe for surrender, warning she is coming after people, and then doing just that. "Get on the ground or II'm going to shoot you in the face." And people get really upset when I count to three and proceed to shoot them in the face.

But I don't murder them. I drop them, take them (or have someone take them) to medbay, and then they get to sit in the brig for a while.

Not "If this is bullshit you've made up, you will have to answer what will have become war crimes" -shoots her until she dies without a word-

But you feel justified in your "rp."


Salt levels aside. I was punished for this already that's why there's no 'remorse' because I already regret my actions but I can't go back and change them but if you have a time machine let me know ok? And Max Sharpe and another officer(Preston I think) were both loyalty implanted hence their behaviour and if any trouble should come from it the blame is on my shoulders as they probably thought "Oh captain's doing it it's ok then"

Hello! rest assured i havent forgotten this complaint. Im trying to get into contact with subdigital "the hos" and get his version of things as well. I have confirmed with out loremaster that theres pretty much no way besides borging to execute someone without ending up in prison for the rest of your life, especially for loyalty implanted people.


Yeah that's unlikely, Sub rarely plays anymore and isn't active on the forums so if you need someone to blame blame me


Alright so, ive read over this and spent a good deal of time thinking this one over. I really feel like a majority of this stemmed from mrimatool being unaware of our lore on executions. the only way to "execute" someone without going to prison for the rest of your life is borging someone, which isnt recognized as an execution by the republic of biesal. Second i do really feel tool went way over the line here.

We cannot have loyalty implanted individuals be doling out executions, i think he escalated conflict in a poor way but i also think he wanted to make the round "interesting" by being a more totalitarean and iron fisted captain. Considering he was warned by me and spoken too by soapy i feel like going further than that at this point would be inappropriate. Make no mistake, im adding a note to tool about this complaint and next instance of breaking pretty much any rule will result in a hefty ban as well as perhaps a white list strip.

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