Bygonehero Posted January 5, 2018 Posted January 5, 2018 5.1.2460 Breakthrough Announced, Nanotrasen Renegotiates Aid Terms Earlier today, Nanotrasen announced that it has discovered a breakthrough for the kois epidemic of Elyra. The company goes on further to explain that in all lab scenarios, the black kois infestations were completely removed upon application of their patented chemical, Cardox. Andrew Reynolds had this to say in a press interview. We had previously developed this chemical as a phoron cleansing agent. When our lab tests showed that the kois organism appears to use this phoron in its biological mechanisms, it became clear to our scientists that this was the best avenue of attack. In all tests, Cardox has completely removed the weaponized kois fungus from all test subjects. It's important to note, however, that damage sustained by the fungus is still present and that Cardox itself can cause carbon monoxide poisoning in improper amounts. In light of this discovery, Nanotrasen has prepared to quadruple its output of this chemical, as we are currently unable to meet the demand that our contract stipulates in any equitable sense. I'm sure the great people of the Serene Republic will realize the benefits of our synthetic compounds, and reach a fair deal for all parties. ENN has since been able to verify that the Cardox cleansing agent was used previously to clean up from a kois bloom epidemic within Tau Ceti last year and that manufacturing processes involved with the chemical make it extremely expensive to produce. Sajjad Toma, immediately rallied his supporters against Nanotrasen after their announcement, publicly shaming them for what he called "war profiteering tactics," that he claims they employed and blasting the Freedom Parties stances to be dealing with them in the first place.
Bygonehero Posted January 10, 2018 Posted January 10, 2018 9.1.2460 Meetings took place within the Nanotrasen Corperate Headquarters, overlooking the Trasen Memorial Stadium, and the rest of Mendall City. Deal Struck with Nanotrasen, High Queen Ta'Akaix'Vaur'skiyet'sca Zo'ra Responsible? In a stunning turn of events, Nanotrasen has stepped back from the re-negotiation table, conceding to the original trade agreement brokered with the Serene Republic of Elyra. Eyewitnesses reported several Vaurca present during the meetings, with Ta'Akaix'Vxtyl'anxt Zo'ra serving as the Zo'ra Queens representative. The first two days of negotiations seemed to go poorly, with Prime Minister Rasheed Tatenda's pleas being callously reduced to cruel arithmetic by Nanotrasen economists. On the third day of talks, Tatenda called forth 14-year-old Aleena Mundi who gave a chilling account of her escape from New Cairo, and the heroic sacrifice of her parents to save her. Following this tearful recollection, the rest of the meeting moved behind closed doors, taking four hours to finally end. At the press briefing afterward, Ta'Akaix'Vxtyl'anxt Zo'ra led the way from the chambers, with Rasheed side by side the towering six-legged Vaurca. In a joint speech, Rasheed and Ta'Akaix'Vxtyl'anxt Zo'ra announced that a deal has been struck. All citizens and sentients of our shared galaxy, I come to you today, to announce a successful resolution to the crisis that Elyra and her people face. For in the span of a few days, I have witnessed the most horrible atrocities our modern society has ever known and the greatest struggles that our increasingly connected galaxy endures. I have sat outside biohazard rooms while the wails of loved ones echoed prayers for the afflicted. I have seen the faces of evil, the Lii'dra, those that threaten the very values that govern civilization itself. I tell you now that I have seen these things, the worst of the galaxy, and they are nothing compared its strengths. For with every horror there is hope two-fold, for every failure, there is success threefold, For every nightmare, there is a tale of bravery and courage. These struggles define us, our collective civilization, our galactic community. No matter what species, race, planet or creed, we all know that nightmares end, that the arc of the universe bends towards justice, that justice itself is universal, and valued. That hope exists for a better, brighter tomorrow, the kind that our children and children's children will see. Prime Minister Rasheed Tatenda concluded the speech to applause, with Ta'Akaix'Vxtyl'anxt Zo'ra taking position behind a specially designed podium, going further into detail the nature of the resolution reached by Elyra and Nanotrasen. Indeed, an illustrious portent signaled by distant Hive Serenity, and it is in such illumination that the grace of High Praetor Ta'Akaix'Vaur'skiyet'sca Zo'ra finds a hold. NanoTrasen, the benevolent white worms that fatten the substance that they harvest has sought the wisdom of Zo'ra in these pressing times.For none can truly say to know the intentions of Lii'dra, but we can come close. For we need only look to the destruction they have brought to distant Serenity, and seek that knowledge if such a thing ingressed into the hive of Tau Ceti. The Lii'dra scourge did not find it's beginning with distant Serenity, however. This binding scourge had alighted hoary Sedantis and followed the Zo'ra exodus here. It is a conflict borne of bygone eras in which the debaseness of Lii'dra first manifested. It is with this knowledge of the past, that High Queen Ta'Akaix'Vaur'skiyet'sca Zo'ra looks to the future. In keeping with the ideals it lauds, Nanotrasen will receive its compensation as needed from Zo'ra and Serenity, so as to render swift and terrible justice to the Lii'dra scourge. Together with Hive Serenity and Nanotrasen, we will illuminate the burrows and enclaves of the Lii' dra, bringing them to light, to burn. After the press briefing, a presidential motorcade met the Elyran and Zo'ra representatives. Regarding the actual numbers of the renegotiated aid deal, Nanotrasen declined to comment.
Bygonehero Posted January 13, 2018 Posted January 13, 2018 12.1.2460 Operation: I'adat Al-Amal begins within New Cairo. Minimal damage can be seen to the city, as combat shuttles evacuate civilians and drop Cardox gas bombs. Hope Returns to New Cairo, Lii'dra In Full Retreat! Prime Minister Rasheed Tatenda called a late press conference today to inform the public about operations afield within New Cairo. Earlier in the day, we at ENN reported significant military activity, though until recently the size and scope of the operation were unknown. Prime Minster Tatenda had this to say. This morning, Elyra, our Serene Republic, with chemical supplies from Nanotrasen and support from our allies launched an all-out assault upon the New Cairo infestation. All throughout the city, we found and evacuated survivors, culling whatever infestations that were discovered. Our brave men and women of the armed services, combined with our peerless shuttle-craft pilots worked in tandem, destroying the largest concentrations of the tar-like kois infestation with specially designed Cardox gas-bombs. Fueled by the righteousness of their actions, we have succeeded in evacuating nearly 50,000 men, women, and children and beat back the enemy into the Lake Serenity Mountain Range. Though with this victory, comes the hard truths... We are still at counting the deceased, but current estimates will be released at a later date. Identification and notification will commence in full once military operations have ceased. Of those who grieve, my heart goes out to you, and your families.The victims of this attack will not be forgotten. They will live on in our memories, that all humans share and carry with us, in our hearts. We will keep this memory with us always, even after the swift sword of justice brings an end the Lii'dra threat. ENN has been able to conduct several interviews with survivors rescued during the military operation, prior to this announcement.Our reporter Velinda Balestre interviews Wei-Uryat'tem-Thup, a visiting Skrellian Scientist who gives his account of survival. VB: Where were you when the outbreak started?WUT: Was on my way to the Bursan Institute of Phoron Research. Was able to get away quickly before encountering problems. No automated steering on my transport. VB: But you got stuck, right? WUT: Yes. It was...not good, not a positive development at all, that the speedways would become completely impassible. Ending up moving on foot, grouping with some... humans. VB: Are you ok? WUT: Yes. I am fine. VB: Where did you end up waiting for rescue? WUT: We ended up staying in a bank data vault. It proved sufficient enough to keep out the infected. VB: You encountered them? WUT: Yes. VB: What could you tell me about them, the infected? If its alright. WUT:...I can tell you that they are intelligent. I saw some using guns...and they were clumsy but I became aware of their worst trait when we finally barricaded ourselves within the air-tight data vault. We had food and set up a system to tell if they were close. They would talk you see, only that's not right, because they weren't really saying anything, they weren't saying words. They were just, gibbering, a constant garble of sounds and grunts that meant nothing. It wasn't another language either, you are aware of how even if you don't know a language you know that they are saying something.Maybe its how they say it, but, this was different, and we could hear it, we could hear them outside. Hoards of them sometimes. VB: That sounds horr- WUT: They were taking things. We saw that too. They took machine parts, various. Couldn't tell what they were collecting them for from what I saw. VB: I'm sorry for the suffering you endured. Is there anything you else you wish to say? WUT: I want to thank the people who found and rescued us. The military efficiency displayed showed a side of humans that I have never seen before. VB: Of course, we here at ENN also thank our brave servicemen and women for their courage today and in the past. Before we conclude the interview, could I ask you a personal question? WUT: Yes? VB: Will you be staying on Elyra? WUT:.....Yes. Most likely. VB: There you have it, just one perspective of survival within New Cairo. I am Velinda Balestre with ENN signing off. At the time of this writing, the operation is still ongoing, with more people being rescued as the day wanes. Continual carpet bombing of the city is expected to go throughout the night, with strike teams methodically clearing the city block by block. More news as it develops. Readers can find more interviews at our website, with one such interview is listed here.
Bygonehero Posted January 15, 2018 Posted January 15, 2018 14.1.2460 Helmet Camera Footage obtained by ENN depicts a central chamber. Lii'dra Proto-Queen Discovered, Elyran Forces Victorious! The Elyran army has completely taken back the city and cleared the Lii'dra from their tunnels within the lake Serenity mountain range. ENN has been able to confirm near total annihilation of the black kois parasite from visual scans as the last few evacuation teams exit the city. ENN has also been able to acquire helmet camera footage from within the Lii'dra tunnels, where operations concluded earlier yesterday. The footage depicts chilling experiments performed by the Lii'dra. Our source within the Elyran Miltary had this to say. The tunnels were winding, with regular plasteel trusses every twenty feet or so. They were...butchering anything they could get their hands on, killing us like animals.There were chambers, entire tunnels filled with discarded corpses and black kois. We were sent in to clear out the tunnels you see, only there was very little to clear out. The gas did its work... but god...what I saw I never want to see again.It was the sound that signaled us, water you see? Coming from above us, only it wasn't water, it was blood. Following the sound, we found a chamber that went upwards with blood cascading from the top. Even within my bio-suit, I had trouble keeping my cool and I knew that others in my unit felt the same. I had seen people die before, but never like this.This wasn't war, it was a slaughter. Above and below us, I could see parts of human remains, as if the bugs had made their own perversion of a Dakhma. I couldn't help but think of the old ways, as that's what the people of New Cairo had taken to calling the infected, the Nasu-daeva, or corpse demon in basic. The attribution was apt, as climbing the structure it felt as if we were entering the heart of the entire polluted site, an unclean place, a tower of silence built by alien minds with human corpses. At the top, we found where all the biomass had gone, the 'meat' as it were. They were collecting it, molding it into some sack that housed the largest Vaurca I had ever seen with my own eyes. It was hard to tell what parts were human and what was an animal, but the entire biomechanical structure oozed blood from a metal port at its base. I wanted to shoot it then and there, to kill whatever unclean thing that would be born from this nightmare, but my orders forbade it. It was the hardest thing I ever have done, in all my years as a soldier but I did it. We cleared the area and intelligence swept in. I haven't slept since the mission. It's hard to sleep when that thing is still alive. I wanted something to be done, for everyone's safety...I guess that's why I am sharing this with you so I can sleep soundly, so everyone can sleep soundly. Faced with this video the office of the Minister of the Army confirmed that a Vaurca Queen was discovered, alive and captured. Since the conclusion of the operation, the entire area surrounding Lake Serenity has been completely surrounded by the military, with additional equipment and fortifications constructed around its perimeter. Prime Minister Rasheed Tatenda has declined for comment on the story but assures ENN that the state of emergency will end soon, and recovery processes will begin. The Interstellar Aid Corp has in the meantime completely mobilized, focusing their relief efforts are on the ground. Whatever the case, we here at ENN will leave it to our readers to determine their own conclusions, but as it would seem that our Serene Republic allied with the rest of humanity and still others, achieved victory.
Faris Posted February 5, 2018 Posted February 5, 2018 05.02.2460 State of Emergency Declared Over! Following the successful operation conducted by the Elyran Armed Forces in New Cairo, and the complete eradication of hostile elements belonging to the Lii’dra, the state of emergency has been declared over by the central government. It is expected the EAF will resume standard operations and fully demobilize their reservist forces in the coming week. Census groups canvasing the region are yet to release any statistics but initial reports indicate a grim toll of the deceased. Military forces in conjunction with other elements are still conducting further sweeps of the area, ensuring that no further nests are present in the area, along with rebuilding and transportation efforts for the affected area. Images and recordings from both official and unofficial sources show the carnage and devastation suffered to the areas. Viewers discretion is advised for the following items. This video details an engagement between an EAF unit and surrounded Lii'dra elements. The following video shows a firefight with EAF elements behind cover surrounding a rural mansion. The video appears to be taken from helmet camera feeds, other soldiers appear to be having them as well. Snippets of the soldier raising from cover to engage the house is seen, the firefight goes on for a minute before it faces another soldier, a launcher in hand. They aim for the building and fire, an explosion rocking the roof and a fire spreading. A few minutes later and the fire is tearing the building apart. Suddenly, figures rush out of the building, firing in order and unison. It’s very clear they’re Vaurca, Lii’dra specifically. They however do not last long, the soldier aims out of cover and with his other comrades, both on foot and in vehicle cut them down. The video jumps to another segment, where the Lii’dra are piled up and set on fire, the soldiers cheering their victory. This video details governmental efforts to return people back to their homes, following the cleansing of infected areas. The next video shows people lining up behind both military and civilian transportation vehicles alike. Huddled with their families and bags, presumably their belongings. They are being urged and organized by uniformed personnel to board in order. As soon as a vehicle fills up, it rolls onto the street behind other waiting vehicles, a convoy of sorts. The convoy includes other logistical vehicles as well. This picture shows efforts by hazard units in disposal of bodies, infected humans and vaurca alike. This picture shows a large working detail, moving bodies about. It shows rows after rows of body bags, next to a work line, a few cleaning the corpses before transporting and bagging them. At the other edge of the pictures shows the side moving the Lii’dra, moved with much less care than the deceased humans. The shot doesn’t include where they’re being dropped, only carted off to some destination. The Prime Minister in an address to the Serene Republic of Elyra said the following. “My fellow Elyrans. I mourn with you, it is not an easy feeling to admit, but I have to say it, I feel devastated. For we have lost many of our brothers and sisters. As I speak, we are recovering the names of every single person we have lost. For truly, we are poorer with their passing. Yet, as we walk past this tragedy, I do not see a nation in shambles. I do not see defeat in your eyes, I do not see us defeated. The eyes of the galaxy are upon us, and we showed them what the Elyran spirit means. Our light cannot be dimmed. Our resolve cannot be broken. We strove for greatness, and greatness we have reached. Throughout this conflict, hope has kept me going. Hearing news of how all of you have done their part. Elyrans from across the galaxy flocked back. Reservists returning to duty in mass, civilians marching through sweat and toil to help our combined efforts in defeating the foul enemy. Ultimately, as I stand before you today, no, as we stand together, we are victorious. We have done as we have always done in the past. We have stood our ground, we remain unbroken. Let no one doubt our spirit and resolve. May God be with you all. For greatness, we strive!”
Bygonehero Posted August 1, 2018 Posted August 1, 2018 08.01.2460 Remembering The Fallen: Bursa Memorial Expanded Following the ending of the state of emergency on the 5th of February of this year. Government agencies have begun the census, rebuilding and assistance efforts to all affected areas. The death toll in conjunction with the missing toll being officially released at “114,592” people, both civilians and servicemen. It has been reported that as soon as the emergency was over, construction efforts to the Bursa Memorial were being made to expand its premises and infrastructure, to host the names of all that have been lost. And as a result, all four sections have been expanded to accommodate. Prime Minister Tatenda in an address to people, following the reopening ceremony of the memorial, had this to say. “My fellow Elyrans. It is with a heavy heart that I stand with you today. Once more it is not easy to admit, but I feel devastated. Our loses in this tragedy, they are not just numbers and figures to me, it is something I feel to my core. We have lost many brothers and sisters today, and that is something I will think of for the rest of my life, especially as I continue to serve our Serene Republic. Yet again, as I stand before you, while we all mourn, I still see strength within you all. The fire of resilience, strength, of greatness. While we may have suffered, we still stand, our backs straight, our heads held high. At the face of adversity, at the face of the ultimate enemy, we stood. We stand here, again, stronger than we were before. Through the cooperative efforts of Elyrans, and those that came to our aid, we won. We reclaimed our people, we reclaimed our land. We cleansed it of their grotesque taint. Let no one doubt our will, our strength, the fire that burns with us, the light that shines around us. I can give you 114,592 stories of the Elyran spirit, and much more. We will push through this tragedy and rebuild, as we always have. May God be with you all. For Greatness, we strive!” The Prime Minister had also ordered the formation of “The Bursa Fund”, pooling government funds to assist the survivors and servicemen that suffered from this tragedy, along with urging Elyrans to assist with this fund, in order to assist those in need. The News service has compiled an album of pictures detaining the rebuilding efforts, before and after imagery of different areas. Image 1: The before imagery shows a burned dowd suburban house. At the time of the picture, soldiers in biohazard suits armed with a variety of weaponry and equipment are walking past it, the roads and surrounding areas damaged, giving a very dystopian look. The after imagery, in comparison shows a rebuilt house, the surrounding area cleared and repaired, as if nothing affected the area. Centered in this photograph is a group assembled, ready for the photograph. The caption details that a family, government officials and select workmen are in it. Image 2: The before imagery shows a highway, leading into the city, filled to the brim with abandoned vehicles. Abandoned vehicles, accidents and even patches in the highway fence show a state of anarchy and panic as people were trying to evacuate. The after imagery shows a cleared road, partially repaired for traffic, cleared of any obstacles. The closed off portions being worked on activately. Very close to the center of this photograph is a random vehicle halted, the windows lowered from the drivers window, handing over of what appears to be refreshments to the workers. Image 3: The before imagery shows a rather large fuel station, all the buildings and open ground occupied by emergency personnel, soldiers and civilians alike. The caption specifies it is a temporary trauma center, supported by image showing people on stretchers and beds moving around at one side and lined up body bags being hauled onto truck. The after imagery shows the fuel station different, barely even recognizable to the before image. The look of carnage, the hurt and the dead no longer present. It appears active, the buildings occupied and fuel stands used. At one corner you can see what is described by the caption as a memorial. There are flowers, pictures and notes all attached to a wall. At the time of the pictures taking, a little girl that appears to be with her mother is kneeling, placing a flower into the pile. Image 4: The before imagery here is of lower quality, taken by a rush. The area is clearly that of a urban center, connected streets with stores lining them. The image is centered around a cafe of sorts, a truck having crashed into it. Down the street you can see pedestrians running, some abandoning their cars as roads are full of cars as the traffic jammed and on the other side of the street, darkness. The after imagery shows a different theme. The mood is calm, it’s daytime, people are walking down the streets. This image is more professionally taken, the quality better. The cafe, now clearly named “Waqt Al-Qahwa” is almost filled, patrons either alone or in company are going about their day as people walk past. The side that had darkness is now no longer shrouded in darkness and the roads appear clear aside from the odd car. Any damage has been repaired, as if nothing happened. written by Aboshehab
The7thLain Posted September 12, 2022 Posted September 12, 2022 The Elyra News Network has been purchased in a joint venture by Yazmani Broadcasting and the Elyran Ministry of Internal Affairs.
The7thLain Posted September 12, 2022 Posted September 12, 2022 (edited) Phoron Protests Grip Uthma For the past year and a half since the beginning of the Orion Spur-wide phoron shortage, the Elyran government has maintained a strong position of halting phoron exports to the rest of the Orion Spur under a policy of ensuring a national self-sufficiency of the valuable element. Recently however, even as Elyra’s phoron production has managed to fulfil its domestic needs, market pressures have raised the prices of phoron-produced energy and products made with phoron components. These pressures have been felt in Elyra and for the first time in nearly 60 years, phoron prices have risen dramatically. Yesterday in Uthma, Persepolis, protestors organised in front of the National Institute of Phoron Sciences and in al-Hamid square, the largest square in the city, demanding government intervention in the Elyran phoron market to keep prices low. These protests are led by Elyran citizens claiming that their way of life is under threat due to the ongoing scarcity, however they have been joined by many non-citizen persons also protesting the recent drastic spike in energy, medicine, and transportation costs. Reports estimate that the protests are small and at this time peaceful, numbering only a few hundred split between al-Hamid Square and the Institute of Phoron Sciences. They do also appear to be growing in numbers, with NCPs and citizens alike from the Capital arriving to the areas to participate. Uthman Police are on the scene and are currently attempting to contain the protests to the two locations only and ensure they do not spread to other districts of the capital. The Elyran government has made no comment on these protests thus far, however opposition leader Azer Saban released a statement in support of the protests and claimed that the current situation is a result of poor planning by Prime Minister Nouzari and his Constitutionalists. “By failing to account for the strain that rising phoron prices will have on the lives of our people rather than on the corporations that buoy government coffers, Prime Minister Nouzari has made a mistake with his policies and must be held accountable by the Elyran people.” Organisers of both protests at the Institute of Phoron Sciences and al-Hamid Square have stated firmly that they will not leave until their requests are acknowledged. Edited September 12, 2022 by TheBurninSherman
The7thLain Posted September 18, 2022 Posted September 18, 2022 (edited) The Uthma Protests Grow, Protestors Entrench Themselves in al-Hamid Square Since last week protestors have occupied al-Hamid Square and have gathered around the National Institute of Phoron Sciences in Uthma, demanding that their grievances in regards to rising phoron, energy, and phoron product prices be addressed. In one week the protests have grown from under 1,000 participants to what is now estimated to be nearly 12,000 people, with a majority occupying al-Hamid square. Police have repeatedly attempted to force protestors away from the Institute with non-lethal measures and have encouraged them to disperse, promising that no arrests will be made if the protestors return to their homes and leave the streets surrounding the Institute. Phoron Minister Saheni has made a statement on the protests, explaining the rationale of the government’s current phoron policy. She explained that in order to both safeguard the economy from foreign corporate influence and continue to ensure the survival of Elyran domestic industry in these trying times, Phoron prices are pivotal in ensuring that the government has enough revenue to fund not only its normal welfare services for its citizens, but also the numerous diversification and relief programs extended to many Elyran companies. “It is no secret that phoron is the lifeblood of our country, and now more so than ever, we must use the wealth it has given us to buoy our nation’s economy in the face of a spur-wide crisis. Given the current circumstances, in order to ensure that our country and its many auspices can continue to function, phoron prices will remain as they are for the foreseeable future.” From our reporters on the ground, the demonstrations seem to be growing still, with citizens and NCP’s from Persepolis and New Suez travelling to join the protestors, calling for a fall in Phoron prices and the government to front the losses. Those in al-Hamid Square have set up tents and small shacks as semi-permanent structures and many occupying the square seem to have been living there for the duration of these events. Large ramshackle barricades made from what local authorities allege to be stolen construction materials have been observed to be under construction as well. The protests have remained peaceful, however both the police and protestors themselves report that there are provocateurs in the ranks of the protestors trying to incite violence. Edited September 18, 2022 by TheBurninSherman
The7thLain Posted September 19, 2022 Posted September 19, 2022 (edited) Leaks of an Elyran attack on an SCC Vessel! Institute Protestors Disperse, First Deaths of the Phoron Protests Recorded This morning at around 10am local time, demonstrations near the National Institute for Phoron Sciences in Uthma became violent as frustrated protestors began to taunt and throw bricks at police barricades when told once more to disperse. Some demonstrators even shot fireworks at officers and threw pieces of sharpened rebar into police lines. The police responded by firing tear gas canisters and stun grenades into the crowd coupled with repeated instructions to disperse. In defiance, the demonstrators refused and began to topple nearby automobiles in order to form a barricade between themselves and the officers. This violence has stemmed from alleged leaks from within the Elyran Defence Forces of an after-action report that details an assault operation on the SCCV Horizon, a Stellar Corporate Conglomerate research and phoron excavation vessel currently operating in the Valley Hale region of space. The report details that an Elyran Extraterrestrial Brigade team, codenamed "Eagle Claw" attempted to board the vessel and occupy it in order to force the eviction of it from Valley Hale and reassert Elyran control over its rightful territory. The report also goes on to detail that all four operatives in the operation were shot dead by the security and mercenary accompaniment of the vessel. The Elyran Ministry of Defence has disavowed this report and declared it to be “blatantly fabricated on its face,” and has published various materials debunking the report in various ways. Our own analysts have also examined the report and have concluded that it has been faked and is indeed false. The Stellar Corporate Conglomerate has denied that any breach of Elyra’s territorial sovereignty took place, as well. Defense Minister Admiral el-Yamin in an emergency release today said, "This false report is a work of subterfuge that is intentionally trying to undermine our democracy and our great Republic! Foreign interlopers in our territory will be seen wherever they are found, but we must oppose misinformation wherever it may be found and not let it hijack our right to protest! The people who we ‘attacked,’ have even said that they did not cross our border and our own military doctrine prevents us from taking aggressive action not in the name of defending our interests, people, and territory." Despite these facts, protestors have chanted “They didn’t die for Elyra!” all of this morning and have made ad hoc speeches in outrage of what they see as further evidence of the Elryan Government’s preference for phoron profits over the well-being of its citizens, including those in the armed forces. We at ENN know this to be false and encourage our readers to educate themselves with reliable sources and avoid harmful misninformation. At 2pm local time, Uthma police launched a pacification attempt on those occupying Institute grounds using shields & batons, tear gas, stun grenades, rubber bullets, and large trucks equipped with water cannons used to breach protest barricades. After roughly a half-an-hour of conflict between the officers and the demonstrators, many protestors fled the scene in a rout towards al-Hamid square, looking to join up and seek refuge with the ongoing occupation there. As of this writing, 248 people have been arrested by the Uthma police, all of whom are claimed to have been violently protesting at the National Institute. There are 9 confirmed fatalities resulting from the expulsion of protestors from the grounds of the Elyran National Institute of Phoron Sciences at this time, 8 protestors and 1 officer. Officer Tulum Bayar was killed when a protester drove a piece of sharpened rebar through his armor which pierced his carotid artery and caused him to bleed to death. The causes of death among the dead protestors are still unknown at this time, however, those participating in the protests claim that the deaths were caused by police firing live buckshot rounds into the protesting crowds rather than rubber pellets. The Uthma Chief of Police and Uthma city administration have denied these accusations while asserting that only non-lethal means have been authorized in dealing with the protests, and our own reporters on the ground have confirmed this. The Chief of Police also said today following the death of Officer Bayar that the Elyran Police will be calling up their volunteer reserves to deal with the growing protests. The Elyran Ministry of Internal Affairs announced today that all extranet towers and access terminals in and around al-Hamid square will be shut down until the protests subside in order to stop the intensification of the protests through the spread of misinformation. At around the same time as the action to disperse protestors from the Phoron Institute commenced, Uthma Police advanced on al-Hamid square, attempting to dislodge the protestors there with similar means as they had used in deterring the Institute protests, however their efforts were unsuccessful in breaching the barricades of the demonstrators. It is currently estimated by our analytics teams that approximately 20,000 people have occupied the square and are refusing to leave. The protestors have affirmed their position that they will not disperse from the square until their demands of the Elyran government are addressed. On the other sides of the barricades a few blocks away in the nearby Republic Plaza, a camp of counter-protestors has begun to form and is also being monitored by police. Estimates currently place their numbers at between 4,500 and 5,000, though they are growing. Muslim Democratic Conference leader Dr. Samir al-Vohra spoke to the protestors today personally, arriving at the al-Hamid barricades and using a megaphone to speak to the demonstrators. He encouraged their protests to remain peaceful and for the protestors to disregard the false reports, but did not tell the protestors to disperse. He also stated that among the rights that Elyran citizens have, a right to protest perceived injustices was among them. “Our republic and its revolution was not built on people who kept quiet and did as they were told. I agree that not being able to afford energy is hard, and that there needs to be a redress of the situation. It is your right to ask for changes in a civil fashion, but do not be led into violence by the information of deceivers wishing to break what is good about our people and society. Instead listen to your hearts and do not give into false temptations! God willing, we can all come to an agreement and you all can go home.” Edited September 19, 2022 by TheBurninSherman
The7thLain Posted September 25, 2022 Posted September 25, 2022 (edited) Negotiations Between al-Hamid Protestors and Police Begin, Protests on Damascus II Fail, Prime Minister Nouzari Speaks Since last week, al-Hamid Square has been the site of repeated violent confrontations between demonstrators and police attempting to remove them from the square. In these exchanges, 10 more officers and 49 more protestors have been killed, with dozens on both sides sustaining injuries. Numerous arrests have been made as well, with some under a new law made in response to last-week's misinformation scare criminalizing the spread of false information with intent to cause disorder and civil unrest. After multiple days with little-to-no progress and mounting injuries on both sides, the police announced at 7am local time this morning that they will not attempt to advance on the square anymore and then entered into negotiations with the protestors. The police requested that the demonstrators hand over any firearms, fireworks, and explosives that may be in their possession in exchange for providing the protestors with medical supplies and allowing for those most critically injured in the square to leave and seek medical attention in Uthma’s hospitals. The protestors have also requested to be able to march in peaceful protest to the Elyran National Assembly. Reluctantly, the police have agreed to these terms, with the addition that a large fence and barricade will be erected to separate the protestors on the street from the National Assembly proper. During these negotiations, the organizers of the protests reasserted their position yet again that they do not intend to leave al-Hamid Squate until their demands for lower phoron prices are met. Despite these negotiations, the Uthma police have called upon the local EAF garrison to reinforce their lines around al-Hamid square and ensure the Elyran government presence in the area is stronger than ever in the lead-up to the permitted march. A counter-protest encampment some two miles from Al-Hamid square has grown to number nearly 10,000, though they have yet to leave their position nor have any confrontations with the al-Hamid protestors. Phoron Minister Saheni responded to these demands by once again restating the position of the Elyran government that phoron prices will not be reduced. A smaller demonstration of roughly 6,000 people protesting energy prices also broke out today in Erum on Damascus II. Local police were quick to disperse these protests with non-lethal methods and no deaths have been reported. When asked about the situation, Damascene Captain Hafez-Ali Esmaeili told us that, “The home of Elyra’s revolution will not be embarrassed by the levels of law-enforcement mismanagement that are currently being seen in Uthma. I understand what the protestors want and I sympathize with their plights, but they must know that our country fails or succeeds together. Destroying public order over phoron prices when all of known space is having similar problems only serves to wound our civilization in the face of an already present crisis and weakens us to those who would wish to destroy our great society for selfish gains. We must show that we can be responsible with the country and the freedoms our ancestors secured for us and not fall victim to anger and untrue misinformation.” Prime Minister Nouzari has also addressed the al-Hamid protests personally, disparaging their efforts but also affirming the decision of the police to allow a march to be held to the National Assembly, so long as it is non-violent. “I affirm your rights to voice your opinions with your presence, but a right to violence is one that you do not have. I admire your bravery in standing up for what you believe in, but if escalation continues, your movement will be stopped. I call on you all to return to your homes and to your families. Times are tough now, but they will not be forever. When this is over and we are once again prosperous and rich from the resources that God has blessed us with, do you want to be spending those bright days rotting in a jail cell or enjoying them with the people who matter to you the most?” Edited September 25, 2022 by TheBurninSherman
The7thLain Posted October 1, 2022 Posted October 1, 2022 (edited) STS Deployed to Uthma, Defense Ministry Presents Evidence of Dominian Involvement in Protests Today in an unprecedented turn of events, Interior Minister Gul and Defense Minister Admiral el-Yamin made an joint emergency address to the Elyran public declaring that the RIIS has uncovered evidence of a Dominian-backed conspiracy to infiltrate the al-Hamid protests. “The Elyran people are being used as tools against themselves at the behest of Molnarova, her professional backstabbers, and the corporate sponsors which enable Dominian treachery. These protests are not the will of our citizens, but are instead the machinations of the Imperial Intelligence Directorate made to destabilize our capital and to put our nation into turmoil. People of Uthma, you are being made fools by the primaries in Nova Luxembourg who are using you to attack the country which has protected you and served you dutifully,” Admiral el-Yamin said in this address. Interior Minister Gul remarked that, “In light of the evidence brought to us by the RIIS, these protests are no longer considered legal and are now classified as terrorist acts. The Special Threat Service is being deployed to Uthma this evening and we plan to disperse this gathering and capture its organizers. Demonstrators have until noon tomorrow to leave al-Hamid square and will be considered terrorist sympathizers if they stay. We will use lethal force.” The evidence being presented consists of various holocalls between alleged Dominian intelligence agents and various figures involved with the protests, discussing plans of action and the transfer of funds to the protest leaders now declared to be terrorists by the Ministry of Justice. The protestors have vehemently denied any cooperation with any foreign actors, including His Majesty’s Imperial Intelligence Directorate and repeatedly claimed that they are acting only on behalf of the Elyran people and their needs for affordable energy and phoron products. At roughly 30,000 strong, the protestors have universally refused the ultimatum by the Government after the police announced that the march to the National Assembly was no longer going to be allowed in light of the evidence of Dominian influence in the protests. They have declared that they will hold the square in the name of justice and republicanism. The demonstrators have also called the actions of the Uthma police illegal and have demanded the resignation of Prime Minister Nouzari for allowing the violent actions of the police to go unchecked. Director of His Majesty’s Imperial Intelligence Directorate Alojzia Molnarova replied to these allegations in a statement saying that, “It is a shame that the Elyrans can’t keep a handle on their own people without alleging that a superior nation has meddled in their affairs. These allegations are preposterous. His Majesty’s illustrious agents have far more important tasks to attend to than squatting in a filthy square in the name of a lost cause.” Our staff on the ground have reported that, alongside local police units, vehicles and operators with STS insignias and markings have been sighted organising around al-Hamid square. Elyran People’s Party leader Lieutenant General Kambiz Ajrman commented on today’s events in an address to his party, saying that “The rebels in the square should sober up if they want to see the sun rise two days from now. It is undeniable that the Dominian threat is becoming increasingly more insidious, and we as a party and as a people must work to stop that Tribunalist imperialism wherever it might be, even if it is in our own capital. Whether against Dominian dogs or godless corporatists, we must defend our republic.” We encourage our readers to stay away from al-Hamid Square for the coming days and continue to fight the spread of false misinformation wherever it is found. Edited October 1, 2022 by TheBurninSherman
The7thLain Posted October 2, 2022 Posted October 2, 2022 (edited) STS Breaks the Terrorist Occupation of al-Hamid Square, Foreign Plot Confirmed, Dominia Ejects Elyran Ambassador Overnight, police allowed nearly 20,000 individuals who wished to leave the square after yesterday’s news and threats to leave unhindered and without meeting resistance. At noon today after some 10,000 sympathizers of the original 30,000 and their terrorist leaders holding al-Hamid square refused to leave, Uthma police and EAF garrison units in cooperation with the STS launched an assault to break through the barricades constructed by the protestors weeks ago. The STS led the advance, using armored personnel carriers and armored bulldozers to push through the improvised fortifications of steel, cement, wood, and other materials, firing stun grenades, tear gas canisters, and machine guns at demonstrators as they moved through. This advance was followed by EAF soldiers and police officers on foot armed with both lethal and less-than-lethal weapons. In a very dangerous act of defiance to halt the advance of the authorities, the demonstrators started a fire near the largest approach of police and STS and then threw tanks of phoron and phoron cells from cars into the flames, starting a phoron fire they used as a barrier to keep the officers out of the square and forcing a temporary retreat from law enforcement. Videos of STS snipers being positioned on nearby rooftops and shooting into al-Hamid square have surfaced on the extranet along with testimonials of the intense fighting that occurred during the push into the square. After nearly an two hours of an intense fighting between the terrorists, their sympathizers, and Elyran law enforcement & firefighters, the battle stopped with law enforcement pushing out the occupiers. Official Ministry of the Interior death counts in what is being called “The Battle of al-Hamid Square,” hold that 46 Uthma police officers, 25 EAF servicemen, 29 STS operators, and 527 terrorist sympathizers have been killed, 66 of which have been identified as Elyran citizens while the rest were NCP’s. Current injury estimates are that over 600 police, 500 EAF servicemen, and nearly 200 STS operators have been injured, and over 7,000 terrorist sympathizers have suffered some injury. Uthma police estimate that roughly 5,000 arrests have been made. Please note that these counts are incomplete and are adjusting as more confirmed injuries and fatalities are recorded. Currently, al-Hamid square is under the control of the STS and Interior Ministry and is being searched in cooperation with the RIIS for any weaponry or further evidence of Dominian involvement in the occupation of the square. Interior Minister Gul has already reported that maps of the square labeled in High Morozi and documents bearing Dominian markings have been found. The Dominian Foreign ministry has called this evidence false and refuses to take responsibility for this grave allegation. Many protestors fled the scene once the assault began and the Justice Minister has announced that those who fled and did not fight the authorities once they had arrived will not be prosecuted unless they were identified as part of the Dominian-infiltrated leadership structure of the terrorist occupation of al-Hamid Square, in which case they will be treated as fugitives and arrested on terrorism and espionage charges. “We do not want to punish those among our people who were unknowingly tricked by sinister interlopers and so, we will not seek them out nor will we take any other action against them. However, terrorists in our country will be found, tried, and executed,” so said Justice Minister al-Abed in an address to the public today. Opposition leader Saban made a statement today as well in the wake of the assault saying, “I was tricked by a foreign agenda much like many of you were. I hope that in the future, we can all exercise more vigilance in our lives to ensure that our people are not used in the name of a foreign power ever again.” Dr. al-Vohra commented as well, saying, “It is obscene that those who would want to strip us of our freedoms have used them against us. May God forgive them.” This evening, Prime Minister Nouzari made an address to the nation as well, announcing that his party will be enacting measures to codify appropriate responses to protests so that demonstrations to the level that happened in al-Hamid square will not repeat. “It is a tragedy what happened in our capital today. I cannot stress enough how saddened this makes me, to see the square I often walked around for most of my life made to be the base of terrorism and the graves of our own people who were disillusioned by the unscrupulous Dominian Imperials who wish to destroy republicanism and everything it stands for. We must ensure as a nation that this never happens again. Today I have enacted legislation that will allow our people to voice their concerns in a protest, but will limit what can and cannot be done in these actions so that our right to protest is not taken advantage of by foreign agents for their own dishonest motives. We must be strong together should we weather this time of crisis.” In light of this foreign conspiracy, many of our analysts have predicted a rise in Prime Minister Nouzari’s popularity which until now, was declining due to the intensification of recent terrorist actions in al-Hamid Square. In another speech, the Interior Minister Gul announced that extranet service would be returning to the general vicinity around al-Hamid Square in the coming days. In response to this address, the Empire of Dominia has recalled its ambassador from Uthma and has expelled the Elyran ambassador from the country. In a press release paired with this duo of events, Dominian Sovereignty Commissioner Antonio Caladius declared, “These pathetic attempts by those petty revolutionaries to their own failings as provocations by a foe already divinely destined for victory in the Orion Spur, such as we, are laughable. Their evidence is fabricated to a painfully obvious degree. This is a game we shall not play. His Majesty’s empire had no business in al-Hamid Square, much like how the Elyran Embassy now has no business in Nova Luxembourg. The Elyran RIIS are not in their right minds for even considering that we would have any involvement in something that their government is solely to blame for. If this blatantly fallacious rhetoric against His Majesty’s Empire continues, we will not be able to guarantee further peaceful cooperation with the Republican neighbors to the northeast.” Edited October 2, 2022 by TheBurninSherman
NewOriginalSchwann Posted March 8, 2023 Posted March 8, 2023 (edited) Office of the Prime Minister Responds to Ongoing Conflict in the Former Solarian Alliance Act 1 Article 15 of the Amor Patriae arc The camera opens to focus on an Elyran woman, dressed professionally in an orange pants-suit, sitting in a chair opposite an older Elyran man in a black suit with a small Elyran flag pin on his lapel. Habitual viewers of the ENN will easily recognize the woman as Nathifa Sabir, host of its famous Jewel’s Eye political talk show, by both her suit and habitually messy curly hair. The man across from her is Doctor Bahir Yousif, a relatively well-known member of the Prime Minister’s advisory team and Elyran foreign policy scholar. “Thank you for tuning into the Elyran News Network!” Sabir begins with a smile. “Tonight I’m joined by a very special guest, Doctor Bahir Yousif of the Prime Minister’s office!” The audience claps. “Thank you for having me.” “Of course. Now, Doctor, many Elyrans are concerned about growing unrest in the Wildlands, particularly in the Northern Wildlands. Does the Prime Minister have any plans to address the situation, particularly as San Colette is of relevance to the Spurwide phoronics market?” “As of now the Republic has no interest in the Alliance’s problems,” Yousif responds. “While it’s true the Colettish phoronics industry has an impact on the wider Spur, its impact is barely felt in the Serene Republic.” “Do you believe the impact will be mostly localized?” “Most of San Colette’s phoron was sent to Biesel, which has long been a major consumer of it. How the Alliance will be impacted remains to be scene, as they've taken steps to reduce their phoron dependency.” Sabir nods her head. “Thank you, Doctor. With that said, do you have any thoughts on the recent Dominian announcement concerning the situation?” “I do. If the Empire thinks it can disguise its efforts to undermine our sovereignty such as how they did at al-Hamid Square, they are mistaken. The Serene Republic is fully prorated to counteract any efforts to spread Dominian imperialism into regions of national or strategic concern to us.” Sabir nods approvingly! “Thank you, Doctor. Unfortunately that’s all the time we have for now. The Elyran News Network will return after a short break with the latest news from across the Serene Republic!” Edited March 11, 2023 by NewOriginalSchwann
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