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Hyper-Advanced Fluffy Space raptors

Dea Tacita

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Eh, just a small idea, what if because of their...great physical weakness they were conquered early on by Humanity, and now are a Vassal Race of Humanity, Which allows for them to you know develop to super high tech in peace, and have allow migration for opportunity in Human Space.

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Let us stop stroking the "HUMANITY FUCK YEAH" boner that exists in most sci fi with other races.

I say we keep them as an independent nation, developed space travel on their own like the others.


The issue with having them be a species with technology that is superior to NT's is the issue we (sort of) have with Skrell.

Why are they working for NT, a human-based company?

Maybe we could go with a modification of the Lore that Bay uses for their crew-member Vox. The only fluffy space raptors on station are the rejects and weirdos who get kicked out of their perfect society for being defective and broken. We could say that 99.999% of their species lives inside an enormous dyson-sphere and they do not care about what happens outside of it. They're perfectly self sufficient, and their dyson sphere is effectively unassailable, so they basically don't interact with inter-species politics.

Except for the weirdos who choose to leave, and once you leave, you can never go back.

The real trouble I see with these doodads is antagging. Antagging as something who can barely see and hallucinates when it's away from people too long is going to be a challenge.

Also, from a development perspective, they're an ongoing burden. Their unique body-shape means that all future clothing will need two copies, one for everyone except these guys, and one for these guys. In addition, their code will rely on a lot of development that has been done on Bay for picking up and carrying mobs, and all that will need to be ported. Our code is now so divergent from Bay's (we still don't have qdel for example) that this is going to be a pretty hefty task for whoever tries it.

The issue with having them be a species with technology that is superior to NT's is the issue we (sort of) have with Skrell.

Why are they working for NT, a human-based company?

Maybe we could go with a modification of the Lore that Bay uses for their crew-member Vox. The only fluffy space raptors on station are the rejects and weirdos who get kicked out of their perfect society for being defective and broken. We could say that 99.999% of their species lives inside an enormous dyson-sphere and they do not care about what happens outside of it. They're perfectly self sufficient, and their dyson sphere is effectively unassailable, so they basically don't interact with inter-species politics..



It's better than the "rich people don't look at the stars" idea, at least. :P


I just realized.

Rich people DO look at the stars. Legally blind people don't. What's the point of looking up if you can't see five feet in front of you... AND what's the point of looking up when you have several miles of snow falling a vast majority of the time?


That's a a valid point. A species could still develop space travel with those limitations, but it would probably occur at a much later stage in their technological development. But unless their spirit of exploration is sadly deficient they'd still want to find out what's beyond that blurry white sky.

It's better than the "rich people don't look at the stars" idea, at least. :P


I just realized.

Rich people DO look at the stars. Legally blind people don't. What's the point of looking up if you can't see five feet in front of you... AND what's the point of looking up when you have several miles of snow falling a vast majority of the time?


Yes we do you ass. Just because we can't see doesn't mean we don't have dreams!


The Resomi are a race of feathered raptors originating from Sirisai, a cold planet nearly out of the habitable range of it's star. Due to their avian-like, and hunting-based ancient life, they are extremely fragile by Human standards. While they have rather advanced technology (even compared to Skrell), the harsh weather and relative richness of their planet means that they only developed proper space-faring and FTL technology extremely recently - perhaps as early as ten years ago.



  • Due to the extremely cold climates of their homeworld (and the resulting feather and duvet coat), they are highly uncomfortable in standard station temperatures, preferring it to be between 0C and 9C, though they will not see major discomfort until 14C. However it also means that they are resistant to colder temperatures that could harm other species.
  • Due to their very reduced nature, standard jumpsuits fit very poorly, and cannot be rolled up completely (if worn at all) - instead, they require specially-tailored clothing that fits them, including diminutive jumpsuits and shoes (though they can wear sandals).
  • These same traits, however, make them very light - to the point that people can easily pick them up and carry them - in their hands or in a backpack.
  • Due to frequent (even almost constant) snowstorms for eons, which greatly diminishes vision, the Resomi have sub-standard vision due to the vastly inferior number of rod cells, compared to other species (and a smaller, simpler optical nerve), they are incredibly short-sighted, being unable to see much past five meters.
  • However the Resomi have adapted by having an impossibly sharp hearing, allowing them to hear every single detail about people - the way their clothes shuffle, the gait and breathing patterns they have, and so on) and the brain regions developed to deal with such stimuli, allowing them an uncanny ability to 'see' people at a much larger range, and even through windows/walls or the quasi-vacuum that surrounds the station.
  • A combination of being avian in nature and hunter-strategists instead of brute hunters results in their physical attacks being extremely weak compared to other species, especially with a lack of sharp nails or claws. Furthermore, it also makes them very fragile - an angry punch that would bruise a human could easily fracture bones in Resomi.
  • However these very same traits make them highly agile, being able to run rapidly and hide in places that would be cramped for other species, such as under tables, in delivery flap doors.
  • Having been hunters, they have no qualms about eating the station's mice.
  • Since their wings, during evolution, have been downgraded to being only able to glide with the proper conditions, they have learned to use it as expression - they use it to parade, discreetly convey emotion such as happiness or sadness, or aggressively flap them when angered.
  • Their nature as a pack animal makes them become extremely unwell if not exposed to people for extended periods of time, causing fear, distress and even hallucinations and other psychological harm.
  • Due to the issues with smuggling involving their people (both of individuals and technology), the Resomi are banned from working the roles of Cargo Technician and Quartermaster.




The Resomi are extremely advanced, making liberal use of genetic manipulation, restoration, cloning and life extension technologies to reach unbelievable lifespans - the political governors reportedly being several hundred years old. However, such treatments - which have shown to stop, and even reverse aging, is extremely expansive, and as such lower-class Resomi tend to use another, inexpensive (to the point of free to all Resomi while they are in Sirisai-owned space) form of life extension which aims at functionality rather than life extension, causing users who use it long-term without the more advanced technologies look and feel like dead or dying sacks of bones, including feather degradation and severe loss of muscle mass. However, it did not stop this lesser form of life extension to become a major export once contact was made, as it still avoided all of the major neurological and genetic issues of the known methods.

They live in a self-sufficient society, with massive amounts of production power achieved via space facilities (space stations, asteroid stations, Dyson rings and spheres), which did all of the operations (from processing to transforming to manufacturing) using advanced nanomachinery. Resources, however, were becoming scarce - and as such, since contact, they have been very active in trading, with one of the goals being obtaining the materials to keep their massive industrial facilities active, mostly obtaining the credits by offering medical treatments and nanomachinery.

Said nanomachinery is extremely advanced - to the point where it has become indispensable to the Resomi way of life, from being used in the power plants that power their cities and driving the massive recycling centers found in every settlement, to lesser uses such as medicine, home fabrication of small objects like toys and devices and even food processing/cooking.

One of the biggest exports, however, is the holomnemonic hyperpedagogue devices which have replaced the books, computers and teachers of Sirisai (and other worlds). While they require some tailoring for use with other species, such devices have shown to be capable of reducing learning times by 30% for the most advanced subjects it can show, while most other, simple subjects have shown rates up to 75% reduction, with 95% retention rates. However, this technology is far from perfect - while it can teach some subjects up to collegiate level, it cannot easily convey too abstract or complex subjects - and regardless of information given, it cannot cover for actual training, and so it's use is limited to pre-specialization.

Their military technology follows suit; their main weaponry are based on ultraviolet laser and advanced railgun technologies, with their ship featured advanced automation - it is estimated that only five to ten percent of a Resomi ship is actually used for crew-operated and crew-sustaining equipment, the rest of the craft being depressurized and manned by a variety of machines, from androids to drones to nanomachines, to save on life support power cost.

Physiology and Biology

The Resomi are a birdlike species highly adapted to cold, harsh environments. They stand, usually, between two and four feet tall, the average being 2'7" for females and 2'10" for males. Their body is covered in thick duvet to keep them warm, while their thick, solid feathers have evolved to form more of a shield against wind and snow, to keep the duvet fluffed and dry. Feather color patterns vary greatly, even within a single clutch; while Sirisai patterns (at least in the populations which declined genetic alteration) tend to be shades of white, grey and blue to camouflage in their environments, genetic alteration and different environment in colonies and settlement give them a wide array of colors and patterns, challenging even Earth tropical birds in the domain.

Their arms are rather unique - while they are definitely humanoid in structure, featuring fully articulated shoulders and wrists, terminating in four-fingered hands; yet the arm structure itself shows signs of being adapted to flight, with a higher arm dexterity and, of course, long feathers - which allow the Resomi, given enough wind and an appropriate gravity, to glide.

Their heads feature two smaller, underdeveloped eyes (as a result of the harsh, low-visibility conditions found on Sirisai) which are, by default, extremely nearsighted (however, within their range of vision, they see relatively well and have full color vision). To compensate, they have two large, extra-sensitive ears and highly developed audiolocation brain regions, which allows them to identify many things almost as well as sight would, from the gait and breathing patterns that identifies someone to the shuffling of their clothes which tells them the material and shape of it; which, with a bit of knowledge, tells them what they are most likely wearing.

The Resomi are primarily carnivorous and naturally skilled in tactics, due to their pack-hunting ancestry - and have a wide jaw outfitted with, at the front, wide and sharp teeth to cut off meat while the back features more jagged-like shredding teeth for chewing. While they have lips, their vocal chords and passage are thinner, more airy, which makes it difficult to pronounce guttural noises.

After a short gestation period, a female Resomi lays an egg in a communal nest, where she joins a 'breeding pack' who watches over all the eggs of that particular location - at least until after the 5-month incubation and the first year of life of the hatchlings, at which point the mother will return to her previous pack while the young adolescent - as Resomi are almost completely developed, reproduction aside, at one year, and are considered capable of independent sustenance - will go on and form a new pack along with other young of the species (a bond which was formed roughly two weeks after their birth). They will hunt and generally live together; and will become physically mature at around the seven year mark (however Resomi culture will not consider them an adult pack until their eighth year due to the psychological development that generally ensures).

Preserved records show that, naturally, Resomi have a lifespan of about three decades - however advances in medicine and life-extending technologies have made that number obsolete, as Resomi now regularly remain healthy for five times that number, provided that proper care is given - and regardless, with even the most basic free care given, Resomi can be expected to have a life expectancy of sixty to seventy years.


The Resomi are an extremely social species - to the point where suicide is, colloquially, called 'living alone' (as in, a Resomi saying 'someone went to live alone' implies suicide) - with huge common habitations being common. Being an auditory species first and foremost, most entertainment revolves around sound - music, atmospheric pieces, sound games. Most notably, after contact - a lot of Resomi have grown fond of several Human styles of music, such as classical, symphonies and music featuring synthetic instruments such as electronica.

While planetside Resomi can enjoy a mostly carefree lifestyle, working a few hours a week in simple or social employments to earn what is needed for them to live, life on the various industrial space facilities is much closer to what humans expect, with long work hours and a wide variety of work available, from social to menial to otherwise. Such facilities are the backbone of the society, producing the materials and goods that make planetside life so enjoyable. A major factor, however, is that work on such facilities is mostly voluntary - while there may be some local government mandates to fill understaffed facilities, Resomi work in these environments due to a thirst of useful work, a desire to do something without finding things to do.

Resomi packs begin forming shortly after birth. The adult Resomi guide the hatchlings to bond with hatchling of other clutches to ensure genetic diversity. Once a pack-bond is formed, the Resomi in question will not form another for the rest of their lives. Mature packs breed freely amongst their members, but in general are not opposed to mating with members of other packs. As a result, Resomi rarely know, or cares, who their parents are.

While the Resomi will wear thick clothing on even more forgiving worlds, very light clothing is the norm for them, to the point where it would be considered gaudy and almost indecent to other species - traditional Resomi garb appears less like clothing and more like decorative pieces made of cloth. Regardless of their appearance, however - Resomi clothing has an element that is almost guaranteed to be present: more often than not, they will put sound-producing objects, such as loose jewelry, chimes of various materials and such, which serve two purposes: while they have the brains and ears to identify people regardless, it is considered polite to announce oneself - in that sense, the noise ornaments serve the same purpose as an ID; and just like clothing for other species, it is used as self-affirmation, as it is highly unlikely two Resomi will create the same sound signature - and so certain elements or combinations of elements would be just as telling to a Resomi as a band t-shirt or fancy polo would on a human. Bright colors is generally a given - though, like other species, neon yellow is usually not worn outside of safety gear - which also generally feature metallic, jagged pieces to make unpleasant grating and scraping noise to give the clear message of harm being nearby.


The government of the Resomi varies greatly. Planetside, generally, governments are going to be highly uninvolved with citizen life (with only basic laws being in place for the standard things; don't harm, steal or kill your brethren, don't distribute unauthorized technology and don't destroy property for no reason) unless production facilities need staff, despite being formed by what amounts to an oligarchy by ancient Resomi who reach several hundred years of age - to the point where they seldom need to even think about heirs. Space colonies are closer to being authoritarian, with stricter laws and rules to ensure optimal functioning of all equipment at all times. Overall, however - Sirisai's governor is considered to be the core government, and as such is the only planet-based authority that may give other sovereign, independent colonies orders; they are also the ones in charge of collecting taxes, managing the money and distributing it to ensure a development that's favorable to the Resomi as a whole.



The Resomi started out as pack ambush hunters on Sirisai, where the rampant blizzards forced them to evolve a better hearing at the cost of their vision. Their development was driven on making things easier for them - and as such, mechanical (and electronic) technologies came quickly once breakthroughs were made, and the Resomi expanded across their planet, but thoughts of it not being sufficient started to surface. Eventually, AI became a thought - then due to sheer luck, a reality. AIs, by their reaction time, analytical potential and faster predictions, were the catalyst to sending the Resomi beyond their clouded, snowy world. Development was very slow, at first - getting out of the atmosphere was still a costly behavior - but once the first space production facilities were built, and the first asteroid belt mining operations started, the Resomi started expanding in their system exponentially - having colonies on almost every world in a single year. But it had plateaued. With such low speeds, they could go nowhere. Research was done, probes were sent - and eventually, after several more years, they found the solution in a gas giant's moon - a naturally-occurring Bluespace field caused by a supermatter core at the center of it. And thus the Resomi began their adventure in Deep Space. (WIP)


Sirisai is a frosted world at the border of the habitable zone of it's star. It mostly features snow plains, though mountains, rocky plains and half-frozen ocean are also part of the scenery. The food chain starts with underwater algae, which is consumed by species of rapidly-breeding amphibian creatures who in turn get eaten by a large variety of animals. (WIP)



The Resomi have issues with smuggling, both within and outside their people, since first contact; the advanced life extension treatments are quite valuable to the opportunists who pay for it, and so is the technology behind the holomnemonic teaching devices. Resomi trafficking itself is quite popular, as it guarantees access to their space (from which more smuggling can occur) and it can also be profitable, as they may be used to obtain a ransom from the governments.


Due to their physiology, Schechi (the language of the Resomi) has evolved to avoid altogether guttural sounds (such as 'uh', 'er' and 'eh', instead using trilling and whistling sounds (like 'a', 'ea', 'ee'), mainly. For example, a Resomi without language training may pronounce 'bubble' as 'booble' or 'bouble', or computer as 'camputear'.


Here's my take on the lore.

For a TL;DR: Instead of being post-scarcity, they're self-sufficient (and so they want resources to expand). Instead of learning shots, mnemonic devices that make all education learnt in grade school, high school and low-level college learnable in maybe 6-8 years instead of 12-14, but anything above that is too specialized to be taught with that. Nanotech is on par, if not just a tiny bit higher than what I'm pretty sure NT has. The main thing they got is advanced life extension without genetic damage. They get species - exclusive clothing (which means either that clothing is completely incompatible between Resomi and other species, or that Resomi can only wear rolled-down jumpsuit if the sprites fit. Also shoes are incompatible just like Tajara. Gloves are compatible because while they have small hands and four fingers, they still most likely fit within the range of human gloves. ON THE FLIPSIDE, even by Baystation lore, they don't care much, if at all, if they're not wearing clothing so clothing them isn't a priority - they could get up and walk to the dressing room themselves to get their clothing). And for now I used the theory of 'the fucking snowstorms' as to why AI was necessary to get off-planet at first.


Also, Fowl - I meant it as they EVOLVED without much eyesight. You still got the vision-driven instinct of curiosity and desire to explore inherent to all humans.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

The species is mechanically very creative, and I enjoy their sprites. The concept of herd animals being fiercely communal is something I'd really love to see explored.

The lore around them makes it very hard to take them seriously, however. I don't think we really understand how much of a big deal post scarcity is. Scarcity is the concept of limited resources for unlimited wants. That means literally whatever a raptor wants, it can get, very quickly. All resources, knowledge, manpower, and other processes are able to give you whatever you want within seconds. A new car with spinning rims, seven new cars made of solid platinum and diamond windows, four gold plated yatchs with strobe lights that also act as submarines that form together to form a giant battle-mecha, seven hundred pounds of hamburgers; in a post scarcity society you could get all of these in about 6 minutes.

Why would you ever leave this to go to the Aurora? It'd be a nightmare. In today's society on Earth we get impatient on an order coming from the other side of the planet if it takes over a week. Slow youtube videos drive us into fits of rage. Imagine going back in time to the 16th century where you can't buy anything not made in your specific village or town, or if you're wealthy, waiting several months for like, a single ounce of chocolate. Personally if this happened to me I'd get so angry I'd invade France.

This isn't saying it's bad. It fits whatever goal that the writers wanted it to fit for Baystation. If we implemented them here, I would just want to work a way to make them more fitting for the Aurora universe, where I've tried to have each faction fill a scifi niche, but also carrying with it real flaws that keep the race from being a place where anyone would really want to live in, for a variety of reasons.

The Unathi are aggressive and ambitious, living in their radiated sand huts and praying to the hiss emperor.

The Skrell are squids. Squids are gross. I think we can all agree on that.

The catbeasts are struggling under a meowtatorship, and consume 80% of all catnip in the galaxy.

Humans won't stop bickering with each other, and they're huge assholes in general.

IPC's are the scum of the galaxy and the Skrell are intent on wiping them out.

The raptors would just fly in, be perfect, and everyone would be in awe of how perfect they are. Outside the whimsy, they wouldn't really fit.

I mean they don't have to be grimdark, but there needs to be some consistency in the species.

I imagine that being communal herders, they never really formed a concept of what private property is. I think it would be interesting if we had genuine space communists. And being tiny and adorable, they wouldn't exactly be very fearsome, so I imagine there are still natural predators that they flee from. But we already have two uplifted races, I don't know if we want a third.

Ideally they'd be a small space faring faction who's warp capabilities were on par with humanities before plasma was discovered, so that all they have to do is upgrade their ships and warpgates, which ideally are as small and adorable as they are. Things like knowledge-injectors and what they have on Bay puts them way too far ahead of what's possible for the other races. Lore goes hand in hand with mechanics, and I've been trying to keep what races can do reasonable around what we can do on the station. Having a million things these super advanced raptors can do that you can't do on the station wouldn't be fun, all you could do is brag that you have it, then never be able to prove it.

"First contact" is always an awkward type of event, because immediately having these unknown aliens work on the aurora is strange when it was literally a few days ago that the entire species was met. So they'd be known, and have some history with the other factions, but it would be only now that they began to be hired by Nanotrasen. And them not being a post-scarcity society allows them to be more than scientists.

I AM reaching. Though right now I realized a more simple thing.

They could have developed space-faring tech rather easily. That was not the problem.

The problem is that they come from a world that is very cold, with violent weather. The problem was actually getting up there. And so AI didn't uplift them by giving them the tech; they uplifted them by being intelligences with predictions, reflex times and calculation powers to get them out of their own atmosphere.


(Though that's for being spacefaring. For being FTL-capable, maybe their star is awfully close or just IS a black hole?)

I'm sorry, just to be clear: That's not an uplift at all if they developed the AI's, as they are only an extension of the species technology. The Salarian example is an actual one of uplifting, where outside help is in question. This is the case with Unathi and Tajaran, as far as I know. Right now, humans are spacefaring in the broadest sense.

Still, I like the AI idea.


Can't we just make them mysterious, nomadic space kobolds with little emphasis on background or technology?

did no one read the thing I put in spoiler

Sorry, catching up only now.

The Resomi are a race of feathered raptors originating from Sirisai, a cold planet nearly out of the habitable range of it's star. Due to their avian-like, and hunting-based ancient life, they are extremely fragile by Human standards. While they have rather advanced technology (even compared to Skrell), the harsh weather and relative richness of their planet means that they only developed proper space-faring and FTL technology extremely recently - perhaps as early as ten years ago.



  • Due to the extremely cold climates of their homeworld (and the resulting feather and duvet coat), they are highly uncomfortable in standard station temperatures, preferring it to be between 0C and 9C, though they will not see major discomfort until 14C. However it also means that they are resistant to colder temperatures that could harm other species.
  • Due to their very reduced nature, standard jumpsuits fit very poorly, and cannot be rolled up completely (if worn at all) - instead, they require specially-tailored clothing that fits them, including diminutive jumpsuits and shoes (though they can wear sandals).
  • These same traits, however, make them very light - to the point that people can easily pick them up and carry them - in their hands or in a backpack.
  • Due to frequent (even almost constant) snowstorms for eons, which greatly diminishes vision, the Resomi have sub-standard vision due to the vastly inferior number of rod cells, compared to other species (and a smaller, simpler optical nerve), they are incredibly short-sighted, being unable to see much past five meters.
  • However the Resomi have adapted by having an impossibly sharp hearing, allowing them to hear every single detail about people - the way their clothes shuffle, the gait and breathing patterns they have, and so on) and the brain regions developed to deal with such stimuli, allowing them an uncanny ability to 'see' people at a much larger range, and even through windows/walls or the quasi-vacuum that surrounds the station.
  • A combination of being avian in nature and hunter-strategists instead of brute hunters results in their physical attacks being extremely weak compared to other species, especially with a lack of sharp nails or claws. Furthermore, it also makes them very fragile - an angry punch that would bruise a human could easily fracture bones in Resomi.
  • However these very same traits make them highly agile, being able to run rapidly and hide in places that would be cramped for other species, such as under tables, in delivery flap doors.
  • Having been hunters, they have no qualms about eating the station's mice.
  • Since their wings, during evolution, have been downgraded to being only able to glide with the proper conditions, they have learned to use it as expression - they use it to parade, discreetly convey emotion such as happiness or sadness, or aggressively flap them when angered.
  • Their nature as a pack animal makes them become extremely unwell if not exposed to people for extended periods of time, causing fear, distress and even hallucinations and other psychological harm.
  • Due to the issues with smuggling involving their people (both of individuals and technology), the Resomi are banned from working the roles of Cargo Technician and Quartermaster.




The Resomi are extremely advanced, making liberal use of genetic manipulation, restoration, cloning and life extension technologies to reach unbelievable lifespans - the political governors reportedly being several hundred years old. However, such treatments - which have shown to stop, and even reverse aging, is extremely expansive, and as such lower-class Resomi tend to use another, inexpensive (to the point of free to all Resomi while they are in Sirisai-owned space) form of life extension which aims at functionality rather than life extension, causing users who use it long-term without the more advanced technologies look and feel like dead or dying sacks of bones, including feather degradation and severe loss of muscle mass. However, it did not stop this lesser form of life extension to become a major export once contact was made, as it still avoided all of the major neurological and genetic issues of the known methods.

They live in a self-sufficient society, with massive amounts of production power achieved via space facilities (space stations, asteroid stations, Dyson rings and spheres), which did all of the operations (from processing to transforming to manufacturing) using advanced nanomachinery. Resources, however, were becoming scarce - and as such, since contact, they have been very active in trading, with one of the goals being obtaining the materials to keep their massive industrial facilities active, mostly obtaining the credits by offering medical treatments and nanomachinery.

Said nanomachinery is extremely advanced - to the point where it has become indispensable to the Resomi way of life, from being used in the power plants that power their cities and driving the massive recycling centers found in every settlement, to lesser uses such as medicine, home fabrication of small objects like toys and devices and even food processing/cooking.

One of the biggest exports, however, is the holomnemonic hyperpedagogue devices which have replaced the books, computers and teachers of Sirisai (and other worlds). While they require some tailoring for use with other species, such devices have shown to be capable of reducing learning times by 30% for the most advanced subjects it can show, while most other, simple subjects have shown rates up to 75% reduction, with 95% retention rates. However, this technology is far from perfect - while it can teach some subjects up to collegiate level, it cannot easily convey too abstract or complex subjects - and regardless of information given, it cannot cover for actual training, and so it's use is limited to pre-specialization.

Their military technology follows suit; their main weaponry are based on ultraviolet laser and advanced railgun technologies, with their ship featured advanced automation - it is estimated that only five to ten percent of a Resomi ship is actually used for crew-operated and crew-sustaining equipment, the rest of the craft being depressurized and manned by a variety of machines, from androids to drones to nanomachines, to save on life support power cost.

Physiology and Biology

The Resomi are a birdlike species highly adapted to cold, harsh environments. They stand, usually, between two and four feet tall, the average being 2'7" for females and 2'10" for males. Their body is covered in thick duvet to keep them warm, while their thick, solid feathers have evolved to form more of a shield against wind and snow, to keep the duvet fluffed and dry. Feather color patterns vary greatly, even within a single clutch; while Sirisai patterns (at least in the populations which declined genetic alteration) tend to be shades of white, grey and blue to camouflage in their environments, genetic alteration and different environment in colonies and settlement give them a wide array of colors and patterns, challenging even Earth tropical birds in the domain.

Their arms are rather unique - while they are definitely humanoid in structure, featuring fully articulated shoulders and wrists, terminating in four-fingered hands; yet the arm structure itself shows signs of being adapted to flight, with a higher arm dexterity and, of course, long feathers - which allow the Resomi, given enough wind and an appropriate gravity, to glide.

Their heads feature two smaller, underdeveloped eyes (as a result of the harsh, low-visibility conditions found on Sirisai) which are, by default, extremely nearsighted (however, within their range of vision, they see relatively well and have full color vision). To compensate, they have two large, extra-sensitive ears and highly developed audiolocation brain regions, which allows them to identify many things almost as well as sight would, from the gait and breathing patterns that identifies someone to the shuffling of their clothes which tells them the material and shape of it; which, with a bit of knowledge, tells them what they are most likely wearing.

The Resomi are primarily carnivorous and naturally skilled in tactics, due to their pack-hunting ancestry - and have a wide jaw outfitted with, at the front, wide and sharp teeth to cut off meat while the back features more jagged-like shredding teeth for chewing. While they have lips, their vocal chords and passage are thinner, more airy, which makes it difficult to pronounce guttural noises.

After a short gestation period, a female Resomi lays an egg in a communal nest, where she joins a 'breeding pack' who watches over all the eggs of that particular location - at least until after the 5-month incubation and the first year of life of the hatchlings, at which point the mother will return to her previous pack while the young adolescent - as Resomi are almost completely developed, reproduction aside, at one year, and are considered capable of independent sustenance - will go on and form a new pack along with other young of the species (a bond which was formed roughly two weeks after their birth). They will hunt and generally live together; and will become physically mature at around the seven year mark (however Resomi culture will not consider them an adult pack until their eighth year due to the psychological development that generally ensures).

Preserved records show that, naturally, Resomi have a lifespan of about three decades - however advances in medicine and life-extending technologies have made that number obsolete, as Resomi now regularly remain healthy for five times that number, provided that proper care is given - and regardless, with even the most basic free care given, Resomi can be expected to have a life expectancy of sixty to seventy years.


The Resomi are an extremely social species - to the point where suicide is, colloquially, called 'living alone' (as in, a Resomi saying 'someone went to live alone' implies suicide) - with huge common habitations being common. Being an auditory species first and foremost, most entertainment revolves around sound - music, atmospheric pieces, sound games. Most notably, after contact - a lot of Resomi have grown fond of several Human styles of music, such as classical, symphonies and music featuring synthetic instruments such as electronica.

While planetside Resomi can enjoy a mostly carefree lifestyle, working a few hours a week in simple or social employments to earn what is needed for them to live, life on the various industrial space facilities is much closer to what humans expect, with long work hours and a wide variety of work available, from social to menial to otherwise. Such facilities are the backbone of the society, producing the materials and goods that make planetside life so enjoyable. A major factor, however, is that work on such facilities is mostly voluntary - while there may be some local government mandates to fill understaffed facilities, Resomi work in these environments due to a thirst of useful work, a desire to do something without finding things to do.

Resomi packs begin forming shortly after birth. The adult Resomi guide the hatchlings to bond with hatchling of other clutches to ensure genetic diversity. Once a pack-bond is formed, the Resomi in question will not form another for the rest of their lives. Mature packs breed freely amongst their members, but in general are not opposed to mating with members of other packs. As a result, Resomi rarely know, or cares, who their parents are.

While the Resomi will wear thick clothing on even more forgiving worlds, very light clothing is the norm for them, to the point where it would be considered gaudy and almost indecent to other species - traditional Resomi garb appears less like clothing and more like decorative pieces made of cloth. Regardless of their appearance, however - Resomi clothing has an element that is almost guaranteed to be present: more often than not, they will put sound-producing objects, such as loose jewelry, chimes of various materials and such, which serve two purposes: while they have the brains and ears to identify people regardless, it is considered polite to announce oneself - in that sense, the noise ornaments serve the same purpose as an ID; and just like clothing for other species, it is used as self-affirmation, as it is highly unlikely two Resomi will create the same sound signature - and so certain elements or combinations of elements would be just as telling to a Resomi as a band t-shirt or fancy polo would on a human. Bright colors is generally a given - though, like other species, neon yellow is usually not worn outside of safety gear - which also generally feature metallic, jagged pieces to make unpleasant grating and scraping noise to give the clear message of harm being nearby.


The government of the Resomi varies greatly. Planetside, generally, governments are going to be highly uninvolved with citizen life (with only basic laws being in place for the standard things; don't harm, steal or kill your brethren, don't distribute unauthorized technology and don't destroy property for no reason) unless production facilities need staff, despite being formed by what amounts to an oligarchy by ancient Resomi who reach several hundred years of age - to the point where they seldom need to even think about heirs. Space colonies are closer to being authoritarian, with stricter laws and rules to ensure optimal functioning of all equipment at all times. Overall, however - Sirisai's governor is considered to be the core government, and as such is the only planet-based authority that may give other sovereign, independent colonies orders; they are also the ones in charge of collecting taxes, managing the money and distributing it to ensure a development that's favorable to the Resomi as a whole.



The Resomi started out as pack ambush hunters on Sirisai, where the rampant blizzards forced them to evolve a better hearing at the cost of their vision. Their development was driven on making things easier for them - and as such, mechanical (and electronic) technologies came quickly once breakthroughs were made, and the Resomi expanded across their planet, but thoughts of it not being sufficient started to surface. Eventually, AI became a thought - then due to sheer luck, a reality. AIs, by their reaction time, analytical potential and faster predictions, were the catalyst to sending the Resomi beyond their clouded, snowy world. Development was very slow, at first - getting out of the atmosphere was still a costly behavior - but once the first space production facilities were built, and the first asteroid belt mining operations started, the Resomi started expanding in their system exponentially - having colonies on almost every world in a single year. But it had plateaued. With such low speeds, they could go nowhere. Research was done, probes were sent - and eventually, after several more years, they found the solution in a gas giant's moon - a naturally-occurring Bluespace field caused by a supermatter core at the center of it. And thus the Resomi began their adventure in Deep Space. (WIP)


Sirisai is a frosted world at the border of the habitable zone of it's star. It mostly features snow plains, though mountains, rocky plains and half-frozen ocean are also part of the scenery. The food chain starts with underwater algae, which is consumed by species of rapidly-breeding amphibian creatures who in turn get eaten by a large variety of animals. (WIP)



The Resomi have issues with smuggling, both within and outside their people, since first contact; the advanced life extension treatments are quite valuable to the opportunists who pay for it, and so is the technology behind the holomnemonic teaching devices. Resomi trafficking itself is quite popular, as it guarantees access to their space (from which more smuggling can occur) and it can also be profitable, as they may be used to obtain a ransom from the governments.


Due to their physiology, Schechi (the language of the Resomi) has evolved to avoid altogether guttural sounds (such as 'uh', 'er' and 'eh', instead using trilling and whistling sounds (like 'a', 'ea', 'ee'), mainly. For example, a Resomi without language training may pronounce 'bubble' as 'booble' or 'bouble', or computer as 'camputear'.


While they have rather advanced technology (even compared to Skrell), the harsh weather and relative richness of their planet means that they only developed proper space-faring and FTL technology extremely recently - perhaps as early as ten years ago.

While technology isn't linear, some things in nature are considered a norm. A planet can't exactly be cold, harsh and rich at the same time. Rich in what? Ore? Game? A planet can have a lot of game for hunt, even during winter, but keeping livestock that is needed for a large developed species cannot be done in such an extreme climate, while still leaving everyone enough time to develop.


Due to the extremely cold climates of their homeworld (and the resulting feather and duvet coat), they are highly uncomfortable in standard station temperatures, preferring it to be between 0C and 9C, though they will not see major discomfort until 14C. However it also means that they are resistant to colder temperatures that could harm other species.

You are aware that temperatures on station are in 20C range? That means they'll probably drop dead from heat mid shift and would require additional coding.


while Sirisai patterns (at least in the populations which declined genetic alteration) tend to be shades of white, grey and blue to camouflage in their environments, genetic alteration and different environment in colonies and settlement give them a wide array of colors and patterns, challenging even Earth tropical birds in the domain.

Colorful patterns would not develop on an ice world, especially not for hunter species.

Given the examples, I'm highly against making it a colorful hyper-advanced space penguin raptor, in other words, make them come from an actual temperate planet.


The Resomi are primarily carnivorous and naturally skilled in tactics, due to their pack-hunting ancestry - and have a wide jaw outfitted with, at the front, wide and sharp teeth to cut off meat while the back features more jagged-like shredding teeth for chewing. While they have lips, their vocal chords and passage are thinner, more airy, which makes it difficult to pronounce guttural noises.

I like this. I would personally make them omnivores, but that depends on what code already makes them to be. But here's the catch - and let me go on a short tangent: Ridiculous creation myths aside, our ancestors were prey, not hunters. They were monkeys kicked out of the jungle due to impending ice age. Largely unsuited for anything other than climbing trees, they were forced to use their brains to avoid anything that would try to eat them, as well as find healthy carcasses and fruit to eat. Their environment sucked to the core. As they were probably forced to spread out due to other territorial, murderous monkey tribes, it started to suck even more as they moved north through the Africa.

How does this tie into Resomi? Well, they are predators. They are either successful or go extinct. Some form of pressure needs to be put on them to force the development of the brain beyond claw and tactics. How about this: Their hunting tactics branched off into using objects as tools. For example, dropping trees and stones on prey, murder holes, etc. Later, it developed into spears and knives. Due to their size and lack of adaptation to fight pray, only the fastest learning and most intelligent members of the species were able to survive. This way, you have a species that would eventually develop enough to master their environment, as well as remain tool oriented. Over time, the pressure should make them extremely fast learners so you can also remove the convoluted excuse you need to have them on the station.


A major factor, however, is that work on such facilities is mostly voluntary - while there may be some local government mandates to fill understaffed facilities, Resomi work in these environments due to a thirst of useful work, a desire to do something without finding things to do.

I can't see a reason why anyone would work on Aurora voluntarily, unless these ones are the giddy, adventurous types. I guess a typical Warhammerian Turn is in order, give some shitty non-redeeming quality to the Resomi society, but that would just make them Tau of Aurora. I'm thinking overpopulation and somewhat of a food shortage (quite possible for carnivores, since livestock is less efficient than plant produce). Any thoughts?


The government of the Resomi varies greatly. Planetside, generally, governments are going to be highly uninvolved with citizen life (with only basic laws being in place for the standard things; don't harm, steal or kill your brethren, don't distribute unauthorized technology and don't destroy property for no reason) unless production facilities need staff, despite being formed by what amounts to an oligarchy by ancient Resomi who reach several hundred years of age - to the point where they seldom need to even think about heirs. Space colonies are closer to being authoritarian, with stricter laws and rules to ensure optimal functioning of all equipment at all times.

Technocracy. Pretty close, except the rule of law is that the most educated lead. Engineers, scientists, economists, etc. Efficiency over everything.


Preserved records show that, naturally, Resomi have a lifespan of about three decades - however advances in medicine and life-extending technologies have made that number obsolete, as Resomi now regularly remain healthy for five times that number, provided that proper care is given - and regardless, with even the most basic free care given, Resomi can be expected to have a life expectancy of sixty to seventy years.

My suggestion is to throw the entire concept of age through the window and make them technically immortal. Not all species age like mammals do. Then, make them grow larger and larger as they get older. This will give an excuse for players to have a bit larger Resomi, with a trade-off being older age for them. That should prevent 16 inch teenage raptor-people from having sexual intercourse with medbay nurses.

Otherwise, I like a lot of this, especially the psychology part, but I'm strongly against it being an icy world. Redundant.


While they have rather advanced technology (even compared to Skrell), the harsh weather and relative richness of their planet means that they only developed proper space-faring and FTL technology extremely recently - perhaps as early as ten years ago.

While technology isn't linear, some things in nature are considered a norm. A planet can't exactly be cold, harsh and rich at the same time. Rich in what? Ore? Game? A planet can have a lot of game for hunt, even during winter, but keeping livestock that is needed for a large developed species cannot be done in such an extreme climate, while still leaving everyone enough time to develop.

Very fair point. I must admit I was in a very Stardrive mindset - and so by saying rich, I was saying minerally-rich (agriculture requiring a fertile world). As for the food - it is an entirely valid point. How would you feel if, lore-wise, that's where the advanced life-extension and cloning techs came from? I don't think, personally, it would be a stretch that the original goal of these techs was to keep livestock alive longer, healthier - and, from some chemicals and some source material, being able to duplicate food.


Due to the extremely cold climates of their homeworld (and the resulting feather and duvet coat), they are highly uncomfortable in standard station temperatures, preferring it to be between 0C and 9C, though they will not see major discomfort until 14C. However it also means that they are resistant to colder temperatures that could harm other species.

You are aware that temperatures on station are in 20C range? That means they'll probably drop dead from heat mid shift and would require additional coding.

Very true. While I don't think they would absolutely DROP DEAD, per se (at least not until the temperatures reach maybe 25), they would most certainly be highly uncomfortable. But in regards of your future point...


while Sirisai patterns (at least in the populations which declined genetic alteration) tend to be shades of white, grey and blue to camouflage in their environments, genetic alteration and different environment in colonies and settlement give them a wide array of colors and patterns, challenging even Earth tropical birds in the domain.

Colorful patterns would not develop on an ice world, especially not for hunter species.

Given the examples, I'm highly against making it a colorful hyper-advanced space penguin raptor, in other words, make them come from an actual temperate planet.

I would agree. I kept them on an ice world because Baystation lore, but given their characteristics, it would make a lot more sense to have them be on a temperate, if not tropical world (with snowstorms being replaced with violent rainstorms and thunderstorms, for the biological and technological ramifications of it. Thoughts?)


The Resomi are primarily carnivorous and naturally skilled in tactics, due to their pack-hunting ancestry - and have a wide jaw outfitted with, at the front, wide and sharp teeth to cut off meat while the back features more jagged-like shredding teeth for chewing. While they have lips, their vocal chords and passage are thinner, more airy, which makes it difficult to pronounce guttural noises.

I like this. I would personally make them omnivores, but that depends on what code already makes them to be. But here's the catch - and let me go on a short tangent: Ridiculous creation myths aside, our ancestors were prey, not hunters. They were monkeys kicked out of the jungle due to impending ice age. Largely unsuited for anything other than climbing trees, they were forced to use their brains to avoid anything that would try to eat them, as well as find healthy carcasses and fruit to eat. Their environment sucked to the core. As they were probably forced to spread out due to other territorial, murderous monkey tribes, it started to suck even more as they moved north through the Africa.

How does this tie into Resomi? Well, they are predators. They are either successful or go extinct. Some form of pressure needs to be put on them to force the development of the brain beyond claw and tactics. How about this: Their hunting tactics branched off into using objects as tools. For example, dropping trees and stones on prey, murder holes, etc. Later, it developed into spears and knives. Due to their size and lack of adaptation to fight pray, only the fastest learning and most intelligent members of the species were able to survive. This way, you have a species that would eventually develop enough to master their environment, as well as remain tool oriented. Over time, the pressure should make them extremely fast learners so you can also remove the convoluted excuse you need to have them on the station.

Absolutely brilliant. There's a good reason you're a lorewriter.


A major factor, however, is that work on such facilities is mostly voluntary - while there may be some local government mandates to fill understaffed facilities, Resomi work in these environments due to a thirst of useful work, a desire to do something without finding things to do.

I can't see a reason why anyone would work on Aurora voluntarily, unless these ones are the giddy, adventurous types. I guess a typical Warhammerian Turn is in order, give some shitty non-redeeming quality to the Resomi society, but that would just make them Tau of Aurora. I'm thinking overpopulation and somewhat of a food shortage (quite possible for carnivores, since livestock is less efficient than plant produce). Any thoughts?

While it would play into the self-sufficient thing, a food shortage would be quite a valid reason. However, as read further down in the lore thing, the main reason was that the Resomi lacked the resources to EXPAND. So while their existing facilities were going to thrive for a long while, they had very little resources to spare into making more facilities. I guess that also ties in into overpopulation.

But yeah - it would make absolute sense for the Resomi to have an unredeemable trait - after all, all species have at least one if not multiple, and as you said, it's one of the driving factor for work with NT.

The government of the Resomi varies greatly. Planetside, generally, governments are going to be highly uninvolved with citizen life (with only basic laws being in place for the standard things; don't harm, steal or kill your brethren, don't distribute unauthorized technology and don't destroy property for no reason) unless production facilities need staff, despite being formed by what amounts to an oligarchy by ancient Resomi who reach several hundred years of age - to the point where they seldom need to even think about heirs. Space colonies are closer to being authoritarian, with stricter laws and rules to ensure optimal functioning of all equipment at all times.

Technocracy. Pretty close, except the rule of law is that the most educated lead. Engineers, scientists, economists, etc. Efficiency over everything.

It would especially make sense with that adaptation to being tool-oriented hunters. If evolution favored the smartest, then the smartest of the current generation should lead.


Preserved records show that, naturally, Resomi have a lifespan of about three decades - however advances in medicine and life-extending technologies have made that number obsolete, as Resomi now regularly remain healthy for five times that number, provided that proper care is given - and regardless, with even the most basic free care given, Resomi can be expected to have a life expectancy of sixty to seventy years.

My suggestion is to throw the entire concept of age through the window and make them technically immortal. Not all species age like mammals do. Then, make them grow larger and larger as they get older. This will give an excuse for players to have a bit larger Resomi, with a trade-off being older age for them. That should prevent 16 inch teenage raptor-people from having sexual intercourse with medbay nurses.

Otherwise, I like a lot of this, especially the psychology part, but I'm strongly against it being an icy world. Redundant.


Glad you liked the psychology - it was mostly an expansion on the existing Baystation lore. But yes - as previously stated, it is a very good idea to drop the icy world in favor of a temperate (with violent tornados or hurricanes) or tropical (with violent rainstorms and thunderstorms).

And I also LOVE the idea of Lobster aging. Wasn't there a classical story with Humans being the only ones to really age, and it was due to a psychological virus that was also lethal to the other species?

Anyhoo - yes, it would make a very nice characteristic, lore-wise, to make them further different from humans and tajara and skrell. They don't die because they're old. They die because they're large and too mechanically inefficient.

IT also ties in with the life-extension technologies - it shifts the focus from aging prevention to mechanical support, like breathing systems, bloods replacements and body alterations (which also happen to help some other species, especially the body alterations). The rich ones, the leaders, can get the top-of-the-line shit while the slums get stuff to just barely keep them alive.

The most interesting thing this brings, I think, is that if we stick with the technocracy government - it means that, by natural derivation, that the Resomi are governed by giant, genius cyborg t-rexes with feathers


while Sirisai patterns (at least in the populations which declined genetic alteration) tend to be shades of white, grey and blue to camouflage in their environments, genetic alteration and different environment in colonies and settlement give them a wide array of colors and patterns, challenging even Earth tropical birds in the domain.

Colorful patterns would not develop on an ice world, especially not for hunter species.

Given the examples, I'm highly against making it a colorful hyper-advanced space penguin raptor, in other words, make them come from an actual temperate planet.

I would agree. I kept them on an ice world because Baystation lore, but given their characteristics, it would make a lot more sense to have them be on a temperate, if not tropical world (with snowstorms being replaced with violent rainstorms and thunderstorms, for the biological and technological ramifications of it. Thoughts?)


As a note, in our lore, we have an element not found in other server lores, Teranium, used for high density energy storage, and weapons, and it's presence is known to make extremely violent storms.

Their planet could be mineral rich, especially in Teranium, fueling their technological base, as they wouldn't have the battery issue we currently have in real life; it would also help enhance the tropical storm ideas for why they haven't left their planet.

Guest Marlon Phoenix

Carnivores don't need to be colored in various shades of brown and green. Humans are the most efficient apex predators in the history of our planet, and we wear camouflage to disguise ourselves. And you know raptors were actually extremely deadly chickens that we presume were a bit colorful.



Wait, so are we going with the usual "Species that existed for the same time as humanity but isn't as advanced" shit?

...I don't think so? My memory isn't exactly photographic but I'm pretty sure we're still making them high tech, it's just that their space program is relatively new since they couldn't escape their planet 'cause of blizzards/tornado's/thunderstorms (depending on what climate we're putting them in.) until they made AI's that could get their spaceships out of the atmosphere.

Or maybe we ditched that, I dunno, but I'm pretty sure they're going to be up there with the Skrell in terms of technology.

I also don't recall any mention of when they started existing in time.

What if they're where the gravity manipulation technology comes from?

We don't really have a lore explanation for Lord Singulo...

I'm mildly skeptical of that, seeing how they're still somewhat new to space, but who knows, maybe they could apply their technological expertise to make something like that just that fast.

*shrug* I'm just pointing out potential issues.

And I haven't that much idea on what we're doing on the space front.

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