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LemonTheFruit Unban Request

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BYOND Key: LemonTheFruit

Total Ban Length: 4320 Minutes (3 Days)

Banning staff member's Key: garnascus

Reason of Ban: "opened the emergency shuttle airlock as a maint drone and spaced someone.."

Reason for Appeal: End-round grief is punishable by an automatic 3-day ban. The moment the shuttle docks with the station, all conflict is expected to end in and around the shuttle boarding area. (Escape and adjacent corridor). No conflict is allowed on Central Command, after shuttle arrival. (As quoted from http://aurorastation.org/rules.html)

My actions were not of conflict, nor were they in any way intentional. To start, and explain the situation in its entirety, I was scooped up and dragged on-board the emergency shuttle against my will, by Joao Marcos. Following my escape from him, via the resist IC action, I was stuck wandering aboard the shuttle. I meandered around the shuttle, looking for things to repair, and found myself near the airlock. On attempt to move down, I hit the wrong arrow key, and moved left, instead of down, causing the airlock to open automatically. (This is something I didn't even know was possible.) Several people were spaced from the airlock before I could close it again, in my panic.

I'd also like to note that I apologized profusely to the attending admin, and to anyone nearby in looc.

Now, I understand that rules should apply. I feel as if leniency, and a bit of understanding should be applied in this situation. I also understand I have previous offenses on my record, including two prior warnings. Those I'd like to dispute as well, if that is the issue at hand.


Our EOR grief rule carries with it an automatic 3-day ban. That being said its true we rarely punish for it as most are just a case of one or two attack logs and often by accident. In your case im not quite convinced of your "arrow key story". the shuttle airlocks are bolted i believe. you would have had to click on the airlock to open the menu, click "unbolt" and THEN click "open" all by accident?

This seems to me to be an incredible coincidence, unless i am missing something?

Our EOR grief rule carries with it an automatic 3-day ban. That being said its true we rarely punish for it as most are just a case of one or two attack logs and often by accident. In your case im not quite convinced of your "arrow key story". the shuttle airlocks are bolted i believe. you would have had to click on the airlock to open the menu, click "unbolt" and THEN click "open" all by accident?

This seems to me to be an incredible coincidence, unless i am missing something?


I can confirm shuttle doors are bolted normally. As a drone, ai, or borg, you can toggle a door's bolts by holding down CTRL and left clicking on then. Anybody else would have to screwdriver the panel and manually pulse the bolt wire with a multitool.

Our EOR grief rule carries with it an automatic 3-day ban. That being said its true we rarely punish for it as most are just a case of one or two attack logs and often by accident. In your case im not quite convinced of your "arrow key story". the shuttle airlocks are bolted i believe. you would have had to click on the airlock to open the menu, click "unbolt" and THEN click "open" all by accident?

This seems to me to be an incredible coincidence, unless i am missing something?

I implore you to attempt a recreation, as that is not the case. I merely tapped left, and it opened. Also, would logs not show this?

Our EOR grief rule carries with it an automatic 3-day ban. That being said its true we rarely punish for it as most are just a case of one or two attack logs and often by accident. In your case im not quite convinced of your "arrow key story". the shuttle airlocks are bolted i believe. you would have had to click on the airlock to open the menu, click "unbolt" and THEN click "open" all by accident?

This seems to me to be an incredible coincidence, unless i am missing something?


I can confirm shuttle doors are bolted normally. As a drone, ai, or borg, you can toggle a door's bolts by holding down CTRL and left clicking on then. Anybody else would have to screwdriver the panel and manually pulse the bolt wire with a multitool.


Either it wasn't bolted, or was unbolted prior to me getting to it. If logs record such a thing, they will corroborate that I did not unbolt the airlock.



I was watching this part of the round, and while the simplest explanation is in fact that Lemon unbolted those doors, the Departures Lounge and Shuttle airlocks are pretty sketchy and I've seen them do things like this before if they've been interacted with prior to the shuttle call. (People moving in and out of the station via escape airlocks.)

I don't see it often, and it is a result of somebody pushing some buttons at some point, but I don't think it's impossible that Lemon is telling the truth either.

There werent any other borgs on the ship and i was watching. someone would have had to hack it.


If you can't, is it possible to get someone to check the logs? Because there's no other way I can prove my stance.


The same thing happened last night with a cyborg keeping the shuttle airlocks open to help people onboard when they broke, and the airlocks ended up spacing multiple people. Everyone just laughed it off and began killing themselves.

Skull, tish and tainavaa were both present at the time if I'm remembering correctly, so if no one was super duper mad about getting spaced, why was poor Lemon juiced so viciously? :(


So, I'm still hoping for a resolution on this matter. I have contacted Skull, hoping he'd be able to help with logs regarding this incident. I'd also like to note that if I were truly trying to be a nuisance, I'd not take the time to faun over all of this. Aurora's pretty much the only server I play on, and I really dislike not being able to enjoy it due to a small accident.


The resolution is you're staying banned =\. Even when borgs mess with the doors to un-bork the shuttle launch the shuttle doesnt launch unless the airlocks are closed. they automatically bolt once they do. you where the only maint drone/robot on the shuttle (who arent even allowed to board the shuttle). i could forgive this accident if you hadn't had so many warnings/notes pile up in very very short time.


As someone who was there, I think the airlocks were unbolted because they never originally opened and were unbolted by the AI/a borg. All I saw was the drone move left and the door open, so, seems like an accident.

The resolution is you're staying banned =\. Even when borgs mess with the doors to un-bork the shuttle launch the shuttle doesnt launch unless the airlocks are closed. they automatically bolt once they do. you where the only maint drone/robot on the shuttle (who arent even allowed to board the shuttle). i could forgive this accident if you hadn't had so many warnings/notes pile up in very very short time.
As someone who was there, I think the airlocks were unbolted because they never originally opened and were unbolted by the AI/a borg. All I saw was the drone move left and the door open, so, seems like an accident.


Thanks for the input Camp.

I'd also like to note that the AI, and another 'bot was on the shuttle. And again, I had no choice in boarding the shuttle.

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