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Melting the snowstorm

Guest Bokaza

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Brrrrrrr. It's cold in here.

Did someone turn off the heating? ...No.

Did someone leave the door open? ...No.

Someone opened the window and let all the special snowflakes in.

I know everyone wants to have their favorite character be special, self-insert or not. But too much is too much. When every line of your flavor text, records or speech raises more questions than it answers, maybe it's a good idea to step back and revaluate your character.

And please, just because you no longer need an application to invent planets, that doesn't mean those planets can break physics, common sense or existing lore.

Thank you.



What do I do if my character's home planet is literally a snowstorm.

now i wanna see these backstories that prompted this topic


Shhh, no context. Only crying.


Context is for judas. For every story told, there are millions of poor african children crying because someone's snowflake story froze their porridge. Have solidarity, help stop porridge from solidifying.


I'm not going to give any names unless rest of the staff insist, but do keep in mind; Very few things escape the entirety of the lore team. Someone always knows and tells, but nothing drastic is done unless people actually complain. That's how the unofficial MO goes.

If you do find some of these walking anomalies, making a character complaint - preferably one that doesn't ask for the player to be lynched or burned on the Pyre of RP quality - would go a long way towards rectifying the issue.

Thank you.


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