Frances Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Recorded statistics show almost 1% of the world's population has played League of Legends in the last month - surely at least a few of us must play. My summoner name is catsplosion, if anybody is interested in looking me up. I play occasionally, and I think it'd be neat if we could get a few people from Aurora to have an occasional group, if such a thing's even possible. Post/share summoner names? I'll try to keep a list. Edit: There we go, list 1138 - Vix Axiom Chaznoodles - Shreksuality (???) echotango23 - echoeminence Frances - catsplosion TishinaStalker - grimArachnid Valkrae - Valkrae Quote
GlamourChariot Posted October 27, 2014 Posted October 27, 2014 Yasuo best champ world. That is all. Quote
Valkrae Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Yasuo is a shit-tier champion. Any mobile champion could easily counter Yasuo. Valkrae is my summoner, Mid, Toplane, Jungle, and AD carry are my game. Shaco best champ NA 2015. Quote
GlamourChariot Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 Valkrae said: Yasuo is a shit-tier champion. Any mobile champion could easily counter Yasuo. Valkrae is my summoner, Mid, Toplane, Jungle, and AD carry are my game. Shaco best champ NA 2015. >Yasuo is bad >I play everything except support >Shaco isn't just an early game gimmick that can't win any games that would be won 4v5 anyway Quote
Valkrae Posted October 28, 2014 Posted October 28, 2014 GlamourChariot said: Valkrae said: Yasuo is a shit-tier champion. Any mobile champion could easily counter Yasuo. Valkrae is my summoner, Mid, Toplane, Jungle, and AD carry are my game. Shaco best champ NA 2015. >Yasuo is bad >I play everything except support >Shaco isn't just an early game gimmick that can't win any games that would be won 4v5 anyway If you know how to play Shaco right, You can win. It's just a matter of being good at video games. Quote
Chaznoodles Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 Shreksuality here. Toot toot, all aboard the Nasus train to Carriesville. Quote
echotango23 Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 echoeminence here, I play support like Sona and Karma, mid Malzahar/Cassiopiea that's basically it. Addeth me Quote
TishinaStalker Posted October 29, 2014 Posted October 29, 2014 My summoner in League is grimArachnid. My most favorite position is jungling (in my opinion, it is the most fun position in the whole game [playing dat Godyr]), but I've also been an avid top laner since season 2, and I also enjoy playing mid lane (Mordekaiser and Anivia mostly) and support (fabulous Taric). The only position I suck nuts at is ADC pretty much. If you ask me if I want to play League, then I will say "Yes" almost 99% of the time. Edit: I'm also online almost all day, hoping for someone to want to play because everybody on my hall is too busy playing Guild Wars 2.Curse you Guild Wars 2 for taking my friends from me by being such an AMAZING game! Quote
Guest Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 Vix Axiom Warning, I don't ever play. And I'm shit, I'm unranked and got to like maybe silver 3 in my promos to see where i would place and then I quit ranked altogether. I enjoy getting free wins from Swain, however. I used to have a lot of fun with LoL, but the community's turned sour lately. Not one game do I ever see good sportsmen playing a nice game together. I always see a rager. And I always hope to God it's on the other team. Quote
GlamourChariot Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 (edited) TishinaStalker said: If you ask me if I want to play League, then I will say "Yes" almost 99% of the time. Edit: I'm also online almost all day, hoping for someone to want to play This is literally me. Server? Edited October 30, 2014 by Guest Quote
TishinaStalker Posted October 30, 2014 Posted October 30, 2014 GlamourChariot said: TishinaStalker said: The only position I suck nuts at is ADC pretty much. If you ask me if I want to play League, then I will say "Yes" almost 99% of the time. Edit: I'm also online almost all day, hoping for someone to want to play This is literally me. Server? North America! 1138 said: Vix Axiom Warning, I don't ever play. And I'm shit, I'm unranked and got to like maybe silver 3 in my promos to see where i would place and then I quit ranked altogether. I enjoy getting free wins from Swain, however. I used to have a lot of fun with LoL, but the community's turned sour lately. Not one game do I ever see good sportsmen playing a nice game together. I always see a rager. And I always hope to God it's on the other team. Wait... Why would that mean that you're shit? Not being in Bronze alone shows that you have skill. Also, man, we can all just play in a full, five-man team, and then you won't have to worry about people like that on your team at least. I think we can trust each other to not be "that guy". I personally don't care about each person's skill; I just care about playing the game and having a blast. Quote
Hackie Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 Fiora and Aatrox carried me out of Bronze, they're just really stupid if you get fed. Quote
TishinaStalker Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 Garen, guys. Garen is easy to get fed, can only really be stopped by Darius/Teemo, and a fed Garen can dive into a 4v1 then kill the ADC before leaving if he's smart. Season 4 Bronze was hilarious imo. Everybody was all like "JAX IS KING. JAX IS LOVE. JAX IS LIFE." I never banned Jax, and always picked Garen as soon as he was picked because Jax cannot fight Garen once Garen hits level 3. Quote
Guest Posted January 17, 2015 Posted January 17, 2015 how to garen step 1: farm and harass endlessly in lane, never get ganked cuz too fast step 2: get warmogs step 3: regen a royal shitton of HP step 4: get spirit visage step 5: sustain more than any ADC ever could from minion waves step 6: make the enemy cry by never dying ever again Quote
Hackie Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 how to garen step 1: Russel jimmies step 2: repeat step one Quote
Valkrae Posted January 30, 2015 Posted January 30, 2015 How to Garem: -Hit W. -Hit E. -Pentakill. Quote
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