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Eric Derringer's Grandfather's Watch

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Posted (edited)

BYOND Key: Xelnagahunter

Character name: Eric Derringer

Item name: Antique Pocket Watch

Why is your character carrying said item to work? It is an old item from his past and the kind of man he is, Eric likes to keep it safe. It's a very old watch probably made in the early to mid 2000's. It has been passed through his family and Eric's grandfather, the man who gave Eric his drive to be the person he is today, left it to him in a will. Eric cherishes the item and has mildly vowed to himself that it won't leave his possession until he has someone to pass it on to.

Item function(s): Just like a standard watch in game, only it has to be held.

Item description: This golden pocket watch has a family crest on the outside of the lid and a sequence of numbers scratched inside.

Item appearance: (TBD, I'm in the works of obtaining a sprite.)

Additional comments: If anyone is interested in perhaps spriting this for me, I'd be grateful, though I am activly asking people I know as well. PM me with results if you do.

Here is sprite: http://www.mediafire.com/view/j8vbexms9ny038p/derriwatch%282%29.dmi#

Edited by Guest
  • 4 weeks later...
  • 3 weeks later...
Giving up after two months. Pfffff.

Thu May 21, 2015

Your application has seen serious talk and discussion regarding it. Not a single person, admin/coder or otherwise, has had jack shit to say about mine. I'm not going to waste my time trying to come up with unique shit for my characters if I can't even get looked at and/or told that my idea is feasable, sucks, or I should burn in hell for suggesting it. Meanwhile people actually respond to other people's items. I know I support Graphite's custom chassis, I'm on the front page of your application.


That'd be my own failure in it, and I apologize for it. Normally I look at applications and wonder myself if work is being done on them because all I really do is accept/deny them. Even with the current minimal amount of accepted items, it doesn't seem like work is being done on them, and that is most surely because the dev team is near 0 people. I'm partially leery to accept custom items because of this, but Scopes has instructed me to keep accepting/denying, and I will do exactly that.

Are you willing to keep your app open?


Part of my plans with it include using the antag boards. The typical use is as a story peice for Eric's back story, a simple piece of his history in a well preserved watch. The sequence of numbers within are destined to be either correctly or falsly identified as a military code from 2140 something. Itll be a possible target when not ussed for its story purposes.


... Interesting. Consider your application accepted. If you can get someone to make up the Sprite and code, then it will be easier to implement the item. I'd ask swat about a Sprite since he's a spriter.


So it's just a pocket watch? Do you want it to be attachable to a jumpsuit, or just limited to a pocket? I can see if I can hack something real fast.


Attachable to reduce used pockets would be nice, but it's not required. I'd like the flavor text for it to note it old age while still looking prestine and perhaps when it's used to check the time the player using it can see a code sequence (alpha numerical or just numerical) on the inside of the lid along with the time display. I'd be so happy if you could do that for me.

  • 3 weeks later...

The icon states will need to be configured, since whoever is handling those now will need to do the pull. I know it's a fuck to merge several pulls into one when people are changing the same file, so I'm just going to post the work here.

As it stands, I've made it attachable to the suits. It'll need a mob_icon for the suit sprited, and I've got it set so when clicked in the hand, it opens and closes, the examine description changing depending on the current state of the watch itself.



/obj/item/clothing/tie/fluff/Antique_Pocket_Watch //Antique Pocket Watch - Eric Derringer - Xelnagahunter
name = "Antique Pocket Watch"
icon_state = "pocket_watch_close"
item_color = "pocket_watch_close"
desc = "The design of this pocket watch signals its age, however it seems to retain its pristine quality. The cover is gold, and there appears to be an elegant crest on the outside of the lid."
w_class = 2.0

/obj/item/clothing/tie/fluff/Antique_Pocket_Watch/attack_self(mob/user as mob)
		icon_state = "pocket_watch_close"
		usr << "You close the [src]."
		desc = "The design of this pocket watch signals its age, however it seems to retain its pristine quality. The cover is gold, and there appears to be an elegant crest on the outside of the lid."
		icon_state = "pocket_watch_open"
		usr << "You open the [src]."
		desc = "Inside the pocket watch, there is a collection of numbers, displaying '[worldtime2text()]'. On the inside of the lid, there is another sequence of numbers etched into the lid itself."

  • 3 weeks later...

So. I've got some things covered and would like to get this ball rolling. Here goes:

This is the watch alone as given via a link by KillerHurtz:

The worn sprite as it was shared sent to me and is on my fileshare:

Finally a single file with all three that KillerHurtz sent to me just in case it was simpler:


That's is for spriting I think, or I hope at least. If you need more get ahold of me and/or KillerHurtz.

For code, here goes:

    /obj/item/clothing/tie/fluff/Antique_Pocket_Watch //Antique Pocket Watch - Eric Derringer - Xelnagahunter
      name = "Antique Pocket Watch"
      icon_state = "pocket_watch_close"
      item_color = "pocket_watch_close"
      desc = "The design of this pocket watch signals its age, however it seems to retain its pristine quality. The cover is gold, and there appears to be an elegant crest on the outside of the lid."
      w_class = 2.0

   /obj/item/clothing/tie/fluff/Antique_Pocket_Watch/attack_self(mob/user as mob)
            icon_state = "pocket_watch_close"
            usr << "You close the [src]."
            desc = "The design of this pocket watch signals its age, however it seems to retain its pristine quality. The cover is gold, and there appears to be an elegant crest on the outside of the lid."
            icon_state = "pocket_watch_open"
            usr << "You open the [src]."
            desc = "Inside the pocket watch, there is a collection of numbers, displaying '[worldtime2text()]'. On the inside of the lid, there is another sequence of numbers etched into the lid itself."


This is thanks to Meow.

So please get back to me for this. thanks.

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