JKJudgeX Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 BYOND key: JKJudgeX Character names: Vyleon Black How long have you been playing on Aurora?: Couple of Years? Why do you wish to be on the whitelist?: Tired of not having a Research Director/Research Director is my favorite role. Why did you come to Aurora?: Wanted an HRP or even just good regular RP Server. Have you read the BS12 wiki on the head roles you plan on playing?: I've played and know every role in the science department and have been RD for years on other servers. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions in a paragraph each. Give a definition of what you think roleplay is, and should be about: RP is about stepping out of the real world and working with others to produce a fantasy world complete with nuanced interactions, drama, and action. It's about being someone else for a while. It should be about forming a lasting and entertaining experience, and testing one's boundaries rather than trying to always play the action-hero. I've RP'ed/GM'ed since 1988 in various tabletop and online games, so I'm not a stranger to being in character, or DMing multiple NPCs simultaneously. What do you think the OOC purpose of a Head of Staff is, ingame?: The Heads of Staff exist to provide leadership to a department and to guide the department's actions when necessary. The Heads should respond to emergencies and keep their employees safe and productive. Much like our bosses in real life, they should be in charge of making difficult decisions and cooperating with higher-ups in order to ensure efficient and smooth processes. What do you think the OOC responsibilities of Whitelisted players are to other players, and how would you strive to uphold them?: Playing a head should be done with a mind towards consistency and playing by the rules. With the added power granted to the character, abuses of power, poor RP, metagaming, and powergaming are all magnified in their impact on the enjoyment of the round. A whitelisted player should be doubly mindful of this and ensure that his or her actions be always pro-RP, pro-fun, and anti-grief. Further, not AFKing while holding an important role, and communicating with admins and other heads when they are forced to exit the round prematurely are important. Please pick one of your characters for this section, and provide well articulated responses to the following questions. Character name: Vyleon Black Character age: 42 Please provide a short biography of this character (approx 2 paragraphs): Born in 2415 to Praleon and Naraa Black, Vyleon Black always carried a keen interest in the sciences. Raised to be straightforward and strong-minded, he is a fast thinker and eloquent speaker. His childhood was slightly impoverished and rough, but his interest in science kept him above it. Due to outstanding performance in school, he was able to enroll in college one year early, and from 2440-2447 earned a Ph.D in Particle Physics, as well as a Masters in Chemistry. Along the way, he married a competitive classmate, Itali Weir, and they had a daughter who was named after Vyleon's mother, Naraa. Unable to find employment immediately following college, he enrolled in an internship with Einstein Engines, which was cut short in 2448 due to the tragic disappearance of his wife and daughter, an unsolved crime which Vyleon is still suspected of being responsible for by some, though he was proven innocent. Vyleon believes that a large corporation kidnapped them in order to steal scientific research that Itali had been working on involving wormhole science. Vyleon suspects every major corporation including Nanotrasen, but keeps his suspicions completely secret. From 2448-2450, Vyleon worked for Zeng-Hu Pharmaceuticals as a Chemist while recovering from the loss of his family, and undertook night school to study Psychiatry as a coping mechanism. With his three degrees and solid field experience, Vyleon was able to secure a position with NT in 2450 as a Research Scientist, and eventually served as Research Director at various outposts and organizations under NT. In 2455, Vyleon applied to work off-planet, and was transferred to the Aurora as a Research Scientist, occasionally serving a shift as Chemist or Psychiatrist when the science roster was full. Today, Vyleon respects NT, but has trouble trusting the organization due to their over-reliance on synthetics, loyalty implants, and A.I. Vyleon is highly knowledgeable of the science department, and is usually willing to teach newcomers to the department how to do any of the related jobs. He is generally quiet and calculating, and from a command position very stern but not unapproachable. What do you like about this character?: Vyleon's past makes his consideration for his own well-being somewhat unimportant to him at times, which means he will take risks to help coworkers in need. He occasionally abuses drugs, but not enough to jeopardize his employment and not usually on the clock. He is a character that is easy to connect with because he doesn't pull rank unnecessarily, and enjoys one on one connections with coworkers and others. He's also very accepting of alien races and all forms of sentient life. What do you dislike about this character?: Vyleon is not much of a fighter, and will generally fold under physical threat. He is security averse, which makes him seem more suspicious at times. Playing an older character, to me, means to be more laid-back in general, which is not how I like to play all the time, but it's how I play Vyleon. He's also a little bit crotchety at times and will openly use profanity for effect, things I try not to do IRL/OOC. He's also depressed due to the disappearance of his wife and child, and this closes off any romantic opportunities immediately, and leaves him seeking Psychiatric treatment or other reprieve from time to time. What do you think makes this character fit to be a head of staff?: Vyleon has a ton of experience in the science department and can be relied upon to risk himself on behalf of the station, crew, or even just super important research. He puts science first and foremost above all things, and I think this is the mark of a good Research Director. He is generally clever and quick to apply department-specific solutions to station-endangering problems, and, he's played by a dedicated SS13 player with a few years worth of experience in the science department. Please provide well articulated answers to the following questions. How would you rate your own roleplaying?: I'm great at it if I can get some cooperation or responses out of people. I even emote sometimes when I'm 99.9% sure no one is in range to see it.
SleepyWolf Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 JKJudge is definitely a good roleplayer, and V. Black is perfectly qualified for the job. I'm gonna say +1 B)
Gollee Posted January 27, 2016 Posted January 27, 2016 What has changed since this? http://aurorastation.org/forums/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=4844
JKJudgeX Posted January 28, 2016 Author Posted January 28, 2016 That was dismissed due to an OOC issue with another user on the forums which has been addressed. I was told I could re-submit in PM by Garnascus.
Guest Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 I've not been able to accurately observe Judge as Vyleon, but I know he dedicatedly, as in almost every shift, requests to be Interim Research Director, which is good initiative and means he probably has experience in the role he is going to play most frequently. +1
FluffyBirb Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 I have played with Dr. Black many times, and I while he has been the Interim RD. He has good role play skills, knows the job, and can lead the science team. For this, I give Dr. Black +1 science birbs!
Gollee Posted January 28, 2016 Posted January 28, 2016 Made a very good and fun vampire, and assistant needer. +1
Jennalele Posted January 30, 2016 Posted January 30, 2016 If I recall, Vyleon has a serious hatred of anything paperwork- correct me if I'm wrong. This may pose issues for a head, if I remember correctly, however. From an OOC standpoint, you tend to be quick to raise your hackles, so to speak, and get upset or salty at others- As a head whitelisted /player/, you are also expected to tone this down and express it in a more respectful or at least tactful manner. Your thoughts on these points? This is not a +1 or a -1, just a bit of feedback and a question posed towards Jkjudge.
JKJudgeX Posted January 31, 2016 Author Posted January 31, 2016 If I recall, Vyleon has a serious hatred of anything paperwork- correct me if I'm wrong. This may pose issues for a head, if I remember correctly, however. From an OOC standpoint, you tend to be quick to raise your hackles, so to speak, and get upset or salty at others- As a head whitelisted /player/, you are also expected to tone this down and express it in a more respectful or at least tactful manner. Your thoughts on these points? This is not a +1 or a -1, just a bit of feedback and a question posed towards Jkjudge. I don't like paperwork, that doesn't mean I won't do it. I don't recall getting upset or salty with anyone, if it seemed that way I might have been misread. I'm pretty chill. I may have argued with a couple of people who were saying stupidly racist things or being very negative towards others, but it wasn't even serious enough for me to remember anyone's name. I tend to try to calm the OOC down instead of fire it up. I do voice my opinion in OOC from time to time regarding game mechanics or mode preferences, but I can easily quit that.
Guest Posted January 31, 2016 Posted January 31, 2016 You don't like paperwork, but do you accept the fact that as a Head, you will need to enforce it's usage within the departments you Head to ensure Duty Officers don't need to investigate anything?
JKJudgeX Posted January 31, 2016 Author Posted January 31, 2016 You don't like paperwork, but do you accept the fact that as a Head, you will need to enforce it's usage within the departments you Head to ensure Duty Officers don't need to investigate anything? Sure, I have played Interim Research Director like 4 times here lately and I did the paperwork and everything then.
Guest Posted January 31, 2016 Posted January 31, 2016 Judge didn't disappoint me when I approved him as Interim research director in one particular round. I kept in contact with him, and I received zero complaints about his conduct and he did the paperwork for mechs and other related things. To say that I was impressed would be a micro-aggression that could possibly insult the OP, but otherwise I was satisfied with how they were operating as Vyleon Black. I'd say give them the whitelist, even if they aren't a perfect/oh-so-ideal candidate, they've definitely earned my endorsement as I want to see how far they can get to that end. As a wise admin once said, "Do your paperwork, drink your tea, and create giant projects," and I wish ya luck!
Owen Posted February 1, 2016 Posted February 1, 2016 Judge has been around for a while, I liked his character but my only issue was the willingness to follow the paperwork. (Honestly it is for your own good in some cases if DOs get involved) After what Delta said and your response to Xander, I am thinking you would do a good job in the Head of Staff positions. Good luck with getting the application. +1
TishinaStalker Posted February 1, 2016 Posted February 1, 2016 Application approved. Glory to Aurora.
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